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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. 27 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

    I think doctors will tell the patient to eat light and drink certain liquids the day before surgery. What she was eating and how much she was eating might not have been a good idea.

    The only time the doctors told me what to eat( as opposed to when to stop) before surgery was for my colonoscopy.  For that, they said eat light two days before surgery, eat only jello type food the day before  surgery. Plus all that nasty tasting drink  you have to drink. 

    I will agree that there was enough food on that table for an entire days’ 3 meals for the Conners.

  2. 46 minutes ago, Brn2bwild said:

    It would be really darkly ironic if the cause of death was Roseanne asphyxiating due to eating that huge meal too soon before the operation...

    I really thought scene that was odd. I’ve never heard of anyone being told not to eat after 8pm for a morning surgery, usually it’s midnight.  The one exception being all the stuff you have to go the the day before a colonoscopy. 

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  3. 38 minutes ago, Milburn Stone said:

    Well, actually, that's not the way things had to be done. Because not bringing back The Conners was an option. 

    That is true. I didn’t think to add the phrase ‘in order to bring the  show back’.  I thought that was understood. 

  4. 18 hours ago, Destiny74 said:

    These women are messy.  And three if them are just awful, horrible, terrible, unGodly human beings.  I'll let you guess who those three are.

    I haven’t watched this season- but I’m going to name this Mika person as one of the three. I’ll add Terra and Tonya as the other two. Why? Because they have absolutely no respect for others as human beings. They screech at them, call people names, use them to further whatever they want without any thought for the damage they are doing.  As emotionally immature as Elena,Jasmine, Christy, and Briana are/were, they at least acknowledge others as humans. 

    • Love 6
  5. 3 hours ago, Milburn Stone said:

    I want to know the nature of the "settlement" that allowed The Conners to go on. Specifically, I want to know Roseanne's lump-sum payday in lieu of profits going forward. I hope we get some reporting on this.

    .  She had rights to the show, they bought them from her.  That’s the way things had to be done. The fact that she opened her mouth and inserted her foot, or showed her true colors, doesn’t negate contract law or ownership rights.  She’s off the show and we get to see future seasons of tne Conners.  I’m ok with the process. 

    • Love 7
  6. I think a death during knee surgery is suitable. It’s realistic, although not common. They can tie in her existing health issues as being risk factors, etc. They don’t have to dwell on it as they can a have time jump, and they even can do what I suggested a while back. Break the 4th wall.  Have Sara Gilbert do a video stating they removed Roseanne, the actress.  Therefore, they will go forward with Dan as a widower.  The characters cause of death is x, but there will be no big scenes about it. 


    But don’t do what the comedy that they brought Leah Remini into did.  

    • Love 3
  7. It may not be the blockbuster hit that season 10 was. That was a sort of ‘welcome back’ thing.  However, i think it will do well enough to stay around.   I think it has a real family feel to it. For all the bickering, etc, we know that Darlene loves Becky,  Dan would move the moon to keep Jackie and Bev safe, fed and happy.

    for all the Aftermash, etc shows - I respond back with A Different World, Frazier, and Major Crimes. 

    • Love 13
  8. 14 minutes ago, ketose said:

    They're already going to lose the "fan" base who was watching because Roseanne said pro-Trump things. I'm not sure who they'll get in exchange.

    People who are happy Roseanne was forced out and want to show their support? 

    Me, I’ll watch because I like the characters.  Laurie, John and Sara! Lacey could actually get some good  character development too!  Michael still needs a limited role because he’s just not talented( but is a wonderful human being).   Maybe J. Galecki will be on more. 

    • Love 16
  9. A Marine is killed by a Navy sailor  he doesn’t know based on lies from a woman neither has met. No idea what episode number to use. 

    I just don’t understand why ‘Samantha’ wasn’t at least charged with fraud and identity theft.  She portrayed herself as someone she wasn’t over the phone and internet and used someone’s else racy photos to do it.  

    This was a very sad episode.  

    • Love 3
  10. 11 hours ago, ShadowSixx said:

    What's more confusing is why Rose & Dorothy felt the need to pay for a new roof. That's why they were paying Blanche rent so Blanche can get it fixed. Shocking how none of them brought it up to her. That new roof should have been all on Blanche.

    Was this before or after Blanche made them co-owners? Remember the episode where 4 unrelated people couldn’t live in the home unless they owned it? 

