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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. 2 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

    He probably didn't wear his retainer.  My daughter pulled that and all her teeth went back.  So she had to put herself back in retainers on her dime!

    They now have permanent retainers and I highly recommend them!

    Not everyone’s teeth can be straightened with braces. Zach has a unique jaw shape.  

    • Love 1
  2. Even later to the party.  Julia and Joel... really show, you had to go there?  I hope it turns out to be worth it... because frankly, this storyline sucks. 

    Where are Amy’s parents? It’s been weeks and weeks, surely the college would have done a welfare check and then called her parents.  College kids aren’t just allowed to disappear even though class attendance seems optional. Plus, where is Drews’ RA- who should notice a random stranger being there for weeks. 

    Carl now seems to be a nice guy.,,, who I don’t like at all.  Exactly why did Sarah move out of the guest house and become a building super in the first place? 

    I do like it when the Braverman support each other. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Julia67 said:

    I can hardly read anything Jeremy and Audrey write.  The spelling/grammar/pronoun/punctuation errors make me crazy!  I have seriously thought about asking her if she'd like me to be an editor/proofreader.  I cannot believe they don't have someone who does that for them, considering their constant sm presence.  They must be giving their book editor a run for his/her money!  

     I agree that this seems suspect.  He says he made the decision a year ago, but the "tone"of this announcement makes me wonder what's up.  If you were planning to walk away a year ago, why film the birth?  I've had four children with no drugs.  I would NEVER have wanted to be filmed during that and, to me, childbirth is so personal/spiritual.  I'm surprised that Jeremy and Audrey didn't want to share that experience away from the TLC cameras.

    Most likely because they were under contract until the end of this seasons filming. 

    • Love 4
  4. Interesting ‘ I made the decision’.  So what did Audrey think about it? Did she agree with Jeremy? Did she disagree? Had she already decided not to appear herself?     

    Does their website actually give them that much income? How is Jeremy going to work at the farm but not appear on the TLC show during pumpkin season?  Is Jeremy actually going to work at the farm?  Are they going to stay in that house or move back to Bend? Or maybe Hawaii? Or Arizona? 

    • Love 2
  5. 8 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

    Maybe that's me.  I like Matt.   I find him industrious and successful with all of his limitations.  He is way more handicapped in his dwarfism than Amy.  Many in his condition would be sitting in a wheel chair collecting social security checks each month.

    For a second think of this family and where they would be without Matt!

    While he was climbing mountains all Amy had to do was be a stay at home mom.  Raise good, respectful,industrious kids.

    No  Mattt wasn't responsib!e for coparenting the kids.  That was Amy's only job and to me she failed miserably.  Well 75%!

    To say a doctor,  trial attorney or businessman is equally responsible for the raising of four children when they have a stay at home mom just isn't fair!  Matt worked the farm so he was around a lot but his work was outside not inside.  He was the brains and the idea man!

    Yes I'll give those not liking Matt the two dui's wrong yes for sure says this strong Supporter of MADD.  But they were in his distant past.

    The infidelity really gets me.  Inuendo s only to affairs and locked office doors.  I just don't believe it at all!  To me it's all nasty Amy s dirty work.  Make matt look really bad.  I'm like Thomas I need more proof than Amy's tales.

    Then there is post Amy Matt!  Writing a children's story and doing book signings across the country.  Even oversaw a flipped house to his credit!  

    Matt sees Amy for what she is.  A woman that got it all but could never stop complaining long enough to enjoy it!

    I hope those that read my words won't argue my thoughts because I won't respond.  Somebody asked why some folks liked Matt but not Amy.  I responded in a respectful way how I feel.  Thanks for reading.

    I have to disagree. Fathers don’t get a pass on parenting because  they have a job and Mom doesn’t.  Any  conservative will tell you that single parent families .... yada, yada, yada.  

    As to the probable affair... I’ve never heard Amy refer to it.  I felt that the affair happened after seeing what I saw in shows filmed while Amy and Matt were still together. 

    Certain Commenters have  made their hatred of Amy well known.  I dont hate Matt- I just dont find him to be someone I would care to be married to or be friends with. I also dont see Amy as a saint, but just as a typical person. 

