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Everything posted by hula-la

  1. I thought this was a link to an online petition and was madly clicking it so I could sign it.
  2. Just saw an ad for Tourism Calgary and thought of you (can’t remember if you’re there or Edmonton).
  3. You just got your wish. Though, her granddaughters are so adorable!
  4. We went on a family trip to Jamaica, and the biggest fight was from my wee nieces crying about how they wanted to sing the theme to Paw Patrol. We did get a little testy one day, but worked it out. I guess my family will never be on a TLC show.
  5. I am loving this series. I have laughed out loud so many times.
  6. I watched the Canadian edit (our episodes are shorter than yours, so slightly different editing). Dawn asked Jamie to help, and asked if that would impact her ability to finish her (Jamie's) plates. When Dawn tasted Jamie's cheese sauce, she made a comment about tasting something different (I can't remember what she said), then Jamie said "sesame". All these comments about whether or not Dawn "deserves" to be there, and her" focusing on her Blackness in order to win" is exactly why 2020/2021 happened.
  7. Hmm, how could Ron and Betty have prepared Brandon to be able to live on his own? Maybe charge him rent. That’s how he can get used to it. The anger that Ron has with Brandon and Julia wanting to leave is a sign they should leave now.
  8. Panuchos are amazing! I would love to have tried Gabe’s version. When it’s safe to travel internationally, head to Mérida, Mexico, so you can try them there too.
  9. My ex loved my Dyson vacuum—said more men needed to know about it. I never had to vacuum while we were together. Wonder if I should put my vacuum on my dating profile?
  10. We were 30 and sunny on Tuesday. It’s now 15 and raining here in the west wet coast.
  11. Normalize dance battles to settle things.
  12. I love that the cheftestants had big smiles on their faces at the end of the quick fire. I also loved how delightful the kids were. They didn’t seem like they were putting on an act for the camera. They seemed like they were honestly there for the food.
  13. Even funnier because Bon Jovi was just on the Billboard Music Awards and a friend and I were texting about him.
  14. Happy May Long (weekend) to my Canadian snarkers. @Bees52 thanks for the Duran Duran heads up. I’ll need to switch back and forth too!
  15. Collaboration is in my curriculum (I teach Home Ec in Canada, so it will differ based on the subject area and jurisdiction), but how they asses it will differ by teacher. I definitely have students do cooking labs in partners/groups of 4 because space and cost. I’ve increasingly given students the option of working in partners or alone for non cooking related projects because a crappy partner sucks. And, I’ll be honest, having to mark 12 projects instead of 24 is great sometimes!
  16. My heart just about died when all that wine fell. I think about their squabbling and know that if my sister and I tried that, even as adults, my parents would put us over their knees and it wouldn't end well for us. Overall, I liked the show, and will watch again next season (if there is a next season).
  17. Sending hugs to you and your family. So sorry for your loss.
  18. The daughter of my former hairdresser is a makeup influencer (as in collabs with MAC and Pat McGrath). She hustles and works so hard. It’s not easy like some young people think it is.
  19. I remember how painful mine was, and I was in high school, when you generally heal quickly. Can’t raise your arms above your head for quite some time.
  20. Everyone complaining about the floating grill, you are obviously not part of the sandbar community (neither am I).
  21. I'm glad that the judges called out the team for not mentioning that there is pork in their dish. I have a friend who is Muslim, and she finds it difficult to eat out sometimes, as restaurants don't mention if there's pork in a dish (e.g. not including that there is bacon somewhere in the dish). I also like them calling out the fact that nuts weren't mentioned either. I did like that the cheftestants seem comfortable with using Kym's pronouns. I went to the Top Chef website on Food Network Canada to check the proper spelling of their name and noticed that they included pronouns for all the cheftestants. I would have eaten at both restaurants, and while I miss Restaurant Wars, I hope that Takeout Wars will stay.
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