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Everything posted by appositival

  1. Lord Knox was ruthless but honorable and we shall not soon see his like. If only they could give Rory's sketch to someone with a vast armada of ships who could scourge the universe looking for "chicken-wing" faced aliens. I think Rory is plus one, minus two on the general tally of usefulness. On the other hand, free armor! Ray could shrink down and pilot the armor and then jump out and finish the job when the armor gets trashed.
  2. Did she look a bit haggard there at the end? I'm wondering if she will prune-up like Emperor Palpatine. If she becomes ugly I'm sure Team Flash will have no problem 'killing' her. I didn't see a shot of her when the other forces were getting unforced. With this show, I have to wonder if that is deliberate or just sloppy.
  3. And now for the important stuff. What happened to the dog? I hope he didn't end up being Amelia's dinner. Of course he is probably the dangerous alien collector and those lights at the end are taped to the heads of his dog minions (Pack of Doom? ... needs workshopping). Why didn't Mrs. Burger-Joint put a bucket under her cocoon? I don't want to eat alien excretion that was scraped up off of someone's floor! I did like Gary missing the "only intelligent life" insult.
  4. Barry is the slowest, fastest person in the world. When the woman on the meta-test bench sits up and her eyes flash green, hit the off button! Don't stand there with the control in your hand and your mouth open while she flops around like a beached trout. I'm guessing that frost is afraid that her hair will turn mousy brown if she takes the meta cure. That would be worse that a (CW) life-time of prison. Are we doing a frost-pool? I'll bet that she is out of jail by the second show of the next season. Whenever some military person complains about supers being dangerous, I wonder what their "Confirmed Kill" number is. I'm sure Kramer has killed more people than frost.
  5. If I was Barry, I would ask the speed force to look like Joe's first wife. That might help Iris to understand why Barry is creeped out. Alternately she(?) could look like Caitlin with green hair or something. Then we could have a crisis of finite Caitlins.
  6. I think Iris has better chemistry with the speed force than she does with Berry. At least it seems less awkward and forced. Berry definitely wasn't happy having his Not!DeadMom over for a sleepover. How did Iris miss him telegraphing his dread? It wasn't subtle. I'm glad that I wasn't the only one who felt cheated when the T-Rex didn't eat anyone. If you bring a sousaphone on stage, you should play it, not just wave it around.
  7. The guards have a new Catch-and-Release program that has really increased the tourist trade.
  8. I wanted Luke to say to Ryan, "You called the cops, Right?". Isn't that what she asked him?
  9. I was just thinking that the show had really started hitting its stride and now it's over. How could Arpi object to being used after setting Jayden up for the "Throwing of the first ball". Although I'd rather have the groin-cone than another session of Jayden's urchin shtick. As an alpha bureaucrat, Arpi should be envious of Neil's Machiavellianism. I would like to have seen Orly's reaction to that. So, is Jayden's ex?fiance going to be back? I feel sorry for the kid.
  10. I was impressed with how long he stayed in front of them, but I agree, invest in a bicycle at least! So everyone was shooting at Wolf Spider, but running him down with a car is somehow worse? Were they worried that he wouldn't look good at the funeral?
  11. I would say that she was endearingly irritating. I enjoyed Neil's growing awareness of the fact that Orly was playing them. I was surprised that Neil didn't tell Nicole why she was coming over. They could have played Gin Rummy or something equally boring (no offense players). I guess I just answered my own question.
  12. I was disappointed that Zoey never said that she would quit if Simon was fired. She basically said "I will support you all the way out the door and I will miss you when you are gone". Honestly quitting would probably be the best career move at that point. If SPRQ Point fired Simon after he made that announcement, the press would crucify them. DMD should be aware of this. They should have publicly made Simon the leader of a program to eradicate racism in SPRQ Point , and then quietly fired him in a couple of years because he didn't succeed. (I'm wearing my Machiavellian managerial hat on this one. This is why I will never be a manager.)
  13. I suspect that this is a reflection on the City Hall Cafeteria's cuisine, but I have actually eaten decent food from a "roach coach". I liked the Mayor asking for credit for knowing when to keep his mouth shut. From what we've seen that was probably a hard won lesson. So now we know that everyone in the office is evil except for Jayden, who has his own set of problems. Going head-down in the carry-out bag was oddly hilarious.
  14. The lead up to the 'trip' was horrifying, as others have noted, but the actual trip was kind of fun. I also liked Aiden's technique. You move closer and if she tenses up, you move away. That is as close as guys actually get to being sensitive. So Roger ended up being a jerk as I feared. It bothers me most that they made his actions so predictable. I prefer stories that take me to unexpected places. there have been discussions here about the writers not understanding business structures. This week we can see that they don't understand computers. In general I have found that writers also seldom understand hospitals, law offices, Police and detective work, guns, sports, human relationships, and pretty much anything else that you actually do understand. It's really best to just suspend expertise and go with the flow (or find another show).
  15. Did she actually say that Kate's alive? I just recall her saying that Alice could 'see' Kate. When Alice completes the plot-quest, I'm guessing that Safiyah will lead her to an unmarked grave and give her a shovel.
  16. Please don't have Roger suddenly become abrasive because Maggie refused his invitation to go on a date. He's not a kid and he's not stupid. He should have said that it was just lunch between friends. He knows her situation, so he should be more sensitive to something besides the fact that she obviously likes him. (I still fear the worst)
  17. The writers obviously think that bats are weasels with wings. They eat mice, they burrow into their victims, and they go for the throat. Yes, yes, domesticated weasels act nice, but play-bites are just their way of checking to see if you are 'ripe' yet. You would think that the bats would have gone home if they just turned the bat-annoyer off. This makes sense. Basically the writers don't know the difference between poison and a disease. The Magic Ninja Poison is obviously communicable among bats. For a show about bat-people you would think that they might have done a bit of research, but in the Anvil-verse it's generally "plot uber alles".
  18. I felt sorry for the bats. So how exactly did Alice bio-engineer bats to carry the magic ninja toxin?
  19. It bothered me that Jayden ate the cookie instead of just turning Arpi around so that she couldn't see the cookie. Was that explained in some throw-away joke that i missed?
  20. If Mo is "non binary sexually" she might prefer they/them as pronouns. I'm not actually sure to which event you are referring, so I may be off on this.
  21. I was cringing at Max's attempts to control Zoey. When your partner has that thousand mile stare you don't pitch a fuss because "Your brain damage makes me sad"! I think he wanted her out of Maggie's house because he wanted to be the only voice telling her what to do without interference. Tearful apologies after a tantrum are a hallmark of an abusive partner. I would have told the brogrammers that the cost of the window was coming out of their paychecks. I would have then put Tobin in charge so that I could fire him more easily the next time he (or the group) screwed up, and I would tell him that in front of everyone. I thought Rob Stewart was pushing Maggie because he could see that she needed to start trusting herself. I suspect that Maggie saying that she would want to stay in the yard that she was designing 'forever' was a hint of things to come. That was what caused him to say that the design was perfect.
  22. Beth has had so many lemons in her life that she doesn't just make lemonade. She makes a lemon pie and throws it in Jacob's face. Personally, I'm hoping that the Crows become occasional guest villains rather than a major plot point. Have they mentioned where Ryan learned to fight yet?
  23. Andie MacDowell was the Noxzema spokesperson for about 40 years. I assume that you don't get that job in the first place unless you have less pores than porcelain .
  24. I episode 1, during the press conference, Neil says that Dolly Parton came up with a cure for Covid 19. It's at the end of his description of the previous mayor imploding.
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