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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. 3 hours ago, McManda said:

    And then you've got Jeremy in a sport coat. 

    I don't mind just a button down shirt, but the should have been tucked in.

    Why would anyone thing a t shirt is at all appropriate for a special occasion?

    Jeremy comes from the normal world where a dress rehearsal/rehearsal dinner is considered a no t-shirt/ no jeans occasion. Especially if family photos will be taken. 

    I notice that Abbie is in this photo.   Directly behind Jim Bob where she can’t be cropped out. They were much farther along with their relationship than what they made public. 

    • Love 18
  2. It was obvious to me that Jinger has developed real relationships with Luis and his wife.  I think she was just overwhelmed with watching 3 kids under 5, not her own, on camera. She didn’t feel she could discipline them,  for one thing.  Plus, she’s lived in Texas without all the lost girls/neices/nephews for a year.  Enjoying the peace and quiet. Josie being the youngest lost girl is older than Luis’s oldest. We saw at the photography session that Jinger didn’t see disciplining the lost girls as her job. So I don’t think Jinger is quite as experienced with child care as Jeremy thinks. 

    • Love 10
  3. I don’t know whether to commend Lauren’s Mom for having an O/B, or say ‘ you did What?!’ for going from Arkansas to Georgia to give birth. 

    Then she’s ok with Josiah flying down there like the next day to propose. Just what everyone with a zillion kids and who has just given birth wants. A guy she barely knows in her home while she’s recovering. 

    • Love 5
  4. 5 minutes ago, lascuba said:

    So the guy didn't get fired, he just lost a sponsor? Yeah, unfair because it was his father who said it, but I don't care all that much, especially since the father is straight up lying about the word having a different meaning in Ireland. He makes Derick look like a paragon of truth.  

    These days,  losing a sponsor may very well cause you to lose your ride. Not because the owner hates you, but because he can’t afford to race the car without sponsorship.  You would not believe how much money it takes to race one car. 

    Drivers often find rides because they can bring sponsorship money into the deal. This guy can no longer depend on sponsor money and neither can any car owner who hires him. 

    • Love 7
  5. 43 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

    Things they could do for income...

    The girls could work in a thrift store. They know they layout and way that it works from shopping there so much. 

    They could plant a plot of vegetables to sell at a stand. Take that a step further and they could make homemade jellies and jams. The Roloffs have made this plan profitable. 

    Become beekeepers. They could sell the honey. There’s actually a shortage of bees and if they could cultivate hives they could sell starter sets for other beekeepers. Anyone handy with wood and tools could build the hives themselves. It wouldn’t be hard to leave an acre of Duggar land for the girls to spread wildflower seeds on so the bees have ample pollen. 

    Go into the egg business. You don’t have to make it super sized but a couple hundred chickens (my daughter has 125 and manages them just fine on her own or with her kids gathering the eggs). They could sell enough dozens to their fellow church members that would give them about $100-200 per week for food money. I know it’s not a lot but it’s more than what they have. 

    If they weren’t so lazy they could go into a house or commercial cleaning business. There are a lot of exterior window cleaners in my area. They’d just need squeegees, spray cleaner, and ladders. Girls could do interiors. 

    They like kids. Why not begin to manufacture small playsets or play houses? 

    I hesitate to think a daycare but... 

    What about a pet sitting or dog walking business? 

    Ok. They might not be suited to anything I’ve mentioned above but that was just some free thinking. If they weren’t so lazy they could begin by using their brains and making something work out. They don’t need JB’s written approval. They just need to be motivated and put the first foot forward. 

    Yes, they are physically, emotionally and mentally able to perform those tasks. 

    everyone of those tasks requires paying customers. Customers willing to ignore protesters standing between them and the Duggars. Protesters in their face,  calling their phone, Facebook accounts, etc.

    My point is that  they will never be allowed to work in anonymity because people will seek them out and ruin the businesses of people that hire them. Do you want to  buy eggs from them only to find out someone egged your car? Buy from them at the thrift shop and have people following you to your car yelling at you?  Posting about you on social media for supporting someone whose against Jazz? 

    Threatening to boycott your business for hiring them Don’t think it will happen? It did- that’s what the last several pages of this thread is about. 

    • Love 14
  6. I’m beginning to wonder just exactly where Josh, Anna, Derick and Jill are supposed to work at? There is the normal (?) former reality tv cast issues of the fans dropping by their workplace to get a glimpse of them, etc. 

    These 4, in addition, have rabid detractors that would ( and already have) publicize their work/school location, email addresses, etc., swamp any hiring company with protests( via email, social media, phone, and in person).  

    I mentioned earlier an opportunity that someone else lost because of what their father said 35 years ago.  Just when is it and where is it that you think these 4 can work at?  I don’t see them even being able to work at Hobby Lobby. They will have to own their own business- if they can make a living at it due to bad publicity. 

