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Everything posted by AKA...CJ86

  1. Janet and Robert, I was pulling for you, you crazy kids. Leslie yanking off her earring was the moment of the season so far. All of a sudden Frank is important. Somehow he becomes Jonah's key player, doesn't he? As the other members start turning on each other... Way back when Enigma X posted about those two men trying to help Destiny... so yeah, what about them? Is that something that just gets left dangled with a couple episodes left? So, the obvious with Chase finally happened, but we all know it will be short-lived and he'll be back with the kids.
  2. The PlayStation case, we're all in agreement they were doing the dance with no pants. Even though it didn't come up until later, when MM asked about texts and the Plaintiff said something along the lines of they can't be used... I was thinking can't be used because of... dirty pics or dirty language, that confirmed for me, something was going on between the two. I actually believed Defendant, minus the drug deal gone bad, over the Plaintiff. Ladies, Gentleman, please remember, when a mature gentleman "gifts" you a Playstation, chances are, it isn't out of the goodness of his heart, or for your well being...
  3. Give the Yorkes a spin-off... that is sitcom gold right there. I'm so invested in the Tina, Robert, Janet stuff... I think it's interesting to see Karolina and Molly talk about their powers... but Gert can order around a dino, which seems to be MIA lately... that is a lot cooler than Molly and Karolina's typical comic book power base. I keep thinking I have the PRIDE, the church, Jonah, messages from the future figured out and another little something gives me a headache and has me rethink my theory. Can the show just tell me now what all the stuff is about? A criminal organization where murder and sacrifice good, divorce bad. I've enjoyed the past couple episodes a lot more. I take it the running away part will be the finale... or does it stand for the runaways that church/Pride have sacrificed... or all of the above?
  4. So, the pieces come into play for some of the parents to start betraying each other... expected. I was expecting the kids to for sure stay together until the end, and the parents slowly decimate each other as the series goes on, but it seems maybe Nico and Chase and their feelings could cloud their judgment and they go back on the planning. Always good to see Stan Lee. I wasn't expecting it, a highlight of the episode. Frank, oh Frank, Leslie and/or Jonah are gonna off him aren't they? I'm trying to picture who will off who and who may forgive who? I bet Tina takes back Robert and Victor offs Janet?
  5. The series is interesting, but so far, no for me, but I'll see it through to the end. I think so far, this is the strongest episode. I agree with whats been said, I think the Pride is just getting too complicated.
  6. So, Chase and Daddy build the fist-whateverthey'recalled and Daddy will be the first one to feel Chase's wrath with them. Probably... Devious Tina, she's definitely rising as my favorite character, almost edging out the Yorkes. PI, magic staff, alpha user in the home... And yeah, the rival kidnapped Alex, huh. And so far, Alex and maybe Molly, are the only kids I'm liking at the moment. I know I'm way behind on this one, so I don't mind spoilers to anyone who replies.
  7. Well, this single episode was better than the entirety of the previous arc. Yo-Yo, why!? I knew things would probably still sorta happen kinda differently, but didn't expect the arms so soon. And you knew something would happen to poor Yo-Yo the minute they focused on Mack and Yo-Yo having some alone time/talk away from the team. Noah, again, just as I like someone show kill's him. I briefly knew you, but you're in the top 5 for now. The Disney Channel Assassin can go at any time--and please take discount Star-Lord with you, I agree with that. The one blemish of the episode.
  8. The parents are still the more interesting side of the story. I'd rather follow them completely. I didn't mind the dino as part of the story, it was more the look of it. I'm finding Robert the most interesting character. The relationship with Tina and Nico, and then the affair with Janet. Unless I missed it, but I'd by Tina this episode if she was maybe characterized in a way leading up to the sexy times in the restaurant maybe over the past two episodes. In a story with a cult-like church, supervillain? parents, and so on, this is what I'm finding the most interesting. They just had to mention Yucatán, I'm officially in love with The Yorkes. I did like seeds this episode and the past few, have planted over which sets of parents may betray the others if needed... depending the story goes. I see the kids sticking through it thick and thin moving on and the parents will slowly start turning on each other. I hate obviously setups so I hope I'm wrong... I'm hooked. I wasn't feeling it with the first episode but loved this one and the second one.
  9. Destiny, Girl, you in danger... I felt so bad the first time for the character, I felt even worse seeing it from the parent's perspective. The parents were more interesting than the kids. With such a large cast of characters, I enjoyed the retelling of the first episode. To agree with some of the previous posters, again I'm really late on this one, but again, I agree with the point that the female characters, let's just say some of the mothers, seemed to the more evil characters with a couple of the fathers being painted in a sympathetic light.
  10. Really late catching up on this one... I'm not that familiar with the comic, I know of the character and some of the backstory, so I'm not going to ever get too deep on this happened the comics and it's different here, and after what, over ten years, it is still on my eventually to read list. I remember when this was supposed to be a film many a year ago... So, Molly's a mutant, isn't she? But because of studio shenanigans probably won't be mentioned as such... Karolina's bracelet was keeping her trippy, cosmic powers in check... probably? Like Chaos Theory mentioned, I always loved the premise of finding out your parents are bad guys. Nice seeing Angel Parker again. Awe, Lab Rats seems like so long ago...
  11. Kasius was even cheesier, lamer, all suped up with his black goo. We all know it won't happen so why even tempt us with dangling Coulson must die? Enoch got me right in the feels. Damn, Enoch, Deke... surprised they didn't bring back Tess to off her again, or Flint for that matter. I wasn't big on this arc, but it improved as it went on so at least moving forward I can say I'll be happy wherever, whenever the show follows from here. Finished The Gifted, caught up with Agents of SHIELD, and now I can move the Marvel-thon onto Runaways. Haven't even started that one.
