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Everything posted by glowlights

  1. Nice! I agree with you about being low to the ground near drivers. The recumbents are probably better for paved trails. Thanks! That's great that you can use both sides of the coin. Unfortunately I've been so blah. But I did a six mile walk yesterday and am planning a workout today. My eating is getting back on track. Not perfect. Hopefully this week I can put some anger to good use like you do. :)
  2. This show is fantastic!!! I had to rewatch the first skit of the first ep because I was convinced it was Dench. Took me a while to clue in to the makeup but my god the voice was perfect mimicry. So bang-on. The Angela Merkel bits had me and my husband in stitches. I swear I will take my bra off and wear it over my ears if anyone starts talking politics tomorrow. And I was excited to see that Ullman is using her singing and dancing skills in this series, too! I adore her singing voice. In case we have any youngsters here, this was Ullman in the 80s:
  3. My biggest problem with Devon (besides the aforementioned priss factor) is the actor playing him. Same with Lily. They are like nails on chalkboard. But I'm obviously at a table for one with this opinion, given their fan clubs.
  4. Over in the Donald Trump thread, stewedsquash made a very eloquent post about finding common ground. I don't know how to import so here is a permalink: Anyway, I'm replying here because I'm trying to stay on topic, and this has more to do with me and my post-election coping than Trump's policies. So: One of the things that has most shaken me, is that I now have to question my life-long belief in looking for the common ground and trying to look past differences to see what is basic and good about someone, regardless of surface appearances. But what this election taught me is that of the few people I know who voted Trump Pence, every single one took this election cycle as opportunity to make racist and homophobic slurs, and/or post anti-Semitic remarks on social media, and/or denigrate women, and/or make horrible "jokes" about refugees, etc. etc. etc. Every. Single. One. And I'm sorry, but if they were emboldened by Trump's hate rhetoric to spew their own hate, there really is nothing more for me to know about them. All along I thought I was being inclusive, but all along I was really hosting and enabling the dregs of society. And I'm stopping. Right now. Of course I still believe in civility. I am not going to stop being polite to strangers in public (and on message boards). But in terms of personal relationships, this Pollyanna kumbaya dream of mine is dead. And that makes me very, very sad. Because I really did want to believe in everyone's best. But it turns out I was just consorting with trash. "If someone tells you who they are, believe them." Well, I've heard some people loud and clear.
  5. Aw. :( I'm so sorry you have to go through that. I remember all the comments about my failure to procreate. It's never fun when family takes the opportunity to concern troll. I wish you lots of wine this Thanksgiving.
  6. Fishcakes I love you. The Biden memes have me in tears (good tears). I didn't know Tracey Ullmans new show had started!! Thanks so much for that tip. We enjoyed a couple of those eps last night. Her impression of Judy Dench is remarkable. The Politics of Dancing has been in my head all night and I think it was responsible for a disturbing dream about Tom Cruise dancing topless at a Korean vegan restaurant, but hey at least I didn't dream about the orange turd. :) I think Kate McKinnon singing Leonard Cohen would destroy me right now. Good point about euchre. Now we need a new word. Goddammit he's even ruining card games!
  7. Thanks! I didn't even know about the upcoming pageant. But just from the little pageant clips I've seen it was obvious JonBenet would have been on a schedule of fittings, coaches, hair and makeup tests, and practice practice practice. Not to mention the public appearances in parades and at the shopping mall. Why should Patsy lie about that and say it was not a significant part of their life? What does that obvious lie accomplish? Did she want to rewrite family history?
  8. Hey DeLurker, I really like your attitude of doing better today than yesterday. I did manage to drag my butt through a workout this afternoon and have not eaten any sweets so... definitely better than yesterday. LOL Dog walking is such a great way to get out. In your case maybe dog running if squirrels are present? I would love a trike! Is yours recumbent? Thanks again for the wisdom. Onwards and upwards.
  9. Anyone looking for shelter in the social media storm might enjoy Birds Rights Activist (which makes me laugh like nothing else). @ProBirdRights Anyone else have favorite places to go for a much-needed laugh right now? Besides the liquor cabinet...
  10. I hope this is okay to post here: I need a kick in the butt!!! I have to be careful about food and exercise in general, and am currently fighting my way back from a weight gain following illness. This past week I have been stress eating and missed a couple of work outs. I am up four pounds. PMS is a factor but this is a slippery slope!!! Anyone have motivational words of wisdom? Or words of shame? ANYTHING.
