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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. Yamir will struggle unless his English improves massively. Given he's living in an English-speaking country in a part of the world that doesn't have a huge Latino population, he should be speaking English much more fluently than he showed on the reunion. He and Chelsea need a big reality check otherwise they won't be able to manage by themselves.



    Actually, central/west central Illinois has a fairly large Latino presence.  Yamir said he works in a meat packing plant.  The ones in that area of Illinois are largely staffed by immigrants from Mexico and further south, who do not speak English.  He's probably getting along fairly well during the work day without learning English. 

    • Love 1
  2. Oh man, what a train wreck,   Brett is just creepy.  He could have found a religious person here who didn't believe in divorce.  Instead he goes somewhere to get someone who would consider herself a criminal to get divorced, on top of having to leave the country if she got divorced.  His life is never going to go well with his creepiness. Deya isn't any more lovable that she was before.  She cries to get Brett to do whatever she wants, and considers herself 'judged' because someone didn't agree with her every word. 


    Danielle is just a mess.  She is one of 'those women' who must have a man in order to validate her existence.  Mo should have known what the legal requirements were for working here, and what his life was going to be like.  Who jumps off the ship into the water like this without knowing how deep the water is?  I don't feel sorry for either of them.  I feel sorry for Dani's kids, who must 'raise' Dani instead of the other way around.... and now have a 26 year old unemployed gigolo to take care of too. 


    Who cares when Danny and Amy had sex?  


    Why does Cassia think every question is directed to her?


    Why are they covering the same topic over and over - Mo's visit to the lawyer was the same day as the drama before the wedding?  Why discuss it in multiple segments as if it is two different timeframes?  Danny and Amy discussed her present relationship with Danny's Dad more than once.  There were lots of other topics to cover.

    • Love 2
  3. I'm thinking Rob has some issues - he's seems to have both anger and anxiety issues.  He may have been eating  for comfort  and control(as  in eating because it was the one thing in his life that he could do without other people dictating it).   I feel very very sorry for him.  I am glad to see him losing weight, hope it gives him something to feel good about himself. 


    Since we didn't get to see Jordan at Comeback Canyon, maybe he refused to go since it was so close to his wife's due date.


    Rooting for Sonya - she's from my area.

    • Love 2
  4. So a Christian paper leads with that headline and  has obviously not spoken to the couple, just read their instagram wedding photo captions.   And has nothing to substantiate that rumor?   I don't read 'news' sites that have no basis in truth whatsoever.  Now, forums such as ours are different.   We freely admit we are guessing and speculating. 

    • Love 3

    Well I remember Derick's mom telling him just to date one girl then get married because it would save money on buying presents so I'm thinking that Derick was waiting for that one girl and Jill fit the bill


    I think that what she said (in a TH, in probably what was a response to a question about courting), was that while her children did not 'court', she encouraged them when they were YOUNGER to do things in groups rather than date, because it was so expensive.  Think about it - Derek's Dad died when he was 18 and Dan was 14?  She became a single parent, and didn't have a lot of money to be helping them take girls to dinner, movies, etc.  If you hang out in groups, you only have to pay for yourself.   With the cost of things these days, a lot of high school and college age boys are limiting their dating because they just can't afford it.  I don't think she was philosophically opposed to them having girfriends  Although like lots of parents, she probably didn't want them to get too serious with anyone too early in life.  

    • Love 3
  6. I do NOT get why Missy is so loved by her alliance.   Jon gives up food and a shower to Baylor so she can be with Missy.... she's been right by her side for weeks.  Everyone just bends over backwards so Missy can eat, get reward, whatever it is.  People are babying her, and taking her to the end. Meanwhile, she's choosing Jon over a strategic move than will get either herself or her daughter closer to a million dollars.  She continues to show me just how non-functioning her logic skills are.  I truly feel sorry for Baylor.

    • Love 7
  7. The 'shunning' in the Kellar family (if there was any), had to do with the fact that the son denounced his fundyness and moved to a less conservative lifestyle with his wife.  The story was that he did so at his wife's urging, and that meant he wasn't being a 'good head of the household'.  He wasn't following his father's wishes.  It goes back to the theory that is is ok for a daughter to go fundy-lite at her husband's decree,but not the other way around. 

