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Everything posted by proserpina65

  1. Oh, she can do wrong. This commercial is the proof. I cannot stand it. I honestly want to punch her every time I see it.
  2. I only know that Delaware was first. Because they do not let you forget that. It used to be on all their state signs. Right above "Home of tax-free shopping".
  3. So glad that Amber and Vinny didn't make the final. But I have to confess, I was a little disappointed that Ricky and Cesar won. Not really sure why. They were a good team, always pleasant to each other and other people, smart and resourceful. I guess it was just how dominant they were. I would've liked the final to be a bit more competitive at the end, I guess, so I was disappointed when Juan and Shane made that terrible mistake with the Pat's/Geno's clue. Although they did a great job with the tasks after that and made up a lot of time. Speaking of Juan and Shane, they clearly aren't from anywhere even near Philadelphia. I live an hour south and I know about Pat's vs Geno's when it comes to cheesesteaks. Either they completely misunderstood both the clue and the directions they got or their not understanding the clue factored in to them getting bad directions. Probably didn't help that they kept saying they were looking for a pizza place, because any Philly native would've directed them to the right spot if they'd been talking about cheesesteak places.
  4. I didn't know that Suits filmed there, but Toronto and Vancouver are the Canadian cities where a lot of US shows have filmed over the years, and Vancouver is too far from NYC to have fit the clue so Toronto it was. I wouldn't have either. Oh, and FJ was an instaget.
  5. Damn you, Spurs! You had one job!
  6. I said Molson at first but changed it to Canada Dry, I think in time to have written it down.
  7. Very true, and the smoking/drinking would make you look a bit older. But it didn't make people dress like dowdy old women in the 70s when they were doing that drinking/smoking/tanning. Edith both looked and dressed older than her character was supposed to be. I do think she was dowdy even by the standard of the times for the working class. (Which is what my family and most of my friends' families were.)
  8. I knew a lot of housewives in the 70s. Most of them dressed better than Edith. She was dowdy, especially by the standards of the decade, imo. It was the 1970s, not the 1870s.
  9. For me, it's that the sensibilities are too modern even if the setting is period.
  10. I don't blame George for getting a secret vasectomy any more than I'd blame any man who didn't want an "oops" baby. Because birth control can fail, even if no one is messing with it. I also wouldn't blame Mary if she had decided to secretly get her tubes tied for the same reason. Not that she would, or that hiding it would be practical. And to be fair to Mary, I certainly didn't think she'd mess with birth control to have a pretend "oops" pregnancy, however much she might've briefly entertained the idea of another baby.
  11. FJ was an instaget for me. My film history professor talked about the film studios in and around Rome; Cinecitta is the most well known but there were others, especially in the 50s. The names used in the clue confused me because I'd never heard any of them before, so I had no answer even though I absolutely should've gotten it. I ran that category despite never having watched a single episode of Veronica Mars. Something about Neptune sounded right. The rest I've seen at least some of the show, and I watched GOT and Doctor Who religiously. (Although I stopped watching DW after Peter Capaldi left.)
  12. Never watched those shows so I have no idea who that is. But he's really annoying in those commercials. I don't if they annoy me so much as squick me out, but any of those commercials for wet AMD treatments which involve eye injections. I liked the Dancing in the Moonlight one until I saw the small print about the injections. I mean, I guess if it'll save your vision, but still, needles in eyes!
  13. I don't know who the guy is in the Verizon commercials, but he's an annoying ass. Particularly in the one with the family who just wants someone to take their picture. I always want to shout "Pano is not a word, dickhead!" at him.
  14. The Beyonce skit was funny, as was the one at the end with the landscaping company, but otherwise this was underwhelming. I actually thought last week was better; at least it had good music.
  15. In the first episode I thought Becca was horribly immature. I kinda get why now but the thing is, she didn't have to do what her mother said when she had the breakdown. She could've (should've) told Ros. She didn't partly because I think she did enjoy keeping her sister out of the relationship with their mother as much as possible and still does. And don't get me started on the bullshit with the father not helping because he had to work. Ugh.
  16. I worked at K-Mart during the Christmas of Teddy Ruxpin. I still have nightmares about it. In Cold Blood was an instaget, based on it changing what the idea of a novel was. Also got Mary Kay from the pink cadillac and Thunderbird. Although with that second one it was a matter of "Firebird?, no that was Pontiac. Wait, Thunderbird!".
  17. The behind the scenes stuff has been great. There are some bits with Tom Glynn-Carney (Aegon) and Ewan Mitchell (Aemond) which were very amusing.
  18. Whereas I really don't want that. I thought it sucked on TBBT.
  19. My cable system lists it as 2 episodes but it could easily be a two-part finale. No reason why that can't still happen. Maybe he and Mandy will have to move it with Mary and MIssy or maybe his help won't involve them actually living in the same house.
  20. Yeah, I think it was very much of its time and that time has passed. Although it gave me Corbin Bernsen, Jimmy Smits and Blair Underwood, so I can't complain. Also, the eternal punchline of Rosalind Shays falling down that elevator shaft.
  21. I'm not sure he remembered her. Like maybe he blanked out her and whatever happened. I guess we'll see next season. I just wish she wasn't quirky too. Does she have to be weird? Is it something about being a tv forensic scientist which makes women so cutesy and annoying? I ended up feeling that way about Abby, too, but I was hoping Kasie would be different enough for me to like her. But no. Nothing about them ever worked for me. And I got so tired of Ziva's daddy issues. Plus, Tony was just a walking sexual harassment lawsuit waiting to happen. Me too. I preferred Kate, but like Ziva at first but it just got to be too much.
  22. Yep, the man bun is an abomination. Poor Jake, he should've learned by now not to trust Max but he still does. And the girlfriend taking the money and bailing was pretty shitty too. I get why she'd want to leave, but she could've left him half the cash rather than taking it all. I didn't see the point of having Roy still be alive long enough to kill him off again.
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