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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. First- now I know why I never will watch this "live" again. The amount of commercials was ridiculous! At one point they cam back after a break, did 4 minutes of show and took another break that lasted 8 minutes! And enough of the PR Jr. pushing. I hate every one of those smug little snowflakes thanks to "lets meet the designers" segments wedged into the real reason I'm watching your stupid network, Lifetime. And if self-promoting the precocious moppets wasn't enough, we get a mine add for Kellie Pickler (whoops) I mean Carrie Underwood's album AND her clothing line. I guess I am more dependent on my DVR & the FF button than I thought. So, I am disappointed Ashley won. I think it was a wasted attempt for Heidi et al to pat themselves on the back for working in "plus size" clothes and models. I wish the designer they chose to make this "brave" statement was worthy of the challenge. Some of Ashley's designs this season were good but I hated everything in her final collection. I wear size 12 to 16 depending on the brand. There was nothing in that Carmen Miranda collection that looked like a quality garment or flattered any of those models. The fit, the cut, the materials...nothing was flattering. I know her inspiration was '50's Mexico City, but all I could think of when I saw her final dress with the hair salon caplet was the "Beauty School Dropout" dream sequence from "Grease". Good thing that last model didn't have the flower arrangement on her head a la the pyramid of curlers like the movie or Nina would have been shouting "derivative!!!" from her seat. Badly sewn, badly styled. I loved Edmond's collection and thought his was the most commercial. I hope he has a lot of success from his appearance on this show. Kelly too. And Candice, when you come in 4th in a competition vs. first, that is called "losing". Don't try to tell us in your TH that you can't consider it a "loss". It was & you did. And retire the bangs and RED! lipstick for a while. You looked so much better with the bangs off your face and the nude lip.
  2. I hope cooking with math professor has made her first and last appearance on ANY show I watch. That was painful. I get what she was attempting -math is more than memorizing numbers and formulas, math can be fun, blah blah- but her persona was beyond irksome. I wouldn't last one minute in her lectures.
  3. I liked this one as much as the others. The relationship between Stewart & his wife is as good as it can get for a sit-com. As close to "real" as possible, so do not eff it up, FOX! Rob Lowe is 51, Christina Applegate is 44 and Fred Savage is almost 40. So are they aging Christina to play Rob's prom date or de-aging Rob to be closer to 40's than 50's? I think both look good for their ages, but even if he was a senior, Christina would have been in 5th grade! Loved that the son was 23 years old and how typical Dean-like Dean turned the "parenting" knob up to 11. I was hoping they wouldn't make him Dean's son as a result of prom night virginity taking. Also love Claire's attitude with Dean in the office and how self-centered oblivious Dean is to her lack of giving a damn.
  4. I guess everyone is still sleeping off their hangovers?? This wasn't the best batch of stories but Colin Hanks makes everything better.
  5. With the recent back to back creepy pedophile episodes, I think Dr. Phil is trolling for sensationalism and ratings. No thanks. I will be looking at this forum and the description for each episode to avoid any more of these sick a-holes.
  6. In addition to the vast list of things I question "Dr." Jenn for, shouldn't she only take in patients who have been certified clean and sober into that House of Crazy? Janice is obviously on numerous drugs and in such a state, she will never be receptive to relationship therapy. Add me to the list of doubters WRT that panic attack. In the words of Elaine Benes "Fake! Fake! Fakefakefake!" And yet another episode of Carmen being the center of the universe. Her partner's feelings aren't his own...its all about how she feels & how she reacts to his feelings. Blah. Adrian can do better than being her doormat. And if Kaylin is stating "He's a monster" to virtual strangers (and the few thousand people who watch this dreck - Hi!), why is she trying to work through relationship counseling with a monster? Go find another rap star sugar daddy with less anger management issues to pay your bills. And get into real therapy to figure out how to become an independent woman who can make better life choices.
  7. Becca was in my Top Two w/ Kimberley. I like Ruby the least. I'm tired of all the 'woe as me' faces. She is definitely talented but I don't get why she gets more passes than others (IMO) for the look of many of her bakes. Yes, food needs to taste good, but P & M constantly harp on the "looks" of these creations. So it seems inconsistant that Ruby's messy things slide past when othe more visually appealing items are criticized and bakers are eliminated. I can't see P & M allowing Frances to win...they are put off by all her cutesy-wootsey styling. Even thought she reined it in a bit and got the Hollywood Handshake, I think they will be biased about letting her win it (again, IMO). So I predict the winner will be Ruby or Kimberley.
