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Everything posted by appositival

  1. How come Eric couldn't see the ghosts after his near death experience (besides throwing a monkey wrench into the cast dynamic)? Thorfin produced a Solstice miracle for Eric through the power of Odin! I've heard that it's like putting the filling back in an enchilada (from Gods of Arr-Kelaan). Why do they have to drive through the barrier to disposes someone? Wouldn't a hearty stroll do as well? Kudos to the promo monkeys for the fake-out with Ben Franklin in the dream sequence. I thought there would be some ghosts of Christmas Past action in the episode.
  2. Yes, and the stuff is freely available, so anyone could create their own data base and allow free access, which would sink the profit motive. This was all the rage in the eighties. Much like Twitter's tweets and Mastodon's toots, you can create a workalike version without patent issues, as long as you aren't stealing the source code (which is a copyright issue anyway). Isn't the back room full of illegal gambling? I think that is the cash cow. MeeMaw just doesn't like being bullied. And I loved Georgie not being happy with acting mature.
  3. I enjoyed seeing one of the speakeasy patrons playing with the skeleton, but I wonder if they will ever report it to the police. If not, they should 'dispose' of it. If they let too many people manipulate it, it will come apart. Also, any coins in his pockets would be rather valuable now. I agree with everyone who liked seeing Trevor displaying one of the (few?) redeeming aspects of being a bro with Issac. Why couldn't they just tell Inspector Sherry that they were doing some minor repairs? Would a liquor license inspector care about wiring?
  4. If Thorfin was there, they would have needed a lot more than 3 Redcoats. Issac's last name is 'Higgintoot'. I'm amazed the garden shed is still standing if it's from the revolutionary war. I was thinking that they should notify some archeologists, but "The ghosts told me", is probably not considered a good reason to carbon date the wood.
  5. Did they explain what Sassapis was doing while Thorfinn watched hot enough? Does he have a day job? Does he wander the forest and learn the languages of the birds and other animals? Honestly, I don't know why things like this bug me.
  6. I assume he is, but I was hoping for a sentence or two about last week's show (both the job and the divorce). I guess the pregnancy is the season A-plot and everything else is subject to the Status Quo Is God trope. Realistically (mea culpa), someone else would build an open source grant data base as soon as president Hagemeyer tried to charge for access to her data base. As long as the content is public, it's impossible to create a truly private repository of that content. There is no first mover advantage when your competitors offer free content.
  7. I suspect that was mostly plot driven so that Jay would come to the orgy, and the audience would still know what was happening. That way we could see and enjoy the miscommunication. Why didn't Thorfinn ask about the severed heads? It was an obvious question.
  8. Personally, I didn't like the scene where Missy tried to blackmail Darlene into canceling the test. YMMV, of course, but the way Missy was smiling gave me the impression that she was ready to go into more detail if the test wasn't canceled. I liked the fact that George was focused on the kids, more than his job or Wayne's trauma. Those kids are innocent in all the adult drama.
  9. I was glad that you could see that the tree really was dying after it was cut down. I was also glad that it didn't collapse and destroy the neighbor's barn before it was cut down. Could Sam and Jay buy the part of the tree with the marks on it? The tree is dead, but so are the people associated with those marks. In the flashbacks it looked like Shiki was waiting for Sasappis to make some sort of move. I assume she is still waiting.
  10. Yes. In fact, all numbers are artificial symbols that represent quantities in the real world. It isn't the numbers that exist, its the things that are counted. Numbers were invented to make counting possible. Also if you have three apples and no children, you can give each (nonexistent) child as many apples as they want with a remainder of three apples. Division by zero isn't actually impossible, it just isn't very useful because the answer can be any real or imaginary number, including infinity. Everything else is just convention. I liked Missy's calico hair, and I'll wager her mother did something similar when she was young. The hard part is convincing the other girls that this is the latest trend. I do hope that they eventually give Billy some skill that he can use to be successful, but I fear that he will be the real tragedy of this show.
  11. Yes! The Prime Directive would be an excellent example. Especially when Kirk violated it every other episode.
  12. I liked the fact that even Norm(?) knew about the "Dots of Destiny".
  13. I wish someone had told Sheldon that ethics is like Heisenberg's uncertainty principal, but on the macroscopic level. Sometimes you can't tell what was ethical until the war is over and the bodies have been counted (and even that can be iffy). Is it ethical to put a cat in a box with a randomized poison dispenser? If the cat survives it was cool. Otherwise ...
  14. It bothered me that no one ever explained why Sheldon's "array of antenna" was not useful. Just telling him 'ghobe!' doesn't teach him anything (except that adults are unfair).
