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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. Happy  for Henry to go do something else. Profession of religious studies again maybe?

    Noodles and Jason don’t bother me. The nightlight wasn't the issue at all, it just gave Noodles a place to  point her anxiety at.  That’s why Jason was flummoxed as how to answer- he didn’t understand why she was so upset. He’s the youngest.  

    I would actually like to see Daisy and Matt together. They make a cute couple- one that didn’t have to be shoehorned into a two week story to explain the actress’s pregnancy. 

    Kit can leave my screen any time. She just takes screen time away from the rest.   Sara Ramirez is just too high energy for the rest of th cast and the show itself.   

  2. I don’t remember if the daughter had a dad figure in her life besides Chunk. Usually I forget side plots like that pretty quickly.  However, it sounds like Chunk was there pretty often( as often as he was allowed).  They actually told her because she wanted to come to New York for school and that way she could lean on Chunk for support, right? 

    These shows always condense arrest to trial into two days or so. Truth is, this one would have been months and all the facts would have been known by jury selection. 

    I’m glad Cable is back - but still annoyed at the unnecessary character damage. 

    • Love 2
  3. The not insane part of this family(if there are any) need to distance themselves. Get their own place. Separate their finances, get a job that doesn’t involve the family business. I see everyone but possibly Blake, his spouse, Blair and Jamie losing just about everything they have. due to lawyer fees and their own possible illegal activities. 

    • Love 1
  4. I caught an episode the other night where there was a 4th chair at the table. Across from Dorothy and would have been facing away from the camera. It seems to me that they only used 1 camera in the kitchen as the view is always looking over the table with the stove to the right.  That’s probably why. But yes, the size of the table makes no sense since Blanche supposedly lived there with the husband and kids. The same 5  kids who were all out of the house before she hit menopause and never needed to stay overnight. 

    • Love 3
  5. I hate it when shows make all the other FBI employees out to be uncaring idiots.  The BAU is not the only intelligent life form in the agency. Other than that, the episode was good. 

    • Love 15
  6. Michael gave a good speech. It was good strategy- he just picked the wrong person to give the idol to. He should have watched when he named himself and Brenden. Facial expressions would have clued him to stay with Brenden. Bradley is the guy that complained about dirt at the camp  when they switched tribes last week. 

    • Love 16
  7. Here’s a thought- Toby has a vehicle of his own. He should have driven himself to the clinic.or toughed it out and given the sample at the clinic. 

    Paige fell down in her assigned job. She should have explained to Walter that there were to be no side errands and why. Since Walter has no empathy for anyone else’s needs. 

    I did like Paige getting Happy to hold that baby.  I just wish KMcP knew how to play Paige as an ordinary person rather than a woman that knows she’s beautiful. 

    • Love 1
  8. 26 minutes ago, MyAimIsTrue said:
    26 minutes ago, MyAimIsTrue said:

    Casey magically has a degree in forensic science so will she be the new Abby?


    Looking that way to me. Sorry for the extra quote box. Couldn’t get rid of it. 

    • Love 3
  9. 36 minutes ago, legaleagle53 said:

    There is no altered-timeline Lucy.  The original timeline keeps being re-written AROUND the original Lucy and the others, so to everyone who's not a time-traveler, "our" Lucy is the only one who's ever existed.

    I see what you are saying. But our Lucy is not the Lucy that non time travelers are used to dealing with. This was shown after the very first episode when our Lucy came back to a reality where she was engaged to someone she knew she had never met. That someone still fully recognized Lucy as his fiancée- but realized she was ‘off’ from his normal Lucy.  So the altered timeline Lucy had existed and then somehow went poof when Lucy returned from the past. 


    Eta - which sort of answered my own question in a negative way. 

    • Love 2
  10. Question- could the journal be from the altered timeline Lucy? The one who was raised Rittenhouse and may have time traveled under Rittenhouse plans? Then she grows to hate them and in the future gives Flynn the journal? Of course, Flynn has now altered that timeline by-stealing the time machine.  I now have a headache, because that means original Lucy is not actually original either? 

  11. Yes, except the butterfly effect will cause the Rittenhouse plan to have just as many unintended and unknown consequences as the Flynn or Lucy plans have.  I’m under the theory that life has a way of happening while you are making or executing plans. 

  12. 1 hour ago, sjohnson said:

    more and more I am wondering why Carol didn't raise her daughter as va good little Rittenhouse?

    Original timeline Carol didn’t raise Lucy that way. But altered timeline Carol probably did. Since altered timeline Carol ended up with original timeline Lucy, it was all for naught. 

    Its quite possible that original timeline Carol wanted nothing to do with Rittenhouse and that’s why Lucy didn’t know anything about it. Amy’s father might have been a good person. 

    • Love 4
  13. I think the 10 trips were done in the six weeks between when Emma got the Mothership back and current date. I think this was both Lucy’s and Carols first trip since they kidnapped Lucy. Carol was so excited when they first arrived, as if this was all new to her.   Emma must have piloted the ship. She did tell Lucy that ‘ I’ have been making trips to ensure no Amy. 

    Thanks to the poster that reminded me that Carol already knew about Amy. The show has been gone too long. 

    The mothership must be capable of carrying more than 3 people-  Flynn seem to have plenty of people with him each trip? I think Mac came with the 3 women. 

    The lifeboat, being the original prototype, isn’t as well designed. 

    • Love 3
  14. I don’t see the relevance of kidnapping him and taking him 100 years into the future either. They already have the Mother ship and a whole lot of people on their side. What’s he going to add? 

    I didn’t think he smirked- rather I thought it was a WTH? look. 

  15. Don’t forget, Carol obviously remembers her other daughter. She didn’t even blink when Emma says she made sure Lucy’s sister would never reappear. 

    Rittenhouse doesn’t even care about their own families. In addition to all they’ve done to Lucy and her sister, they just stole a man from his life.  Or were we to assume he would have died in that farmhouse and therefore never got to see his child(ren) grow up? 

    Wonder when Lucy will find out who he was? 

  16. Benny was an attorney for the prosecutors office and now works for Bull. He doesn’t need Danny to explain to him why there are holes in the underwear. He knows how DNA gets found. 

    Whomever tbe defense lawyer was 9 years ago, he sure dropped the ball. All that should have been discovered at the first trial, including the other DNA source. 

    Yea, we all know Cable is returning. We are just mad because the writers ruined the characters reputation So they could let the actress have time off.   Stupid- they should have just given her a dream of a life time short term internship somewhere. 

    • Love 2
  17. Anybody here got an answer as to how two young adults who are just starting out would avoid going into debt for a large unthoughtof medical  bill after insurance is applied? I use unthoughtof because a C-Section is always possible. 

    If your answer was ‘ask for donations’.... you see where Derick is going? 

    If your answer was live in la-la-land, you think like J.B.

    if your answer was accept that stuff happens, and pay it off a little at a time, you live in the real world like the rest of us. 

    So, if Jill thinks their debt was immoral, she’s living in la-la-land. 

    • Love 10
  18. That also occurs on scripted shows. Every so often you see a court battle because a child stars’ money was all spent by the parents and agents and there’s none left when the child grows up. We even see it with athletes because their money manager spent all the money. 

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