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Everything posted by appositival

  1. Did they get the time helmet back or is it stuck in Gary's crop (gullet?) ?
  2. I was definitely shipping the retired customer and Houdini. I'm glad to see one relationship working out on this show. I was pleased that Max got called-out on only wanting Kat when she is unavailable.
  3. This is the type of humor I like, fast, cynical, and a bit offbeat. I hope they can avoid the anvils dropped by Superstore (and many others) when dealing with anything topical. Mostly I just hope they avoid anything topical, humor is neither news nor tragedy. Jack needs to find his manager (at the very least). The 'lost worker' trope is going to get old rather quickly. I have trouble believing that Katherine was any kind of top level manager. If you don't know the business, you need to lean on your underlings for support until you can stand on your own. Katherine just took a running leap and then crashed and burned on that talk show (nice ambush by the hosts, tho). I'm sure big pharma doesn't allow interviews unless the interviewee has been thoroughly trained to evade off-script questions.
  4. It was OK. I might watch it next year to see what I missed, but other than that I can't see myself watching it for the next twenty years or so. I liked the robot elf's 'ears' (they were probably cooling flanges for some heatsinks). I was expecting Beebo to expand and cuddle the robot into submission, but blowing him to bits was a bit harsh. Perhaps they'll do a sequel where they rescue the Elfin-Mark-V from the island of unwanted robots and disrupt the Jet stream.
  5. Did they beam up to the Evil!Waverider in that last scene? It would be hilarious if they stole the Waverider and left the Robo!Dupes (duplicates) to change history. Bishop gets a hero's death! Unfortunately he will probably come back in full douche mode. If they want to fix history, they have to replace Robo!Bishop with a Flesh!Bishop or he won't be able to clone himself (and I really want to see Robo!Bishop discovering that he actually is a robot). Stopping Bishop from destroying the Waverider would eliminate the Legend's historical changes, but it would also eliminate Flesh!Gideon, so it's very unlikely. Sorry about all of the Composite!Phrases, but there are duplicates of everything now and I'm trying to be clear. And they forgot that Nate can deflect bullets. They could use him as a moving shield at the very least.
  6. I like Barry's alibi, "I don't remember trashing the loft, so I couldn't have done it!" You don't remember leaving Xotar, so maybe you are still there. Yes! It doesn't matter how fast you are when you just stand there. I blame the writers that apparently can't think of a reasonable way for Barry to lose, so they hand him the idiot ball and he starts dribbling.
  7. I forgot I watched this (this concludes the review part of my post). Perhaps The Flash Vanished in the future (which is now a discarded past, I think), so that he wouldn't become evil in the future (which will probably now be avoided). Perhaps I forgot in self defense.
  8. I don't really see AI!Gideon as evil because she was returned to her factory settings by Bishop. At this point she doesn't really have free will. She would have fired the weapons herself, or built a robot captain to do it for her, if she had free will. (I hope she doesn't read this) She is just following the rules laid down by the Time Masters. Bishop and Ava were democratically ganging up on her and messing with time. She fixed that in a ruthlessly efficient way, but she is trying to protect the timeline.
  9. I kept thinking, "She's lucky she had that rock". 🎶 When you wish upon a rock 🎶 ... (sorry) I've just realized that Astra is Gideon's fairy godmother because she gave Gideon the "real girl operation".
  10. I finally realized that Dr. Midnighter's costume looks like an engineer on the Mole-person underground railroad. You kids like steampunk, right?
  11. I hope they develop some actual teamwork as this goes on. Attack in groups of two or three, and when the villain tries to focus on one person, everyone else shoots him in the back. Currently, they each follow a showboat/attack/crash/burn pattern. Kudos to the creepy kid. They didn't really need the demon, except that you probably can't show Grundy reducing a kid to hamburger on TV. When Beth pointed out the real demon, she basically earned her keep for this season. The rest of them would still be happily fighting shadows if she just watched.
  12. I'm still not entirely sure that Bishop's 'rebooted' Gideon was tonight's virus. How was the Waverider's system infected with that virus? Well, if they were the same that threat has been neutralized by the power of friendship. By the end of the show, I was expecting the virtual Waverider in Gideon's head to be the one that blew the real Waverider up (no, that doesn't make any sense ... why do you ask? ).
