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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. I can't figure out why this particular group thinks they are in a game show where the goal is to make all the other contestants miserable . If they concerned themselves more with their partner and less with Aviva/Reed, maybe they would get along. Heidi shows no growth at all - even Spencer has shown more. I am more disgusted by Jim and Elizabeth letting this abuse of fellow casts mates go on than by their silly exercises.

    • Love 3
  2. I don't go to psychics, but it is because I have heard horror stories about people getting hooked on them and spending thousands of dollars.  It's not because I think they are evil other than that.   I fail to understand people who drink, have s*x with other guys (Tonya) while still married to her long distance husband, curse, call people awful names, be generally rude, obnoxious, disrespectful, selfish.... etc..... be so adamant about their Christian background in discussing a psychic.  That's usually reserved for fundies or Pentacostals who also think alcohol, movies and card games are evil.    Why go to New Orleans, the capital  of U.S. Voodoo, and Bourbon Street if you are going to all of a sudden be so conservative. 

    • Love 7
  3. I can't fault Nora for thinking he was crazy. I can't fault her for thinking its a miracle and we should all be happy. I can fault her for going so far as to attempt to shoot him to watch him not die. And I can fault her for not respecting his need to live his new life in private.

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  4. Don Lemon isn't 'tainted' by scandal..... he just brings way too much of his own agenda into his program.   I want the news, not Don's opinion on social issues.  Same with Chris Cuomo, he can't just do the news, he has to tell me how I am supposed to feel about it.   Anderson does a better job of being a little more circumspect about it.


    I am tired of CNNs repetitive taped shows.  I don't care about Morgan Spurlock or Anthony Bordain (sp?) or Blackfish (for the 150th repeat of the broadcast) or Death Row Stories.  I have other channels for that stuff.  I want a good 24 hour news station.  I do like CNNI when it comes on because it is the News as it is right then, not a 3rd repeat of Andersons nightly broadcast. 

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  5. Haven't watched yet, but the M word issue was also featured on last season , they all gave their opinion, so why argue over it again?     As a poster said, quit giving the word the power to offend.   If someone wants to be rude and negative, they can still do it while calling them little people.


    I don't believe these people are friends.  They don't act like friends, they don't talk about each other as if they were friends.  Tonya and Tracy get offended if anyone else gets a chance at happiness (IVF, boyfriend comes camping)as if they were the only people in the world that can have IVF or boyfriends.  Terra gets offended by the mere existence of a past girlfriend while giving Joe a pass on the whole matter.  In fact, Terra gets offended because she believes this is HER show and everyone else is an extra. 

    • Love 4
  6. OK, now I've watched the whole thing,  I think the ex-party was a mistake in the first place.  You shouldn't single out one woman and just bring a bunch of ex-dates for her to mingle with.  You should make it a party with as many of your single friends of both genders as you can.  Less pressure for Tonya, and lots more fun for everyone else.  


    It is obvious that Leila really cares for Joe.  Meanwhile he talks trash about her at the top of his lungs - an obvious sign that he's afraid of getting caught in something.  Otherwise, he would have just said - the dating part was a very short term thing, didn't work out. Terra (as Todd said at the other party) is no lady.  She has the mouth of a sailor.

    I'm really tired of the concentration on these people's sex life.  I don't need to know Joe's size. 

    The house hunting was silly.  The realtor should have taken one look at Eric, and crossed off all the multi-story houses off her list.   I'd be finding me a new realtor. 

    Glad to see Christy carefully tell Brianna to slow down with Matt. 

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  7. didn't watch it yet (except for last 5 minutes), but why would married folks remain at an ex-date party longer than to introduce an ex-date?  And, then be affronted because one of their ex-dates is there?  Presumably an ex-date party consists of attendee's ex-dates?  So who did these married folks bring as their ex-dates?


     I just re-read the summary above, so now I know why Terra and Joe stayed.   However, being as Terra destroyed the party that Christy and Todd gave, I can't get all that upset at Christy and Todd returning the favor. 

    • Love 2
  8. Natalie is something, isn't she? Posts all kinds of risqué pictures of herself, but comes unglued at picture of Jacob shirtless?  Can't even see the turn about is fair play part of it?  Heidi knew what she was doing when she took that picture - even though I don't think she knew what Natalie said when she and Jacob arrived at the house.


