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Everything posted by AKA...CJ86

  1. Can someone stick up for Yo-Yo!? I'm still in the mind of... Ruby... taking out the killing being revenge on Yo-Yo's part... she (Ruby) was uncontrollable... it was one of those, a line might need to be crossed, no looking back moments. I know social media and the reaction to Yo-Yo's been mentioned so I'm glad I don't follow on social media. I'm tired of Daisy and Coulson, they better poof... if that route is going to be taken... and with some of this episode references, it is likely, but of course won't be Daisy or Coulson. While I hate seeing Talbot go fully looney tunes, villain, he sure was the highlight of the episode, with a small side of cheese here and there. The lemons... loved it... wish I could enjoy Deke as much as I did the lemons. So, he's obviously poofing, right?
  2. Alisa has become my favorite character and this episode is my personal favorite so far. I mean, Stirling may have been shady, but he did seem to genuinely care for Jessica. I could see him maybe agreeing with the thugs and after, he and Jessica disappear. While I loved the music video, I loved young Jessica, I didn't love seeing young Trish's addiction. And the one thing I learned from this... we have Alisa to blame for Dorothy. I did love their shared scene.
  3. Amy and Lenny, that was some body horror. I wasn't here for that. I was screaming with Amy/Lenny. Will Amy now be with Lenny? Like, in her head? And I kept thinking, there is someone I'm forgetting that hasn't really had an impact this season... and it was Amy. And she certainly had an impact now... Farouk likes torturing everyone, doesn't he? Mentally... I living for manipulating Lenny with her stories of "Gran-gran"...
  4. Malcolm and Trish... not liking it. And not enjoying Trish self-destructing. Malcolm's still the season MVP for me. What about Griffin? Hasn't he been up to some shenanigans that haven't been mentioned in a long while? I thought Jessica and the Super would have happened a few episodes ago, or they'd hold out until the very end. I'm enjoying their pairing. And Paint Sex... I think it was obvious it was the Mom. I was initially thinking Jessica's brother in that first mysterious attack on Simpson, but once we were introduced to the female doctor at the bar, I think it was clear it was the mom. I kept thinking Hogarth and the homeless nurse would become something, and actually enjoyed their interactions, but nope, we have a super who can heal people. So, bets on where Hogarth or the nurses bites it by season's end? Both? And what to make of this healing boy? Another major player halfway into the season? Just a mention? I like the suggestion of Jessica's brother for the healer...
  5. Malcolm moving on up. He's definitely my favorite character, well, maybe after Oscar. Inez stealing and dropping the TV made the episode for me, along with Malcolm's "Watch the TV" to Hogarth. I mean, elephant in the room, how much longer will Inez last, she's gotta go soon right? Right? I was worried for the Mother and Baby when Janet McTeer's character went crazy on the piano. I don't need super or druggie Patsy. Honestly, episodes would be perfect if a few minutes was shaved off.
  6. So... was "...Sabotage" the Season Finale? I think the amount of episodes is at around where it was last season?
  7. Talbot... Destroyer of Worlds. That's not ending well. While I loved the reference to Jiaying, yeah, Daisy... dick move desecrating your mother's grave. Whoops, CaptainTightpants a few posts above said the same thing. Of course, Deke, and later Fitz witness the randoms getting slaughtered by the Mortal Kombat cosplayers... I mean, marauders. My only issue, I never feel any danger for our main characters. They always make it. Well, we'll see how the coming episodes go.
  8. Jeri's on a separate show so far, I hope she becomes connected at some point. I know she will. I forgot about Cheng until he pops up for a minute or two. I don't know, it's weird, I'm loving this season even though I'm not necessarily loving the plots... I am loving Arocho though, and even more after deciding things got weird. The season's moving at a snail's pace, IMO, so I'm cringing that Jessica guilty until proven innocent may be something that drags out before heading back to finding super-powered lady.