  12. Kasius, his seer is Yo-Yo right, after he recognized her, has to be? Will they explain how she developed precognitive abilities? Probably not. Goodbye, Sinara. You were the more interesting of the Dull & Duller villain pairing. I'll miss the way you handled those balls.
  13. Slowly catching up... Since Flint is now somehow important to return to the proper timeline, I'll be wagering he's the real destroyer of worlds. MVP of the episode, three-way tie between May, Mack, and Yo-Yo.
  14. All it took was some family drama to finally make Kasius and Sinara interesting. Again, just as I like character (the brother of Kasius and his goon) show takes them from me. On the same end, I want to love Enoch, but then I'm afraid show will take him from me. I could lose the discount StarLord and not mind. I totally forgot the character until he popped up again. I hope Daisy, Coulson, May blasts him out of an airlock. Loved the Rose reveal.
  15. MVP's for most obvious "We'll Join The Bad Guys": Lorna & Andy... but did like all the bit players that were also recruited. Still, Sage is the biggest disservice to an existing character, my opinion. So, next season is the Underground, Hellfire Club, and another human side of the equation (please be Friends of Humanity, please...). I think my biggest peeve is how the Strucker parents and kids were able to just waltz around the Mutant Underground and do as they wish, go on missions... now if the Fenris backstory/mythology, once it was revealed to the Underground, and affected the situation, I could run with that, but since the beginning, they (Struckers) never seemed to earn their stripes but held such prominence, had such a hold on the Underground. Loved the show, felt like it meandered a bit, but really ended strong. Another minor peeve, I'd like the daughter if she didn't look like she always mugging for the camera.
  16. The motorcycle case... the Plaintiff's declaration to continue to pursue the matter in his hallterview... I'm taking it that that is code for burn the place down. I was somewhat sad for him because he's obviously a guy who talked himself and convinced himself of his crazy story, what was sadder he had his wife(?) cosigning the crazy story. The "you undocumented" thing with the bridezilla, I'm surprised MM didn't give the usual verbal smackdown as she would have usually done.
  17. Best episode so far... but damn, Tess and Telepath dude, those were my favorite characters.
  18. I know we had one, a couple, before, but nice Lorna's Father shoutout. I'd like the Cuckoos if they weren't badly spliced into scenes together, but hey, only so much you can do on TV. I hope we get a glimpse of the Inner Circle. The Hellfire Club was always my favorite villain team. I'm enjoying their introduction to the show, I was getting bored, show slowly losing with just Sentinel Services/Turner/Campbell. I know it's been said the show isn't related to any of the movies, but if I can make it fit and am satisfied with my headcanon, it's in line with the films for me.
  19. Best episode of the season so far. It's just what I needed. A Fitz and Lance-centric episode, what more could I ask? It was a nice break from the future space, which I'm finding boring. So, can we move through the future stuff and get back to this?
  20. Going back to the Daughter/Father identity theft case... I sympathize with the daughter. I had a similar situation years ago when I was recovering from some health issues/surgery and staying with relatives. Another relative was jumping around from relative to relative and not in a good place and while they briefly stayed with the assisting me, they learned my SSN... and later used my SSN, but with their name and info. What I went through, I just sympathize with anyone with identity or SSN related theft. IDK if every case is the same, but I know I had to jump so many hurdles... having my local SS office provide a statement that my number was my number, etc., etc. We basically were listed almost as one person on some things, on some things I had his...terrible...credit score and him my good score... it was a long process getting everything disputed and straightened out, but eventually, it did. I could just imagine what the daughter had to go through. This case shoulda, woulda, coulda, been on another judge show with someone who wouldn't misunderstand the modern technological norms of us peons.
  21. I think this is the first time I'm bored with the series. This episode, the only thing that saved it was Fitz. Most Sinara's screentime each episode... playing with balls. I like the telepath meaning for this show, he's toast at some point in the future.
  22. Damn, Esme! You cold... As a telepath, couldn't she just mind freak everyone from the get go... I was also kinda like, how come none of the others mentioned her getting into everyone's business. "Girl, sit down. You're new." That's my only issue, all these "new" to the underground characters move up quickly in the underground as long as they serve the story... still love the show though... Damn, Campbell! You cold... We all knew Dreamer was going to get it, but I pegged Turner as her executioner. Wonder how John will take it? And the meeting between Turner and wife, and the Strucker's, you knew they would pull at the wife's heartstrings.
  23. Playing catch up at the moment, so far behind... Enjoyed Jemma and Not Kitty Pryde for what VCRTracking mentioned above me. I'm still not feeling... everything else. It was just a matter of time before Deke betrayed someone, thought it would be later... I'm hoping the Quake destroys the world turns out to be true.
  24. Show made it totally obvious Esme has plans of her own. Nice Hellfire Club shoutout. Since the Hellfire Club show was passed on, I'm assuming some ideas maybe were worked into this? I really wish there weren't so many background/extras at the undeground/hq. It crosses into the unbelievable territory that only the same few characters, especially the Struckers who are so new to the mutant phenomenon-not counting Reed's work-are the ones going on missions. We've seen how Lorna trains the kids, send them on an actual mission already...
  25. My take away... oh yeah, Madani's Father was a doctor (don't recall specifics field) after he appeared... You know, now I can't wait for a Season 2, I'm just waiting for that Russo removing the gauze/bandages reveal... and now I need to re-binge-watch DD Season 2 for all the references... because I'm blanking on the timeline of events a bit regarding Frank's family, etc (thanks for all the info marcee)
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