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Everything posted by hula-la

  1. Yeah, I didn’t see anything before that he was an idiot, though if it clears the way for Naz and Keon, I’m ok with that.
  2. Apologies would be much more sincere if people said “I’m sorry THAT” instead of “I’m sorry IF”.
  3. I know there’s raisins in that potato salad or whatever that is on the table.
  4. Season 2, episode 1. He’s the Home Ec teacher.
  5. I just read about Joel Osteen’s car—a $325,00 Ferrari.
  6. I grew up with the bedroom next to the kitchen, where my dad and his friends would loudly play dominos. I slept through that. The baby can sleep through having guest over.
  7. Ooh, I wonder if I would need to quarantine if I crossed the border to attend?
  8. A friend of mine was on Wall of Chefs! I never watched the show until his episode, as I don’t like Lynn Crawford. But, I was pleasantly surprised that I like the show.
  9. Dawn just posted that she cooked at Jamie’s restaurant in Vegas. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CRQBfY2pyDl/?utm_medium=copy_link
  10. Just watched the first episode of Season 4. I don’t remember who it was, and I hope that they’re on here, but I want to thank them for recommending Unforgotten on another page on this site. I’ve been able to watch all 3 seasons and now recommend it to others.
  11. Don’t foist her on another country. That would create an international incident.
  12. Hi snarkers! I was picking up a package yesterday, and was stuck behind an older man with a scarf tied below his nose, and all I could think of was Angela.
  13. No date, but they just teased a new season https://www.instagram.com/p/CQzgLgxtH6P/?utm_medium=copy_link
  14. I’d put him and Angela together in a locked room.
  15. I’ve seen tons of these classes at dance studios ( with names like heels, sexy street, etc). She does need to be certified as a fitness instructor to make sure that she’s doing things safely.
  16. Tuning in really late, where it’s so hot here in Vancouver, Canada that schools are closed tomorrow. I’m assuming I haven’t missed much. Libby and the family are still fighting, so I guess not.
  17. This show is what happens when you have people of that faith behind the scenes. If you’ve heard any of the stuff about Kim’s Convenience, when marginalized people are allowed to tell their stories without being whitewashed or viewed from a white gaze, when people of that group are actually in the writing room (and not just one token person), when the actors are allowed to use their lived experience, you get full, rich stories and great shows.
  18. This is just a messy situation all around https://www.buzzfeed.com/ryanschocket2/chrissy-teigen-michael-costello-fake-dms
  19. I thought this was a link to an online petition and was madly clicking it so I could sign it.
  20. Just saw an ad for Tourism Calgary and thought of you (can’t remember if you’re there or Edmonton).
  21. You just got your wish. Though, her granddaughters are so adorable!
  22. We went on a family trip to Jamaica, and the biggest fight was from my wee nieces crying about how they wanted to sing the theme to Paw Patrol. We did get a little testy one day, but worked it out. I guess my family will never be on a TLC show.
  23. I am loving this series. I have laughed out loud so many times.
  24. I watched the Canadian edit (our episodes are shorter than yours, so slightly different editing). Dawn asked Jamie to help, and asked if that would impact her ability to finish her (Jamie's) plates. When Dawn tasted Jamie's cheese sauce, she made a comment about tasting something different (I can't remember what she said), then Jamie said "sesame". All these comments about whether or not Dawn "deserves" to be there, and her" focusing on her Blackness in order to win" is exactly why 2020/2021 happened.
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