  11. I hated The Accountant. I thought it was dumb, disjointed, and fell into that weird trap of stereotyping autistic people as super-geniuses and/or robots. The ending made me LOL. Even Anna Kendrick couldn't make me interested in what was supposedly going on. Oh, and doing his audit on a glass window overlooking the rest of the office, therefore publishing it for all to see. Jesus Christ.
  12. I love this so much!!! lol Great new phrase for when you mean the opposite of winning. Someone over in the election anxiety support thread said they didn't know Trump's reasons for failing to pay workers. I decided to put this article here, since the other thread is supposed to be more about support. Anyway, a pretty indepth article about Trump's long history of reneging on contracts and violating labor law. (Hint: you don't get to repeatedly and flagarantly violate contract and labor law because those laws don't align with your personal "reasons" or your mood that day. Most grown ups know this.): http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2016/06/09/donald-trump-unpaid-bills-republican-president-laswuits/85297274/
  13. Oh! There's a boob lamp in my hallway. But it's missing a nipple. Sad boob. :(
  14. Me neither, but since this has a practical purpose as opposed to just decoration, I'm in. When women in Silicon Valley of all places are expressing worry about going out wearing their hijab, it's time to start giving people an easy signal that you are okay to approach. I'll walk with someone if they are nervous or let them sit with me at a table. No sweat. BTW on Amazon you can buy large safety pins in sets of four. As opposed to those packs of 100. Unless you want to give them out to others, in which case 100 pins for eight bucks sounds like a deal! lol
  15. I can't tell if you're being sarcastic? (sorry, my humor gauge is a bit wonky this week) This thread has been moving quickly so apologies if this has already been posted, but for those who are looking to show support for others who are in fear after this election, a small and inexpensive thing you can do is wear a safety pin when out in public to signal that you are an ally and you are someone who is safe to approach if they need help or just a friendly face: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/safety-pin-trump-brexit_us_58251b53e4b0c4b63b0c11a9
  16. It's not your fault. Your brain is feeble from not consuming 40 lemons per day. You are a victim of the medical industrial complex and all their fancy book learnin'. (So she's wearing makeup and dyeing her hair again?)
  17. I was flabbergasted to hear Patsy describe the pageant thing as just a couple of Sunday afternoons. Was she delusional or just a damn liar? That drawing makes me sad for Burke. He was a bit player in his own family's life. I think it would be natural for him to resent JonBenet in life as well as in death.
  18. Thanks. Not a Bethanny fan but it's great to hear that she adopted dogs who needed a home. Cookie is getting old, right?
  19. Does Dunkin have a feedback form on their site? I would let them know. Even if he was so engrossed in his phone call that he didn't see you... he shouldn't be on engrossing calls during shift. Bilgistic, The anonymous tenants letter is pretty crappy. Maybe you should let management know that neighbors are leaving anonymous notes and you already keep the volume low so you don't appreciate being harassed. Preemptive strike. Lordonia I really hope your access to healthcare isn't impacted, long waits or no. :( (sorry multi quote is hard on my phone)
  20. Oh boy Ive encountered that attitude in medical offices and it is NOT okay. I'm usually fine though if they alert me when I arrive that they had to squeeze in an emergency or something. That's showing respect for everyone's time.
  21. She didn't step in it because it was wrong, she stepped in it because it was tactically ill-advised and gave the Trumpeteers something to rally around, in part because it was easy to quote out of context. Here's what she really said: We are living in a volatile political environment. You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic -- you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up. He has given voice to their websites that used to only have 11,000 people -- now 11 million. He tweets and retweets their offensive hateful mean-spirited rhetoric. Now, some of those folks -- they are irredeemable, but thankfully they are not America. But the other basket -- and I know this because I see friends from all over America here -- I see friends from Florida and Georgia and South Carolina and Texas -- as well as, you know, New York and California -- but that other basket of people are people who feel that the government has let them down, the economy has let them down, nobody cares about them, nobody worries about what happens to their lives and their futures, and they're just desperate for change. It doesn't really even matter where it comes from. They don't buy everything he says, but he seems to hold out some hope that their lives will be different. They won't wake up and see their jobs disappear, lose a kid to heroin, feel like they're in a dead-end. Those are people we have to understand and empathize with as well.
  22. Don't forget Brooks Ayers! He's a yuuuuge Trump fan. He could read his fake cancer diagnosis to the crowd, followed by a Q&A about the Housewives.
  23. Wasn't it John Andrew's room where they found the backpack with some rope?
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