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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. They seem to be finding more long term addicts whose bridges with their families have been long burned.  At first,   I couldn't decide whether to dislike his parents or totally understand they had given up a long time ago.  It was amazing that the neighbor hadn't given up yet.  By the end of the episode, I had decided the family had done everything they could.


    His 62 day turnaround was amazing.  However, the therapist indicated he was still having paranoia. Wonder if he will ever be normal. 

    • Love 2
  2. I am almost glad that they have the plane to talk about (no disrespect to the families).  The all Trump coverage was very annoying.   Just because he allows interviews doesn't mean he should have them daily. I'm sure there is some actual news to cover somewhere. 

    • Love 4
  3. For those of you that remember my post a couple weeks ago about Jane's apartment.... I had no prior knowledge, I swear.  But at least we will now have a valid reason to see Jane in Maura's kitchen before breakfast every single work morning. 

    • Love 4
  4. ByTor


    I believe the characters' full name is either Hunter Tyler or maybe Tyler Hunter.   It's been so long since we've heard it that I have forgotten, and quite possibly, no longer care. 

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  5. I think there's something terribly wrong with me. I realized last night that this season's plot actually kinda makes sense. I don't mean it's not stupid, because it is. But instead of last season's disaster of the week it seems they've gone with a season long big bad. I grant you it's a  stupid big bad and there's way, way too much Junior.



    It does make sense.... as long as you don't remember any of the last two seasons.   You know, the two sets of 4 hands, the Monarch when the Monarch meant Angie or Julia, the need for the egg to use Nori's dead Mom to make conversation, the tunnel that led to the park, how every one could handle the intact egg without getting infected as Christine did,the Police Chief dying, etc.  Remember, the dome came down when Christine was infected, and she magically went  underground.... so there wasn't the need for any of the last two seasons abnormalities to take place. 

    • Love 5
  6. Last night's Seventies episode - I'd forgotten how the women's lib movement was so closely 'related' to the sexual revolution - at least in the Male mind.  I've always considered them two different things.  Women's lib was about so much more than whether or not you were a 'good girl' even if you chose to have sex.

    • Love 7
  7. Refresh my memory.... doesn't Angela live in the GUESTHOUSE?  Why isn't she entertaining her cousin there rather than in Maura's main house?  Why isn't Jane visiting her Mom there rather than in Maura's main house? How does Angela even know when Jane is there to come over to the main house to visit?  Of course, that wouldn't give Jane and Maura reasons to be in the same room every off work minute possible. Why don't they just have Jane move into Maura's with an explanation of her apartment being condemned and she doesn't have time to hunt up another one?  


    Not that I want to see them, but where is Tommy, Lydia and the grandbaby?


    Must we have 15 new characters every week?

    • Love 3
  8. Yes, Tom cares about his boys that he raised from birth more than he seemed to care about Lexi - an alien child who he saw briefly as a baby, then again at age 6, and then as an adult.  She was so far out of his comfort zone that he never got the chance to develop normal feelings for her.      He cares deeply about Ann, who doesn't care at all about his boys.  She barely even acknowledges they exist as anything other than militia members.   She has no other family left, she could at least pretend to care about her step-children than she has known for several years now. 


    Weaver is supposed to lead the militia, but defers to Tom about anything other than combat.


    I did not recognize Pope with a shaved head, and found him creepier than normal.  He's never been a stand-up guy, always a renegade (remember the Bezerkers?), wants to be the boss, but never wants to actually lead into combat.  He's always been there for comic relief.  


    Cochise seemed perfectly healthy a week ago.  Kidney failure doesn't happen that fast does it? Not to a species that can self-heal from surgery within minutes?

    • Love 1
  9. The Seventies is a great show.  I've only watched a few episodes, but I enjoy looking back at those times from a historical perspective.  I was 21 when that decade ended so its been amazing seeing those news items again.  The best part - no one sermonizing to us while it plays.  The commentary is informational, and lets you make up your own mind. 


    One thing I have noticed is how that old saying is right: History repeats itself.

    • Love 3
  10. Yes, Norrie is the most entertaining human character this season. Dog is great. .


    In terms of the egg and the infection.  They didn't know if an intact egg would cause an infection.... they only had shards.  They said touching the shards caused the infection.  That seems to be what has happened here.... remember the piece of the egg that was on Christine's window.   No one seemed infected by the intact egg.

    • Love 1
  11. So Julia was going to be the new Monarch, but Christine is the one that was in the 'Queen' cocoon?   Julia was the dome's savior, but now Melanie is attempting to kill her at Christine's direction?   Meanwhile, the only person that was in the cocoon and didn't believe the nonsense was killed - Ben?  Is the egg bi-polar or schitzo? what was the whole purpose of the 4 hands if Christine and Eva were already in the dome and were the queen and her subject?  


    It is like Lost, someone had to change direction in the middle and they don't care about continuity.  And, just like lost, they ruined the whole thing.

    • Love 5
  12. The 'kids' were never properly handled.  Blanche was described as the youngest of the 'girls', had several children.  At the age she was supposed to be at the beginning, at least one of the kids should have been living with her, or at least home from college in the summers.  She was only married for 25 years, and her husband had not been dead very long when the show started. The same for Rose - the 'kid' that slept with Michael was described as 28, and that was several years into the show.  Rose supposedly moved from St. Olaf because she was getting older, but she turned 55 several years into the show. Who would have moved halfway across the country at 50 with children in college?  No one but Sophia was retired, but they all spent hours and hours each week at the senior center, participated in all the special dances, banquets, etc.

