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Everything posted by appositival

  1. I loved the cheat of listening to the music if you don't know if the actor is happy or sad. Especially when they had an example in the show. Do they usually have music? I seldom notice. Everyone being concerned that the baby learns to clap four times for Deep in the heart of Texas was also adorable.
  2. Hopefully she can take a sabbatical from her law firm rather than just quitting. Her voice is beautiful, but good singers are a dime a dozen, so it takes a bit of luck to make a profitable career. Nowadays you really need a good agent to get you some good gigs. I can understand Thorfin using stereo since the alternative would be something like, "two sound music box". Landboat is shorter than automobile, and it uses words he already knows. However, I'm sure he is just doing it to get a rise out of the other ghosts. I find it very amusing.
  3. I think Mary was just agreeing, "until death do us part", since she doesn't know the future like we do. Regardless, that was some pretty dark humor. I liked Sheldon insisting that Missy was doing it wrong because she didn't head towards California like his math predicted. Especially funny because he was right, she just drove east by mistake and then opted for spring break. He still doesn't understand uncertainty as it relates to other people.
  4. I think the Canadian show Made in Canada handled the comedy of evils situation rather well. Everyone was evil. American auto has several hapless adorable (mostly) VPs and a self-centered amoral CEO. The presentation is funnier than the concept.
  5. I liked the fact that Katherine knew that paying the crackers would put the payer in the sights of the industry association. She just wanted Elliot (or anyone) to take the bullet for her.
  6. Are we sure that Sheldon's data base is a 'failure'? There may be some technical glitch that is preventing access to the data base, or that prevented the announcement from being distributed or read or that is preventing the results from being reported properly. Perhaps no one has needed a grant over the past two days. Also, some things just take time to become popular.
  7. Elias: "Your soul's pure like a baby's. In fact, if I do end up having to go back, I'll be hailed like a trophy hunter for bringing you with me." I guess Hell needs pure souls for equal opportunity purposes.
  8. I thought it was funny and reasonable that the restaurant critic became so passionate about that lamb chop. Lust comes in many forms.
  9. I'm not actually worried about Pastor Rob because ... (This is total speculation, but I don't want to take chances if I'm right)
  10. I was not a fan of the Sam lies again story line, but I thought they resolved it well. It was funny that the Facebook post saved them instead of destroying Sam.
  11. Pastor Rob's questions about going or staying seemed creepy to me. Stop hinting around and tell Mary what you want from that relationship!
  12. I missed this episode the first time through, so ... Wouldn't an RA have access to campus security for occasions like this? A drunk collage athlete could be unmanageable even for a single adult. If he did he would have complained vociferously to President Hagemeyer about it. Sheldon plans ahead; if he had pajamas, he would have had other complete changes of clothes.
  13. I loved Tara Reid as Tara Reid's commercial for Taco Bell. Especially because everyone seemed excited about the free drink. I checked and couldn't fine any Trevor drink specials.
  14. I was surprised that Missy wouldn't know what would be leaking. The nursing bra was a big hint. I thought she just might be spinning her mom up, but she didn't have her usual mischievous expression.
  15. Andy Richter looked different to me. I kept trying to reconcile his looks with my memories of him, and I kept ending up in the uncanny valley. They are truly meat dogs.
  16. It bothered me that Sassapis couldn't see that his relationship with Jessica wouldn't work. She is used to being driven around, and sitting in the yard would eventually drive her crazy. Alternately, they should have put an ad in the paper to sell the car. Jessica could have sat there for a few weeks without harm, Sassapis could have an extended farewell, and Jay could have found someone who would pay a bit more for the car.
  17. Seth Meyers can be pretty terrifying when he's being honest. "I hope you go to jail".
  18. Perhaps this show would be better classified as a tragedy. The press interviews would certainly qualify. So Payne has graduated from dumpster fire to forest fire. The SUV family had a phone, didn't they call the fire department?
  19. So Hetty sabotaged Sam because she misses being in control? You lived your life; you don't get to live mine. I was waiting for an apology but I didn't really hear one. I've always liked Alberta's hat.
  20. I think they have Jay and flower swapped. Jay's cooking is presented as a "transcendental experiences" and Pisces are supposed to be smart, which was never one of Flower's core strengths. Do I even have to explain this one? As an Aquarius on the cusp of Pisces (smart and weird!), I find Flower to be the most unconventional thinker on the show. She also would have blended right in with the cast of the 1967 musical Hair.
  21. Switching between Sam and Jay's views (ghosts and no ghosts) would ruin the story's flow for the audience when the ghosts file in and out. (I know it was a joke, but I'm somewhat compulsively didactic).
  22. I suspect the showrunners want Sam to be unique in her ability or Eric would already be seeing ghosts. Any hospital or emergency show generally starts someone's heart a couple of times a year. defibrillators also get used as weapons (X-Files) occasionally, which Thorfin would like and remember. Anyway, Someone could have told Thorfin that the defibrillator is like lightning in a box.
  23. I was wondering what the tempo of “Stayin’ Alive” is (103 beats per minute), because I wasn't sure if I was pumping on one or on one and three. I accidentally found a list of other songs for the disco deficient. Personally I would go with "Life Is a Highway" although I watched and enjoyed the “Stayin’ Alive" movie when it first came out. (about “Stayin’ Alive" movie)
  24. It just occurred to me that Eric might have thought that letting Bela 'use' his body would help him get out of the friend zone. I doubt that Bela and Trevor were just going to talk. Eric obviously loves Bela and he would now be able to say, "You've seen me naked", or words to that effect. Eric isn't (apparently) manipulative so I doubt that he would use guilt, but in the right situation that feeling of debt in Bella's mind could tip the scales in his favor. I suppose his dying could help too (since that's what actually clinched the deal), but he couldn't have planned that part.
  25. Criticizing the logical errors in fantasy stories is one of my favorite (evil and pointless) pleasures! "Every time you bring real-world physics into Hollywood, God kills a catgirl. So please, think of the catgirls." — Anonymous
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