    • Love 1
  11. 3 hours ago, libgirl2 said:

    It really makes me wonder if JB put an end to the relationship. 

    Marjorie does look great. I think in a different world her and Josiah would have made a cute couple, but this rush to marry and procreate just wasn't for her and if it wasn't for him, it was drummed out of him. 

    Josiah has said Marjorie ended it because it wasn’t the right time. I think she ended it because the 1-2 punch of the Josh scandals became public right after they announced the courtship. 

    Now, you may say that wasn’t fair to hold that against Josiah- but remember that both entire families are expected to mix, mingle, and be compatible for the courtship to move forward. 

    • Love 13
  12. 1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    I don't have an issue with a reality personality having their job be a tv reality personality.  I don't know what their filming schedule is, but, if it pays the bills, affords the parents with the ability to spend good time with their children and allows them to be able to film when necessary, I get it.  I can't imagine what kind of salary Zach would make working a 40 hour week, but, apparently, he can make more doing the show.  I'm not sure if he's lazy or not. He didn't do much work growing up that we saw, except for doing the show and working on the farm.  But, he's changed a lot since then in other ways, so, perhaps, he's changed in that regard as well.  I would think that if he's farm bound, he might pick up some business classes at the community college.  

    It might also be hard to work a job where people are dropping in just to  meet ‘ the reality tv guy’ and cluttering up the job site.   After all, that’s the reason the Klein’s, Duggars, and Roloffs have gates and fencing around their homes. 

    I wonder if Tori will have issues if/when she goes back to teaching.  

    • Love 1
  13. On 6/6/2018 at 12:33 AM, Suzn said:

    I  do enjoy the ones covering early days of this country because I have ancestors who arrived in Massachusetts in the mid-1600s.  Anything that illuminates the lives of those people is always interesting and a balance of history and personal stories are the best.

    That’s the same reason I like things they do like explain a little bit about Scottish history, like why her ancestor lost everything in Scotland,   Many Scots ended up in America for that exact reason.  They explain things  that show why people migrated. My ancestors are British and Scottish, so this episode was right up my alley.  Funny how we like the episodes that explain our own history and others, not so much. 

    I will agree that she should have known Blackbeard. Robert the Bruce, you have to be a Scottish history buff to know.   I learned more about him than I ever knew  watching this episode. 

    • Love 2
  14. On 6/17/2018 at 12:24 PM, Mollie said:

    That long, long Father's Day message and not a single mention of Derick's stepfather Ronnie, who has known Derick much longer than Derick has known Jill.  Ronnie was at Cathy's side all during her cancer treatment and his love and support no doubt aided in her recovery.  I don't know why Derick and Jill insult Cathy's husband by ignoring him all the time and focusing on Rick, who has been dead for 10 years.  It's not very nice behavior from such 'godly' people.

    I can understand that Derick doesn’t see Ronnie as a stepfather- having  been an adult when they met. He probably only lived with him between Nepal and his marriage to Jill. However,  Derick and Jill ignore him 24/7/365.  I get the feeling that Derick and Jill ( and Jill’s family) believe that a widow or widower should never remarry.   I really think that’s the main issue. 

    I don’t remember Jill and Dericks wedding invitation including Ronnie, while Dans did. I think Dan likes Ronnie and appreciates him taking care of Cathy. Dan would have a much better appreciation as to what all that was since he probably saw more of Cathy and Ronnie after Dericks wedding  than Derek did. 

    • Love 1
  15. 5 hours ago, ShadowSixx said:

    This is the same guy who quit a band because he had to wear a tie. He probably quit the philharmonic for having to wear a suit. Rose wasn't too far off the mark when she called him a loser. Mean for her to say it but it wasn't like she was lying. 

    I’d guess that Dorothy lied to Angelo similarly to pretending to still be married to Stan.  Michaels’ musical talents didn’t run towards orchestra. More like rock/pop bands.  

    • Love 3
  16. The whole series seems weak. It’s an ok hour- but I am unsure why it got renewed when other shows got cancelled.  It must be for the people who want to see AC or Naveen and don’t care about whether or not the show is more than ho-hum.   

    • Love 3
  17. 3 hours ago, Caracoa1 said:

    Jackson is darling but I can understand why the doctor would not let Tori deliver vaginally.

    Because if the head is too big the baby can get stuck in the birth canal. 

