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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. The new Dove foamy body wash ad is a head scratcher for me...the voice over is a woman saying she went blind at 14 and was asked by Dove to test this new product. Um, OK? Then she says "I was so happy it was foam! So light and not sticky!" What? What does being blind have to do with any of this? I guess because she's blind, her sense of touch has been so elevated that the viscosity of other soaps is too heavy for her ? BTW, isn't this is the same company, who until this ad, kept extolling the thick & rich creaminess of their body wash compared to others? And "sticky"? Most soap products are rather slippery, no?
  2. Thanks dleighg! I obviously missed that important part of the scene.
  3. I'm not impressed with any of these people. And since they aired at least one appeal for more applicants for I assume another season, I'm guessing Marcus wasn't either. Juli keeps trying to talk herself into a personality. I'm sure she does good work with her non-profit, and good for her for rising above and succeeding after dealing with an abusive relationship. But all I heard her say over and over was that she wanted to be seen as strong, but then she wanted her poster to convey her softness and approach-ability. Not saying a person can't be both, but she (like all of them in this challenge) had trouble pin pointing a "branding message". Erin is almost as one dimensional and boring as Chuck. They are both brown nosing suck ups, but do it in different ways. Erin is less of a sycophant than Chuck though. Peilin needs to drop the Harvard Law name dropping. It doesn't broaden her appeal or credibility to begin every damn introduction sentence with "As a Harvard Law grad, I blah blah blah-ed" In fact it pigeon holes her into a one dimensional person; "oh, that's the woman who went to Harvard" and the rest of her resume or accomplishments aren't in the forefront of how people remember her. Buffie appears to be on the verge of crying every time she speaks. As if she either just finished crying, or she's about to break into sobs. And it isn't only when she is discussing anything remotely emotional (the stress of the process, her past failures/successes, etc). Her voice has that tremulous quaver. Is this manner of speaking some horrible spin off of "vocal fry"? Vocal cry? I like "The Profit", and I like Marcus a lot. But after 2 episodes, this show comes across as filler until Marcus can find more businesses to film for a new season of "The Profit".
  4. So, good episode, but one thing really bugs me...where did Saffron have her Alice wig stashed in Patrick's house?
  5. Mikey is so fuckin' exhausting. Listening to all his name dropping, the bragging about where "we" have been, who "we" wear and tossing FAAH-bu-Lussss in every sentence is exhausting. Scenes with Mikey are akin to the TH's or scenes with Rinna's pouty brats; they are not why I watch this show. I'm OK with any brief interstitial that include dogs, kids, husbands or siblings, but they are short. Mikey is obviously angling to get invited to meet (bone) Andy Cohen or get his own Bravo show. Honey, you are not that interesting. He should be happy that he gets to travel the globe, live in Erika's closet and work on his scrapbooks look books. Speaking of exhausting...I'm gonna need a handful of Rinna's Xanax to make it through the rest of the season if "Pillgate" is the new "Pantygate". Nice of Eileen to accompany LVP & Dorit to see the documentary. I just wish LVP were a tad more gracious about it. She did say something to the effect that is was nice of Eileen to ask to come, but it was done in a shady way. Her inability to "move on" is mind boggling. She always throws digs in when whichever HoWife she's arguing with extends an apology or makes a submissive gesture, LVP has to put some spin on it that "maybe" this will help "mend fences". But LVP likes to allow the "offending" party to drive to Home Depot to pick up all the supplies, dig the holes for the new posts, nail the boards in place, paint it and plant a flower bed next to it only for LVP to sneak out at night and kick a hole through the repaired section. And then blame the new damage on the shoddy workmanship of the repair crew. This anal-retentive disorder is rampant with most of the RH's, but LVP retains so much of this shit, I'm surprised she has the confidence to wear white pants as often as she does.
  6. While the APL (learned something new, so thanks TV!) was a civilian group, they most likely dressed in military-esque type clothing to intimidate the public and legitimize whatever authority they had.
  7. So...how much time has gone by since Erica found out she is pregnant? Is it supposed to be a few weeks?? She isn't showing. At. All. Not a tiny little bump...nada. Also, how long has Gail been in the elevator? Days? Weeks? The timeline on this show is really messing me up! I have a nit-picky timeline strain of OCD and I'm losing my sh** trying to make any sense of this pretend, futuristic, apocalyptic sitcom. I'm over the cuckoo for cocoa puffs Melissa story now too. She needs to either snap out of it & recover so she can be part of the weird gang again, or escape and run away, never to be seen again, or have a tragic accident. Now for the positive...I could watch a show about Tandy in the T-Rex costume forever.