  15. I'm amazed that people still aren't digging through the garbage. The hidden parchment paper has been a good clue in several of the rounds and other things have been hidden there. Of course, by now I'd probably be pulling drawers out and dumping them on the floor to be sure I didn't miss anything.
  16. SYTYCD, now jerking people's feelings around more gently than ever before! Why do they feel the need to tease the dancers about going home? "I'm sorry, we had to go to your house and shoot your dog. However, you made it to the next round!" I liked the format. They got the choosing done fairly quickly and got the initial pair dance in. I didn't like the vote at the end. Getting judged twice in one night is double jeopardy. Also, I didn't think the choreography for each dance had the same difficulty or impact, so the playing field was never even. I guess Leah will be the every dance must tell a story judge.
  17. Do the camera monkeys even understand that this show is about watching and judging dancers? I want to watch ALL 4 dancers to see who is faking the choreography and timing. Instead I'm getting glimpses of individual dancers or couples and those glimpses are too short to judge or enjoy the dancing. I might as well be watching a kaleidoscope (Ohhh, pretty colors!). Dearest 'Cinematographers', if you want to know what good camera work looks like, watch a boxing match. The camera is centered on the boxers and it only shifts to give us a better view of both boxers (from the side, opposite the referee). There are no audience or judge reaction shots while they are boxing, because that would be stupid and the fans would riot. What you are doing isn't art, it's self-gratification. Who should go home besides the camera monkeys? I have no idea, see rant above.
  18. I don't think the judges properly emphasize that the bakers should duplicate the mystery cake. Some of the people who are making this mistake appear to be the better bakers who want to "show their stuff".
  19. Jet-Setters, Season 1, Episode 8 Maybe it's me, but I am not seeing how the judges' scores relate to the dances I just watched. The 'good' and 'bad' dances don't break down that way for me. Did the judges disagree on any scores last night? Are they showing solidarity or is it just a case of "monkey hear, monkey say"? I wish they had to lock their scores before they hear the other judges' guesses.
  20. So for audition #3, Jojo said she only wanted dances that gave her chills. Why didn't they apply that to the first two days? Your fancy/tragic backstory is only useful until we reach our appropriate cannon fodder level. You should have auditioned earlier. I do have to say that I've enjoyed most of the auditions I've seen in the three audition shows. Even the ones that didn't make it to choreography were interesting in some way. This is a welcome departure from some previous seasons.
  21. In the last two DODs (Dance Of Death, AKA 'show out'), I'm sure it was the parents' performances that determined the outcome (because the kids were superlative as always). The kids should be choreographing a DOD routine for their parents so that they don't just stand in one place and awkwardly gyrate. Has anyone heard "show out" used like this before? I googled the phrase and it does exist in the wild. There is even an NSFW song, "Mm, uh, uh, uh, uh. Ah, uh, uh. Look!".
  22. Welcome to 'So you think you can choreograph' where people get criticized for missing opportunities in their choreography. I thought the krunking teacher was better than the guy in heels (although the heels were impressive). I thought they both should have gone home. I wish they had spent less time on the couple. [ We're a couple! Boom! Done. ] Their dancing was fun, but I wonder if Lord Finn has cross trained since his last time here. Some of the other accepted routines looked interesting. I wish we had saved time to see them.
  23. YMMV, of course, but I'll take Jojo over Nigel any day. She was a bit frenetic, but I wasn't cringing whenever she opened her mouth. Hopefully she will tone it down. I'm assuming that we were shown the interesting auditions. This is the way I would prefer it, but I don't really need the backstories until I know the dancers on sight. I know some people love the backstories, but I would rather just watch people dance. I loved Anna and her '50 ways' dance. The striped suit was better costuming than SYTYCD sometimes provides. I suspect the Russian dancer (Anastasiia) is cross-trained (those shoes had ballroom level heels) and she just picked the wrong style for her audition. I'm wondering if she will audition again in a different style? Conversely, I wonder how much cross-training Maci (the last dancer) has had. Despite her extensive intro package, we never saw her doing any other styles, true?. This show has a fondness for sob stories that don't survive the initial winnowing (the academy).
  24. Having finally watched an entire season, I'm sure they chose the unknown finalists because they can actually sing. When Ringmaster (Hayley Orrantia) sang 'I Will Always Love You', I was floored. She should have saved that for the final. When some other, more "famous" people sang I was not impressed, but I guess somebody has to be unmasked each week, so we might as well have some cannon fodder.
  25. So many loose threads! Maybe there will be a movie to clean things up. Tommy (about Arpi): Her style inspiration is hardware-store Rumpelstiltskin. I initially thought Angie Patinkin's daughter was Niel's dead wife (looking a bit worse for wear). He really does have a type. Was Jayden's "Lizard Raffle" ever mentioned before?
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