  9. Syd's Mom had to know right? There was a time or two she seemed to take precautions throughout the flashbacks, just little things to avoid directly touching Syd... So, Syd's power. She inhabits/controls bodies but as it wears off, they switch places? Tell me I'm close. I haven't seen Season One since it originally aired, so I'm blanking on and trying to remember some details. "I just wanted a kiss." Maybe not the thing to say as three girls lie unconscious around you. Poor Kid... but he was a jerk. I'm just glad Lenny's back.
  10. So, squeaky clean Griffin doing shady, he's stealing Trish's story, isn't he? He's been obsessed with her progress. Superintendent is going to be a dick until he needs Jessica... probably crosses someone who threatens his son. The son making a Captain America shield because lost the one that came with the figure... that was so me twenty+ years ago... I need a Malcolm in my life. Series MVP so far...
  11. Caught up with "Versus Sabotage"... didn't expect the saboteur to be Harris. I thought Leo was too obvious, so was Harper, I was pointing to Veracity. She just happened to be missing, but nope. Really enjoyed the episode.
  12. Simpson's death... that's going to put a damper on Trish's current relationship. And I'm glad he wasn't in any way related to the bad... it was too obvious... but so was protecting Trish, it was either one or the other. With the flashbacks of Jessica's family and another experiment... obviously signs obviously pointing to someone in Jessica's family surviving and reeking terror now. I thought signs were pointing towards Cheng and Arocho being shady in some way, more tied to what's happening, they still can be... but they'll probably just be a thorn in Jessica's side until they need to be saved by her. Arocho, already know something will come up with the son and he'll be all googly eyes for Jessica when she saves him/them... Every time I have an unsure, bad feeling, it will be the "scroty sense." I know the first episode had a scene with Jeri and a doctor, but did we ever get any specifics of what her, most likely fatal illness is? But damn, she knows how to go all out... honestly, my favorite parts with the hookers was their chitchat.
  13. Outside of the lemons, Deke can go. There is no use. Although I can see where his thing can be an angle he's working... that's where I am, I think he's playing a role, biding his time, for what... I don't know... Well, so I guess the rest of the season is the Agents of SHIELD vs A Mother's Revenge until Doomsday... Quakeday... I'll say I'm on the side of Yo-yo's actions were warranted... regardless of if Yo-yo's actions were revenge... regardless of if her actions were she really thought Ruby was the Destroyer of Worlds... regardless of whether Hale/Daisy could talk Ruby down... Ruby was kinda going uncontrollable super person on that facility... I mean, she gave her boy toy a final mind crushing headache... she was going Darth Vader on Fitz and Simmons, and Daisy...
  14. Loved the episode as weird as it was. My only gripe and I'll be thinking about it with each episode. If David can kinda cure individuals after the teeth chattering, are they gonna just leave that room full of them there or will David cure them... it's one of those little details that will just pick at me depending on how the show handles or doesn't handle it. Cary discovering Kerry... I legit almost cried with Cary. I'm just glad Lenny's Lenny and not Farouk... I'm glad she's still kicking, kinda, and hanging around...
  15. Caught up with "...Miami" and "... the X-Weapon". Loved the reveal to Mrs. Walker. It provided the little extra drama I thought the season's needed. And of course... the partnership with Harper ended in the obvious way possible. That last episode title sums it up well... probably by Harper.
  16. Brainwashed, sleeper agent Talbot, well that will be interesting. Deke and Daisy... gross... IDK... shouldn't May be the leader with Coulson gone? Or, wouldn't it be more likely for May to be appointed the leader? Daisy as the leader... bugging me. And I'm glad Yo-yo finally mentioned her convo with future Yo on letting Coulson die. So she hasn't mentioned it at all until now. I was thinking, well, maybe I missed it in one of the last few episodes. I blinked. You'd think that would be the most important thing to mention from the cross-time caper since it does seem to go hand in hand with what the team's current misadventures... but no, she waits and sits on it for a little while. That development left me a little irritated. That should have been item number one on the list of things to discuss with the team...
