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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. 3 minutes ago, ezzy4 said:

    I wonder why there isn't more blame being put on Amy and Matt for how aweful Jerkemy is behaving?  I would be appalled if my grown child acted like that on t.v. for the world to see.  

    Why aren't they saying "You seem to have an interest in eventually owning this farm.  We'd like to help you achieve that goal if we can.  Please tell us your plans?"

    Why aren't aren't they having grown up conversations?  Why aren't they holding their children to appropriate expectations/standards?  

    Argh!  It drives me crazy!

    Most likely Amy is afraid Aud and Jeremy will limit or deny her time with Ember even more than they already do. Otherwise I would think she’d have already told Jer in private that she is his parent not his child  and she doesn’t answer to him. That sentence is what comes out of my mouth whenever my two sons start trying to dictate things to me. I’m just a few years older than Amy.  On the other hand, Jacob has said that what is filmed doesn’t match reality- so maybe this is all for TV consumption. 

    • Love 5
  2. I said it on a different thread. If Matt and Jeremy want Amy off the farm... then they need to come up  with 50+% of the farms value and buy her out.   That farm does not belong to the kids. If they want it, then they buy out the parents. Many families do that. It’s how the parents get the money to buy a house in town and fund their retirement.   

    I did mean Matt above. I don’t think Zach expects Amy to just give up her half of the farm without compensation- but I think Matt Jeremy and Aud do. 

    • Love 10
  3. 8 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

    Seems to me if Jeremy wants the farm so bad, perhaps its best he decide to *work* the farm now and not tell daddy Matt he still needs two years to fuck around. Seriously, why does Amy need to move now when Jeremy won't be man enough to commit to chaining himself to the farm now?

    I could only watch about 10 minutes of this tonight because of Jeremy and Aud.  Jeremy lives a few minutes away from the farm. He can commute to it just like lots of other people I know.   Amy needs to tell him that he can  have the farm house when he comes up with the money to purchase the farm. Many farmers sell their farm to their offspring, then they go purchase a house in town and fund their retirement.  

    I did catch Zach and Tori being ok  with a move into the double wide. Why don’t Jer and aud consider  that? 

    • Love 1
  4. On 6/11/2018 at 6:32 PM, Fuzzysox said:

    Now that Baby Garrett has been born, I can see why Lauren looks pissed in that picture, the baby stole her thunder. 

    Wonder how many of the Duggars left the shower to go ogle the newest blessing?

    First, babies show up on their own schedule. Second- Lauren and anyone else  in the Duggars’ orbit might as well get used to sharing the stage. With 19 of this generation,  Their spouses, and off-spring... there’s not going to be any time when only 1 person is celebrating something. 

    • Love 11
  5. On 5/16/2018 at 10:58 AM, TheRabbi said:

    Is this show worth starting knowing its canceled? I have recorded the whole thing thinking I'd watch it over the summer but may end up just deleting it knowing its not coming back.

    As one of those who watched till the end- it’s worth watching. You will enjoy it and you do get an ending. 

    • Love 3
  6. I think Hannah becomes Marshall’s wife.  Someone in Marshall’s line most likely gives the locket to Hannah in the future, with the picture of Marshalls wife removed.  She has always said someone gave it to her.  So I don’t think she’s a descendent of Marshall. 

    Sophie started APEX by using  Reese’s blood. Reese tried to prevent that by breaking the vial, but it was the wrong vial.  If Sophie didn’t use it, someone else might have done what Sophie did since Reese will be alive in this time for decades. Easy enough for someone to do that same research. 

    Even with that, it’s Eve and her single minded fanactic goal of killing the 7% that will really ensure the rise of Apex and their desire to wipe out  humans. Lindhauer finally got that idea at the end. 

    It was a pretty good first season. They did their best to summarize things and give some closure. 

    • Love 4
  7. 5 hours ago, cdp73 said:

    From the Dept of Labor:  The Affordable Care Act requires plans and issuers that offer dependent child coverage to make the coverage available until a child reaches the age of 26. Both married and unmarried children qualify for this coverage. This rule applies to all plans in the individual market and to all employer plans.

    It's stupid that coverage is provided to married children.  If you are old enough to get married, you should be responsible for your own insurance.

    Topic:  I wonder if Jill and Anna are getting baby fever again.  If not now, I'm sure it will happen when Jinger has her girl.

    The parents are the ones that get to decide that. No one is forcing a parent to keep married children over 18 on their insurance. It just allows you to do so. Married people under 26 aren’t really any more/less  likely to have a job that provides affordable insurance than singles. It’s usually only a few extra dollars cost to the parent- and they can always hit the married child up for the amount if they feel like it. 

