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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. The entire family went to the beach in Israel... hence the wonderful scene where Jim Bob swam out to the buoy in his jeans to announce to the males being filmed speaking with his daughters that he was their Dad.  Josh and Anna honeymooned at Myrtle Beach.  So it's not that they hate the beach, they just disapprove of everyone elses  attire.  I am guessing that Derick and Jill got the use of a condo or vacation home on a private section of beach. 

  2. In the episode where Michelle water skis and accidentally exposes her knees, she clearly states that keeping her knees covered is her own personal conviction to God, not required by their religion.  I think that's proven to be not true by the obvious attempt to insure that even the littlest girls keep their knees covered, even to the extent of adding a separate material to the bottoms of the bridesmaid dresses.



    Yes, but as we have figured out, whatever Michelle's personal convictions are become standards for the entire family, Mary included.  Josh has loosened up some in that he wears shorts,  watches some TV, lives on his computer and so forth... but that is because he a. is male, and b. doesn't live at home.    Jill and Jessa were not given the promised leeway to court/date per their preferences or to decide what would be allowable in the courtship.  This was proven by the response to her and Derick frontal hugging when he got back from Nepal. 

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  3. Anna looks better in the bridesmaids picture than she does in the full family picture, because she is being photographed sideways.  Her chest doesn't overpower the dress in that angle.   Actually hate the white slips even more in this picture, because they now look like USED slips. I do hope they did take the pictures before the wedding, we did at our wedding.  Why?  Because I thought it was silly to make the guests sit and wait for over an hour at the reception while we took pictures.  I went to enough weddings where I did that as a guest.  Some of those weddings were at mealtimes and therefore you were LATE LATE getting anything to eat. 

  4. After looking at this picture,


    1.  This must have been shot number 105 from family member 105... they are all tired of smiling.  Michelle actually looks like her eyes are crossed, and she is only smiling on 1 side of her face like a stroke victim.  She blends into the background, which I find wonderful, given that she wants to be the center of attention.

    2.  Mary and Anna need different dresses, they don't look good in these styles,

    3.  The white slip modesty whatever detracts from what would otherwise be very nice dresses for everyone else.  Really, seriously, we couldn't go with the flow and show our knees?  

    4.  Either they didn't rent shoes, or they ended up being short some men's shoes and had to make do. 

    5.  The vintage look for the flower girls and younger boys is cute.

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  5. I am under the opinion that Josh's job consists of public appearances.   Now, there is nothing wrong with that, but let's just all be realistic about it.  I just hope Josh and Anna are stashing their extra money as a future nest egg for when they have a zillion children and no income.  Fame is fleeting.  Celebrity spokesman lose their status at the drop of a hat once they quit doing whatever it is that makes them famous. 19 kids and counting won't last forever.


    One thing that has been bothering me:  Josh and Anna were renting this first house up North. They painted that extra room (the Jim Bob and Michelle romantic getaway room) and installed cabinets. Wonder how the landlord felt about that?

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  6. I think Jessa and Ben's courtship will begin moving along now that Jill has married.  I do not think that is because they 'have let Jill have her day in the limelight'.  I do think they have been taking it slower because they are younger, Ben is still in school, and they don't have money. (again, Jim Bob and Michelle have money, the offspring don't).  However, once these two see the freedom that Derick and Jill have since they got married, they are going to be lusting after that for themselves.   If Derick can resist the Duggar-Gothard cult worship, Jill has a chance to a lot more freedom.  Jessa wants that for herself.   


    To me, the only things that might slow this down are 1. If Ben and Jessa are smart enough to realize Derick's education makes a big difference, or 2.  Ben or Jessa's parental units refuse to give permission for engagement until some goal is met.

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  7. Really?  It will be difficult to keep a pregnancy quiet as a police detective?  What do you think the tip-off will be?  The morning sickness, the increased sensitivity to smells, the big round belly, the waddling or the maternity clothes?

  8. The Jill doesn't take regular showers?


    It's been said that the Duggars used to bathe their children in order from the cleanest to the dirtiest in the same water.  I expect that they would change it after a few baths, but not a clean tub for each of the 19.  Also, with 19 children, often traveling in that camper, I really do not think that they all get a bath or shower every day.

  9. It's going to be an interesting first year for Jill and Derek.  Hope they figure out how to effectively discuss something on their own.... without Jill constantly phoning home to ensure Pops is on board.   How is Jill going to be able to handle Derick doing any of the following -   actually enjoying wasting time in front of the TV,  or going to ball games with his friends (that's called a hobby, Pops), speaking to young women that he is actually friends with, maybe going out to lunch with a mixed gender group of friends at work, having a Mom that wears pants, having a Mom that goes places without an accountability partner, and so forth?  How is Derick going to be able to handle Jill constantly asking his permission to go to the store, pick an outfit, meet a friend for lunch, etc, etc.  How is Derick going  to handle 20 Duggars underfoot any night of the week, all weekend, in-laws that complain when he can't take time off from work to go on tour, and so forth?. Do you think Jim Bob will pressure Derick to quit his job and go to work in Duggarland?