    • Love 1
  8. I will miss Candy.  She and John King are/were my favorite CNN political people.  Those two are pretty good at reporting, interviewing, etc without you being able to tell what their personal political leanings are.  


    Since I work during the day, I can't speak for the attitude of the reporter/answers between the hours of 7:30 AM to 5:00PM Central Time, but the ones on the rest of the time forget they are doing news and think they are doing a talk show. 

    • Love 2
  9. I don't think it was Jill and Derick that said they only watched videos.  That was the original Jim Bob and Michelle's story, and then Josh and Anna's.  I don't read all the articles on the internet about Jillard so I could be wrong.    Derick likes TV, people have commented on his old facebook likes, etc.   His Mom and Step-dad like TV, as does his brother.   They are not all going to shut off their daily activities for her - as evidenced by the fact that Cathy wears jeans around her. 


    Now, Derick and Jill may limit their television to mostly political or news shows, religious programming or 'G' rated shows.  They may even respect the Duggars' wishes regarding TV when Jill's siblings come over.  But I don't see a normal college educated male swearing off TV with all the channels and content available these days.  Also - does Netflix, cable on-demand and movie rentals count as video? 


    I also don't think that Josh can avoid watching TV with his  job.  He has to watch the political pundits, I am sure. 

    • Love 4

    Not that what people refer to as 'helicopter parenting' is part of that.  I'm a proud, heavily-involved parent and people who don't like it can kiss my ass, so I suppose who am I to judge her gestures?  lol


    What Missy does is in no way helicopter parenting.  What she does is 'your kid looked at  my kid funny... I'm going to beat your ***'  type of parenting.   Helicopter parents want their kids to turn out successful, and wouldn't tolerate their children being bullies, wearing low cut tops , skirts up to here, and so forth. Missy would thrive on having a daughter that did all that. 

    • Love 4
  11. Have to agree that Jon/Jaclyn thinking that they have all the power as the swing votes is not very bright.  The swing votes get voted out as soon as  their vote is not needed. Also have to agree they are way way entitled.  Comes from being a beauty queen, and whatever it is that Jon is.


    Sometimes I see flashes of maturity in Baylor, mostly in relation to how her Mom makes very very bad choices in her personal life.  However, that does not preclude Baylor from being a brat.  Brat doesn't  mean evil, and it is definitely not as bad as Jon/Jaclyn's entitlement issues - however, if Baylor had money, then she would feel entitled.  Missy - there is only a couple of words that come to mind to truly describe Missy, and it would be catty to say them.  She will never have anything of material value, if she wins the million, she will blow it on lots of stuff known as vices, and be one of those lottery winner types that end up bankrupt.  She's just that non-intelligent. .   


    Truth is I'm hoping for Keith.  He works hard, wins challenges, and is highly entertaining.

    • Love 1
  12. I can't get upset at Jill and Derick being overshadowed for 5 minutes by Josh and Anna.  The name of the show is 19 kids and counting.  First of all, got to keep the counting thing in the spotlight with pregnancy announcements.  Second - there are 19 kids - there is usually always going to be something 'newsworthy' going on with several at the same time.  If we only focus on one at a time, we won't hear about those events for the other 18 until some distant point in the future. 

    • Love 5
  13. It will be interesting to see Jim Bob and MIchelle's reactions to grandchildren now that 3 offspring are encouraged to have children. Very soon they will go from having  3 to having 5 and then upwards.  Having 3 of different ages from one son is different than several of close age from several children that you see a lot.  As Michelle's babysitting offspring branch off to marriage, that will leave Michelle to babysit her own grandchildren.   What's going happen when she invariably refuses to babysit one or more offspring's offspring?  There will be hard feelings on the part of the spouse, at the very least.   Especially since she is so adamant about 'being there' for your spouse and having regular date nights, etc.  What's going to happen when she starts favoring the local grandchildren over the distant ones?

  14. What annoys me the most about Stevie is that she left college because people wanted to use her to get to her Mom..... so she moves to WASHINGTON,DC and lives with her parents.  WASHINGTON, DC.... where everyone wants to use her to get to her Mom.   I know it is a storyline, but staying at college where the story would have died down would have been a better option.  Or, transferring to a college where a lot of politicians' offspring were at.   