    My younger son stayed on our insurance until he was 26 because the extra cost for him was $50 monthly as an extra dependent.  his job wanted $250 a month premium as a member.  It was a cheap way of us helping him out. 


    Why shouldn’t the Caldwell’s be able  to do the same? 

    • Love 20
  8. 2 hours ago, Phoebe70 said:

    I don't see "Matt and Amy 2.0."  Not at all, not ever.  I think that ship has sailed.  I don't see any love between them, in fact they usually act like they can't stand each other.  I can see Matt and Caryn breaking up at some point, but no way would Matt try to woo Amy back, and I don't think Amy would ever take him back.

    I think Amy has reached the point where  she’s happier without him. Knowing that doesn’t mean she’s not still hurt and bitter about the breakup. Any time someone leaves you rather than the other way around, you are hurt by the idea that they didn’t think you were ‘all that’.  When a marriage fails, lives change. Your children and grandchildren have to split their time between you. Traditions and holiday gatherings change.  She’s still sad and angry about that even knowing she’s happier daily now. Doesn’t mean she’d take him back. 

    Matt’s perfectly happy with Caryn, just as he will be perfectly happy with whomever comes after Caryn.   

    • Love 6
  9. 3 hours ago, Vaysh said:

    I've always felt that if Bin hadn't been brought up they way he was, religion-wise and politically, he'd be a pretty solid good guy. I think he's got a core of decency that regularly tries to assert itself but he's surrounded by people who either don't value that part of him or actively oppose it, so he keeps it under wraps most of the time. He's a bit dopey and doesn't seem terribly clever but I do think he's genuinely kind despite being misguided and ignorant about a lot of issues. He comes across as very earnest. And while I disagree with almost all of his beliefs, at least he appears to be genuine about them, unlike someone like Jim Bob whose beliefs perfectly suit his own wants and needs and cater to and excuse all his character flaws.

    If Ben had remained single, he might have gradually moved mainstream Christian. That kindness would have caused him internal struggles.  He would have begun to wonder about difference between what he was taught versus what the New Testament Bible actually says . He still might- but he’d have to give Up his whole life now.  

    • Love 16
  10. 1 hour ago, Rap541 said:

    No, what they mean is that Amy would have been happy with a house in Portland but Matt wanted a farm, so they bought the farm. There was never a house in Portland to sell. This IS part of Matt's narrative about how Matt's the dreamer and Amy thinks small.

    Any other item other than the pumpkins that they grow is not for resale. 

    The original farm was 34 acres and did have a peach orchard (in season one and two the kids occasionally run the U Pick peach stand). They later bought the farm with the wedding barn but that was a much later (2010?) addition.

    Regarding the peach trees, Matt made a unilateral decision to get rid of them (and acted on it before telling Amy)  so they could grow or truck in more pumpkins.  This was covered on the show at the time. 

    • Love 3
  11. 11 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

    Well, since humans are being systematically hunted and slaughtered by Apex, I imagine there's not much of a medical system in place to take care of the lesser medical issues.

    Did anyone else expect Diane's machine to light up and ping into the red when the lights were turned out at the end?

    That’s a really good point that I hadn't even thought about.  We don’t know when the war started. How ever I’m beginning to think APEX developed as a defense to the actions of the first set of visitors combined with the doctors research into the genes.   These subset of people must have felt persecuted. 

    I also thought that gadget would start working on the shelf. Why did he put on there rather than take it to Diane? Was she only at Marshall’s temporarily? 

    • Love 1
  12. 10 hours ago, camom said:

    It bothered me that Matt and Amy mentioned more than once that they needed to talk to "the boys" -- meaning Jer and Zach -- about the future of the farm.  I assume they are the two who might have an interest in running it, but they seem to forget that they have four children.  Financially, Molly and Jacob should have as much of an interest as their brothers.  It should be a family discussion.

    Why do Jer and Auj always call Ember "baby girl?"  The child has a name, use it.

    Where Matt and Caryn were looking at housing in Arizona is just down the street from me.   Somehow I don't think they would be the best of neighbors.


    Molly lives out of state. Although she might end up being a silent partner type.  No idea whether Jacob wants anything to do with the farm. Zach has said repeatedly that he doesn’t want to run the farm, although I suppose he might be willing to be a silent partner to keep it in the family. I do not know why Amy and Matt persist in trying to force him  into co-running it. Especially when Matt and Jeremy have both consistently implied that Jeremy will be the one that runs it and lives on the property. 


    It should also be noted that anytime Amy and Matt mention just ‘ the boys’... it’s possibly a reality show driven storyline rather than a real family thing. 

