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Everything posted by psychoticstate

  1. When is California going to break down and give Kim's ass its own zip code? That thing is huge and she wears clothing that only accentuates it. Ugh. I only watch this show sporadically. Does she ever do anything with North? Bruce really looks awful. Maybe it's the strain of the separation or years of dealing with Kris and her spawn but I would hope that being apart from her on a daily basis would improve him.
  2. I was coming here to post exactly the same, TomGirl. Call me crazy but I consider the Hamptons, the Berkshires and Saratoga vacations or weekend getaways. Which is more than I've had! @chlban, get outta my head! Seriously, you posted exactly what my thoughts would be except that I am enjoying the Montana trip. I don't mind their journeys, especially if they travel somewhere I've never been. This is my favorite franchise too, despite living in OC, like you, and being from Atlanta. There is something about NY that I just love and am mesmerized with. And like you, LuAnn is my favorite.
  3. This was something that Tamra told Gretchen on the beach, somewhere, when the two had to sit down, with cameras, and Tamra had to explain why she was such a vile bitch and cry about how her parents' divorce affected her so much. When she was 25.
  4. Robert Downey, Jr. in Chaplin. His performance was unbelievable - - it was as if you were watching a documentary of the actual Chaplin. The writing for The Women - - the 1939 version, not the inferior 2008 version. Somewhere in Time - - should have won for costume design and the score most definitely should have been nominated.] The documentaries on the West Memphis 3 were all fantastic documentaries.
  5. Maybe Heather is wrong to repeat the gossip about Shannon and her marriage but I blame Tamra moreso. Shannon told Tamra something in confidence and I don't believe for one Botoxed moment that Tamra was sharing the info with Heather out of the goodness of her oh-so-black heart in hopes that Heather and Shannon would make up. I think Tamra is a nasty shit stirrer and she couldn't wait to share someone else's misfortune. And she is a dumb bitch extraordinnaire to tell Heather on film and then deny it to Shannon. Heather never denied saying what she did to Teefs and apologized. Sure, Heather is condescending but I still like her. Her wit and brain can run circles around most of the other ladies. Briana - - I don't care. Take your jackhole husband and get yourself to OK. Please. (Sorry to any OK residents out there)
  6. Did anyone watch the First Look on Saturday? Tamra is delusional and insane. She attacks Heather because Heather has the nerve to get CUT Fitness a spot on Good Day LA after Tamra's "competition" was there first and then expects Heather to sit down all warm and fuzzy over Tamra and Eddie before the show? Bitch, please. I just can't with this nitwit. If I was Heather, I would have cancelled the spot as soon as that yellow haired sea witch went after me.
  7. @ramble, ha! I call my ex Satan, the Spawn of Satan or just plain old F*ckwit. It's fitting. I feel like he doesn't even deserve his given name any longer. As far as my ex goes, I think anytime he may possibly have bordered on guilt or feelings like guilt, he would verbally attack me. Turn the tables. Deflect. Whatever it took.
  8. Thank you, babykin. This is most definitely the most trying and dark time of my life. I cannot wait for it to be over. I don't think that everyone who cheats is a sociopath either. Selfish, sure. An asshole, maybe. Does Tori even weigh more than those tacos? I guess "a lady" never talks about her eating disorders either. Her husband's pubes, sure. But not weight and food! Please save a spot for me on that bus ride to hell. Window seat, please.
  9. motorcitymom65, I hope you LOVE The Women. It's one of my absolute favorite classic movies!
  10. @babykin, I'm in the process of divorcing one now. They truly do not see and do not CARE about what they inflict on others and the effect that has. The only need sociopaths have with others is what others can do for them. Once you are no longer "valuable" to them or provide them with what they need, you are expendable and they move on to the next victim. Worst mistake I ever made and divorcing him is no easier than living with him and dealing with the many dysfunctions and issues. I wish I had seen them earlier and gotten out as you did.
  11. I agree, ghoulina. I thought it was horribly rude to be laughing and giggling not only while someone was speaking but was speaking about how cancer was claiming lives and how it had impacted her. That woman (Bonnie?) had more grace than I would have - - I would have stopped talking and asked the table to share with everyone what was so darn funny. Because we all know that cancer isn't funny. I could just imagine how Aviva would have reacted if she had been having one of her many alleged charitable events for limb loss and she was speaking about how it affected her and people were laughing over a text. Release the Kraken! I am disappointed that Heather didn't tell Lulu she was partly to blame.