  8. St. Paul's is like many other blue-blood, Ivy League type prep schools and colleges. They have HUGE alumni endowments and give out a lot of scholarships. Like Harvard, Brown, Phillips and Choate, hardly anyone from middle class who is accepted pays full price. Owen received a full scholarship to both St. Paul's and Harvard ( before it was rescinded ). I am disgusted by the Sr. Salute practice, but if all the students were aware of it, then I would assume the freshmen girls were too. I would think sophomore and upper class girls would warn the 14-15 yr olds about accepting "dates" from Seniors (especially as it got closer to graduation). It's awful that these bad decisions will affect these kids forever. I'm very sorry the girl had this experience but all the more reason to educate girls (&boys) on the emotional & psychological components of sex and not just the mechanics.
  9. I did not watch the Jared shows because it was too sickening. But now looking through this forum I am truly disgusted. She knew for 5 years?!? And the FBI let that sick bastard keep abusing kids all that time?? Please tell me they caught whatever monster they thought was the ring leader. How do any of those involved in the investigation sleep at night? The authorities let Jared and other predators destroy children and that is abhorrent to me. What if one of those pedophiles targeted one of their kids? I'm so ill over the whole thing. I hope Dr. Phil and his botoxed wife had the decency NOT to shill any of their apps or snake oils in the last 10 minutes of these episodes.
  10. I enjoy Chopped a lot but I'm struggling to stay tuned. Maybe after the last 2 RI-centric episodes I'll come back. He is just so annoying. He may be able to cook better than a large population of the world, but he is not the cullinary genius he thinks he is. I'm so over his drill sargeant attitude and blustering. He acts as if these trained (and usually locally successful) chefs are amateurs and not worthy of his presence. I also don't understand TPTB at Food Network...Robert lied about his credentials and falsified his resume. But he gets a redemption shot and is given several shows. Paula Dean was made out to be Hitler's long lost daughter and kicked out of the TV family. I'm not saying her transgressions were not serious, but there is a weird double standard. She is a pariah, but RI AND Paula's untalented sons are "celebrities"? Thaks to you posters for reminding me who Robin was...enough already with the yelling! Thank goodness she was bounced early.
  11. Not impressed with any of the women's collections. There were some cool pieces in each, but overall...No. Edmond's was beautiful and I don't get why they hated the black gown w/ ruffle...it wasn't my favorite, but it was very similar to what Candice has done...every damn week. I am no fan of Candice's but I did feel bad for her after that scathing critique. They (for the most part) loved everything she did all season, so she did a more expensive, extended version of that and now they think it's "drag queen" "costume" and "over styled"? WTF?? Ashley would place higher than Candice on my favorite list, but I didn't get her collection at all. It looked like every plus-sized mother of the bride or bridesmaid dress I've ever seen in a department store or David's Bridal. Pastel & Lace with dried bouquets on their heads instead of in their hands. The only thing that made some sense is her inspiration from the '50's. I've seen head pieces like that in my grandmother's photo album - weddings, graduations and church events. And even though many of the colors have faded in those photos, I can't see any wonky zippers in a single one on them. There is no way any of these guys could (or should) remake/refit 10 looks in less than 2 days. It goes back to the whole premise that they wanted high fasion, expensive, luxe clothing made in one day during the regular season. If they want to see expertly executed clothes they need to give them 2 days minimum. If the judges want a "sneak peak" in order to offer criticism, they should do it a week in advnce of FW. Then maybe toss them a couple of 'auf'd' designers to help sew. And I do not understand the admonishing from Nina "be YOU!". All of those designers did exactly that. Every piece shown could easily be correctly identified as belonging to each designer. No one would mistake one of Ashley's skirts as one of Kelly's! How much more of themselves can they be at this point? And I'm with others who think something is off with Tim. All season his mentoring and critiques have been 180 degrees off point from what the judges think. Something is wrong with his fashion sense.
  12. I ff'd the gross challenge. I just can't watch that. So did they do away with the clues hidden in the rewards? I keep expecting someone to rummage through the fried chicken or the fishing gear prizes looking for one of those little rolled up paper clues, but nothing so far! I do like the new fangled HII being hidden on sight in the challenges vs " look for a weird tree/rock". It was tiresome to watch people stroll along and whoops! Found an idol! Even though she wasn't on much and hardly spoke, I still want Abi to go home. I never felt strongl dislike for Savage form his original season (maybe b/c I barely remember it), but his smugness is really starting to become irksome. He or Abi can go fall off a cliff anytime now.