  18. 5 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

    My sense was that she shouldn't have married him, but did anyway (weren't they "perfect" teenage sweethearts?), and once married realized how much she didn't like him. Instead of following through with getting out of the marriage, she allowed him to talk her out of divorce. Maintaining the facade of a happy marriage can drive a person nuts; she turned to alcohol as an escape.

    Why did the husband allow the youngest son to serve as caretaker? Such a crushing responsibility for anyone, but especially a teenager.

    Reminded me of Leslie, the alcoholic wife and mother who regularly passed out on her family's lawn. In fact: 1) when I saw Jackie on the ground in the previews, I thought she was pulling a Leslie. And 2) my DVR caught a few moments of the preceding programming, which appeared to be Jeff catching up with a now-sober Leslie. Did anyone else see this?

    The older son was the one who did more of the care taking- Caleb, who was the one graduating from high school. He said that he chose to live with her after the divorce. He was probably old enough to choose for himself. Blake was the younger one and we saw him at the intervention and the rehab visit. Big Caleb has said he’d try to get full custody of Blake if Jackie didn’t go to rehab.   Blake and Caleb were both gone the night before his graduation- maybe they split their time between the parents. 

    I think you saw Jeff following up with Katie, an anorexic. That was the end of a ‘then and now’ episode on an alcoholic named Christine and Katie. 

    • Love 1
  19. The episodes shown details don’t match the episode description. I know that’s not our forums ‘fault.’. 

    We only heard about 1 wrecked car, not 3.  We sort of heard about the OD as in’ they are afraid it will happen again’ without saying what ‘it’ was. I know that’s all editing and episode length issues. 

    I didn’t like her very much. I got the feeling she was all about her and that it would remain that way even sober.  I felt very sorry for the boys who were stuck taking care of her. 

    I also thought she tried to act as if she were 25 rather than 45: having a friend stay the night only to have a male friend come over and just then ignore the first friend.  That being said - her friends were actually babysitters and the morality police at the same time. 

    Unless her husband had misdeeds that were not discussed, she was just using him as a scapegoat to hang the blame on for her drinking. 

    • Love 3
  20. 6 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

    Amy will entrench herself in the big house and farm as long as Matt is there to manage it and be around every day.  She loves playing with him and making him as miserable as possible

    Either in this thread or the Jer and Aud thread- the divorce agreement is summarized. She got the house. Matt got to manage the farm, most likely his title is President and CEO. Exactly why is it unreasonable now when it wasn’t then?  

    • Love 10
  21. Every one acts like it’s a given that Amy has to leave because they are divorced and she  somehow doesn’t deserve the house. First, a marriage is a partnership.  Both contributed regardless of monetary earnings. So Amy deserves that house no less than Matt. Second- she got the house in the divorce. I know some younger people think women’s equality should mean Amy walks away from it all- but years ago, the woman getting the house was normal. I knew several women that were granted the house up to and until they chose to abandon it- my aunt included. She ( my aunt) had never worked until shortly before the divorce.  This was done routinely as a protection for stay at home wives so that they wouldn’t be out in the cold. 

    • Love 9
  22. 1 hour ago, ezzy4 said:

    I hear what you're saying...but...i just can't...

    Jer & Auj truly seem truly entitled...it's in their expressions, their actions, their words, their silences, their blogs, their photos....it can't all be editing.

    They are so frustratingly self-important.

    They cannot be good parents given their complete lack of maturity.

    If Amy truly cared for her granddaughter you would think she'd confront some of that misplaced arrogance.  When it's directed at her, it's kind of her job, kwim?  At the very least, you don't enable it.

    It just drives me crazy that we all complain about entitled grown children...and then defend the parenting that created these behaviors in our grown children.

    (Hey, i've made parenting mistakes...I'm not without blame myself...but geezzee...I want to shake Amy sometimes!I )

    Oh , I agree with all that. I’m just grasping at straws to explain why Amy doesn’t tell Jeremy to stuff it in the tv scenes. The ones I cant bring myself to watch. I saw about 1 - 2 minutes of that  office scene at the point when Amy says I have no reason to move until we sell. 


    I’d also like to know what Zach says to all of them in private. I know he’s aware he needs the TV money. I also think he’s basically a polite person AND wants Tori to be proud of his behavior... but I wonder if he ever tells Matt, Jer and Aud what he really thinks.  

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