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  1. proserpina65

    Disney Films

    Just saw a commercial for the live-action Snow White last night, and omg does it look terrible! The CGI was like something a teenager did on his home computer. And I'm having the same problem with Rachel Zeigler and Gal Gadot that I had with Kristen Stewart and Charlize Theron in Snow White and the Huntsman. One of these things is very much fairer than the other, and it isn't Snow White.
  2. Colter didn't shoot him again. The guy accidentally electrocuted himself. He touched the knife which had fallen on the electrified third rail. They needed a body part to send to the mother. At least it wasn't a finger. I mean, teeth can be replaced. I didn't mind this episode so much because at least I didn't figure it all out 10 minutes in. Although I'd like it if they'd throw in at least an occasional ep where it's just a hiker lost in the woods or something natural rather than criminal. Or maybe someone kidnapped in the Pine Barrens by the Jersey Devil? (Oops, that was the X-Files.) I didn't miss Velma at all. For me she brings nothing to the show. And while I do like Bobby's cousin, I hope Bobby is only gone for a few episodes.
  3. I like Jimmy and was thrilled to see so much of him, whereas a little Kasie goes a very long way for me. To each, their own. I enjoyed this episode, especially the cop fanboying over Parker.
  4. Yet another game where I had not a clue who these "celebrities" were. Runaways are not that exciting to watch but credit to that guy for betting big on his DDs.
  5. When the answer was revealed, I said "Oh, that's who that guy was". It was math, so I had not a clue. I was yelling "peach melba".
  6. He's kind of old news, though. I can see younger people not knowing or caring that much about him. I wouldn't think he'd be a big draw for a wider/younger audience. And apparently he wasn't.
  7. Yeah mine is decent, and will pay for Ozempic as long as its prescribed for diabetes, but I do realize I'm lucky because many insurance companies are not like this.
  8. I loved those series! Precisely because they weren't James Bondian.
  9. Me too, although I wish Ray could've advanced as well somehow. Preferably in place of Matt Amodio, whom I really disliked although at least he's not Yogesh. (That's my new barometer for awfulness: "At least he/she is not Yogesh!".) I even knew they were looking for the discoverer of Uranus because I know two of its moons are Titania and Oberon but could not come up with his name to save my life. Actually many of its moons are named for characters from Shakespeare's plays.
  10. I hated them from the moment he said they met at a Christian youth leadership school (or some such nonsense, basically about harassing people into believing the same thing as them, imo). Then he pissed me off with his "I've spent hours on the internet looking at apartments and I think we can get everything we want for under $1000" bullshit. Like, never mind the real estate professional who works in Valencia. He obviously knows nothing. The apartment they chose was great, though. Just not 2 bedrooms with a balcony for under $1000. Take that, annoying guy! He was such an asshat about it, though, and clearly there wasn't a place for under $1000 which met all their criteria because they didn't end up with one. I do wish the show would be honest about these digital nomad people only being there for a limited time, but then again, they like the house hunters to pretend they're looking for their dream homes, so . . . You knew she was going to get her way. Honestly, the third place looked like a perfect compromise and was definitely a lifestyle change for him but it wasn't what SHE wanted so I knew they weren't going to end up there. And seriously, he gave up a career as an auto mechanic to do whatever social media crap they claimed to be doing? That's insane, imo.
  11. I definitely would NOT have made fun of Ned Rutledge's ruffle no matter how out of date it might have been, that's for sure. (Have to confess, I absolutely adored John Cullum in that role.) Delaware's representatives really ran the gamut between plain-dressed and plain-spoken Thomas McKean to fussy dandy George Read. I've always been a little annoyed that the only representative we see from Maryland is Samuel Chase, who definitely fell on the fussy dandy end of the scale, and was a depicted as a glutton as well; might've been true to life, but we did have other guys there, too.
  12. I grew up in a small town and live just outside of a different one now. My parents and their neighbors didn't do that when I was a kid and my neighbors do not do that now. No one stops someone else's car in the middle of the street unless it's an actual emergency. But clearly there aren't enough old people where I live, I guess. I think he's making up a jingle for their breakfast deal based on a New Kids on the Block song, since it's Donnie Wahlberg telling him to stop. But I've only ever been able to figure out the "six bucks" part of the lyrics. Now THIS is bad singing. The BK guy is just mediocre to me, and I really don't care one way or the other about his singing. Except in the BK Melts commercial where he drags the word "melt" out to an extreme. Edited to note that the original Dun-kings commercial with Jennifer Lopez and Matt Damon was somewhat amusing, but every one since has met with diminishing returns as far as I'm concerned.
  13. Yeah, even Greek bakers in Greece usually buy their filo dough.
  14. The last hotel I stayed at (a couple of years ago), I paid at check-in. I checked in with a person, and anyone behind me could've heard the amount he said, but since it wasn't a commercial, no one cared. It was a small family-run hotel so no just leaving the keys on the way out either. But I don't think that's what they're doing in the Trivago commercial. It definitely reads more as check-out, with the clerk asking about the guy's stay. I found the soccer mom one mildly amusing at first but it got old very quickly and the other one is just stupid. Let's just say I hate them equally. I don't like them, exactly, but I don't really mind them either. They were funny at first, but now they're just getting ridiculous, especially the one where the woman stops cars in the street to talk about what's happening in the neighborhood. That's not a parent thing - that's a stupid person thing that I have never seen anyone do ever.
  15. I saw 1776 at the Grand Opera House in Wilmington, Delaware in 1976 as part of a class field trip. (We couldn't hear Maryland called to sign because it came right after Delaware. 🥲) It was fantastic then and fantastic now. And Molasses to Rum to Slaves was such a showstopper that it stuck in my memory for decades afterwards. I now possess my own copy and watch it every July 4th. I even turned my best friend into a fan, and she generally doesn't like musicals. Thinking about that movie, I have to say that Isaac is not nearly as flamboyant as Edward Rutledge was in the film's depiction of him. Even with last year's extravagant ruffle.
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