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Everything posted by appositival

  1. It just occurred to me that Holly Hunter (Arpi) is playing a "native Californian". Unlike Ted (Neil) who 'chose' LA, she is descended from generations of people who were a bit too weird for their birth community and so moved a bit farther west until we all finally fetched up against the Pacific ocean and just decided to go with the flow. Her eccentricities are fully functional, and she refused an office just like Edmund G. "Jerry" Brown (the longest-serving Governor in California history), who refused to live in the governor’s mansion during his first two terms.
  2. I'm in. I was hooked in the opening scene when Ted said, "you know I'm lost, right?". My only objection is that the opening theme sounds too much like 'The Good Place'. I wonder why they would do that. I normally come here to mock bad writing so I'm feeling a bit lost too.
  3. The scene where Mayim said that she was married with two children was very cringe-worthy. Was there a scene that explained why she would lie like that? Pro tip: If you have a crush on someone, tell them that you are single. If things go well you can always dump the spouse. For optimal 4th-wall breaking, watch the old 'Burns and Allen' show.
  4. Paula Abdul is turning into an adorable little old lady. Are they feeding red-herring names to the 'judges' or does she know every third-rate hoofer in LA? I can't really call them judges. They make 'guesses' and mug for the camera. They didn't tell any of the 'dancers' that they need to 'feel' the music, dance lighter, or "bring it". I really want Dick Button back. "Oh! They landed that samba roll on the inside edge! That's going to cost them a thousandth of a point easily."
  5. Episode 9? When is an autopsy actually a vivisection? If you can make plants grow, and you're made of plants, can't you use a tendril to stop someone from cutting you up? I liked Blue devil's halitosis attack.
  6. I'm officially rooting for the ancients to cancel the show. However, I expect that the show will end, not with a bang, but with a cliffhanger. I'm trying to think of characters who don't deserve to die. Matta (or martyr in the 'human' tongue) should be safe since she is with the ancients, and they probably won't destroy them selves. I would have saved Raylan, but he was way too smug when he was dealing with Captain Clueless (Ask engeneering about the engine, the helmsman shouldn't say much besides "Yes Ma'am!") Bloom can just portal off screen. Everyone else either was evil, is evil, is patiently waiting to be evil, or was dropped from the show already.
  7. Episode 7 (I guess) Ellery takes a dip. I'm also guessing he will level up after this. Pro Tip: If you are planning on killing someone, give them an unloaded gun. So the old "Luke, I am your father" works once again. Sadly, Ellery's impressive task focus is a recessive trait. The proper answer would have been "Boot to the Head". Abby ignores all warnings from the site expert and blunders on with no preparation. Please don't act surprised when you get bit.
  8. And making Bloom Mac and Cheese for breakfast every day. I was calling this episode "Revenge of the shrooms" until they showed Jax and Bloom doing different things and I realized that Bloom was Bloom. I think Zazie's plan was about the best idea anyone has had on this show (a low bar I know). Too bad Tierney sabotaged it by dragging in Bloom's mom's dysfunctional relationships. What show has Tierney been watching?
  9. That 'crib' (box) for the miracle child was right out of a PSA on crib death. Zazie may have saved the kid's life. I hope Captain Roy got paid in advance or he is back where he started. We woke one clone so we could question him. After that it was obviously pointless to awaken any others. (that would have made more sense than saying that the clone was Xander's brother) Do these people even know what cloning involves? How would a clone remember things that never happened to it? The cloners just have some cells, they don't have a life history.
  10. Ellery is a wonderful villain and I hope he dies horribly. Why didn't someone turn a hose on Daniel when he was starting to smoke (or steam)? Don't these doctors understand the value of palliative medicine?
  11. I'm guessing that Jack will come back and say that he can't do it himself. He will become Brahma (the creator), Dean will become Shiva (the destroyer - who is actually just the god of change), and Sam will become Vishnu (the preserver). Instead of damnation, reincarnation will be the punishment, and everyone will live (and die repeatedly) happily ever after. 15 years of leaping backwards when someone waves their hand finally comes to an end.
  12. Episode 5: Susie needs a tinfoil hat to keep the Loa from riding her. The nightmare scenes were fun. Swampy used Tree!Vision on Abby. (it was super effective)
  13. "Gee Xander, what are we gonna do tonight?" "The same thing we do every night; crash into a planet!" So, you're a Semi-pirate (they really should be called privateers), and you fly slowly over the mining town which has no outer wall, and you see that there is a barrier on the only street, and you see that everyone is standing on one side of the barrier, and you don't just drop a bomb on them, and you don't enter the street from both sides, and you don't understand why you couldn't get in to Not!Starfleet academy. And other stupid stuff happened.
