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Everything posted by AKA...CJ86

  1. On the Editing case, I know I'm a few days late, but I wished MM pressed a little harder on the defendant who said her script was registered with the Screenwriter's Guild. As an amateur scriptwriter, I know so many people who register their works with the Screenwriter's Guild as if it gives their work some prestige--she, the defendant mentioned it with such pride. She registered for services like protection, much like a copyright... well, I assume. It wasn't like she won a contest, or her script was highlighted or chosen, or what have you. She did something anyone could do. Myself, I copyright, the benefits and protection of a copyright far outweigh, my opinion just being able to say it was registered with the Screenwriter's Guild. I just found the factoid interesting.
  2. Still playing catch up with Inhumans and The Gifted... Oh, Inhumans... it is somewhat improving... And now Crystal has a friend, potential love interest, so the Inhumans friendship is love fest is complete. I don't know why but it bugs me that each Inhuman needed a sidekick/tagalong... I'm finding Maximus and Attilan boring... the concept is interesting, but the execution, especially the visuals of Attilan is so... drab. So... we have a crazy pot farmer... I'd say it isn't going to end well for Karnak's gal pal... Gorgon's "family"... how long has he known those bro's... hours... a few days at the most... Medusa and Louise need a buddy mystery solving spin-off right now... as entitled and awful as Medusa is as a character, she's becoming the highlight for me. I can't help it, I love it, but it is awful...
  3. Still catching up... Highlights of the episode for me, the green hair and a shoutout to Mutant Liberation Front, and the idea of the power inhibitor collar... all the little things... I liked seeing that mentor role of John/Thunderbird with the kids. He felt a bit in the background in the premiere. Enjoying Caitlin's eye opening of the situation once it's her kids in the situation. Would love for her to be the view into the mutant world. I'm sure the 62 incident will have some type of revelation by the end...
  4. I'm a little late getting around to and catching up with this... and pulling double duty with Inhumans (I don't care what studio puts it out, if it's Marvel, I'm there)... Even though it's been ages, it was music to my ears hearing the X-Men theme. One of those things you'll never forget. I'm one of those that has been waiting for Lorna to pop up on film, and it is probably better she's on TV. She'll at least be handled well here. I want to see where they go with the Strucker's. Will they be in-name-only characters, or will we see an evolution to something close to the comic counterpart? Of course, it is too early too tell. It was an excellent, or X-Cellent (see what I did there, cringe) can't wait to continue...
  5. I like the cast and it seemed to contain most of the wants on fan wish lists. If I could, I would swap out Change with someone else just for the fact Change was already a season double dipper... and the same should go for Cucu and Eureka, if Eureka's for sure back next season for future AS's... the only queens that deserve another shot are some of the AS 1 girls if they were going to double dip (or triple dip)... One-hundred percent behind Kennedy, and the rumored mystery queen, if the rumors are true. So far what I love about the cast, and while Trixie's the obvious frontrunner, this cast doesn't seem like a cast they'll just wait to burn off until they hand Trixie a crown, like with Chad and Alaska.
  6. Still so early and it's become... Siggy: The Miniseries ... Really trying to takeover the show. And Dolores, who I actually kinda liked last season, she was pretty scary during the slumber party text situation. I'm still so glad Danielle is back, she was always my favorite. #TeamStaubWoundsForLife. I'm loving Pigtails, she can stay. Along with her Mother. My only gripe... I hate clothing and accessories with cutesy sayings and quotes...
  7. Upcoming episodes on November 4th: "Versus the Dark Night" "Versus the Tech Army" "Versus Traeger" "Versus Velocity and Veracity" "Versus the Arctic"
  8. Enjoying the show, I think each episode slowly, just a teeny, weeny bit, improves. Every time I see Maximus, I see Dr. Evil. The character is so corny, I think the biggest issue for the show for me. Mordis (which I did look up) look wise was right out of Power Rangers. The character I like the most, which means, for this series, least likely to punch in the neck is the kid Maximus is creeping on with the visions...
  9. So, made my way through "Those Who Would Destroy Us" and so far: Black Bolt experiences his own personal episode of COPS Karnak experiences his own personal episode of Naked and Afraid Medusa experiences every person's experiences on a vacation Gorgon learned to bro out Episode was a step up from the first. Scenery is a nice change of pace. It wasn't as parody-ish as the first episode. I agree with my fellow poster(s) who have mentioned it is a bit on the boring/bland side.