    Wonder what Jill said when she found out Derick sleeps in either his underwear, nude or in pajama pants?  Wonder what Derick said when she came to bed in a polo shirt and denim skirt? Wonder what they said when he took a shower every day and she didn't.


    The first year is hard when you come from similar backgrounds.  This will be difficult for them,.

    • Love 10
  10. It was much better than I thought it would be.  Classily handled, and I liked how the case tied (traumatic event, loss of a loved one).  The coffee scene was excellent, the co-workers grief was spot-on,  The only issue I have is that we DO know how the actor died, and I felt 'what a wonderful world' was jarring with that.  Beautiful song though. 

  11. In the Midwest (other than Chicago), the dollar dance is quite common.  You can participate or not, and usually people line up to do so.   Those of us at a certain age remember how expensive it is to start your lives together and are happy to contribute a few dollars.  However, that is because we refuse to buy gifts that we can't afford, or travel to weddings that we really don't want to attend.   Also, I do not believe that Jill has much money regardless of what her Dad has.  Any book money has to be divided among the four of them, and I bet Jim Bob charges expenses to the young women for the book tour, etc. 


    Maybe the 'cop car' is the old one that Jim Bob keeps at the end of his lane to discourage looky-loos.


    Glad to see that Derick and Jill are quietly being defiant with facial hair at the wedding, and a beautiful cap sleeve dress.  I just hope they continue to do so.

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  12. Did I miss something?  didn't last season end with the Masons separated from the 2nd mass in search of Anne and Lexie, who was an infant going on six?  Now, all of a sudden, they are back with the group and nearing Charleston.. and Lexie is still six?   4 months later, she is an adult.  Anne, who lost her first husband and child without turning all warrish, is leading  the 2nd mass? Maggie has turned into Suzy Homemaker, Lourdes is babysitter deluxe, Hitler has arrived, the Volm are useless.  Only Pope is still the same as ever?  What a mess of an episode.  Why can't the writers LEAVE WELL ENOUGH ALONE. 

  13. In a lot of old movies from my childhood, the bride often changed into a 'travel dress' during the reception so that they could leave straight from there instead of going back to the house to change.  My son's bride changed into a dress between the pictures and the dinner for the same reason.


    Haven't read the full people article yet, just saw some pictures.  Jill's dress was a lot prettier than I expected, and I am glad she didn't feel the need to have long sleeve, and/or a jacket (since they multi-layer everything).   Hope that Derick's Mom has a curable form of cancer and that this is a bump in the road.  Maybe Jill will get to spend some quality time with her while she is in treatment.

    • Love 2
  14. I guess I am in the minority, but I really didn't like the Frost car accident.  Just once, I wish a show would just announce that the actor passed away, and not resolve it with the character dying or somehow leaving the show. It doesn't have to be resolved.  It gave me a very uncomfortable 'walking on a grave' type feeling.  I will watch next week's episode (sort of as  I do other household things), only to see if there is any other sub-plot going on. 


    FYI - the first several Rizzoli/Isles novels were very Jane heavy, and then some were Maura heavy.  As another poster stated, the show only sort of follows the books.  Maura is much more calm and severe in the books.  Jane is pretty much Jane, except there is Dean and there is not Casey or Martinez. The Rizzoli's are only sort of like the book.   They are 'friends', not BFF teen types forever. 

  15. There's nothing wrong with a half-carat diamond engagement ring (mine is 3/8, and I was the one that selected it once my fiancée proposed).  It's plenty big enough for us middle class folks.   Josh got engaged to Anna on the first season of xx kids and counting.... he wasn't rich.   I know there is a 'standard' of 2 months pay should be used to buy the ring, but that's just a waste of money.  If you really want to wear your ring 24 /7, a huge raised diamond does nothing but get in the way.

    • Love 13
  16. Michelle seems to have forgotten that Josh has already moved to Washington, so their family is already physically split-up (which is what she is referring to - physical geographical distance).  Since she literally believes she gives her daughters away upon marriage, why isn't she more concerned about emotional distance, the fact that Derick's family is more liberal than hers,  and that Jill won't be answering to her commands anymore.   The truth is, what she is concerned about is that she will have one less daily helper.

    • Love 3
  17. Meri (can't believe I am defending her) never once said she wouldn't continue to HELP Robin, just that she was going to be going back to school,  As to the cost,... all she has to pay is tuition and fees based upon the number of hours she takes, no room/no board, no extra spending money.  It's not going to cost her (out of her budget) that much.  Most likely not more than the rest of the stupid ways they spend their money.   At the end of the studying, maybe there will be a real job with benefits. 