  8. This. I used to watch "Modern Family", and I never minded Julie Bowen's exasperated, over-acting there b/c I thought it was a character choice made by the actor. Nope. She spoke every line in this WDYTYA in the same wide eyed surprised, over-emphasizing manner. I'm glad that she took in the info about her Chicago ancestor's not-so cool role re. German witch hunts and processed it (vs. Ben Affleck's literal white-washing of his family tree). Not many people would be excited to learn their relatives had a hand in despicable events; "Wow! Cool, my 3x GG was a prison guard at Auschwitz!" "I'm so glad to know my 3rd cousin twice removed was the guy who locked all the doors at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company!" I also liked how she noted this unfavorable past behavior has unfortunately continued to repeat itself many times in the US's xenophobic history. Irish, Germans, Italians, Jews, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Syrians...every wave of immigration seems to incite new ways to punish or demonize the "threat" of newcomers. However, on the flip side, it bugs me when these celebrities discover their ancestors were on the right side of history, especially when it comes to the issue of slavery in the US. I get that these folks are relieved to know their families weren't integral part of owning, ruling over, or dehumanizing slaves. Yet, there's something kind of bothersome about the glee in the eyes of (mostly white) people who find out some great great grand somebody was involved in abolitionism or helped escaped slaves. I can't exactly pin point why it bugs, but its almost as if the celeb is patting him/herself on the back for having come from "good" people. As if the deeds of someone they may never have heard of before this show, confirms that he/she is also an upstanding person. It's a new way to show your liberalism or your open mindedness a la "I have friends who are black/Muslim/Jewish/gay!" I know I'm probably not expressing myself correctly; I'd be proud as hell if I had these acts of everyday heroism & courage among my people! But the celebrities twisting those acts into their own personality doesn't ring right with me.
  9. It always shocks me when I see stories about such violent, hate filled, closed minded bigotry. I say shocked because after all these years, and all the exposure via media to "alternative" lifestyles, these kinds of assholes exist and spew their vitriol proudly. Seeing these entire communities of unmitigated ignorance makes me understand what it must have been like to be an anthropologist discovering some enclave of a lost tribe. The hypocrisy of these religious fanatics is astounding. I'm not a believer, but I wish Jesus, Mohammad, and the rest of their holy crew would "come back" as promised to set these fuckers straight. The message of these prophets is predominantly "peace, love, understanding, charity, kindness..." How these beliefs got so manipulated is beyond my understanding. Am I correct that for some of these so called faithful and church going freaks its better to torture and possibly kill one's child than a have a LBGTQ child? In 2017?!?
  10. I think the winning survival dude chose the prize so he could get some alone time with his model partner.
  11. While it is a tragedy that Sarah was taken away from her daughter and family in such a brutal way, I found myself really disliking the sisters and roid rage BIL (seriously...does he have to get his shirts custom made? Does the tailor just rip pant legs off and sew them on the arm holes? When you can't walk without looking like a lumbering gorilla, maybe your body is trying to tell you you are too top-heavy). They were a bunch of assholes IMO. The cops need to do their job and they do not need a posse of vigilantes circling the crime scene and creeping around suspects. And the sisters indignant <<shock>> that the police weren't telling them Every. Single. Thing. going on in the investigation. Of course they can't share details! And the way they were talking, I was getting the impression that Sarah was missing for weeks/months and the investigation was stalled. They found the poor girl and her killer in 6 days. I know every one of those days was agony for her loved ones, but it was resolved a lot quicker than many of these stories. I also had no love or sympathy for the "childhood friend" who claims the cops choked and spit on him. He was a bit shady and obviously had some legal troubles aside from this case. He came across as a smug punk.
  12. Can they please find a replacement for Sheinelle Jones? She is annoying and comes across very empty-headed. It seems like even with all the "fluff" segments, she can't answer basic questions or contribute anything beyond a giggle and a shoulder shrug. I've heard her say many times "I don't know who/what that is!" She flubs her lines or reads over her co-hosts often. I know "Today" is a light and breezy morning show, but this woman doesn't even have the required gravitas to talk about the latest trend in faux chinchilla fur slipper socks. Hoda and Kathy fill the roll of goofy and fun hosts for me, so I don't need a 3rd wheel.
  13. If they aren't already booking heavy hitter movie/TV jobs, Emily and Tyler will be in big demand after this season. They have produced some of the most memorable, well executed works of art ever on this show.
