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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. With Roseanne gone, the show would naturally gravitate to the others living in the house- Darlene being one of them.  She’s at the similar age in her life that Roseanne was in  the first season of the original. Except she’s divorced.   I’d not be surprised if Darlene’s life became the sort of focus. That doesn’t mean that Dan or Jackie would be any less featured than they are now. With one exception- we wouldn’t be seeing scenes set in Dan’s bedroom.  Dan and Jackie have always been featured in terms of their relationship with Roseanne. Now it would move to their relationship with Darlene. In fact, it might end up being more of an ensemble show. Sara Gilbert does have other things going on and she might prefer it. 

    • Love 7
  2. The concept that made the show something new and different wasn’t blue-collar or thw working wife. It was the fact that Roseanne was not the same perfect homemaker and wife other shows portrayed.  She didn’t clean house in a dress, pearls, and high heels. She didn’t have dinner waiting on the table. She didn’t have all the answers. She spoke to her family the way normal wives and moms spoke, which wasn’t always in a loving manner. 

    • Love 15
  3. 17 hours ago, SweetTooth said:

    I had predicted that Street's mom would get him thrown off the team. She's the most annoying, manipulative human being on the planet. There's not one thing redeeming/watchable about her. Street's utter blindness to her blatant displays is disheartening, but I have to keep reminding myself that he feels guilty she wound up in jail in the first place.  The only thing that saved her a little bit was that I was sure she was making up the stuff about the uncle being there.

    I had thought earlier in the season  that Street had started to see his mom more objectively- but the minute she was released, he seemed back in la-la-land.

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  4. 3 hours ago, chocolatine said:

    If there's a spinoff with Roseanne being gone, I don't want Dan to get together with either Crystal or Jackie. Both of those pairings would squick me out - Crystal is the mother of his siblings, and Jackie has been like a sister to him for over 40 years. Maybe Marge Dolman, the redhead who worked at the hardware store and who Dan had sex dreams about in the original series, is still available. ;)


    Widowed men have often married their sister- in-laws. It happened in my Dads family( one of his brothers)  in the late 1940s. A woman at work married her dead sisters husband and raised her own niece. 

    I think Dan and Jackie would be a great couple.  Those two characters would actually have a very happy marriage. 

    • Love 6
  5. 5 minutes ago, debbie311 said:

    The more I think about it, maybe a spin-off/reboot without Roseanne could work. Of course, they would have to kill her off. In one of the last episodes from this season she was shown to be using opioids.  Maybe the new show could open with the family returning to the house from her funeral.  We don't know at first how she died, but then it comes out that she overdosed.  I can picture the family sitting in the living room, dressed in black. This could also be a teachable moment, because there is an opioid crisis right now. Maybe her knee surgery had been delayed and she continued to self-medicate which ended in tragedy. Also very timely in the news right now. Make it a one-hour show to deal with it and then move on and never really talk about her after that.  I know that sounds kind of unrealistic, but hey, its television.  With the characters that are left they can come up with quite a few storylines.

    I’d be ok with them making it an hour show with an announcement in the first 5 minutes by Sarah Gilbert. 

    ‘ Roseanne is no longer affiliated with the show due to personal issues. We have decided to make Dan a widower and have set the show six months into the future. We are going with Rosie dying during surgery due to complications’ 

    then they proceed with a normal type show. Handle it with a one or two line in show comment like they did for Becky’s husband.   

    I really don’t want to see it turned into comedy. The announcement would become part of syndication distribution. Yes, it breaks the 4th wall. 

    • Love 11
  6. 10 minutes ago, graefin said:

    That skirt is one that they've either shared or owned multiples of. Jessa has worn it in the past. Either way, the white hem strip is stupid. It adds only an inch, at most, of extra "modesty." How pedantic can one get?

    Truth is, the skirt is a perfectly acceptable length without  the white strip. It looks to be about 2 inches above the knee.  Even I think it’s fine. I’m someone who cringes at the outfits some of my colleagues wear in our office building cause the hemline is closer to the upper thigh than the knee. 

    • Love 6
  7. 2 hours ago, Mmmfloorpie said:


    I almost have to view that as: she does still love/feel strongly towards Michael and doesn't want to fight with him.

    Not all bad news.