  15. Wonder how CNN will cover the next murder OF a cop that happened because he/she hesitates to use deadly force?    None of us were there that night, we have to trust the grand jury.  CNN has done nothing but fan the flames.  They aren't once trying to remain neutral.  I'm about ready to go back to the 30 minute network news cast.

    • Love 2
  16. Lots of singers use stage names, some that totally butcher their actual last names.  In the case of Martin Sheen, one son uses Sheen, one uses Martin's actual last name.  Lots of celebs use a  name that isn't in any way related to them.  So, I am fine with Amy's publically using Duggar for name recognition.  I will agree that Any doesn't have the talent to be a singer headlining shows - but I think she could do singing in any of the Nashville, Memphis night spots, or in lots of the Vegas bar lounges, cruise ships, etc.  There is nothing wrong with that as long as she feels satisfied with it. 


    Hannah seemed more high spirited in the episode and it was nice to see a child treat their Dad as a normal child would, not as a dutiful robot.  Michelle is definitely medicated, which is not something to make fun of.  The only comment I have on that is she did this to herself.  She could have handled a few children, well spaced in time.... but she chose to be a human puppy mill. 


    Interesting that Derick and Jill were not at the birthday party - does anyone know when it was?  Maybe Derick and Jill are trying to live a more independent life?

    • Love 2
  17. I missed last week's episode, so I will say this:  I could really tell a difference between the players this week and two weeks ago.  It also appears the guy all got their hair cut (aren't they supposed to wait for make-over week?).  I think the weight losses were so low this week because it was a short week (as in only two to 3 days).  That doesn't explain Damien, unless Comeback Canyon's weigh-in isn't filmed on the same day as the rest of them. 


    I am in the minority in that I like Rob, I feel compassion for him as it is obvious that he has self-loathing.  I am torn as to either rooting for Scott or Damien next week, I wish Lori could be the one that is gone.  She needs more mental help than weight loss. 

    • Love 2
  18. What is the deal with the camping?   Josh's family has been traveling in RV's for years, Josh and Anna have too.  Surely they didn't stop at hotels every night of the trip, since they HAD AN RV.  Why are they acting like they have never 'camped' in the RV before, and have no idea how to fix food on the grills in the RV park?


    Who wears Khaki pants while camping (except TFDW)?


    If Priscilla and David have camped all the time, why did they need to buy so much stuff just to include Josh and Anna, who already have a fully stocked RV - see the first comment I made here. 


    How are Priscilla and David going to be fundy parents if they only have a small car?  Will that car even hold both car seats (a lot of compact cars can't hold two car seats since they are so bulky.


    Why must these women fawn all over their 'MEN' and their fish?  Why does every conversation have to end with kisses? Maybe a few times they could vary it with a hug or two instead? 

    • Love 6
  19. I don't know why we needed Hawley in place of Jenny, or why we just can't have Jenny.. . However, if we have to have him, he should be paired with Jenny,  There was a little chemistry there.  Abby/Hawley is just boring... as is Crane/Katrina.   I don't need Frank, but I don't like the new commander.   What happened to the Asian guy, or Luke?  How did the baby get born, as I thought they managed to prevent that last week?


    Why is the Headless Horseman a love-sick puppy, when he is supposed to be a raging maniac?    

  20. Anna said something like "I've taken several pregnancy tests since Marcus was born" which I found really odd. Do they just take a pregnancy test every time they have sex? Do they not wait to miss a period or two before testing? Anna has been pregnant 4 times -- can't she recognize the changes in her body



    Besides all that, why does anyone feel the need to test as soon as 3 or 4 days after they ovulate?   Waiting until two weeks after your period is late seems soon enough.  It's not as if Anna has to quit smoking or drinking and wants to know immediately if she becomes pregnant.   If you wait for a couple weeks, you are less likely to get those failed pregnancy positives, since most miscarriages happen early in the pregnancy. 


    I think what Josh said was 'Anna decided to take a pregnancy test'.    



    I understand why Jana wasn't filmed, but I don't like the idea of PRETENDING she wasn't there.


    It's even worse than Pretending.... it's lying, since they made a big point of saying this was their first trip alone as a family, and that the kids outnumbered the adults.  Really great ministry there. 

    • Love 4
  21. I want Nick to get his Grimmness back, and I want Trouble to leave and take Juliette with her.   Nick needs to be paired with a Wesen .  However, not a bad one like Aunt Marie fell for.

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