    Regarding the 'date' concept... there are always a couple that pair the 'right' people together, but then the leftover spouses have to go somewhere.  Aviva and Tyson, for example.  Neither of them saw the point of that date - if there was one.  I only know of Aviva from this show, so I can't picture her taking off her leg and throwing it at someone - but I am sure she did, since it was taped, right?


    Heidi, Natalie, and Reed deliberately invaded other people's privacy that had nothing to do with their own marriage.  I understand Reed wanting to see Aviva's game-changer, but why were Heidi and Natalie concerned with anyone's envelopes other than their own spouses'?  I understand this is a silly reality show, but I do think there might be a glimmer of info for the couples to gain during the show about their OWN marriages.  Several of these people aren't even pretending to try - nor are they interested in doing so. 

    Natalie/Jacob - doomed within 3 years

    Tyson/Rachel - still unsure 

    Aviva/Reed - not seeing the problem here in the first place

    Serena/?Kwaon - these two will be just fine 

    Heidi/Spencer - doomed when the fame runs out

  9. Every year there are a couple of contestants who don't lose much weight overall.  Zina, for example.  Every year, there are a couple who did well at the ranch, but don't lose much (or any) more once they leave.  Damien for example.  The man has 7 kids, and went back to work as a sports analyst.  I bet he could only do the standard 1hr workout, rather than the 6 hours the show recommends.  He still looked great.


    At least, none of the contestants looked like skeletons this year... although Rob's quick weight loss did make him look a little off.   I like him (in the minority, I know) because he didn't blame anyone/anything else for his weight.   He didn't dedicate his weight loss to anyone, he just went out and lost weight.  Now, if someone could just give the guy some therapy and some social skills.  Sonya looked great.  I am really surprised the three finalists were so close this year.


    I don't know who picks out the clothes, but Blake was very uncomfortable in her short dress.  I noticed she kept tugging at the hem - even though her dress was not so short as to be obscene (like Rebecca from several years ago).

    • Love 4
  10. I'm going to give Terra's Mom the benefit of the doubt.  She raised two little people.  If anyone understands the health issues that Terra's baby could have, it's Terra's Mom. Any of us that are Moms of kids who have/had health issues can relate to what she's gone thru.  You sit in the hospital room wanting to do something, anything to make your child ok.  Maybe she doesn't want Terra and Joe to have that helpless feeling .


    Brianna's parents should have at least taken the time to meet Matt.   Then they could have talked with her, rather than AT her.  She's an adult, with a child.  She's not under their control. I also see red flags, but talking AT  her isn't going to help.  Regarding the song, she should have used a song she had ready.   

  11. Janelle has always been upfront about that fact that there is a mortgage payment, that there is tuition, fees and room and board required for college, the kids do need tennis shoes, and so forth.  She (and her children) are the ones most likely to land on their feet when the show goes bye-bye.  I fully expect that she will be the only one to keep her home - because I think she has been saving some of her family share of the TLC money in an emergency fund .  Of course, she will move Kody in with her.  I am sure she will also move the Kodettes, and the other offspring in to0.  After all, it will be another year or two, so a couple more children will have left.  

  12. 5 of these 6 little women have to be the least likeable little people I have ever watched on TV, and that includes Matt Roloff. Only Brianna seems normal.  Terra can tell whomever she wants about her pregnancy on her own schedule..  Tonya and Tracy grilling her and ordering her to apologize for not telling them first was like watching mean high school girls bullying the class brain.  And, why go to a barbeque hosted by someone that none of you get along with - unless the whole thing is a must attend scripted drama. 


    I did feel happiness, and then sadness for Tracy with her issue.  I do feel concern for Joe and Terra's worries about the baby's health. 

    But I don't like most of these people.


    ETA:  I don't like any of  the little men on this show either.  The entire barbeque scene was classless by everyone involved.  You are at Todd and Christy's home, you don't attack them there.  Leave if you can't get along.  Todd defends his wife, and Eric takes exception... while he is defending his own wife Tracy.   Do none of these people realize that they need to police their own behavior?   If you don't like Christy, then don't be around her.  If you told Elena before Tonya and Tracy, then just own up to it, and tell those two it is none of their business. 

