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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. Sylvia is the addict turned interventionist that you are thinking off. 

    Kiersten's parents said they blame David because he was her dealer. However they also said that she was using before she met David. 

    I love the pride and smiles on the addicts who make it till their rehab interview date. 

    • Love 2
  2. I was happy to see that Tiffany is cautious about her recovery. Billy is still way to dependent on her to feel comfortable that he will be ok. Did we see a  Tracey update?  Nice to see Allan in recovery and Toni back on it too.

    Unsurprisingly, Kiersten and David’s respective parents each blame the other family. However, Each was using drugs before they met the other, so there is plenty of blame to go around. It’s good that Keirstwn’a parents are holding their bottom lines. 

    I disagree with Taylors sister though. You can’t give Taylor’s mom a pass on her past behavior just because only 1 of the two daughters is addicted. Taylor’s sister has  been affected by her Moms past behavior too- she just has other issues instead of being addicted. As a child of an alcoholic dysfunctional family, I have seen that personally.  

    • Love 3
  3. I hate to tell Derick this,but he doesn’t understand millennial women at all.  I have two nieces who are indeed SAHMs. Why? Well, because paying day care for 2 children under kindergarten age would have taken the majority of their net paycheck. Add clothing, transportation, etc, and non monetary costs and working wasn’t feasible. One is now working because her children are in school. The other’s husband  makes great money and is on call around the clock. So she is still at home. Not everyone can choose whether to work or not. I had to work. 


    Fyi - I am a younger baby boomer. My mom worked, and so did one of my grandmothers. 

    • Love 12
  4. J.B. was home when Michelle had Josie. But several of the older children were in El Salvador. That’s why Josh and Anna came to the Duggar home to watch the younger children.    When the older kids  got back, JB trooped the entire lot of them into the NICU to see the baby.  

    • Love 8
  5. I’m sure that trying to get start up manufacturing here would make it unaffordable to buy.   Maybe when he can order enough to mass produce them.    Our stores are full with items produced in China- why  is the fact that Bill went there so unexpected?  Does Bill owe more to this country  than every other American that has their product manufactured overseas? 

    I’m just glad he and his brother are pursuing the idea. 

    • Love 1
  6.  I’m trying and failing to believe that Nicole somehow didn’t become evil just because Flynn said goodbye to her and gave her a book to tell her how she should behave.  She’s still stuck in the past.  He still left her there.  She is still going to outlive the  new friends and family she creates. He encouraged her to drink the immortality potion/ just be good.  

    She is still essentially the same person with the same personality. 

    • Love 6
  7. I thought I read ( in here maybe) that Pistol Pete attended wedding receptions and danced with guests? 

    It’s JB and Michelle who think dancing is evil. Jill has decided to wear pants, a henna tattoo, and a nose ring even though  her parents don’t believe the same.  We can’t assume that Derick believes what JB believes.  We shouldn’t, however, be surprised when he tries to tread lightly about what matters to his in-laws.  If your in laws followed you on social media. You might do the same. 

    • Love 5
  8. 1 hour ago, Maelstrom said:

    I call BS on Eve telling Flynn he’s the heart of the Library. That would be Eve herself! She’s always the one to bring everyone together and ultimately set things in motion toward saving the day.

    I agree with your entire post- except on this point. I believe Jenkins is the heart of the library.     Eve is the housemother- if the housemother was Vin Diesels character in Pacifier. 

    Flynn was a little calmer in the alternate reality. I wish he was like that more often. Maybe he kept more of his memories because he was with the library for 10 years more than Eve. Maybe it was because he was kidnapped before Nicole destroyed the library. maybe he just gradually got the memories back- he did have to be ‘reset’. 

    • Love 5
  9. OH. That’s funny. TLC’s ‘base’ is those  of us that like to watch reality shows of any kind.  Truth is most of us think the acronym stands for Trashy Life Choices these days.  I really do miss when it stood for The Learning Channel. 