    • Love 6
  6. 8 minutes ago, mmecorday said:

    This might fall under the banner of unpopular opinions, but with the exception of Blanche going on about the "little balls of sunshine," I cannot stand the "Sick and Tired" two-parter. It's depressing and what they do at the restaurant to get out of paying for their expensive champagne is reprehensible. Dorothy should have checked out the price of the champagne before she ordered it. And I hate it when Dorothy unloads on the doctor at the restaurant. Her symptoms did mimic signs of depression and all the tests revealed that there was nothing physically wrong with her. And the doctor told her that most of his patients couldn't walk. I don't know why it would make her feel any better when her illness had a name -- there's no cure for it and it's very debilitating (although it didn't seem to bother her much in the latter seasons.) There's just something about Bea Arthur's performance that bugs me in these episodes.

    It was never mentioned again. She was perfectly fine the next episode.

    • Love 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Sun-Bun said:

    As a Childfree woman myself, I’ve accepted the fact that I’ll likely one day be a widow and on my own. My friends in similar situations often joke that we need to just do the GG thing when the time is right, but it’s very true: as the baby boomers die off, generations X/Y are less community-based and will likely have no family left by the time their golden years approach. A GG-style living situation would be ideal for most of us by then, especially since retirement homes and communities are so insanely expensive.

    I’m seeing this isolation in the elderly even if they have offspring.  They often can’t get into or navigate in their families’  homes due to stairs or other barriers. They don’t like the hubbub of large family gatherings. Their children live far away/ and neither party can or wants to move.  

    My parents just moved into a year round RV Park halfway across the country. It gave them an instant group of people to do stuff with, nice weather year round, and at a reasonable lot rent.  These places are like senior apartments. 

    • Love 2
  8. Quote


    For all it's negative connotations, matching up 2 young people with similar backgrounds, religious training, education levels, family composition, age, experiences and economic background doesn't sound terribly bizzare. 

    Not if you then allow them time to actually get to know one another without third parties interfering. Do you really think they can have actual frank honest conversations with 9 year old children or their own parents within listening distance? Do you really think they feel they can even trust each other to keep their spoken wishes for their life confidential from the parents if they break things off?   You can tell your boyfriend you don’t want kids for 10 years or you don’t like your religion. What do you think happens if a Duggar finds that out? 

    I have no problem with matchmakers setting up compatible adults who have been around long enough to know what they want out of life. . But these folks don’t let the prospective couple be honest with themselves, each other, or a matchmaker. The couple also has no clue what they want out of life because they haven’t  yet experienced any. 

    6 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

    I watched the TLC birth episode of little Garret last night. The recording picked up some of 90 Day Fiance. I wonder if TLC got the idea, loosely, from the Duggars? The Duggar formula is 90 days from engagement give or take a few days, depending on the bride-to-be's menstrual cycle.

    90 days is the amount of time a K-1 VISA allows someone into the country prior to marriage. You either get married by then or you are  overstaying your VISA. 

    • Love 19
  9. 13 minutes ago, madpsych78 said:

    Sounds like Derick is taking a similar stance to Jeremy. But I've always thought that conservative Christians generally indicated that it is not a sin to drink alcohol, it is however a sin to get drunk. Then again, you've got folks like Mr. Keller who indicated that Jesus turned the water to grape juice, not wine. Anyone want to clarify?

    Disciple Paul, in his letters to the Churches, said moderate drinking was ok - to settle the stomach. Many Protestant sects are perfectly ok with alcohol. John the Baptist was anti-alcohol.   So Baptists who drink are like Catholics  who use birth control.  They exist and might even be common- but they are violating their churches’ stated beliefs. 

    • Love 3
  10. 9 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

    Gawd what a filthy house.  Looks like hoarders live there!  And of course Amy bitching all the way!  Those kids were useless thanks to Amy's enabling!  

    Every time Matt suggested some kind of program of order Amy just slapped him down!  No wonder he avoided that morning mess!

    Matt was perfectly able to haul various prices of ramshackle buildings to the farm, tear down the orchard,  design and redesign tbat house while the family lived on two rooms regardless of what Amy thought. He was perfectly capable of encouraging the boys to be boys all over that property, and of building a trebuchet that almost killed his son and friend- regardless of what Amy  thought. He didn’t set any rules because he didn’t want to be a parent.  Period. 

    • Love 7
  11. Quote


    So was this plot taken from a particular episode (can't readily recall if it was SVU or something else), or is it a common trope to have teens go Lord of the Flies on one of their group and keep it a secret until someone wants to confess as an adult as part of a Twelve Step program, at which point the snitch is murdered?
    Some of us were expecting this again.