    • Love 3
  13. We've been told for several seasons that the Brown's left their 'church family', and their actual families to move to Vegas.  We've been told for YEARS that Meri, Christine, and Robyn all grew up in polygamy.  We've been told that Kody's parents came from polygamy and converted their own marriage to polygamy when Kody was a young adult.  We've been told they have roots in Montana, and Wyoming, and that Robyn's ex still lives in that area...why do the Browns' act as if meeting another polygamous family is so unusual for them? 


    Why do the Colliers' say that they are all alone, when they obviously live close to either Kody's family or Robyn's ex? Why would the husband  thinks he can thumb his nose at the LDS church, and not get excommunicated?   Why would you continue to go to that church if you didn't believe in one of their core rules?


    Why does Christine (who says she never asks personal questions because it is rude) feel like she can ask what their schedule is, how they do things, and so forth?


    How does a man stay married to 4 women (3 for 20 years or more) without understanding PMS, and learning how to deal with it?  Why does he feel the need /have the right to dress Christine down as if he is her parent? Why does he not feel that he should be the one to change if they are not happy?  He's the one that is married to other people, therefore as the Collier male says, it's on him if they are jealous or feel ignored. 


    As for Dayton, he obviously did feel pressured to get on the ATV.  Why didn't Robyn find something else for several of the older offspring to do instead?  I bet that surgeon was not impressed with his handiwork being risked so soon after surgery. 

    • Love 14
  14. Ok enlighten me.  I thought Jill and Derick lived very near the Duggar compound, not in a separate city.

    Jill and Derick live in (or next to) Rogers, Ark, close to Bentonville where Derick works.  I think they only live about 5 minutes from the church they got married in.  Jill has posted pictures of those crosses that can be seen from their patio.  My understanding is that it is 30 minutes from the Duggars ... who live outside of Tonitown?, even though TLC keeps showing a Springdale city limit sign.

    Copy function not working, so couldn't add a quote about Jim Bob's 'barefoot and'... comment.  Given the apparent absolute adherence to the chaperone and touching restrictions that Jerick were commanded to follow, it would be unbelievable to think that sex occurred before marriage for them.   Now, Benessa, not so much (I think Jessa could (not implying she did) have snuck down to the shed at night at  if she had really tried).  Can't wait to see how these restrictions work when the younger children get of age, and the older children have fled the compound  

  15. I'm kind of loving this whole 2nd car discussion as it epitomizes USA values in a way. I feel it encumbent upon me as European to assure everyone that yes, you can live a happy, fulfilling and safe life without a second car. Or even *gasp* without any car at all



    In the USA,  it depends on where you live.   Josh and Anna live close (but not close enough) to Washington DC, where there is lots of public transportation that can get you lots of places.  Jim Bob and Michelle live in the country, next to a small town.  There is usually no bus service that can get you to the places you need to go, and definitely no train service.  Jill and Derick live in a larger town, but I would still guess that bus service only runs during the normal commute hours, and only on a few routes.  She can't get to her parent 's home without a car.... a taxi would be unafforadable on a regular basis.   They live about 30 minutes away, so she can't count on round trip pick-up from her sisters either.   

    • Love 3
  16. Chisty just can't help herself, she has to start trouble.  Elena tells her she knew about Terra's pregnancy ahead of time, and not to tell the others.  She just couldn't wait to tell Tonya and Tracy.  Terra is a grown woman, she can tell whomever she wants whenever she wants.  Tracy has been trying to get pregnant 2 months,  a little over emotional at this point.


    Elena does not understand what a burlesque show is... of course random women will set on her husband's lap.


    Is this a show about 6 little women's lives, or just their sex lives?  Because after the first 10 minutes, I wasn't sure. 

    • Love 4
  17. Fosca


    Supposedly he sent a text encouraging Kody to come back to the standard Mormon religion, but commented that he would have to leave 3 of his wives behind.  It seems this text was sent some time ago, shortly after the 'class reunion' episode was filmed. 


    Ken was up front about his views in the clip they showed from that reunion, with the wives sitting there.  Why would Christine expect his views in a text to be any different?  Of course, as a standard Mormon, he''s going to encourage people he feels have strayed to return to the church and follow the teachings.


    What I found much more interesting is Kody's comment that one of his sisters also thinks Kody needs to return to the Mormon faith and leave 3 of his wives.  I don't hear Christine comment on that.... it was the first time we have heard that any of Kody's siblings, other than Curtis, were  monogamists. Of course', we have only seen 3 of Kodys' sibings featured on the show. 