  14. So happy Tony and his maniacal giggle won't be plaguing me the rest of this season! He's a previous winner, so congrats for that, but I can't stand that guy. Michaela was one of my favorites in her season and I had hopes that she'd learned a lesson or two about the game. But...nope. Maybe Michaela should try out for a show with more focus on individual abilities over team play. She'd be good on American Ninja Warrior for example. I love Cirie but she was never a good physical player, so I am worried for her. Time & aging isn't kind to most of us, so it's not as if Cirie has become a challenge monster over the past 8 years. I hope she and Sandra can keep using their brains and their mouths to stay around for a while. Debbie is back. Yay!...said no one anywhere, ever. I guess lugging around her expansive resume of jobs, abilities and skill is what keeps her arms jacked. I just remember Debbie extolling all her virtues and experiences...usually new ones added to the list each week...to her tribe. I found her exhausting. And she still reminds me of her:
  15. Rapping nursery rhyme mom...ugh. Make a video while driving football dude irks. Both of their boardroom pitches made me cringe in second hand embarrassment. Buffie is someone I'd probably like to have coffee or margaritas with, but not sure I could work with her. I did like the short haired blonde but she came across very young. Carrie, blonde with longer hair has biz credentials, but meh. Adopted guy who owns salons seems nice, but out of his league for this job. I liked Peilin (sp?), military guy, Latino guy and guy with a girl's name, Erin.
  16. Rinna's upper lip has become a separate being! I think the rest of her body is the host to this creature. Need proof? Look back at her smoothie scene; the upper lip unfurls to reeeach out & grapple with the straw then pull it in to drink the Xanax laced nectar! That upper lip looked like a slug or a caterpillar feeling its way toward food. It was like watching a PBS nature show. Creepy and fascinating at the same time. I got a little misty when Erica talked about her grandmother when they were in the bedroom. My GM also had Alzheimer's and passed away 7 years ago. She loved holding dolls and stuffed animals toward the end. Horrible horrid disease. The non-invite to Hong Kong was obviously scripted to get the big international trip checked off the Producers to-do list. If LVP wanted to really go to HK for her cause, maybe she'd ask Kyle, possibly Dorit since these women have been non-TV friends for a while. Period. No flippin' way she invites all of these shrews to go, especially newbie Eden. I could kind of see her inviting Rinna so she had someone to kick around and humiliate. And Rinna allows herself to be used that way for the sake of screen time. LVP may not tolerate cruelty to animals, but she gets such maniacal glee out of torturing humans who dare cross her or behave in any manner she deems unacceptable. I will say I'm excited to see HK and travel porn. I was there for several summers as a teenager when my dad lived there, but that was decades ago. I doubt I'll recognize much of what these ladies will see and do, but it was an amazing experience for me.
  17. Things are moving along! Poor Sally. I'm still suspicious of Patrick for no other reason than he seems too good to be true! And while this show is fun and meant to be realistic, I still have a nit pick...the Doctor wants to make Patrick the new mark now b/c he's rich and already falling for Maddie. But realistically, would a gang of con artists with a botched scheme and a dead body in their wake really stick around the same location to target somebody who has actually met the dead guy? I liked all the con moves the trio used to finance their way to Seattle. Pretty smooth for 3 people who were innocent shlubs a few weeks ago. I'm too lazy to go back to Ep 1, but did they ever explain how Richard found Ezra? How did he track down Maddie to Ez's house? I can't remember if it was explained.
  18. While I like a few of these players, I'm not sure I will be able to be "all in" for this season. Some of these "legends" need to find real jobs and stop trying to stay on TV. Many moons ago, I used to watch "The Challenge" on MTV, but when the same 10 people showed up every.damn.cycle. I quit. Is Survivor going down the same road now? We've had a few repeat players over the years, but when contestants pop up more than twice, it's too much IMO. Of all the returning legends, Tony is my least favorite. And usually players I can't stand last the longest, so I wouldn't enjoy watching his smug face every week. I may just record and FF to Tribal. Or better yet, I should just come here to read about what happened. Probably more enjoyable!
  19. I noticed they stop unrolling the family tree scroll when they got to William the Conqueror (her 25xGG)...but they could have kept going back! William was a descendant of the first Norse settlers in France, and for any of you Vikings fans, that means Rollo is Courtney Cox's 29 or 30 x GG!