     I will admit the Duggars true ‘base’ is made up of many people that are offended that JB, Michelle, Josh, etc are not featured anymore.   Those are the same people that  protest when you or I don’t live our lives by their rules.  They don’t even like Jill now because she’s wearing pants. You can see that by going to Lily and Ellie’s blog.  

    • Love 11
  10. They just figured out they had fertility issues that same day. Give the show time to let the characters process that.  Happy desperately wants someone that is related to her by blood that actually wants to be with her.... instead of giving her away like her dad did.  If they take this infertility storyline forward, then I expect  adoption will be raised. Of course, that will be accompanied by hurdles like Toby’s constant state of poverty because of old gambling debts. Happy’s old anger issues, etc. 

  11. I thought it was interesting that they showed little of what the police officer actually said, but Ken told Allan the police officer would take him to jail if he didn’t go to the airport.  I guess he just needed an extra boost because he seemed content with going afterwards. 

    I agree Tiffany and Billy need to be in separate states. Sucks for future interaction with their son.  But that’s the only way they will stay sober. Tracey too.  Although he made a comment in an earlier episode that his partner keeps him sober( when the partner is not in jail). 

    Question for the  group: Tiffany gained a lot of weight in a month. Especially in the abdomen? 

    • Love 2
  12. Keirsten, David, David’s Mom - they are all co-dependent. Mom says ‘ you are taking my son away’. Why doesn’t she worry about the drugs taking her son away? . I say this even though I do not think Kiersten is a nice person.  

    Couldn’t seem to focus on the Taylor story. 

    Felt so bad watching Angela’s Mom cry that I almost cried. 

    • Love 1
  13. I have trouble with Cathy’s theory of who lives and dies in this world and what saves their lives. If we truly believed that, there would be no prisons to hold people who accidentally or intentionally kill others. ‘ They were instruments of His will’, after all.  

    Now, do you ever see extreme  Christians say that the person who killed their loved one  shouldn’t be punished because ‘ it was just their time to go’? 

    Me, I believe in free will.  Deaths happen for all sorts of reasons, a lot of it being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Should my loved one die at the hands of another- you bet I want justice here on earth. Jill and Derick didn’t seem to be ok with their friend in DA being murdered. Jill didn’t seem to be ok with things being Gods will in DA. 

    • Love 6
  14. I seem to remember that the Dqve Ramsey course is the same price for married couples or singles. Married couples share one set of materials- and they  attend together. Dave  says 1  budget and 1 pot of money.. both partners must work together and should both know what bills and income the household has. 

    Teaching it does not require that you know any more than the participants.   There’s a teachers workbook and videos.  Our instructor knew little more than we did. Worked out fine. 

    • Love 4
  15. I’ve never had cancer, so I can’t say for sure. However. I have had some friends that did. Chemo is very hard on your body. It leaves aftereffects( which probably differ by person).  One friend has continuing numbness in her fingers and toes. One said even getting into the refrigerator for food  was  too cold. That friend had a Heart attack  because of the strain on his heart( chemo every 3 weeks for 2 years).  I’ve read that children who get it have lots of health issues as adults. So I think chemo survivor might be a valid term.   I do however think people who attempt treatment are Fighters! 

    • Love 10
  16. The married women changed churches. It’s no longer JBs way, or Kendra’s dads way.  They now follow the beliefs and tenets of their new church. Grace for Jinger and Cross for Jill.  They were public about attending new churches. They probably feel that’s enough of an announcement.   Jinger especially needs to show that she is on board with her church’s beliefs, since she is the pastors wife.  Jill, the same, as her husband is in training to be a minister of some sort through Cross. 

    • Love 14
  17. Tony and Happy  = chemistry.

    Walter and Paige do not  = chemistry. 


    I love Toby and Happy when they are squabbling and making up.  They have the Roseanne and Dan Connor feel.  No matter what, they are together for the long haul. Walter and Paige just don't have it.  

    Amy needs to fall off the face of the earth. 

    Loved Cabe bringing the author to Sly. Also loved Walter being worried about Happy and the steam. 

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