    I think it’s a fairly common plotline, enough that it’s not stealing to go with it.  It just didn’t hold my interest. Quite frankly, I dont know why I am even bothering to watch this show.    I can’t believe this got renewed. 

    • Love 3
  12. 7 hours ago, Rap541 said:

    But Matt thinks spending time with the family is a waste of his time so I guess it's no wonder Matt wants to sell the farm.

    Back when Matt and Amy were married and all 4 kids lived at home, Matt used the farm as his reason for not traveling with the family. He said( then) that he never wanted to  leave the farm, even for family vacations. I lost count of the number of trips he either didn't go on or left early to return to his beloved farm. Of course, he would then leave a month later for a solo trip to Hawaii, etc.  

    I realize that as Matt gets older, the farm may be too much for him. However, I think his main reason for wanting to sell the farm is that Amy lives there.  

    • Love 2
  13. Zach’s bedroom was upstairs his entire childhood. He doesn’t have the same kind of dwarfism as Matt. He has Amys’ type. Therefore, presumably, so does Jackson.   There is no reason to think Zach or Jackson will have the same mobility issues as Matt.


    ETA:  I just remembered Zach’s leg surgery.  That was a one time thing to straighten it. It is possible that Jackson may need that done, but still, it’s not likely to be a permanent issue. 

    • Love 3
  14. I’m not opposed to the two of them getting together- but let’s have a little more interaction first.  Neither of them have been portrayed as impulsive in terms of relationships.     

    Fyi to writers- if your suspect is broadcasting live, then maybe we should start sending the cavalry to the address as soon as we know it? The victim has a much better chance if the closest police officer  breaks down the door rather than waiting for our stars to show up.   This, just like the non detective half is the only intelligent life, is also a staple of police shows- and drives me nuts. 

    • Love 6
  15. I have a feeling the legal access is somewhat different than what was being allowed.  It’s entirely possible that he could have sued for custody because of Abbie’s drug use and didn’t - and that’s why the family is giving him so much access.  Also Abbie  seemed to want to grant him that much access for some reason. It also all may have been changed by Abbie’s parents once Annie left for rehab. 

    I can’t  understand why he got so little jail time. She’s got two plates in her head- shouldn’t that have been major prison time not a weekend jail visit?  

  16. 10 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

    I hope she's getting paid well for all this. But I have a feeling that, Duggars being Duggars, and Laura Demasie being a female and a co-cultist, the real question is whether she's getting paid at all ........It wouldn't really surprise me if her pay's entirely in the form of these Texas "vacations" and helpings of tater tot casserole. 

    It’s also possible part of her compensation is being introduced to appropriate courting candidates. Maybe there are a couple in Laredo. 

    • Love 4
  17. The accountability partner is so you have help resisting Satans’  temptation to sin. So you don’t  talk to a person of the opposite sex, try alcohol, open an inappropriate internet site, etc.  just another pair of eyes on you at all times. 


    Eta: Churchhoney was responding at the same time I was. She got more of the points across than I did. 

    • Love 10
  18. 8 minutes ago, DkNNy79 said:

    Is there an age when Jana has outgrown the need for an "accountability" partner?  She's just a couple years shy of 30.  So, if she chooses to remain unmarried, will she need an "accountability" partner the rest of her life?



    Married people serve as each other’s accountability partner. I’m also sure that’s the reason that many fundies refuse to travel without their spouse.  Because they can’t be trusted on their own.    

    • Love 4
  19. On 6/23/2018 at 6:51 AM, Ohiopirate02 said:

    How exactly have they equipped and released their adult children?  Out of the them, only Ginger is currently living outside of Arkansas.  We all know what happened to Josh and Jill when they tried to leave the nest.  

    I think Jinger escaped rather than being released. We already know that Jeremy thinks  she lacks self confidence and self esteem because he has said so. So I think there wasn’t enough ‘equipping’ there. 

    The rest of the married couples are all answering to JB for money except for maybe Austin and Joy. So no equipping and releasing there either. 

    Jana isn’t allowed to earn money. She and  JD both live at home in dorm rooms, so no releasing there other. 

    • Love 3
  20. 2 hours ago, ginger90 said:

    Doesn’t the Radar article state the deed was “finalized last week”?

    Well, it’s a Radar article so it’s possibly all made up. I believe it says that he put down a healthy deposit last summer and then they finalized last week. I expect he used the proceeds from the sale of that house he bought to flip. It’s the last summer part that has everyone glaring at him in anger. 

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