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  18. CNN talks a good game, but didn't walk it.   I turned on CNN New Day this morning, and heard the new voice-over of the anchor's names.  Kate was replaced over the weekend with the woman that has been filling in for her.  So much for all CNN's liberal leanings, they replace a woman permanently while she is on maternity leave.  ;


    Yes, New Day needed retooled.... but they replaced the wrong person with the wrong person.  Kate was the anchor on this show that I liked most... with CNN's new golden boy, Chris being my least.  Michaela has a limited presence, and does do the role assigned to her appropriately.   Kate always seemed both professional and knowledgeable.  The new anchor seems professional, but is far too stiff in front of the cameras and follows Christ's lead of wearing her opinions on her sleeve. 

    • Love 1
  19. I must be in the minority, because I thought Scott was the one being rude and so forth in the Woody-Scott battle.  He's taking the 'Glory Day' trash talk a little serious in that gym.  If I remember right, Scott had the lowest weight loss the week he was voted off... and he clearly has the ability to lose the weight.  Toma seems rather depressed about his Dad's death - 9 years ago, and I think he did need to be there more.  Plus, it may have been a stragetic vote of the other players - they are playing to win, you know.  


    Sonya  and Toma looked wonderful. Ron looked good - he still lacks self-confidance and it shows.  Lori looked ok. She's just got too leatherly of skin to look great.  Scott does look wonderful, and Woody looks good. 

    • Love 1
  20. I have trouble watching Tonya.  She has such a bold brash attitude.  She causes a lot of her own relationship and friend issues.  I do think she needed to confront Trevor, but not in front of his Mom when she was hosting her for dinner.  However, that seems to be her only way of discussing issues that annoy her.  


    As to Tracy's wedding, and Brianna not being there...  It seemed well attended.  People don't show up for a lot of reasons even when planning to... and usually 's due to something going on in their own life.   Tracy didn't need to get all boo-hoo about it.  It was certainly none of Terra, Tonya, and Elena's business.  I'm sure they have skipped people's weddings before.   Tracy seems like a much more normal person than those 3, but the world does not revolve around her. She also needs to quit attacking people in groups as she did Brianna at a party.  She also needs to chill out about the pregnancy, give it a couple years. 


    Christie is just self-centered and immature.  I've heard that addition stops maturity growth at the point of addition, and it restarts when the addition is mastered, so she is still playing catch-up, I guess.  


    Terra is going to change a lot in the next few months- hopefully.  She also is self-centered, and she's going to have to grow out of that when the baby gets here.   Her 'career' won't work well with a baby on board - not at the salary level she appears to be at.

  21. Yamir will struggle unless his English improves massively. Given he's living in an English-speaking country in a part of the world that doesn't have a huge Latino population, he should be speaking English much more fluently than he showed on the reunion. He and Chelsea need a big reality check otherwise they won't be able to manage by themselves.



    Actually, central/west central Illinois has a fairly large Latino presence.  Yamir said he works in a meat packing plant.  The ones in that area of Illinois are largely staffed by immigrants from Mexico and further south, who do not speak English.  He's probably getting along fairly well during the work day without learning English. 

    • Love 1
  22. Oh man, what a train wreck,   Brett is just creepy.  He could have found a religious person here who didn't believe in divorce.  Instead he goes somewhere to get someone who would consider herself a criminal to get divorced, on top of having to leave the country if she got divorced.  His life is never going to go well with his creepiness. Deya isn't any more lovable that she was before.  She cries to get Brett to do whatever she wants, and considers herself 'judged' because someone didn't agree with her every word. 


    Danielle is just a mess.  She is one of 'those women' who must have a man in order to validate her existence.  Mo should have known what the legal requirements were for working here, and what his life was going to be like.  Who jumps off the ship into the water like this without knowing how deep the water is?  I don't feel sorry for either of them.  I feel sorry for Dani's kids, who must 'raise' Dani instead of the other way around.... and now have a 26 year old unemployed gigolo to take care of too. 


    Who cares when Danny and Amy had sex?  


    Why does Cassia think every question is directed to her?


    Why are they covering the same topic over and over - Mo's visit to the lawyer was the same day as the drama before the wedding?  Why discuss it in multiple segments as if it is two different timeframes?  Danny and Amy discussed her present relationship with Danny's Dad more than once.  There were lots of other topics to cover.

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