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Everything posted by hula-la

  1. I live just across the Canadian border from them, and while I am an indoor cat, I do appreciate the beautiful trees when I do go outside. And they do smell amazing!
  2. All your hair photos have me envious. I had no hair then (‘91–the mirror year), and no hair now.
  3. You get that Vitamin D that you can’t get in California. 🙄
  4. Hi snarkers. Looking forward to the snark session, but think I’ll use this Chip and Joanne time to start dinner.
  5. I’m a Home Ec teacher. I’m in it for the name alone!
  6. Depending on what your extended benefits cover, there is a probationary period where you don't get any coverage (definitely dental work). And, like the US, benefits are tied to your work, and will vary. I know our province has enacted a "Fair Pharmacare", where after spending a certain amount of money, your prescription drugs will start to be covered, from 70-100%. It's income based, and for my income, the deductible is $2500 and then the Fair Pharmacare will kick in. I can't remember how much before it gets to 100% coverage. Unlike the US, drug costs tend to be lower, but it still doesn't mean that it's cheap. Lower income people are screwed in our country, like they're screwed in every country. On the plus side, I used to teach one the of the actresses on this show, and it's been so great to be able to watch her. She had shot a horror film when she was in my class, and I am a scaredy-cat, so told her I could never watch it. This one, I can watch without worrying about never sleeping again.
  7. Restorative Justice has been practiced by Indigenous peoples in Canada and the US for centuries. I can only speak to Canada, but it has been used in our criminal justice system for many years, and increasingly in other areas, like education. It has to be done properly, with intention, and proper training, and not simply allowing someone to say "sorry", but when done properly, is extremely powerful for both the victim and the perpetrator. https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/cj-jp/rj-jr/index.html
  8. I realize that it was done so that she could be a part of the plot on the show, but the woman just had a baby. Stop calling her every second! Also, we need more shots of said baby. She’s adorable.
  9. Brethren! Someone at our local farmer’s market sells a lemonade concentrate. A little of that, some Wray J and Nephew (over proof white rum), topped off with club soda, and I could pretend I was on the island.
  10. My family is Jamaican, and the “recipe” for rum punch is one of sour, two of sweet, three of strong and four of week (lime juice, fruit syrup, rum, and water). That punch will sneak up on you!
  11. “Unpopular profession”. Are you Natalie’s make up artist?
  12. I’ve used Huda Beauty and it showed up on my dark lips.
  13. Did he just say “self care”. I snorted so loud, my neighbours must be worried.
  14. Andrew’s still at the resort, and doesn’t look that broken up. What a maroon!
  15. Yeah, my province is going by age, and I’m not slated until July.
  16. No, it’s just “the long distance”. Yeah right 🙄
  17. Looking forward to everyone’s snark. I just told my dad that his brother shouldn’t have someone in his bubble whose nickname is “drunky”.
  18. I didn’t even realize that dubbing was available (I’m watching on Canadian Netflix), but I’m glad that I didn’t.
  19. Abishola told him she wanted a divorce and he told her that he would never give her a divorce. For any Canadians, he’s the actor who played BLT on Degrassi. I saw him on another program this week, so I got double my BLT sightings!
  20. As someone who is proudly bougie, not going to a museum doesn’t make someone low class, just someone who doesn’t like museums. Natalie makes me want to swear.
  21. I have a Michael Kors wallet (that’s still going strong 10 years later). My rule is that my wallet can’t cost more than the amount of cash that would be in said wallet.
  22. It’s the Kid ‘n Play kick step at the end that does it for me. I love watching American ads.
  23. Andrew isn’t good in any kind of crisis, is he?
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