  12. I've never read Bag of Bones but I hated the minseries or whatever it was from a few years ago. Boring as hell.
  13. helloagain said it very well but as someone whose spouse cheated on her, I totally get this. Sex can be nothing but a physical act with no emotional connection whatsoever. The thought that Dean may have spooned this girl or held her or really opened up and talked to her indicates this wasn't just an instance of getting some strange because he could. And it may also remind Tori of what may have happened with herself and Dean the first day they met. Tori has constantly said in her other reality shows that she worries that Dean will do the same to her that he's done to Mary Jo. Makes perfect sense. Very clear to me that this "lost footage" or whatever was nothing more than a way for Tori to say "See? This is why I stayed with Dean. The show was his grand gesture to me." I actually think that statement is 100% true. I had posted several times over on TWOP that I didn't understand what Dean was getting out of this show - - if anything, the first few episodes made him look even WORSE. I had speculated that maybe Tori demanded he do this show as a penance and in order to keep the marriage going. I have no doubt of it now. And because it can't be said enough - - Dr. Wexler is a quack. I think Dean is a huge piece of shit but the therapy sessions were obviously to help Tori, not to help their marriage. Big difference.
  14. And here I thought Caroline was going to be the most vile person of this show. Congratulations, Noelle! You're an asshole. And bitch, you can miss me with that "I'm not a golddigger" comment. You're just not golddigging well. I feel sorry for her boyfriend because girl is clearly in it for the dollars. BTW, I swear I had a Barbie when I was younger that came in the same hot pink long dress that Noelle was wearing. Just saying. I'm not going anywhere though because I loooooooove seeing the London scenery.
  15. Keeping cases and cases of Pinot around are a surefire way to make sure the Moaner shows up for every event. I agree. I love LuAnn. I spend most of the episodes looking at what she's wearing, her jewelry, etc. That woman has Style with a capital S. Although I'm sure Aviva doesn't consider her a well-wisher or anything like that. I was horrified at the ladies laughing during the "my mother had cancer" speech. Unbelievably rude and no excuse.
  16. I only miss Gretchen tooting her high horn about flandering or sunthin' in her quest to rehensibly mangle and butcher the English language worse than anyone.
  17. katesus, I agree with your entire post. That is all. Tamra is insane. OrangeTheory and 24 Hour Fitness are across the street from each other and both in well-traveled shopping centers. They are each other's competition. I doubt Tamra and her CUT Fitness, complete with anti-aging doctors and Rapey Ryan and his parking lot drugs, are even on their radar. I don't think Tamra and "eloquent" have met each other, nor will they in this lifetime. Who would have thought Teefs wouldn't annoy me this season? But he hasn't. He's (almost) the voice of reason. (He gets major points detracted by being married that yellow headed sea witch). Vicki is so continually rude and inappropriate that I just have to laugh at her "are you doing the chitty chitty bang bang?" and "you don't look gay!" comments to people she just met. And because it can't nearly be said enough - - TEAM HEATHER. STFU, Tamra.
  18. I listened to 11/22/63 as an audiobook. Overall, I found it very good. There were a few parts that dragged IMO but the general concept was excellent. My biggest pet peeve was the character of Sadie being voiced like a man with a ridiculous Southern drawl. I get that the narrator was a man but geez, it really took me out of the book hearing comments that were supposedly made by a feminine woman in a very male voice. And it made me not like the character.
  19. I guess I should have clarified - - Younger Associate was an incredibly caring and hot man. Who Heroine threw away because, well, who wouldn't to take back a lying, cheating, older Douchebag of a husband? Isn't that what we all want? I guess according to Danielle Steel, it is.
  20. Not sure if this would be unpopular or not but I was a fan of Danielle Steel's back in her heyday (80s) - - until I read Lightening. What a piece of shit! If you haven't read it, it goes a little something like this. Heroine is unbelievably beautiful but doesn't know it. Of course. She finds out she has cancer so her husband, being the douchebag he is, bails. Because HE can't take it. Heroine is an attorney and a younger associate in her office who lost a sister to cancer steps in to provide her with support, take her to chemo, etc. A romantic relationship develops. Yay, Heroine. Heroine kicks cancer in the ass. You go, Heroine. Heroine is in remission. Douchebag husband decides that he no longer wants to bang his girlfriend and wants Heroine back. Because she's healthy and all now. Heroine kicks sweet, compassionate and supportive Younger Associate to the curb to take cheating, deserting Douchebag back. What the what? Heroine and Danielle Steel can both miss me with that kind of codependent, stand by your man b.s. I love books. The thought of throwing a book away makes me shake. I threw Lightening away. After I threw it across the room in disgust.
  21. LabLover, was Tamra at the RSM festival today? I drove by there and would have stopped if I had known old Tams was there. No wonder there were so many cars parked on the street . . . Tamra: OC's Trucker with Tits
  22. Information, please on the Northam incident. Where was I? I have no idea what this is.
  23. Did anyone watch the episode this past Monday on Tiffany Sessions? I lived in Georgia when Tiffany went missing from Gainesville and I remember it being all over the news. Just sadness realizing that her family has never at least had the closure to find her body and give her a burial.
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