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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. 3 hours ago, awaken said:

     We have got to find the clip of her saying this to the girls! I remember it from long ago. Anyone? 

    Was that the scene with Jessa at the coffee shop that seemed so awkward? The one where Jessa was floored that Mom wanted to tell her how to be sweet to Ben? 

    • Love 3
  2. 1 hour ago, Loves2Dance said:

    I definitely missed that interview, but it doesn't shock me. Nothing any of them said sounded organic or that it wasn't part of the PR blitz of the time. JD, quite quickly, became the new Josh so for him to spout off his lines are what I'd expect. 


    The phrase’ The devil made me do it’ wasn’t always a joke. Christians always talk about temptation and in fact pray to be led away from it.

    • Love 3
  3. Jessa may have done something for Ben that was on a different day or not filmed.  Maybe she sent Ben out with friends who weren’t interested in being on TV. 

    I didn’t get the impression that Joe ever actually licked his plate in public after a certain age- just that he was teasing Kendra about it. Who knows, it may  be a private family joke about Josie. 

    • Love 5
  4. 13 hours ago, BitterApple said:


    That guy makes no sense. Why should the rest of the family risk their livelihood when Derelict is the one who can't stop shooting his mouth off? The siblings don't even like Jill, so why would they cut off their paychecks over her even more unlikable husband?

    This is a big deal over on the Lily and Ellie blog. Their commenters are constantly wishing that the Duggars would move to the same network as the Bates so that the entire family including Josh and Derick could be featured a la 19 kids and Counting. 

    • Love 1
  5. I believe JB uses a Christian cost sharing plan. It’s considered qualified even though I think it’s sort of a pyramid scheme.  You pay so much a month to some central office, who then distributes it to people who have medical bills. So if there is money in the kitty, you get helped. Provided the service is considered appropriate by Christian standards. So no tubal ligations, etc. probably only major medical too

    i once thought he had coverage under the AR legislators plan. Commenters have said he wasn’t in office long enough to keep it once he left.

    • Love 3
  6. 8 hours ago, MichaelaRae said:

    Let me guess...he didn't know what ER stands for and thought it stood for Evangelical Room instead of EMERGENCY room?

    They must really be insulated. Every town of a size over 50,000 has several between the ones owned by hospitals. Walgreens, etc. Then there are the billboards, radio and tv ads for them. 

    • Love 1
  7. I thought Joe and Kendra did pretty well in Greece. Yes, there were language and cultural issues- but they tried to get a sense of the culture, history and food. She giggles too much, but she’s young.

    i also thought that we saw that Si was actually happy to be with Lauren.  

    • Love 11
  8. 7 minutes ago, lascuba said:

    Holy god how can none of them name a single figure from Greek mythology? WHO HASN'T HEARD OF ZEUS?! Looks like Ben really is interested in educating himself. And I suspect that Jeremy was pretending some ignorance to not highlight how stupid his wife and her family are. He knows how these things work. 

    Because Greek mythology involves two things they consider evil- myths and Gods other than the one true God. Teaching it would be blasphemy. 

    • Love 19
  9. 27 minutes ago, Heathen said:

    It isn't a grandparent's or anyone else's responsibility to be "helpful" with someone else's kids, whether related or not. 

    Maybe you’d  prefer.... present in their lives. Grandparents are special people to grandchildren and grandchildren should feel loved by their grandparents. As for me...I actually do believe it’s pretty important to me to be helpful to my children... since I brought them into this world. It’s one of the reasons I had 2 rather than 19.   People who resent their children and grandchildren for being in their way miss out on much more than they realize.   That’s not to say that some children and grandchildren shouldn’t be avoided. There always a bad apple or two.  

    Michelle and J.B. have missed out on really knowing more than a couple of their 19 children. They are really going to miss out on knowing many of their billion grandchildren. I bet after 50 they give up even calling them by name. 

    • Love 11
  10. 2 hours ago, MamaMax said:

    What about Kendra's mom? She's not that old!!

    Still applies,  in my opinion. If you have grandchildren, then stop having children.   That’s really what he was saying.  Age itself ( although important because I really wouldn’t want to be raising teenagers at 60) is not the driving factor. It’s that your adult children would like you to be helpful as grandparents. 

    • Love 3
  11. I’ve been thinking about the Joel- Julia thing. The conversation they have ( finally) about Joel leaving indicates that he left because Julia needed him and he couldn’t deal.  So he says he failed her. She asks him how he’s going to deal the next time she needs him.  Several commenters have said that Julia’s strength of will and need for control was too emasculating for Joel. This conversation is the opposite of that. He didn’t want to step up. I’m disappointed in the character. 

  12. That’s not stew. That’s soup. I’d call it beef vegetable, except I’ve never seen it made with hamburger. I use stew meat or sirloin.  To be honest, I usually use frozen veggies because I usually only make it in the winter. 