  17. Well, enjoyed this episode way more than the first episode. Loved the reveal of Lenny... actually being Lenny. I don't know what to make of the David/Farouk situation yet. But we all know Farouk's going bad the minute he gets his body back, right? Right? Oddly fascinated by the Vermillion.
  18. Well, Quinn and Raina were the highlights of the episode for me. While I liked the Coulson, Creel, and Talbot escape plot, I'm getting bored with Hale and Ruby. I'm in the crowd where they aren't the villains... or at least hoping they aren't. It's too easy, too clean. And Deke maybe up to something. Check. He could be a possible minor villain, and major annoyance. Fitz. Maybe? What about Daisy? I'm not saying she goes bad, but maybe the team will have to make that ultimate sacrifice to make sure she doesn't Quake the world. Heck, even Coulson. Isn't he infected from... was it the odium(?)... and maybe it's time to put an old horse down? What will likely happen is Ruby and Hale turning on each other... which I don't want, that seems the obvious, clean route to me.
  19. Probably the only Marvel-related show to feature a dance-off... that's, well that's all I got. Huh... wait a minute... what... I kinda thought... it seemed like... never mind, the show lost me... I think I'm going to need a few more rewatches... ...I think I'm banking on it's all an illusion/manipulation to control David/find Farouk's body before Farouk... and to finish... WTF! I loved it, I'll be here for it.
  20. Caught up with "Versus the Wolves at the Door" and "Versus the Thirty". Obvious setup of obviously Harper will betray the gang at some point... or will he have a true redemption. I'm banking on obvious setup. Really liked "...the Thirty". I did love the cult/commune aspect of the Thirty. I would love to see the community, good or bad, again. That was definitely interesting. Upcoming episodes and dates: April 8, 2018 - "Versus Miami" April 15, 2018 - "Versus the X-Weapon" April 22, 2018 - "Versus Sabotage"
  21. I think it was somewhat obvious Fitz was going to be behind the mayhem in some way. Am I the only one thinking nobody noticed a missing whoever that the Monster Spaceman killed in the beginning? Or did I miss it? It was to misdirect The Doctor as one those nightmare dimension specters/apparations or what have you, but nobody could stumble upon the body, or be like... where's so and so with my notes/samples? Loved the ending with Jemma and Deke... so... she puked. Was it at the revelation that she and Deke are related, or that she and the man Fitz is becoming reproduced, or all of the above? It wouldn't be SHIELD without HYRDA would it? In some ways I'm so bored with it, in others it just feels so right and I wouldn't have it any other way. Although it seems to be dragging on a bit... Was I the only one thinking about Pokemon with the ball device opening... closing... whatever it did... to the nightmare dimension?
  22. I just wish we had more answers to Jonah's control over the parents... nobody questioned the "clean energy" I think show tried to redeem Leslie, but with all the revelations of the Season, no way. I just TIna did kill her. I hope Frank is keeping tabs on Jonah over being power hungry or what have you, was really liking that knucklehead a few episodes back... So, how long does Jonah last before getting all shrively again? And somehow this will come into play in the future, he'll somehow blackmail or control the parents again to assist him...
  23. Line of the night... "This better not be a crack baby." Honestly kinda don't like any of the kids--slightly like Karolina and Molly as they seem to be compassionate characters, I'm still finding the parents more interesting and liking them more... murderous warts and all. Stacey is the episode MVP this go around. You know what would have been nice security Gert, that dino you can boss around...
  24. Is Ruby's rebellion part of the Mother's plan, or is she for real? Glad to see the von Strucker kid, so much from the past packed in these recent episodes and loving it. But you know what, it just makes me miss my favorite character... Ward... "Fetch" and "I'm stumped" moments and quotes from the episode. Deke, maybe slowly growing on me...
  25. I love Ward... I Iove GoodWard, I love BadWard, I love HydraWard, I love SquidWard... for a brief sec, I almost wish Hive was Ward... swoon... Just as they are married, I worry the inevitable will happen, by season's end, one of Fitz and Simmons will be dead... Hated Lash at the time, but got the feels seeing him again... I don't ever need to see any blues ever again on this show...
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