  13. It's very disturbing what happened to these 3 little girls. They had the odds against them from birth. I hope they all get deep therapy and go forward to live happy and healthy lives. It boggles my mind that people who abuse animals receive harsher punishments and face more severe social repercussions than people who physically and emotionally abuse children. I think many states' DHS or Family Services dpts are overwhelmed and under educated on dealing with the number of cases. The Arkansas DHS was wrong from the jump to let the Harrises take on those poor little girls. They had the authority to get them placed in more appropriate home(s). Because of their error, those girls suffered unnecessary additional trauma. If they had attachment disorder before, I can't imagine how the "re-homing"in yet another abusive home further screwed up the psyches of those kids. I think the Harrises are deplorable people. Hiding behind their Bible doesn't absolve them. They thought their Godliness put them above everyone else but their selfish and prideful decisions caused a lot of pain for those kids.
  14. Ashley's construction was good. I just wish the fabric were a solid bronze lame or velvet or silk. The flip-side silver sequins would be a total nightmare to wear. It may photo well, but sitting or bending just once will leave bumpy track marks all over it. Kelly's was cool and different and would work well for a music industry red carpet. I liked that she thought beyond Oscars or Emmys. Her stock is on the rise if Ms. Garcia can admit to seeing Kelly's talent. I just cannot stand Candice. My dislike of her is becoming irrational...I tense up and clench my teeth when she's giveing us one of her superiority TH's. Is she auditioning for a mentor or judge's role on this show? Why do the producers keep asking her to bestow her wisdom upon us every week? Her faux humility and ass kissing is like naile on a chalkboard to my ears. And I'm glad the judges called her dress "safe". It was also derivative and repetitive and done 100 times before. The spider web effect of the black sequin lines across the sheer netting has been worn by most of the evil characters in every Disney movie. I wish the rules for Fashion Week were that the designers can't use/reuse the same trope used in the competition. So if you've already done a corset more than once, NO CORSETS in your final collection. You made sweetheart bustiers for half the show? NO MORE! As others have mentioned, I already know what to expect from her final collection. It will be a parade of Morticia Addams' slinking down the runway in black leather, black satin, black vinyl, black neopryne and black tulle. Edmond will be back. And as long as anyone but Cand-ASS wins, I'm OK with it.
  15. Too many things made my head spin... DNA tests for compatibility??? WTF? The proof to me it is all quackery was when he said Ang & Neil and Janice and Dr. Zzzz were "compatible". They look like the can barely tolerate each other's presence in the same room. Scott comparing that stupid test as science fiction, yes. Saying it is as scfi-fantastic as "evolution"...um, NO. Carmen boo-hooing that her cheating was because partner was too busy taking care of his sick mom instead of showering her with 24/7 attention Janice's melting beeswax candle face
  16. SInce she is so hungry for exposure and attention, I know just the show for Robin; Botched.
  17. Loving Stewart & Deb's relationship. Fred Savage & Mary Elizabeth Ellis are bringing it every week. I also like their parenting and the realtionship with the kids. It's not as "sit-com-y" as maaaany other shows (thank goodness). I wish the writes could find a sweet spot for the William Devane character. He seems extraneous and like an unneccessary after thought. I hope they don't go down the road of an office romance with Dean & Claire. This show has (so far) avoid the cliches of bitchy wife and too smart for real world kids, so let's not do the expected "will they or won't they" drama. I'd love for Claire to remain slightly repulsed by Dean and maybe have a serious relationship with someone else. I'd be OK if she & Dean form a plantonic work place friendship, but no hook ups!
  18. As much as I like Jason Alexander and Ellie Kemper in other things, I thought both of them tried too hard. They seemed like they were over-emoting and going for very broad delivery. I know this show is supposed to be silly and drunk people are sloppily narrating, but some of the other guest actors do a better job. Colin Hanks, Michael Ciera, Tony Hale, Paget Brewster and others deliver their lines with just the right amount of smarmy seriousness and irony. Watching JA & EK in this week's show made me feel like I was watching an old silent movie with the over the top, physical pantomine gesturing. Still liked it overall, but just noticing some actors hit the mark better than others.
  19. As much as I want Bob to get punished for his treatment of his wife, I don't know how realistic it would be for Pat to leave him. Or for Bob to be arrested for his abuse. 1939 laws and women's/victim's rights were not what they are today. I think the best we can hope for is a NOT unfortunate "accident" to befall Bob. I knew most of the village men would be leaving to join up, but I was surprised the Vicar would be accepted into the Army/RAF. Wasn't there an age limit? I want everyone to come home safely, but I guess we all know that isn't going to happen. I just don't want to spend the last half of the season guessing who is going to be widowed next. It kind of surprised me how quickly Kate's little sister joined the service. I suppose things would have moved very quickly in order to get the war effort going - staffing offices and homefront military bases had to setup fast. Just seems like a lot has happened in 3 months since this started.