    • Love 8
  13. 4 hours ago, cmr2014 said:

    Also, to me, this is supposed to be the direction that they point their daughters. We've gone over this many times, but these girls are supposed to be old-fashioned housewives and none of them can cook, or sew, or keep house, or any of the other skills that went along with this role. I may not agree with limiting girls to this one option, but at least these girls have made a start at learning to do SOMETHING, and that's a lot more than can be said for their aunts.

    This picture is heart-breaking. Josie is just glowing, and J'chelle looks like she's on her way for a root canal. Josie may be the favorite, but I doubt she gets any more real attention than most of her siblings.

    At some point, the number of offspring under 18 has to  be reduced to where Michelle is forced to interact with them. Especially since all the adult females except Jana no longer live there. 

    • Love 8
  14. 3 hours ago, lascuba said:

    JD was the one who walked by a bar and tattled to JB about seeing crew members drinking there on their day off,  so I wouldn't count on him rebeling to the point of dancing. Sure, he might lower himself to politely attend a wedding of an in law where they had dancing, but music at his own wedding? Not gonna happen. 

    When was this - recently? Or when JD was much younger? 

    5 hours ago, Albanyguy said:

    God, how I would love to see this happen. But, given the years of brainwashing and total control Jim Bob and Michelle have over their adult children, I doubt that JD would ever dare to do it. Nor do I think Jim Bob would ever let it get to that point. He must be aware by now that Abbie's family permits dancing at their weddings (the Duggars avidly follow social media, if we've seen that picture, they have) and I think he'd be determined to nip it in the bud. He'd see it as a symbolic gesture, a threat to his authority. He's already had to deal with Jeremy weaning Jinger away from her family's influence; he's not about to let another set of in-laws challenge him. All he has to do is sit JD down and say "You want to dance at your wedding? Fine, go ahead.  But your days as a pilot are over. You'll never fly another one of my planes again. And you can support your new wife by scrubbing toilets alongside your brother-in-law. Daddy giveth and Daddy taketh away."

    Well, sure, he can say that. But- JD will still have his pilots license and logged flight time. He can get a job outside of JBs control 

    • Love 10
  15. 9 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:


    10 hours ago, Snow Fairy said:

    In my country, pregnant women have an exam and ultrasound made by their gynecologist every 4 weeks in their pregnany. Bloodwork at 12 weeks (and then again later), and then glucose tolerance test at 24 weeks. 

    After 36 weeks, women go to hospital where they plan to give birth in. Usually then exams start every week, and include ultrasound and vaginal exam of cervix.

    I think this kind of health system catches every problem in early phase. In my first pregnancy I had to be put on bedrest for the last three months because of short cervix. Second pregnancy bleeding and hemathoma, again bedrest.

    Mortality of mothers is very very low 

    Other than your complications and the ultrasounds,  That’s pretty much how both my pregnancies were handled here in the US. My doctor did the weekly exams rather than the hospital.

    I hope Jinger got pre-natal care with professionals. 

  16. 5 hours ago, DragonFaerie said:

    Perhaps if Me'chelle had sent the kids off to preschool or school in general she would be able to knock out the laundry

    This, right here.   She could have done laundry, and housecleaning. Maybe not grocery shopping depending on the preschoolers, but  her life would have been  more relaxed. 

    • Love 17
  17. 4 hours ago, BitterApple said:

    Given how often she's in Arkansas, I'm starting to wonder. She only got her license a year ago, so I can't imagine she'd have enough seniority at any facility to arrange her schedule aground her relationship.

    She may do what is called ‘per diem’ Shifts, meaning she’s basically a contractor and can mark off the days she doesn’t want to work.  She won’t get as many benefits, but she does get a flexible schedule. 

    JD and Abbie: he reconsidered the bachelor till the rapture thing. 

    • Love 6
  18. This family is supposedly one for all and all for one. jasmine was upholding that by telling Adam just how much Crosby was hurt. She just asked him to reconsider. How many of us haven’t reached out to someone that has unwittingly hurt our spouse or other family member? 

    Kristina and Adam have blindly insulted, antagonized and generally made life miserable for anyone that has refused Max even the slightest wish.  Especially family members such as Amber and Sarah.  They’ve bullied them over it and tried to explain away Max the stalker as Dylan’s fault.  That’s what makes me so annoyed at Kristina going after Jasmine. Then she has the nerve to expect Jasmine to teach ballet at Career Day.

    Joel said he hadn’t slept with ‘ people’. He specifically did not say he hadn’t slept with anyone.  Truthfully, the day he told Julia he didnt want to work on their marriage after he’d already moved out, his right to complain about Julia’s love life ceased. 

    Julia slept with two people- the teacher once and Chris. The night she got the divorce papers, she invited Chris inside the house. He made a comment  about it and she said ‘no reason no to now’ ... implying she’d never let him inside before. She didn’t sleep with him that night in her home either. 

  19. 7 hours ago, ginger90 said:

    3 pictures 



    So glad Jeremy approves of his 80 year old grandfather. Can’t wait for Jeremy to wake up one day and realize the world doesn’t revolve around him- and his grandparents dont need his approval. 

    If Jeremy actually posted in conversational English rather than 18th century poetry, I’d might maybe believe he meant it. 

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