    If she didn’t want to fight with him, then why do so in the first place? he’s only responding to her crappy previous response to him.  I think it’s more likely that she couldnt come up with any more crappy responses.  Of course, I don’t know either of them. So I’m just spouting off an uninformed opinion. LOL. 

    • Love 9
  8. I don’t understand why celebrities can’t figure out that maybe it’s not worth it to have a Twitter or public Facebook account. Maybe it’s better to be like some of the actors and actresses from the old studio days and be private and mysterious. At least then we’d be able to enjoy our fictional tv without having their real life foibles ruin it. 

    Roseanne’s ship has sailed. 

    • Love 13
  9. That tweet is wrong on just about every level.

     First, Roseanne is old enough to understand exactly what she was saying and why she shouldn’t say it. Even young adults whose only frame of reference is Remember the Titans and Denzel Washington know it’s wrong.  And racist and unkind. 

    Second, Valerie Jarrett is a beautiful woman.  And I’m not going to weaken that in any way-  she’s a beautiful woman, period. 

    • Love 24
  10. On 5/20/2018 at 5:46 PM, louannems said:

    But isn't it common knowledge, or perhaps courtesy, to not bring outside food into any eating establishment?  It may also be a health code rule.

    I would never bring outside food into an actual restaurant. Now I might bring it to an outdoor table outside the restaurant if it was shared with other restaurants. I might bring candy to a movie( but buy drink and popcorn there),or a birthday cake to a bowling alley, etc.  

    it is a health department edict for one thing, plus you are taking a seat from a customer of their establishment.  However this is probably the reason we see the Dillard’s eat in parking lots. 

    • Love 12
  11. On 5/25/2018 at 12:57 PM, iMonrey said:

    I was always sort of torn about "Nana Mary," because while I enjoyed Shelley Winters' portrayal, it also felt like a very gimmicky stunt cast. She was supposed to be Bev's mother, but the fact is that Shelley Winters was only seven years older than Estelle Parsons

    Better than the Golden Girls where Bea Arthur and Estelle Getty were the same age 

    • Love 1
  12. I do think that 2:30 is too young for an 18 year old to be out.  Now, if they are living on their own, or off st college, they are on their own. But living at home and not financially independent yet?   Then they need to respect their parents wishes on the subject.  For everyone shaking their heads and saying 18 is an adult... really? You lay in your bed at that time of night awake waiting for either the phone to ring or to hear the door open and then see what you think.  

    • Love 5
  13. Nothing to say here except... can we please get back to cases of the week about crimes against navy personnel?   Every episode gets more and more outlandish.   Is this really how NCIS personnel behave? I felt like I was watching OCEANS 11. 

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  14. 12 hours ago, mccartygirl said:

    I have to admit I was scared that Deacon was going to be gone a whole season with his "vacation"! He's become the pretty that makes this show even better for me. 

    This was a good episode, but I'm tired of Street's mom. She is a POS. And was that DB Sweeney playing his uncle? Toe pick!

    Deacon is one of my favorite characters - much more so than Street or Hondo. I like Shemar, but I prefer his Derek character to Hondo.  Another case of me preferring the supporting cast to the leads. 

    Ive already grown tired of Streets Mom.  If we never see another scene with or about her,  it would be ok with me. 

    • Love 3
  15. I think Jason has physical head injury issues from the crash/ rather than PTSD.   

    I think the deployment was scheduled for 3 months?  They went early because cause of Echo teams deaths.  I understood the valuable mining/ mineral plot. I just couldn’t keep track of all the various suspects.... nor did I care.   

    Some college classes will meet outside on a nice day if they have few enough students. Stella was just surprised to see him. He didn’t tell her what day he was returning. 

    The actor  portraying Sonny did a very good job of on his last scene. You could feel his sense of loneliness. 

    Is there any reason that Jason has to have a new love interest? Is the actress playing his wife not available  enough?  They seem pretty interchangeable to me. 

  16. I always felt that Estelle did her best at trying to portray an 80 year old, when she herself wasn’t anywhere near 80. She had to be especially made up and deal with pretending to have mobility issues.  I also think it got tougher for  her in later seasons when she had early stages if dementia.  I’m not for sure - but didn’t she have the same disease as Robin Williams? Plus I think she always knew she was considered more of a supportive role and wasn’t written for as well as the others.  

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