    • Love 2
  13. Happy to see Susie in so many scenes.... and  no sign of the new odd guy.

    It is really odd that Jane is there every single morning.  How many people do you know that go over to a co-workers house for breakfast on work days? How convenient that call outs to murders never happen before breakfast.  For that matter, why is Angela still there now that she has a steady job?  Where is the tortoise? 

    • Love 2
  14. I think I agree with a poster that said Davina expected to be matched with 'THE ONE', MR. PERFECT, in the way the old matchmakers from a couple centuries used to do.  When she got Sean, she considered him broken, which maybe he was.  He wasn't MR Perfect, but she wasn't his Ms. Perfect either.  They needed to work together to find areas they could be in agreement on.

    I think they were asked how many nights they spent at the apartment, and said 10 or 12.  So I think it's 10 or 12 out of 35, excluding the honeymoon and the weekend away.  Sean probably worked 12 hour shifts plus overtime, so I still can't fault him for staying in Jersey on work days,  the night's prior to work days, and so forth.  It's just the reality of work.


    There is no way these couples could have been matched in ways that truly considered factors the way the old matchmakers used to do.  Back then they looked at the family backgrounds, living location, religion, and all sorts of factors that would ease someone into a relationship.  The matchmaker knew both families, and knew who might be good fits. There was courting involved, and even then, you could say no.  Even with arranged marriages, the couple is consulted, the families often know each other, and the couple spends time skyping, or visiting with family present.  They often live in the same neighborhood already, so moving and resettling isn't that big a deal.  It's like marrying someone from your hometown vs marrying someone you met at  college from another state. There is not near as many issues if you don't have to relocate.  

    These couples didn't go that route, they went the mail order bride route.  Uproot someone, ship them out on a stagecoach to be someone's bride they had never met with nothing more than a one-page fact sheet, leaving their entire lives behind.  That takes courage. 


    Marriage is a lot of work, and that first year is rough for even couples that have been together a while, or even lived together .To do the first six weeks of marriage with someone you never met and don't really care about.....  A TV show isn't going to generate the commitment level needed. To turn your life upside down for six weeks for a stranger?


    I really cannot get too upset about Ryan R 'cheating' on Jaclyn if they weren't living together. Yes, technically they were married, but this premise was so stupid, that I just can't see it as 'cheating'.  I just can't see the commitment that should have been there for any of them, and I can't see any of them being so in love that they considered themselves married either. If I was so shallow as to have done this show, I would have had to go to Vegas to renew my vows before I felt married. 

    • Love 2
  15. two hours.... at least a 3rd of which was commercials, and another 3rd  in recaps.   


    Experts are so biased in what they wanted the results to be. Only 1 of the 3 couples should have ever been matched, and that was Jaclyn and Ryan.  Why expect Sean to work two hours away from where  they knew he would have to live to be with Davinia?  Did they expect him to quit his job for a 6 week experiment?  I know a lot of you don't like Sean, but Davinia is a piece of work, she didn't own one issue tonight.  She wants a fairy tale Prince Charming. 


    Ryan D is just skeevy.

    • Love 5
  16. Really surprised by Jessica and Ryan even trying, but am happy that they at least honored their commitment by giving it some more time - gather they broke up later.


    Sean and Davina - these two are still 'late sexual developers'. I think that is the term the experts used when saying why they matched them.  Sean is set in his ways -he should have been more honest about not wanting to live more than an hour from his job, friends, and family. He should have been matched with someone of equal financial success. Davina is suffering from successful woman syndrome, accompanied by belief in fairy tales.  She's not going to find someone who is more successful than her on a reality show, and she may need to expand her search beyond  the Upper East Side. Who applies to be on this show and then buys an apartment while waiting to hear back? She wants someone that only exists in a book.  Everyone has flaws, as one of the friends in the advice segment said.... you have to accept people as they are. When you are as successful as she is financially, you have to be willing to be with someone who makes less money than you do.... she wasn't.

    • Love 2
  17. Liberty is probably correct. After the two hours if clips and covering the same scenes 3 times .....

    Jessica and Ryan - not together sort of as in not friends with benefits

    Sean and Davinia - not together

    Jaclyn and Ryan - dating and seeing how it goes

    • Love 2
  18. If they had just stayed silent after their statements, ended their show, not started another.... Then in a few years the offspring could have gone on missions, and lived their lives. Instead they had to stir up interest again. There is nothing they can say to make this better. Jill and Jessa could have issued a statement about their outrage at being outed as victims. Besides the fact that Derick and Ben didn't sign on for this situation, I am guessing Derick had to work ( interview during the day), and maybe Ben did too. But I firmly believe that Jim Bob and Michelle were within hearing and sight of this interview, just out of camera range.

    • Love 7
  19. I did notice the paper on Jill's knees primarily because it was covering the fact that her skirt did not cover those knees.  Not that I care, it was a perfectly acceptable length - but I assumed she had noticed.  I never gave much thought to what was on the paper itself.  Good catch. 


    I really find the whole point about the parent company of the magazine laughable.  The Duggars, and the Gothard organization have done a remarkable job of objectifying women on their own.    They have left them unable to process or defend themselves against abuse because they have made them second class citizens, who must obey all men. With no education or resources or self-esteem to remove themselves from abusive situations.  Which then led me to wonder, is Jill's erroneous 2/3 allegation a little less ridiculous when you limit the scope to Gothard families?   I would not be surprised to find out that abuse is much higher there than in the general population - closer to 1/3 as opposed to 1/6.   

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