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Everything posted by hula-la

  1. That’s how I used to teach my students how to dry salad greens (using a tea towel). My students never made a mess.
  2. And, they predict World Cup games. RIP Paul the Octopus. I’m not picky eater, but I like the idea of a picky (or “particular”) eater challenge. I know I stress having to make substitutions for dishes, and it would be neat seeing what the chefs could come up with.
  3. I’m so glad that I’m Black, and won’t crack. Oily skin for the win!
  4. I keep thinking “no sex in the champagne room”.
  5. My sister just had the audacity to call just now. Was it rude that I kept scrolling during said call so your snark kept me updated on what is going on?
  6. Hello everybody, where's the bar? Looking forward to snarking with everyone tonight!
  7. It's so true--the numbers of people who have just "discovered" that racism still exists and want to be the white saviour about it drive me crazy. I can totally see Max as a character who doesn't realise that there's a Chief Equity Officer, who she said has been trying to meet with him for 3 years now. It wasn't immediately in front of his face, so therefore it wasn't important. I spent much of this episode rolling my eyes at Max and the similar people I come across who act in similar ways.
  8. At least you have a few to choose from. I have 2–have to stay in both of their good books! I saw this article on Twitter. I have to be in the right frame of mind to read, but know is important that I do. https://www.rewire.org/plan-your-future-dont-plan-on-having-kids/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=twitter_article_share
  9. I agree @Cetacean. I’ve been chanting “Raufikat” almost every episode of this show. When she said that she wasn’t competing in this episode, but baking with Tanner and Mahathi, I almost started to cry. A well-deserved win!
  10. If you’ve got Instagram, they’re on and singing right now! I play the Best of Earth, Wind, and Fire in my class. Students need to learn the classics.
  11. Verzuz has Earth, Wind, and Fire battling the Isley Brothers. I think I’ll go watch that instead.
  12. Waving at you from BC. When the border opens, I should head to Sequim (just to laugh at Mike).
  13. My family is from Jamaica and it’s not uncommon to hope that a parent can get to (in my case Canada, or the US, UK) and work to send back money. The ultimate goal is that they can eventually bring their kids/family over. I say go for it, Harris!
  14. Great minds think alike! I just poured mine.
  15. I unliked your post just so I could like it again.
  16. I love those Progressive ads. That’s how I sound getting into a chair.
  17. I wonder why Probiotic guy didn’t simply call it a kefir maker. Is it because people don’t know what kefir is, the word kefir is too”ethnic/too strange”, or he’s pushing the probiotic part?
  18. Was it Amar Santana? I also didn’t recognize him. He was on Season 13, but all I remember from that season is Kwame (and Philip Lee).
  19. Tika Sumpter has the most beautiful skin. Not a pore in sight. As someone who doesn’t have children, I am very aware that I don’t have anyone to take care of me when I’m older. I was just joking the other day that I need to keep my nieces on my good side so they’ll drive me to the doctor when I’m old. I think the younger one will—I’m worried the older one will leave me on the side of the road.
  20. The actor who plays Leo, Michael Hsu Rosen, is a dancer. He’s on Tiny Pretty Things (it was bugging me why he looked familiar).
  21. I made myself a rule that I can no longer buy them for myself. Haven’t bought one since 2009. I mention this to students all the time, and they keep me in the creamy crack. One even got me a dozen in an egg carton as a gift.
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