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Everything posted by EVS

  1. Thinking of @MyPeopleAreNordic and hoping she has a successful surgery today.
  2. If they ever watched Jana unclog their toilet, then JB would consider them professional plumbers.
  3. Someone in the comments posted a non-KJV of this verse. It is different from what Derick is trying to imply. "Do not reprove a mocker or he will hate you; reprove a wise person and he will love you." Derick is definitely a “mocker”, not a wise person. Nice try to once again use the Bible for your own agenda, Derick. Derick Dillard: Counting On - Offensive Tweets
  4. I didn’t know that. Thanks. I’m going to read it now.
  5. Ok. I reread her last paragraph. I misunderstood it the first time. I still feel her analogy using her child is irrelevant because a parent (hopefully) loves their child unconditionally. The people Derick is attacking are not his children, they are someone else’s children or adults he does not know. He is not friends with them, he doesn’t love them. He has made no attempt to get to know or understand them. Therefore, it is not his place to judge them, and by calling them names publicly, he is indeed judging them.
  6. Dear Jill, To Disagree doesn’t = hate or judgment, unless you attack or judge the person you disagree with. It’s how you disagree that sets the tone. And attacking children or calling them names or dragging them into your disagreement is both hateful and judgmental and crosses a line that no adult claiming to be a Christian should ever cross. Also, your husband is a grown-ass man, so your analogy using your children is pointless.
  7. He might still love his child if he were gay, but someone should ask him if he would accept the child. I agree with you that there is no way that he would, but I would love to see Derick’s evasive response to that question.
  8. I want to know what this “new direction” is that Derick keeps talking about. He claims that is the reason he and Jill “decided” to leave the show, but has never explicitly stated what that direction is. His Cross Church program shouldn’t prevent him from being on the show. Does he consider “raving Twitter lunatic” a new direction? Of course, I don’t believe he chose to leave. I think TLC decided to stop filming him and film Jill only minimally, but I am curious to hear his explanation for the “new direction” (although we all know he is incapable of giving a straight answer).
  9. The only comments I could find were from Derdick Dillard.
  10. Since he already has Austin’s nostrils, hopefully he doesn’t also inherit the male Duggar hairline. That would not be a good combination. I do think that right now he may not be the prettiest baby, but he is cute and seems happy.
  11. I don’t know the couple Derick is tweeting about, but it doesn’t sound like they have ever posted pictures of their daughter rolled up in a blanket screaming in distress, or accused their loving children of being manipulative. I’m guessing that they don’t practice blanket training and that they want more for their little girl than to grow up to be a broodmare. In summary, it sounds like the Dullard’s lifestyle is much more degrading to children than this couple’s.
  12. Maybe this tweet was an attempt to take some of the heat off of Jill for strollergate.
  13. Definitely. I’m also picturing guests throwing toast during the wedding reception speeches.
  14. I think we have a winner! Now I can’t unsee it.
  15. ‘Laborsit’ sounds like a baby sitting service to me, like Jill needs to bring one of her younger sisters (or Jana) along to watch Sam (and/or Izzie if she needs to bring him also) so that sister becomes the ‘labor sitter’ and will watch any other children in the house if necessary.
  16. Maybe he is struggling with impure thoughts after viewing Lawson Bates’ latest social media pictures.
  17. He and Jeremy should take a trip together and take lots of pictures. They would totally try to out-pose (is that a word, lol?) each other.
  18. @MyPeopleAreNordic I am so sorry about your cancer diagnosis. I hope your surgery goes smoothly and I wish you a full and speedy recovery. Please keep us posted whenever you feel up to sharing.
  19. ‘En suite’ is the one that annoys me. Just call it a master bathroom or attached bath.
  20. I think he is nice looking, but he looks like a lot of (mostly Greek and Italian) guys I knew growing up, so I personally don’t find him hot. Objectively, I can understand why many people would find him hot. His poses make me think he has a high opinion of himself though, which is a turn-off to me.
  21. Thank you both. I knew “Aunt Jodi” sounded familiar. I didn’t start watching J&K plus 8 until the sextuplets were maybe 4 or 5. I hope Sierra or someone else does “an Aunt Jodi”. I think there are still so many secrets waiting to be revealed, including clarification of compensation for the children.
  22. I’ll be turning in my membership as well. Maybe we can form a support group - Reality TV Addict Rejects. ? We need a better acronym though.
  23. He wanted to make sure he outran the evil Catholic runners. He thought he brushed shoulders with a gay or transgender runner at the start line. He ran like Pickles was chasing him while dragging Jazz behind her.
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