    Before you say ‘ they deserve it’, I want to remind you that Jazz will have a similar problem.  Long before Derick made his comments, this family used a fake name, hid their addresses and phone numbers. - yet still had strangers harassing them via phone and in person.  Part of that was due to the situation, but the reality show certainly threw them into the national public eye. She’s going to have the same publicity related employment issues as Derick. And, I bet her siblings will too. And their offspring. 

    Years ago, people would fade into obscurity and get to go on with their lives... but these days things you or your family did decades ago never leave you. 

    • Love 21
  7. 35 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

    Probably. If I read it right, she ran a red light. They might want to check if she's color blind... maybe. 

    I don't pretend to be an expert. Frankly she's been driving for what maybe 10 years total? And has four violations? All I know is that I have been driving for 23 and have none. 

    I can’t fault her for the speeding. Two in 10 years at her age isn’t that bad. There’s a reason why insurance companies surcharge drivers under the age of  25.  I already commented on the phone. 

    The medical thing concerns me.  She would have learned of she was colorblind years ago.  I wonder if she was day dreaming and didn’t react to a light change, etc. they may have wondered if she had fainting spells, etc. Now, don’t run off and spread rumors that Auj has some major illness. I’m not saying that. Just commenting that could be one of the tests 

  8. 1 hour ago, Rap541 said:


    Meanwhile Little Miss OMG I Hate Cell Phones And Really Need To Read My Bible Instead has been cited for distracted driving because ding ding ding she was on her fucking phone while driving. 

    And she of course went to Instragram to let the unwashed know how she had NO IDEA that touching her phone even for just two seconds was against the law!

    Texting/phone use while driving is like drunk driving to me. No goddamn excuse.

    Texting to me is worse than talking because you use both of your hands, eyes and brain to text. you arent even looking at the road. 

    Regardless, she is an adult and has lived in Oregon for most of her life(except for that short stint in LA).   She’s lying thru her teeth about not knowing. I bet there are billboards and signs in lots of places. Especially when they were driving from Bend to the farm. 

    • Love 6
  9. 12 hours ago, ginger90 said:


    I can’t snark on him for the hashtags( except the sushi one).  I distinctly remember the rush of  relief that would fall over me as I headed out for an evening without kids. I dearly love my kids. I was a working mom so I had time away from my kids. Jill doesn’t seem to pass hers off to Michelle ( Jana, ok) to watch, so I’ll  pass on snarking at her/them about date night/no kids. 

    I bet Jill has had a really rough couple of weeks. Derick has probably not spent this much time away from her in their entire marriage, because he’s probably doing his evening studies at the library. She got two kids under 4, and she just got slapped down in public for something she didn’t do, along with not doing something that she’s been told never to do. The last part refers to the fact that she didn’t condemn Derick in public.  Jill never attended school, never got taught social graces and political correctness. She never learned how to deal with being scolded by friends and strangers. She’s probably pretty shell-shocked. Remember how hard the whole Josh thing was for her- Derick hauled her out of the country to lick her wounds after that. 

    Slightly off topic- a race car driver just lost a sponsorship because of something  his father said 35 years ago before he was born. The young man is a diabetic, and the sponsorship was a diabetes pharmaceutical company. I think political correctness can be taken to an extreme. 

    • Love 22
  10. 10 hours ago, zoomama said:

    i do too. my DIL puts huge bows/flowers on my new granddaughter.  about felicity...her eyes are blue.  are jeremy's blue as well?

    They probably won’t stay blue. Babies’  eyes change color over time. Google says probably between six and 12 months of age. Google also says they turn darker, not lighter. Her eyes already look pretty dark, so probably going to change to Brown. 

    • Love 4
  11. 1 hour ago, Nysha said:

    I also thought the rumors were just that, spread by someone who didn't like the Duggars. Nor was I surprised when Toby Willis was outed as a pedophile. I was horribly shocked to find out that Brenda had known about the abuse and had protected Toby and her way of life instead of her children. While I always thought he was angry and over-controlling, Brenda seemed to be a calming influence on him. Instead, she isn't any better of a mother than Michelle.

    Where did  you find that out?  Everything I read after it came out is that she hadn’t known and wasn’t cutting him any slack on it. 

    Edit: I just found an article quoting the oldest Willis daughter.  Nysha  is correct. Brenda knew. 


    Back to Anna... if I switched my son on formula and he was doing well... I’d leave him on it.  I wouldn’t return to breast feeding him. But that’s just me. I  dont really care whether a child is breast or bottle fed... as long as they ARE fed.  

    • Love 13
  12. Derick and Jill are indeed a perfect example of the scary power of the internet. For the rest of their lives, the internet will be there as a mirror holding them accountable.  

