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Everything posted by MicheleinPhilly

  1. I can't wait to watch this again on my lunch break. I just sat there for 30 minutes grinning from ear to ear. So much of this episode just *felt* like Philly from the 8:30 a.m. tailgating (yes, that's a thing), to the boot on the car (Parking Wars, anyone), to of course, Gritty. Even the custodian (is his name Mr. Johnson?) brought to mind Four Seasons Total Landscaping. When Gritty was first introduced I was definitely in Gregory's camp. I thought it was the biggest mascot failure of all time but I have since come around to him. When Janine was trying to drive away with the boot on her car and Ava was just filming it on her phone, I howled. Oh Ava, never change. I too was surprised that Janine is strugging financially without Tariq. I mean, I never assumed he contributed anything and she now has one less big mouth to feed. It warmed my cold, cynical heart that Jacob offered to to help her out - I just wish she had thought to ask sooner. Although it definitely seems like outside of the school, Janine really doesn't have much of a support system. I know they've said they are going to explore the teachers' "out of school" lives more this season so I'd like to see what her situation is really like. Sea Barbara. 🤣 Welcome back, Abbott Elementary. I've missed you. 🥰
  2. I forget which episode it happened in (maybe 2 or 3) but Eva did tell Becka that she would have given her the money but it would take her a couple of months to get it together. Becka comes across as rather impulsive and doesn't seem to have loads of patience.
  3. Meh. I don't know if I have it in me to watch this. It was fine and all when I literally couldn't leave the house because of lockdowns and such, but I may be over it. And seeing Sarah and Mark again...🙄
  4. This is fantastic! I know there isn't any overlap between the critics' groups and Emmy voters, but I really hope this is a sign of things to come next month. And I say that as someone who adores both Ted Lasso and Hacks.
  5. Eh, I don't know about that. It stills reads as shady AF to me. The Globes were always my favorite award show because of the drunkenness and hosts. But if any of the actors I really like and admire show up for this, I'm going to be severely disappointed.
  6. I haven't watched this yet, but in the summer of '99 I was working for the company that was originally contracted to provide concessions for this event. I had signed up (being the dumb, 21-year old I was) and they had told us that WE were going to stay in the barracks. I don't remember exactly why or when we learned that we wouldn't be staffing the festival but every time I see footage of it, I thank my lucky stars.
  7. I'm only just now watching this series and this was the first episode that really didn't work for me. While I've found all of the rest to be really compelling, this was just a bore. I don't care about the documentarians and their stupid squabbles and I certainly don't need to see some grand love story play out between Sophie and Michael. 🙄 Rather than presenting any real drama or conflict, this episode simply confirmed what I've always thought of MP since first seeing the documentary years ago - he's a smarmy, egocentric, lazy, murderous, gold digger. And I don't like to speak ill of the kids as they are innocents in all of this but this REALLY isn't doing them any favors either. It's been so long since I've watched the documentary, I can't recall if they presented as this spoiled rotten bunch. 🤷‍♀️
  8. Obviously there will be mixed feelings about this but Jodie and Sandra were both nominated for Lead Actress in a Drama Series. I'm pleased that both of them got nominated. I wasn't expecting the show to get any Emmy love this year and am happy that they were both recognized particularly because the KE Instagram account appeared to only be campaigning for Jodie. I know that the IG account is not the "official" campaigning arm for BBC America and AMC but it PISSED me off. Kudos to Sandra and Jodie!
  9. She is absolutely delusional. Because I am a masochist, I actually checked out her IG over the weekend. My word, she is an absolute nutter. And the slobbering sycophants who comment (including Beth S which seriously makes me LOL) are just as pathetic. I noted several mentions by her of her season being "written" like she was playing the role that she had been cast for with scripts and all.
  10. All of these "confessionals" today have really soured me on the gleeful nostalgia I've been feeling for this season. And the season ending is perfect timing as my Paramount subscription was set to renew tomorrow. Adios, Paramount+, MTV, and Bunim/Murray. You did Kelley dirty. Fuck you, Julie.
  11. YES! I was thinking, "Okay Tokyo, you don't want to put yourself out there as a singer, fine. But can we get a piano instrumental album?" I don't think I ever appreciated how talented he is because I was too busy mocking him. I'm of 2 minds on the Kelley situation. On the one hand, I think her reaction is a little overblown, but I obviously don't know what the situation in the house was actually like, day in and day out. From what they've shown, I would have a hard time dealing with Julie and her constant sex talk too. She reminds me of a 14 year old boy that runs around school pointing out the massive hickey on his neck in many respects. And I knew as soon as she said that she showed Danny the picture to see what he thought that it was not simply a "shirtless" pic. Spencer has been to the house, Danny has met him, he knows what he looks like. No one is interested in your husband's junk. And as far as the forced Mardi Gras stuff and a nerf fight and building a fort, I'd politely pass on that stuff too. I also get the impression that Kelley has a bit of an anxiety issue. I don't know this for sure, but I recognize some of her behavior as coping mechanisms that I've used.