  14. Shouldn't this be "S02.E05: On A Night Like This"? I think it was cribbed from the song "On A Night Like This" by the Swedish singer Pandora. It doesn't have much of a plot either. I actually liked the drunk call from Jax's (male) harem. Lets just admit that this is a farce and not pretend that it's a serious drama. So Zazie is a spy? And Jett is a spy, and everyone else takes turns being spys. I'm assuming that they keep saying that Matta is dead so that we can have a big reveal when we (and Ralen, I guess) find out that she isn't. Then we can have the obligatory After-School-Special episode about keeping secrets and spreading rumours. I also liked the choreography of Ralen's Alien-Fighting-style. Although, jumping up in the air to punch a trained fighter is called "telegraphing your next move" and will usually end badly.
  15. Did the telepathic aliens ever explain why they were sending nightmares? I understand that they aren't looking to be friends, but perhaps they would be willing to help avoid galactic obliteration? At any rate there must be easier ways of making people go away. Just make them think the Check Engine light is blinking. None of the characters think that the Mind!Snail necklace is a calling card that the ancients can read? It's pretty clear that Chekhov's Mind!Snail is a Plot-Coupon, but if telepathic aliens ever tell me that something is what I need, I will try to pay attention. Now to the important stuff. The forlorn study group wannabes don't seem to ever be studying (or even carrying books or tablets). Come on cadets, if the group doesn't show up you study on your own. Pleading for study buddies just makes you look pathetic and a is waste of your precious study time.
  16. Star-date, episode 4, I think. Abby does science with a pokin' stick. Aren't you supposed to use different sticks for material evidence (the room tag) and physical evidence (the "body")? No one thought that the Sheriff might be infected? I guess that Abby couldn't dress the Sheriff's wounds without her stick. So the "body" accepted the fear syndrome? I suspect that Swampy animated the corpse to trick the syndrome into accepting it as a viable host. We just got the sugar coated version.
  17. Swamp Thing (do dodo doot! doot!) You make my heart sing (do dodo doot! doot!) You make everything ... Spooky (sorry, but I've had this stuck in my head all day) So, brilliant Dr. Abby Doesn't think to wear gloves while she does a B&E on Alec's old lab? I understand that face masks don't sell TV shows as well as pretty faces, but do we really need to pander to the hand fetishists? Won't someone think of the glove fetishists?
  18. Personally, I'd have jumped at the chance to stay in the ancient's pocket dimension. Of course I wouldn't just spend my whole life in that stupid room. Jax should escort Ralen to the gate so that he can be united with Matta. Why couldn't Jax tell Ralen that Matta stayed behind? (besides bad writing) He might like to know that she isn't actually dead. I think some other stuff happened. I won't be too disapointed if the ancients decide to cancel the series. Pretty visuals and actors do not equal a cohesive story. Welcome to the CW and their obsession with ill-advised hook-ups.
  19. It hadn't even occurred to me to wonder. I assume that she just felt like writing some stuff on walls and and killing some people. I did like Castiel's speech about now regretting having been a "good soldier".
  20. The Sherrif telling her grown son who to date while a young girl is missing in the swamp was a bit jarring. In general I think it is a bit above the average CW fare, at least in terms of the immediacy of the special effects. We can only hope that the romances are handled in adult, or at least semi-rational, terms.
  21. When Stargirl couldn't reach the staff I suspected that the staff was playing possum so that Brainwave would drop his guard. It sure looked like the staff made sure that Brainwave wasn't getting back up, while Stargirl was just along for the ride. I think the staff is playing a long game.
  22. If you are standing in a circle and shooting at something in the centre, and you miss, what do you hit? You hit your buddy who is standing on the other side of the circle! Batwoman could have just jumped from side to side and they would have wiped themselves out. Canonically, this is known as a "polish firing squad" formation (Przepraszam!).
  23. My fanwank was that the alt!guys actually drove the lime green 2-seat Thunderbird that was sitting in the bunker garage. That seems more their speed. Unfortunately, it's probably just that the lolcanon has grown so strong that things that happened 20 minutes earlier in the show can no longer escape being retconned for laughs.
  24. So, Kate was in a military academy, which means that she was planning on going into the military as a officer and then going to forign lands and probably killing people, right? I mean she certainly wasn't aiming for a desk job, She seems like the type of person that would request transfer to a combat unit. I'm not slamming the military. I was in the military and the part about killing people is made pretty clear in Boot camp. I would assume that the academy would have a class on the ethics and morality of war. I guess I just would have liked a line about theory versus practice (regarding killing) or possibly a line about her regret that she broke her promise to free psycho!dad.
  25. When I saw her grab the knife moments before, I assumed that she would stab Dean once she got inside his guard. Also, If I heard someone bellowing my name like they were doing, I would be running in the opposite direction. That sounded much more threatening than reassuring. "KAIA! WE'RE TRYING TO FIND YOU!!"
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