  13. I'm not too sure about this. Hoover was a total douche, but that doesn't mean he couldn't be replaced by someone worse. There are always more douches and scum floats to the top. Of course, Nate's desire to preserve history is partially self serving. He wouldn't be much of a historian if everything he knew was wrong. Why did Ava keep coming down stairs? The reason for this season ...
  14. The Waverider sure blew up clean. I would expect to see some socks in the trees at the least. Did it blow that clearing into an earlier time (timesplode?), when the time-ship's components were still rocks? The manual should have said that the back-story for the circus!scam was that they were advance advertising and guides for the circus to arrive in a week or so. Either that or just don't hire disasters like Gary who managed to pick the worst possible answer to please a little girl. "She hates ceilings." ( I can't even type this without laughing)
  15. So "True Love's Kiss" demonstrated that evil aliens are soluble in schmaltz. That blast wave effect was very reminiscent of "Once upon a time" conclusions. Has Gary ever told Eva that she is delicious? Will that be a problem when she meets the squidletts? I was never worried about John because getting out of Hell is pretty much what he does for a living. If he ever gets sent to Heaven he is going to be in trouble, but getting John into Heaven would require a celestial screw-up of biblical proportions.
  16. If Mike becomes both evil and immediately competent it will just prove that he should have been a villain all along. If you don't think he is villain material, just look where he was putting those newspapers! Why else would they focus on those newspapers? Does Courtney have some throw-able supertoys in that box?
  17. Thank you! I would think that Rip Hunter would have some great rehab programs in the medbay. I though that was just happening inside of John's head. So, last week they were jonesing to get to the earth and this week they just wander around on the ship. Seems like they could have done that in space.
  18. Is this going to be the Summer of Side-quests? This seemed similar to the princess cartoon and the bowling alley. The legends are taken to a magical place, they must win a game, things look dim, and then they win and everything resets to the Minnow Waverider, where Gary is fabricating a coconut pie. Why did Ava grin when she read her "Monster or Victim" card? That looked like a 'real' expression.
  19. I suspect that characters never ask about rules of games that they have never played because writers hate following rules. Granted, they have established Spooner as a, "shoot first (literally) and avoid the need for questioning" kind of character. Did we even get a cameo of Guss? Did they resolve that and I just missed it? And yes, the lack of comeuppance for the Pin Killers was very annoying.
  20. I was hoping that the 'fountain' would make Constantine a mute healer. That could have been hilarious.
  21. I initially thought Gary was mad at Mick when he slapped the bottle out of Mick's hand, but I've realized that Gary is just protecting Mick's pregnancy. Apparently he has two modes, wastrel or workaholic hustler. I blame the writers. I was also wondering what happened to the other six people who watched the show. I would probably be a different person if Captain Simian & the Space Monkeys had been a different show.
  22. That would be the first thing I did after I became an hybrid evil alien clone. Maybe she has other powers besides eating milkshakes and quickly recovering from having the critical parts of her brain shot out. Seriously, the medulla or cerebellum, the corpus callosum, the frontal lobes, she didn't even bother to sit down. Why was everyone fighting when the rage worm was looking for it's next meal? Did I miss a reasonable explanation or was that purely (and poorly) plot driven? Nate should have separated them for a "time out".
  23. Since Spooner has telepathy with 'aliens' does that mean she will now be able to communicate with Sara? I know this makes no sense at all, but this isn't a show that strives for plausibility.
  24. Why was Mick able to breath the poisonous atmosphere with no problems? Is that because of some modification the Time Lords made when he was a transtemporal assassin for a few hundred years? I think I'm a clone now There's always two of me just a-hangin' around I think I'm a clone now 'Cause every chromosome is a hand-me-down Alfred Matthew Yankovic / Richard Rosenblatt / Ritchie Cordell / Weird Al Yankovic
  25. I was surprised that no one thought of using a fishnet stocking for the support. I'll wager that Meemaw has a pair stashed away somewhere.
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