    For ranting on social media.for stating his bad  opinion of someone. Just what all of us do here.  We just don’t expect people to go ask that person about what we said and how it hurt their feelings. We assume that person has no clue that we are talking about them. 

    For someone like Jill who grew up so insulated, this internet big brother mirror thing must be very intimidating. I know that part of it is for me. I’m so glad my teenage and young adult mistakes are only known by family and close friends. 

    • Love 12
  13. 9 hours ago, KHenry14 said:

    And to be honest, they haven't needed a crime scene investigator very often. Meaning she'd just be along for the ride in a lot of cases, like the last episode.

    The last couple seasons they haven’t. When Yolanda was on, it seemed like most cases has crime scenes and forensic material.  That was the original premise... help small police departments get and afford forensic testing, etc. 

    Now it seems like they just review the case, re-interview suspects and witnesses, then point to a suspect and say ’he must have done it’. All things the police department could  do on their own. 

    • Love 4
  14. 2 hours ago, floridamom said:

    Derick having graduated from a real college was not in line with the  "Duggar Family Educational Belief System". Now he's in law school....? How does this fly with Jill's parents? They went on TV and stated that they believed higher education was not necessary because they did well enough without it and their children will too. A secular school contains those 'heathen' people in which they devoted their entire lives to sequestering themselves from. How is this now explained? They are filled with contradictions and never address them. This irks me about them....and many other things, too.

    There are reasons why Jill and Derick don’t live in a home provided by Jim Bob. Refusing to follow all of his rules and beliefs is probably a larger reason than living closer to school/church. 

    I don’t particularly like Dericks’  tendencies to insult people from the safety of a computer, but he is at least letting JB know that he’s not ‘under his authority’.

    • Love 13
  15. 1 hour ago, InternetToughGuy said:


    How is TLC promoting JD and Abbie? I remember a brief clip of Lauren and Josiah's wedding of JD looking at Abbie, but I don't recall them being introduced together on the show yet.

    According to the internet( must be true), JD did a lot of the early courting during the time of year they are not filmed. Supposedly he did that on purpose. So TLC may only be able to pick up the storyline in the middle. 

     I like what I see of JD and Abbie so far. I like Jinger and Jeremy. Kendra and Joe are cute( even though I don’t like their religion).   Never did care for Josh and Anna.  We saw how Jill and Derick turned out. Josiah and Lauren make me sad.  Jessa and Ben, the same. Joy and Austin bore me. 

    • Love 5
  16. 3 hours ago, ginger90 said:






    So says the instagram, podcast, social media queen.   Does she realize that she just told people to stop listening to her?   Really, Auj, the advice you give is in a zillion books, blogs, internet articles, tv shows, etc. how are you actually earning a living at this? 

    • Love 3
  17. 21 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

    In this family, Bin, Jeremy, and Derick at least are/were living mostly off of their wives' TLC income.

     They should also be receiving compensation. Derick was a fool if he didn’t.   My spouse and I have a main checking account and savings account. Everything comes out of that with one exception. Travel expenses for my spouses’  work are handled separately, for both of our peace of mind.  I ( wife) actually have the checkbooks and pay the bills and get our shared cash out. Doesn’t matter who is or isn’t working. But I  am not of the same ilk as the Duggars. My spouse and I are equal- no ‘ head of the family’ and helpmeet here.  Michelle, Jill, Jessa, Joy, Kendra, and Lauren  wouldn’t know how to pay bills if their lives depended upon it. 

    I think Jinger knows their financial situation. I think that is why she asked Jeremy ‘How...’  when she saw the piano. 

    Hunt up a copy of ‘The Surrendered Wife’.  It’s all about wives that have absolutely no control over the finances. Even if they are the only breadwinner.  That’s the Duggars ilk. 

    • Love 3
  18. 9 hours ago, InternetToughGuy said:

    That word was unintentional; I meant looked after. The rest of the point still stands, though.

    If they are children that you are supposed to recognize as yours... I’m not going to commend you because you, as a male, bothered to ‘ look after them’.   The Duggars and their associates make a big deal that Ben cooked dinner and ‘ looked after’ his own children so that Jessa could have a free couple of hours.  Derick posts pictures of casseroles Jill made for him because she wouldn’t be home for supper.  JB gets applauded because he figured out how to dump BBQ on something. 

     The reason why they only celebrate anniversaries for the wives is that the wives in their culture normally don’t have access to money to spend on their spouse.  Who probably already bought whatever he wanted for himself anyway- Jeremy excluded.  I think the piano was purchased by TLC as a reward for letting the Duggars invade his home. 

    • Love 18
  19. 3 hours ago, ginger90 said:

    I was trying to find a video of Jinger playing 2 pianos at the same time. No luck, but I know it’s out there. Everyone has probably seen this, but here’s one I did come across:



    She was playing two pianos at the piano store this season, I think. 

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