  12. This is why I wish they would have introduced Renee Ballard from Connelly's latest books. Obviously having the LAPD focus filtered through Maddie gives it more emotional gravitas for Harry, but it's just not working for me. I miss Jerry and LT.
  13. Maddie has definitely been the weak link for me all season and she didn't endear herself to me during her conversation with Honey about ruining people's careers. Evidence was planted/moved to create a different narrative surrounding the shooting. Fuck that guy and his career.
  14. Your recall of what transpired during the original series is awe-inspiring. I don't even remember what I had for lunch yesterday. 🤣 And my lack of recall certainly could have inspired my interpretation of Julie's words. But taken in tandem with what we've seen of her this season, I'm less inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt. But I'm a salty grump. 🤷‍♀️
  15. Unfortunately she then made me reconsider her stance on racism with her "a Black girl" comment later. 2 steps forward, 3 steps back with that one. 🙄
  16. Exactly. I can't believe I'm going to say this because I loathe her, but I had mad respect for Julie during the parts of this episode when she talked about ditching Mormonism. She acknowledged that she couldn't square Mormonism's racism and homophobia and because it's not a religion where you can take what works and leave the rest, she bounced. And in Julie's case, that was a tough decision because of her family and upbringing. If you voluntarily converted to Catholicism as an adult, YOU CHOSE THAT. You looked at what they believe and preach and said, "I think I'd fit in here." And I really don't appreciate his "the Church makes me do this" martyrdom. Spare me.
  17. W.T.F.????? There is nothing remotely funny about any type of shooting. God, I hate people.
  18. I don't get Matt, I really don't. Not only was I raised Catholic, I was educated in Catholic schools (Note: I'm no longer Catholic) and no one, I MEAN NO ONE, was a super duper, hyper fundi like he is. All of my older family members are still practicing Catholics and guess what, they all welcome my wife with open arms and love her genuinely and sincerely. Just as he mentioned to Kelley that most Catholics don't follow the church's teachings on birth control, most Catholics don't follow the church's teachings on LOTS of things. If you have "10 or 12" things you don't agree with or have a problem with, it's okay for you to find a different religion that suits your beliefs. And I literally laughed out loud when he was talking about the example that was set and being Christ-like. News flash Matt! All of the sex and sexuality shit that the Catholic Church is obsessed with, it was all developed by men - real, mortal, fallible dudes, not Jesus himself. 🙄 I can't tell if he is being willfully obtuse just to avoid having to take any ownership of his feelings. He is quite skilled at side-stepping confrontation. I'm curious as to why Spencer was allegedly so uncomfortable around Jamie. Has Julie been talking to her husband about him for the last 15 years or however long they've been married? None of this makes any sense. Really excited for their kids to grow up and watch this.
  19. Followed by the revelation of her newfound habit after experiencing said orgasm. 😣
  20. I'm glad that Marcus will be joining them as I don't want to watch him spiral and mope around that big house alone. I hope his mother keeps the dog. Aside from leaving pills out, you work crazy hours and then go partying until 7:00 a.m.?? He needs to get some goldfish instead. Remind me - why did he and Wilson break up? Being on any type of cruise is my idea of pure hell but I enjoyed seeing Ava in her element while Deborah was completely out of sorts. And even though she is a terrible person, I do enjoy seeing these maternal moments with Ava considering their own respective maternal relationships.
  21. YES. Sadly, I can attest to all of this. 😐
  22. 💯. I'm guessing the person she makes out with in the hot tub is her husband but the editing genies want us to believe it is Jamie. News Flash MTV/Paramount: The only person still pining for Julie/Jamie is Julie.
  23. Ugh Julie. Grow up. I'm all for sex positivity and women owning their sexuality, but discussing private, intimate encounters with a now married man - AND YOU YOURSELF ARE MARRIED TOO - in front of all of the housemates is just beyound classless and immature. And of course next week will continue to be the Julie show because we actually have to meet the saint who married her. 🙄 Matt can miss me with his homophobic bullshit. I was actually surprised when he referred to his Catholicism because I thought for sure he was part of some fundie church.
  24. I can't quite pinpoint why this didn't work for me, but it didn't. At times I felt it was too superficial and could have gone much deeper while at others I thought it was a total bore that went on for far too long. I knew nothing about the actual case and hadn't seen any prior dramatizations so things should have shocked or surprised me, but they really didn't. It all just came across as a cheesy Lifetime movie with exceptional production design. I did gasp when it was revealed that Candy went on to become a mental health counselor though. Good lord. And I know this was a unique situation but I really wish Hollywood would stop trying to make Justin Timberlake - actor - happen. Just. Stop.
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