  10. You get a taste for the week with Monday's episode, so seems like this week might be a snoozer, especially compared to some of last week's cases. Twerker is still etched into my nightmares. Love the recaps SRTouch, and it has been a long while since I've posted, but I've been here in spirit, lurking.
  11. I didn't hate it. Enjoyed it very much, although many times I felt the show bordered on parody. Right now, Anson Mount's the best one on the show, and I'm here for Lockjaw.
  12. Since we don't have a Mighty Medy discussion, if you're still catching up on the series, at least on Netflix, you'll have until 10/9/17.
  13. Finally finished the series. As with all the Netflix series, I think I enjoyed them as they've been released. Unless I nodded off, I maybe did, eight episodes felt longer than the 13(?) of the previous series in some areas, but why was Elektra so special... just because Alexandra wasted the dragon goo on her. I liked the four main's, but it kinda felt like show couldn't decide if this was a Daredevil or Iron Fist story, guest starring Jessica Jones and Luke Cage. I love Weaver and Alexandra while interesting, I just didn't believe as the leader/a leader of this ancient group of warriors. I would have cut three of the fingers down to Gao and Bakuto, just because we did get to know them, and I hate one and done characters. The only major downside for me was the four heroes were shades of each other... power or skill wise... with Daredevil and Iron Fist, Jessica and Luke. Finishing with my favorite quote of the episode, "the devil of Hell's Kitchen, the Iron Fist, the man who does not break, and the unyielding woman." Damn, Gao is the MVP of the Netflix series.
  14. Caught up with the rest of the episodes... a couple weeks late. Enjoying the start to the season but it feels like it's just checking off the typical check list of, and in addition to what I previously mentioned: -Henchman outwits Villain -Villain and Hero forced to work together... although this might show some promise. -Ryan meets his Father, who by the end isn't who he seems. Even if nothing new, I'm still enjoying the series.
  15. Caught up with "Versus the New Evil". So... Harris' rival will be the female member of the team. I'm glad a female addition will be added. Grey returning, even with abilities, was a bit of a letdown. She had a proper conclusion, I just hope she isn't dragged out. More like I hope it's just an introductory arc for the season. New Scenery - New School, Change in Situation - Mark's not the top dog, TV 101 but I enjoyed the episode and excited for the season.
  16. Loved the episode... except, I wish show would let the audience figure things out. If the viewer couldn't pick up all the hints the show put down, don't worry, Stick was there to explain Alexandra. Danny's more tolerable here... I miss the IF supporting cast... my issue, he's too puppy dog adorable to buy as a warrior. Eight episodes is really serving the show well.
  17. Luann tumbles into the bushes. Ramona: "You should have gone this way." A special thank you from me to Dorinda for giving me my new answer to most questions: "Not Well, Bitch."
  18. Thank you guys, so much. I appreciate it greatly. I'll save these cyber well wishes in case I ever need to share them back.
  19. As ridiculous as a company of ninjas is, the fight was awesome. Glad the characters were finally fully brought together. The only cringy thing so far... Cole's Mother.
  20. I lost my second little guy Wednesday night. It was a rough summer for him and his health issues.
  21. I'm not sure why, but that was the highlight of the episode to me. I take it the dead individuals are going to be some type of sacrifice for Alexandra's longevity? That's where I'm heading, there's going to be some type mysticism, a sacrifice(s), or ritual to further her longevity... Living for the Danny/Luke fight. Enjoyed that it was Luke's right up until the end...
  22. I'm a little late, but enjoyed the episode. Was it slow? Yeah. But I enjoyed catching up with all the characters. Sigourney Weaver's character was set up interestingly and can't wait to see how her character develops down the line, but really, the first episode and she only has weeks to live...
  23. Season 2 starts September 9th. "Versus the New Evil" "Versus the Deep" "Versus the Outbreak" "Versus Harper's Ghost" "Versus the Mountain"
  24. Nene will win an Academy Award. Kim will cure cancer and commemorate the occasion by naming her hundredth child, Kancer. Kandi, Phaedra, and Porsha become the best of friends. Sheree is demoted to friend, or dropped completely, or the show is cancelled.
  25. I love me some Lu... but... I can already see next Season: "I'm offended nobody offered me the suite... I'm getting divorced..." "I can't use the same restroom as the help... D-I-V-O-R-C-E..." "An hour late to dinner... I'm divorcing... I thought my friends would understand." *stumbles into drunkenly into bushes* "Thish ish badddd... but did you know I'm getting divorced."
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