    • Love 1
  13. 5 hours ago, Whyyouneedaname said:

    I don't know why the "wedding barn" hasn't been used anymore. Some have said it was just producer driven but they have a beautiful setup, why not use it. Wedding barns in my neck of the woods fetch a pretty penny, in the ballpark of 5k a weekend. That's a Friday evening rehearsal and Saturday wedding. If you choose to use the Sunday you can get that day for 2k, so a weekend could bring in 7 grand, not bad. Is that what Jer & Auj are planning? Why not get a start on that now, X out the month of October for pumpkin season. It's really a no brainer.

    They were not allowed to charge money for those weddings because they didn’t pass whatever inspections needed for use of the barn- including bathrooms. 

    • Love 10
  14. 23 minutes ago, Ziggy said:

    Well, to be fair, she has been living in the 21st century for the last 10 years and probably didn't need them when she was still in her time.

    I'm with you, though.  Bi-focals are for the birds!  (but they are much, much better than not being able to see :-)

    No she came with this latest group. She just landed further up the beach and avoided being rounded up.  

  15. I’m glad they stayed sober.  I didn’t really have strong feelings for them one way or the other. I did  have strong feelings about their families. 

    Sams parents blamed Brad for turning their little girl into an addict. The same little girl who got addicted to opioids more than once before she got together with Brad. The same girl who asked him to inject her with heroin. They however at least had stopped giving them actual money. 

    Brads’  parents, both recovering addicts themselves, gave Brad whatever he wanted in terms of money. Brad’s Mom at least asked him to do chores for the money. 

    The people I felt for were the children and Brads sister. She’s having surgery for cancer in the middle of all of this, including the filming and intervention. Her parents are too busy dealing with Brad to help her. 

    • Love 9
  16. 1 hour ago, Haleth said:

    I believe it was the other one, the one who had been sort of in charge.  

    It was shocking to see the thousands and thousands of people lined up to go through the time machine thing.

    I thought it might be him, but couldn’t really tell from the camera angle.  It was a really good move on the writers’  part to include a comment from Diane about all the people that were left behind. 

    I really like this show. It’s very often that  shows I like get cancelled after 1 season. 

    • Love 1
  17. They are annoying me though with letting the non detective part of the team be the one with all the answers.   All these types of shows do this and it’s really demeaning to detectives. 

    • Love 3
  18. 15 minutes ago, Awfarmington said:

    Was this revealed on the show? I really need to go back and refresh my memory from previous seasons. 

    I don’t remember Audrey ever being mentioned until after they were engaged in real life.  Of course, that was some time before we saw it in TV time.   I thought I had seen all the episodes when the show was on full time the first time. I haven’t watched as much since they came back. 

  19. 7 hours ago, Rap541 said:

    Basically Jeremy had a girl on the side and wasn't honest with either about where it was going. The girl in Santa Barbara thought the relationship with Auj wasn't serious, and Jeremy led Auj to believe the girl in Santa Barbara was just a friend. Auj told Jeremy to not see so much of the girl in 2013, and Jeremy neglected to mention that. There were apparently two trips by the girl to Roloff Farms. Auj eventually chased the girl away. Both women, near as I can tell, were being played - both told Jeremy to make up his mind on who he wanted to be with, and he dithered for what appears to have been months.

    Was any of this during the two years between when Jer asked Aud out and she decided to go on a date with him? If so, then there was no other woman situation and Aud would have been a friend ( if even that) . Jer dated woman number 2 because she was available to date and Aud wasn’t.  Was he supposed to curl up in a corner during those two years? Most likely the existence of woman number  2 caused Aud to decide to date Jer. Basically the plot of many  romantic comedies. 

  20. 4 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

    David ran off and left Darlene to raise their two kids. I would say that is not grown up and being mature.

    If there is one thing about this reboot that I think the writers and producers screwed up - this was it. I refuse to accept that David abandoned his children, financially or otherwise. They could have had them divorced, Him currently overseas for work, Darlene loses her job and still has to move home to make ends meet. Lots of divorced women end up back at home even with child support.   They moved him home at the end of the episode so there was no reason for the abandonment plot line. 

    • Love 17
  21. Zach bought his home by himself before Tori and  he even got engaged.   Whether he used his reality tv money, or his soccer money, he did it.  That was a period in which Matt enjoyed putting Zach down every chance he got while Jer was in photography school.  It occurred during an episode of the show. I think he had roommates to help with the monthly expenses. 

    In the earlier seasons of the show, Matt and Amy didn’t have any money either. She went back to Michigan and it was only the first or second time she’d gone back since her own wedding. 

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