  20. The suet thing just made me cringe everytime they said the word. As a non-Brit and not very adventurous baker, I never heard of suet as a pastry foundation (lard, shortenings like Crisco are what I know). All I can think of when I hear suet is the the bridfeeders we used to make in GIrl Scouts every winter to hang in our yards. I know it isn't the same thing, but I kept imagining birdseed and feathers enveloped in those bakes and little birdy talons landing on them to peck away. I was very impressed with Becca's savory suet creation. How did she get all that meat & veg to STAY PUT when sliced? I expected a meat slide when her crust retaining wall was breached. Also..."spotted dick" makes me giggle like a 12 yr old boy. I thought Christine's looked the best and one of the few I woud try. Although I might choke on it from laughing at the idea that I was eating "spotted dick". Bye Glenn. Your humor will be missed! If he is as fun in his classroom as he was on thie show, his students are very lucky! Kimberley was almost a nonentitiy this week. I hope she rallies and finishes on top. She & Becca are my favorites to win (but like every season of this awesome show, I love all of them!)
  21. Tampongate...WFT? So stupid. Everyone's <<Shocked>> over reaction and the faux tearful outrage from Jenn...stupid. Also I call BS on Kailyn's explanation. Her period was coming and she needed tampons? Most women know to the day when to expect their cycle to start. I make sure I have what I need whether it's for a weekend get away or a run to the Mall. So how did Kailyn not pack some supplies during the time she'd be at Quasi-Celebrity Famewhore Camp for 2 weeks? Holy Mother of Mary Kay! That collection of make up is boarderline hoarder territory. I think Dr. Jenn should address THAT issue before dealing with her marriage. I have 2 very good frineds with transgender children. One is 20 and going through her transition. The other is in middle school. I am very supportive of the LBGT community. With that said, I do not like Carmen & it has nothing to do with her being transgender. I just think she is a whiner and she's getting on my nerves with the drama. Big Ang still scares me. I was in fear for my life when her gigantic nipples showed up poolside. I thought those things were going to pop through my TV and poke my eyes out. I don't know anything about her or her husband, but I'm on Team Neil. RUN! Neil! RUN! Same for Janice's partner. Physician, heal thyself and get the eff outta Dodge!
  22. I fall a little bit more in love with Colin Hanks everytime he's on Drunk History. I'm also a huge NASA history fan (The Right Stuff is one of my Top 10 movies ), so all combined, Colin + Gordo Cooper = a whole lotta YAY!
  23. I stopped watching after the first episode but I've continued reading this board. By the number of posts, it looks like I was not alone in dropping this show! I watched the first 2 eps of "The Last Kingdom" and I am hooked! THAT is how a medievil show should look (along with Vikings, GoT...anything but Kurt Sutter's attempt).
  24. Today's ep with Ian the college drop out, homeless 22 yr old...I just wanted to slap that goofy smug smile right of his stupid face. Yes, the guy may have some psychosis or mental illness, and if he does, I hope he agrees to get some help. Bi-polar, schizophrenia, personality disorders, ADHD etc.etc. diagnoses have gone up in the past 15 years; mental health issues are on the rise. It is unfortunate and heartbreaking for those affected and their families. However, some people are just plain old-fashioned, self-indulgent, ungrateful, entitled assholes. I think Ian may be one of those cases.
  25. OK, Bob the "writer" has got to go and make it soon. He's too old to be called up for duty, but maybe an RAF transport truck can run him down? Or he gets hit in the head - HARD - while playing cricket? I know the war means bombs will start dropping, but I won't wish for any to drop on him. I don't want the village mussed up. I wonder what kind of trouble Miriam will have coming her way for lying on the registration form? Was it that easy to fool the draft board? Just omit the young man from the list and she thinks no one will notice that every other teenager & twenty-something is called up but him? I am confused why Mrs. Barden doesn't have the WI meetings in her home. It's large enough, and it seems like she & her husband are the only ones living there. No children have been mentioned. So Pat & widow lady who took in the new teacher are going to be in severe economic straights sooner than everyone else. Poor Pat has no income & now widow accountant will lose her income b/c she won't cook the books for the greedy profiteers. I guess she might at least get some rent money from the teacher? I know Pat is trying to get a job, but until Bob is gone or incapacitated, I don't know how that will work. This is awful, but evertime they show a male character, I'm thiking "yup, he's toast.". Whether it's disease or the war, I don't think too many men under 40 are going to be on screen very long.
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