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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. Quote

    The fact that Derick Tweeted his whackadoodleness to the world shows poor judgement, but Ben feels like an entitled arrogant shallow pretty-boy to me, whose wife shut him down on Twitter.

    That’s because Ben was a boy when they got married. He was 19, and very sheltered - although more worldly than a Duggar of the same age. Jessa was a seasoned reality star.  Derick was a college graduate with two years of living in Nepal.  There’s a world of difference between what people should have been able to expect from Ben versus Derick when they came into the show.   Derick is the same age as JD.  Doesn’t seem like it. 

    • Love 12
  2. 1 hour ago, lookeyloo said:

    Hahahaha.  Me.  I have one behind the table my sewing machine is on to hold the big part of the quilt as I work on it.  I have another one with a "big board" on it for ironing fabric.  And now I need a third one for regular ironing.  Which I like to do.  But, Abbie, nah, don't think so.

    As a fellow quilter, I actually understand this. I sadly only have 1 ironing board.  I think Abbie and JD are possibly taking a look at how their parents households are set up and think they need everything their parents have. 

    • Love 7
  3. It kind of looks like she’s half sitting against his knees for a picture.  Her feet are on the floor. Frankly, I hope they told JB and Michelle to stuff it. They are 28 and 26. Other than possibly refusing to put up with them sleeping in the same room in the family  home etc, both sets of parents  should be hands off. 


    I think french toast is the current mod. 

    • Love 12
  4. 40 minutes ago, scriggle said:

    Wow. Making students' email addresses public seems like asking for trouble. I'm surprised UofA does that. I could understand a directory that was accessible to UofA students and staff but open to the general public? I wouldn't want my email address out like that.

    I am surprised he is listed under his own name. I would have thought that the University would have listed him with a pseudonym. I’ve seen it done for celebrities( teen stars, etc). 

    Their IT department isn’t going to be happy. The flood of emails,viruses, spam will overwhelm their email system. 

    • Love 1
  5. 10 hours ago, Patricia07 said:

    I thought someone said that Joy and Austin are living with his parents.  If true, I wonder how that's going. 

    I thought they had moved into their own place months ago. We saw pictures of John David’s birthday at their place in January. 

    • Love 1
  6. 6 years ago is when he started drugs at 13.  That’s a pretty young age, and his life sounds very rough. That’s also about the time his parents got divorced.  Look, people get divorced. They certainly don’t mean for their children to suffer negative effects. I have no idea why the boy started taking drugs, and am not pointing fingers at Mom and Dad for divorcing. Just noticing the timeline. 

    However, I don’t think I’d be scurrying into or continuing a relationship with my boss while I was trying to deal with my teens addiction.  No matter how badly I wanted to keep my job. In fact, I’d be looking for a job with insurance, mental health and addiction treatment benefits. 

    • Love 8
  7. 13 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

    Is it really Joe's house or was the house given to him because he got married. JB thinks he still owns his children even after they get married. He has no manners, and he has taught his children not to have any manners.


    And was it given to Joe or just loaned like Jill and Derick’s? It was put on JB’s property. Did he subdivide the land and deed it to Joe and Kendra? 

    • Love 4
  8. 46 minutes ago, graefin said:

    Jill claimed she had a long list of questions for Derick to answer during their Skype sessions. Presumably he passed her test.

    He said whatever he thought JB and Michelle wanted to hear. Carefully rehearsed, google funny crazy on the internet, answers.  Not his actual opinions. Jill also didnt say her actual opinions, if she even knew what her opinions were. 

    Had she and Derick actually been able to state real honest opinions to one another... they might not be married. Or they might be married with no children.  Of course, that would mean defying JB and Michelle like Jeremy and Jinger have. 

    • Love 5
  9. Anyone think that the reason the most recent courtships seem to be allowed more 1 on 1 conversations and screen time is because Jill and  Derick weren’t allowed to? Josiah and Lauren had 5 hour skype sessions before officially courting. No chaperone was going to sit thererhat entire time. Maybe The girls parents have figured out there needs to be some actual honest conversations between the pairs. 

    Lets’ face it- there is no way Jill and Derick had 1 meaningful conversation before the wedding. 

    • Love 20
  10. 32 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

    Yes they do have a covenant marriage.


    From https://www.economist.com/united-states/2005/02/10/yes-i-really-do


    In 2001, Arkansas passed the Covenant Marriage Act. Couples who choose this path are required to agree to pre-marital counselling by a clergyman or a therapist and a two-year “cooling-off” period before a divorce can be granted. The only exceptions are the three As: abuse, abandonment or adultery. Couples hit by one of these qualify immediately for judicial separation, but still have to wait two years for a divorce.

