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Everything posted by hula-la

  1. I full on cackled. My neighbours must be wondering what is happening in my place!
  2. Happy Sunday everyone! I was helping my parents stain their fence (read: “supervising”), but made sure to leave in time for the snark.
  3. As a Canadian, when I watch the US channels during your election season, I play a game called "guess the proposition". We see the ads for and against props and I try to ascertain from the ads what the actual propositions are. Half the time I never do figure it out (and am not about to go research what they are).
  4. I also met someone who was on the Int’l version. She didn’t own the house, a middle aged couple did. I guess her younger self made for better tv. Also, sorry for giving you the big notification (I am so Canadian).
  5. The blue dress of the winner? I want that dress!
  6. What is she wearing on her face? also, we all know you’re working for Chuck’s company.
  7. It makes me crave a juicy pub burger so much. Our local pub never reopened after the shut down last year.
  8. Hey everyone! Just finished watching the Oscars red carpet, and now I’m ready to snark!
  9. I say it every year, and will say it again. I wish they would move around the country, just like OG Top Chef. We have such great culinary traditions all over Canada. I get that McEwan’s grocery store is only in Toronto, but there are high end grocery stores in every major city. How did he scam being a judge and having the cheftestants shop in his store?
  10. Ahh, the memories of my first place. Our couch was up on blocks and if you didn’t sit properly, it would come crashing down. Crappy first places build character. I liked the Fresh Prince inspired throwing out of Bradlay/Bradley.
  11. Natalie flounces out of the studio with her dress full of flounces.
  12. The Australians? I’ve seen them on other shows and they’re as annoying AF.
  13. I have my Nexus, and still have been questioned like what when flying into the US. Meanwhile, my white then BF (without a Nexus) just sailed right through. We were transiting through Dallas on our way back to Canada. I didn’t want to enter the US, even though you have all the Oreos.
  14. I also love me some Tim Tams. I try to keep an international cookie cupboard.
  15. They have carrot cake here. I saw them on sale at Shoppers Drugs yesterday. We don’t get all the cool flavours the US does, though.
  16. My principal had it (they’re only giving it to people 55-65 in my province). She felt like crap that night and the next day, but has been good since.
  17. Hi all my people dem. Got my first vaccine shot yesterday, and I’m ready to snark!
  18. That’s how I used to teach my students how to dry salad greens (using a tea towel). My students never made a mess.
  19. And, they predict World Cup games. RIP Paul the Octopus. I’m not picky eater, but I like the idea of a picky (or “particular”) eater challenge. I know I stress having to make substitutions for dishes, and it would be neat seeing what the chefs could come up with.
  20. I’m so glad that I’m Black, and won’t crack. Oily skin for the win!
  21. I keep thinking “no sex in the champagne room”.
  22. My sister just had the audacity to call just now. Was it rude that I kept scrolling during said call so your snark kept me updated on what is going on?
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