    Robin has 4 children, 1 of which has Asberger's, 1 part time boyfriend, and 1 ex-husband in another state that she drives to sometimes. She does not need another baby.  Take care of the ones you have, enjoy your bonus kids.  Don't try to compete with the fact that Christine and Janelle (you know, your boyfriends' other girlfriends) both have six.


    MyKelti and John were very respectful of Kody and Christine's nonsense.  really hormones pass thru the kiss, and  you only get your heart broken if there is physical contact? When did the Duggars show up?  This from a man who kissed Robin on the sly? Would love to know what John's parents thought of this conversation.


    I really hope Logan and Aspen are branching out from this nonsense.

    • Love 3
  18. I have always liked Joe....right up until he took  the 'I am a brother of Jessa, I must order around and try to intimidate her boyfriend' attitude.    Watching the offspring develop and extend their parent's legalistic, judgemental old-world Christian attitudes is scary.  There is no concept of GRACE and JOY that comes with moderate Christian belief.   I had hoped Joe was going to break away, but I no longer think so.   

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  19. I doubt that Derrick is making a large salary just yet, this is his first accounting job.  He probably got an offer close to the minimum of the pay scale for the job.   He's also most likely paying the chaperones way every time he takes Jill out, plus is probably going out with his friends and family that he hasn't seen in 2 years.  He's also got costs of his own to pay for this wedding,,,, groomsman gifts will probably cost him a fortune.   He's probably also been paying rent to live in his parents home(most 25 year olds with a job should). 


    About Jill's comments while trying on the wedding dress (being comfortable in, rather than mentioning modesty), she's been out in the 'work force' for a while.  My guess is that she has either attended some employee training about diversity, read some in her textbooks, or heard about any new orientation course that Derick took at Wal-mart.  She may have come to realize that insulting others because they are not like you doesn't play well in the work force.

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  20. The fact that they think they should control their adult children to the extent they do.  My youngest is 22, recently graduated from college and back home.  It's hard trying to treat him as an adult 24/7, but I certainly do better than the Duggars at it... because I try.  They don't even acknowledge adulthood in anyone but Josh, because to them it only occurs in a magical marriage ceremony.  Josh hasn't fully escaped, hence the monthly trips home, the various siblings that end up in his home 24/7, the constant having to bite his tongue at Duggar time, his Dad's treatment of Anna.  Yes, I AM referring to the 'holiday meal' fiasco.

    • Love 1
  21. Truthfully, I doubt the Duggars are making any money from the song.  Walker  wrote it  and agreed to perform most likely under the theory that HE got to keep the rights to the song.   Maybe Derrick and Jill together will make some percentage, but I hope Jim Bob gets nothing.  Because, I think he and Michelle have formed a corporation to get the TLC money, and probably consider all the offspring volunteers rather than employees.

  22. The proposal was nice (sweet, there I said it).  Jill was expecting it, because they had probably been discussing the possibility just like normal couples do.  Very few  men are going to propose unless they have an inkling the woman will be saying yes.   I have to sound off like everyone else that Michelle couldn't just BE QUIET and let Derick and Jill make their announcement.  I gagged when Derick and Jill commented that they 'had gotten permission' to hold hands now.... aren't they the ones making their courtship rules?  But, of course, we know they aren't. 

    The wedding dress staged event was sad, neither Jill nor Jessa wanted to try on the dresses (who doesn't want to try on wedding dresses?  Jessa was superstitious (kind of odd for a fundy ... wouldn't that be blasphemy of a sort?).  I think it was an attempt to include the audience in seeing Jill in a wedding dress, and that the actual wedding dress purchase will not be televised. 

    Loved, loved seeing Derick and his Mom.  Such natural closeness, she wore pants, and acted like a MOM who knew her son and wanted to make him less nervous.  I saw no advice like that for Josh when he was going to ask Anna to marry him.

    There is (IMO) something wrong with Josie, maybe on the autism scale.  What was all that fake fly routine, and  then eating same?   She's old enough now to know better than that in a TH segment.  Of course, Jana must not have been present.

    Jim Bob is such a bad actor.  He knew very well that Derick had a job offer, and was taking it.  That would have already been one of the group texts/phone calls. 

  23. A while back (a year or so), there was a session with the four oldest girls,, and the girls were asked if they were courting.  Jana's answer was 'There was a guy, but....'. and she shrugged sadly.  I got the impression that she had found someone who didn't or wouldn't meet the Duggar standards.  Rumor was that someone had been texting her without the Duggar blessing or group texts.   It has always been said that Jana wants to be a SAHM.    I think Jana is one that would have benefited by a regular school, and a community college, a real church with a membership of more than a few families where she could have met various people and found a mate over time.  I think she is just not forceful enough to get her wishes known and tolerated by her parents the way Jill and Jessa are. 

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