    So still doable. Many people are waiting a couple of years to divorce while they scrape up the money for the lawyers or for insurance reasons. Heck, Derick could just go beck to Nepal, and she could say she was abandoned... even if she knew exactly where he was. 

    • Love 2
  11. 16 minutes ago, Pasha Kitty said:


    Pasha - I don’t remember saying what you have in the quote box- so I’m going to guess the verbiage is actually yours in response to whatever I did say at that date and time. Thanks! 


    Looks like the quote function is having issues as Pashas’ comment didn’t get included in tne quote box. 

  12. 27 minutes ago, woodscommaelle said:

    How 'bout also, Joe? YOU tell the kids not to come over if not invited. You're a man now, or something. You don't need your mom telling them. 

    I’m going to go with It’s Mom and Dads’ responsibility to tell their own children where they can and can’t go. Joe’s  not their Dad.  As the  brother, he can be somewhat more honest with them than a non-related neighbor, but he shouldn’t have  to deal with having to send them home on a daily basis. If children on my street showed up at my home uninvited-it’s their parents I’d be complaining to. 

    It was also a way of enforcing  boundaries to Michelle and JimBob. ‘ These are your kids and Kendra and I won’t be babysitting them every day for you. ‘ sounds like Joe doesn’t intend Kendra to be the new Anna. 

    • Love 16
  13. 8 hours ago, madpsych78 said:

    Is it me or has Jinger become more articulate and mature-sounding than her sisters?

    She’s reading actual books. She’s conversing with people outside of her own family. Many of those people are highly educated and sophisticated. Some of them are taking Jinger under their wing. 

    I know Jeremy's  little church probably makes you go ‘what are you talking about’.  However, they have attended quite a few church conventions and spent quite a bit of time with Jeremy’s family. Jeremy looked quite at home in that tux at the Gala, and several of those guests were friends of  Jeremy’s family. 

    • Love 10
  14. I thought Joe and Kendra’s home looked like a fairly spread out ranch after the  addition. The master bedroom was large. Joe commented on maybe having enough children to fill All the bedrooms. There were two porches. 

    Austin reminds me of several families I knew that did buy, renovate, live in, and sell one house after the other. Each time moving up in value and size.   It’s actually a fairly common thing for men with carpentry skills to do. It’s just that these two are living like campers while they are doing it. 

    • Love 4
  15. That young woman at the benefit has a beautiful voice.  

    I was happy that the Voulo’s found out first. Jeremy and Jinger are much more balanced on the treatment of their parents. 

    So the leg jumpers have gotten their wish and will get to see more of the other Duggars this season?

    Jessa continues to ask every couple if they are pregnant. 

    • Love 6
  16. A rail base for that bed would cost about $50 and take a half hour to get situated.  These two remind me of broke couples moving into their  first apartment in the 70s when it was all the rage to let everyone know how broke you were. They just need beads in the doorway and a water bed. 


    They make these things called tweezers for splinters... that knife looked huge. 

    • Love 21
  17. 3 hours ago, 12catcrazy said:

    I have to agree that I thought the figure in the hoodie was a woman.  I agree with JudyObscure on this one.  And I also hope that the ex-wife is eventually arrested and convicted, but I wouldn't bet the rent on it.  

    Watched a Dateline last night about a woman doctor in Pittsburgh who was murdered by cyanide.  What a shame that was - she had such a promising future and was apparently a really excellent doctor.  I had to just shake my head at her husband's lawyers.   The husband purchased cyanide through his job (university lab), his fingerprint was on the bottle, the police found his laptop with searches about cyanide poisoning in humans.... blah, blah, blah, and his lawyers kept saying that he was such an incredibly intelligent man and he couldn't possibly do something so stupid and obvious.  I was there screaming at the tv - OCCAMS RAZOR, and if it walks like a duck....   and apparently the jury thought the same.   Mr. ph.D Super Genius was found guilty pretty quickly.  And I wonder how those lawyers can sleep at night....

    About the doctor - It seemed pretty obvious to me right from the beginning. She was fine at work as seen on camera, and back in the ER in dire straights a couple hours later.  She was in her early 40s, on fertility treatments. Her husband was 20 years older than her, they had 1 child together and there were two grown children from his first marriage.  I got the reason wrong ( I thought he probably didn’t want more children) but it was actually misplaced jealousy about a colleague. 

    • Love 2
  18. 14 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:


    I think the Duggars just eat to live, there seems to be no sense of celebration, enjoyment, ritual or emotional ties to their food. 

    Once I became an adult, I realized that trying to eat a real meal in the presence of infants, toddlers, Etc. was often not enjoyable. Add to that the responsibility of making sure said children actually ate.  Put yourself in the middle of the Duggar dinner table and think of the chaos that would ensue multiple times a day. Michelle has admitted to writing the children’s names on their paper plate so they could verify what a specific child might have gotten to eat in the chaos. 

    • Love 11
  19. 10 hours ago, doodlebug said:

    Yep, inducing labor because a baby might be larger than average was abandoned decades ago after research demonstrated that inducing labor with a big baby was MORE likely to result in a cesarean and other complications than just waiting.  However, perhaps Joy could've been screened for gestational diabetes, treated for it if she had it and, if nothing else, educated as to the risks of delivering a large baby including the higher risk of prolonged labor, cesarean sections, injuries to mother and/or baby, hemorrhage, etc.  The fact that the baby was large, as well as breech, would've lead a capable provider to recommend a primary cesarean prior to labor to prevent these things.  

    As noted above, determining pelvic capacity on exam is pretty hard to do and doesn't seem to help much in predicting who will need a cesarean.  In my 35+ years examining thousands of pregnant women, I've maybe found a dozen women whose pelvises were clearly extraordinarily small.  One of my partners, a conservative, very nervous doc, tells at least half of her patients that their pelvis is unusually small and they're more likely to have a cesarean.  I personally think it becomes kind of a self fulfilling prophecy in that situation and both the mother and the caregiver's decision making is colored by the information despite how irrelevant it is.


    My labor for baby number 2 was induced and I think it was due to the size of the baby - and the size of my spouses head.  The doctor saw me and him at my weekly check up the day before the due date and sent me for inducement later that day. Whatever shot I was given ‘ to relax me’ later in labor didn’t help the situation as I had absolutely no desire or inclination to push as a result. 

    My son was 9 lbs, turned sunny side up, had a big head circumfrence, seemingly stuck and forceps were used because it was ‘too late’ to do a Cesarean.  

    There is a reason why I would never be like the Duggars and give birth at home.  

    • Love 4
  20. 2 hours ago, lascuba said:

    Even if JD were willing to dance or allow others to dance at his wedding, which I don't think he would be, the Duggars are on record as being anti-dancing. If TLC is filming this wedding--and of course they are--they're won't be any dancing. That would be too major a contradiction of everything that JB and Michelle believe in, and correct me if I'm wrong, but Jinger hasn't even worn pants on camera and hasn't said a peep about wearing pants now. The kidults won't publicly discuss any major points of disagreements with their parents, and TLC is too committed to keeping everything as non-complex as possible to avoid making leghumper heads explode. 

    If there's dancing, we won't know about it unless a guest sneaks a picture. 

    I agree with all that except... we have seen Jinger wear leggings under a long tunic when she was home for ( I think) Joys wedding.  It was at the church in the room where all the bridesmaids were getting ready. I remember it because I was truly surprised because she does seem to  wear dresses when she is on Duggar property. 

  21. 23 hours ago, Heathen said:

    They must not know that 1. The von Trapps were Catholic, and 2. Maria von Trapp was well into pregnancy when she married Captain von Trapp. For those fundies following along at home, that means Fraulein Maria and Captain von Trapp YOU KNOW! DID IT! before they were married. :O 

    I looked up Maria von Trapp on the internet. There was a definitive research article there that ( along with other stuff) explained the discrepancy. When they came to America, the birth year of Maria’s first child was mistakenly written down as 1928.  It was later disproven and corrected to 1929. They married in 1927. 

    • Love 11
  22. 1 hour ago, ginger90 said:

    I’m guessing this is what they were there for:


    Participants arrive at 6 a.m. the morning before the grand opening of the new location, and 110 (100 winners + 10 alternates) are chosen to potentially win the grand prize – free Chick-fil-A for a year. Participants then must remain on-site for the next 24 hours to win the prize. You set up camp, take part in games, get swag, eat chicken for all three meals, and if you’re still there in the morning, walk away with a card loaded with 52 chicken sandwich meals, including fries and a drink.

    So similar to other contests. Remember years ago when you could win a car by being the last person left touching it? 

    At least they aren’t camped out at Best Buy Thanksgiving morning so they can be first in on Black Friday. 

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