  20. Another case of a brat blaming his over-indulging parents for all his woes. I'm getting pretty tired of hearing how these parents turn to Dr. Phil as some sort of savior. Any health professional or counselor could offer advice and support. I'm sure most of them would tell these parents to STOP ENABLING the shitty behavior by giving these brats easy ways out of the jams they put themselves in. That means no food, no rent, no money, no bail, no attorney fees, no cars or rides to pick up drugs/friends/booze. Especially if the "child" is a 29 year old married manbaby. But going to a local licensed professional would mean paying for it out of their pockets and missing out on a free trip to L.A. to whine and cry on TV. Seeking non-televised help or guidance also would not provide a free stay at thousand dollar per day "treatment" centers. Without the help of Phil, these parents and out of control kids would have to not only pay for the exorbitant cost of treatment on their own, but they'd need to hope and pray daily that a bed becomes available since most of these rehabs are filled to capacity across the US. There are so many cases of of drug and alcohol addiction, as well as a sad number of mental health disorders that do require professional care. But there are so many more people who can't afford the help than the middle class, hand-wringing people that get free "help" from Phil (courtesy of his product placement friends). I'm not a shrink or qualified to make diagnoses. I'm just over all the drama of spoiled brats being labeled "depressed" or suffering from some psychological problem when really many of these people just need a good kick in the ass. If my child ever wrote me those manipulative cruel disgusting emails Little Drummer Boy sent to his mother, I would tell him to go f#%* himself and change my email account. I also got the idea that this guy was hoping his 15 min of fame would kick start his career. Same for his stupid wife with the egregious vocal fry. If parents are supposed to support their kids unconditionally, never apply rules and never ask questions, then where the Hell are her paragons of parental permissiveness? Go ask them for food and a roof and a golden ticket to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame you think your jerko hubby "deserves".
  21. Didn't Penny actually go to Comic Con in one episode? Wasn't she signing autographs for her Gorilla movie? I agree this show is wearing thin. If the writers can't keep up with the continuity, then why should the audience? There are so many inconsistencies from season to season as most of you pointed out. I'm also tired of the Leonard-Penny relationship. It isn't fun to watch. There seems to be NO love there on Penny's part. She looks like she barely tolerates him (or any of his friends); snide remarks and eye rolls are the only way she expresses herself with any of these people. And Leonard tip toes around on eggshells, afraid of losing his "hot" wife. Not only is Penny not a good partner, I think she's a rotten friend too. She is always mocking the other girls for being involved with Howard and Sheldon. She is selfish and an immature egomaniac IMO. I know this is supposed to be a sit-com and the snarkiness is part of it, but I'd just like to see Penny do nice things for Leonard (or anyone) more often, and have her do them because she is trying to make people happy vs. gaining something in return.
  22. Loved it! Great episode and I'm glad they've upped the ante re. the Doctor and his nefarious network. I haven't ever been a fan of Uma Thurman, but she's killing it here. It was good to see Mel Harris too and it made me miss "Thirty Something" all over again. I may need to track that show down on Hulu or Netflix. The numbers the older con/ fake IT guy stole from the bank & the courier last week were incriminating evidence that Heller is skimming from the Doctor. So I'm getting some answers to my questions from last week. But now I have a couple more! If Heller knows about the Doctor, why wouldn't he have been more suspicious of "Saffron" from the get go? He's a frumpy older guy, and some slinky younger babe sidles up to him for a job? And why did Sally keep taking the hidden floor money out every time she was at Heller's house? She looked like she had counted it all and made notes in previous episodes. But then every time she worked at Heller's house, she takes it out all over again? And she didn't close the blinds/block the window while she did it? Not very stealth-y behavior for an experienced con!
  23. All of the Rinna vs. LVP vs. Kim vs. Eden is so tiresome. It's BS that should have been resolved years ago. In the real world, most people would end it with apologies from all camps, sincere or not, then either truly "move on" or avoid the offending party like the plague. But these idiots can't just ignore each other since it's their job & this is all scripted for the masses. I appreciate a good manufactured drama as much as the anyone in the Bravo audience, but even we will get bored with the same old arguments rehashed every season. So let's talk about the real fail of the evening...Carnie Wilson's very sad little cheesecakes. Those things looked like one of the show's PA's ran to Costco for a "dessert sampler". Maybe they tasted great, and the idea of a "bite" of a decadent dessert is a good one (that has been done already), but those things looked very basic. In fact, I take back what I said about Costco...they have some pretty attractive looking sweets. Carnie's looked amateurish and more like what I've seen at the PTO Bake Sales at my daughter's school. I will say all the other finger foods looked/sounded awesome. I love a good hors d'oeuvre and passed appetizers are my favorite part of a cocktail party. Did Carnie's company provide the other food too, or just the cheesecakes? And the real shocking moment of the evening... I believe I saw Rinna actually toss a whole mini cheesecake in her mouth! I was waiting for one of the ladies to ask if 2 or 3 other ladies wanted to "share" one.
  24. I sure hope the girls in that family aren't being hurt, but as of right now, my opinion is they are brats. The 15 yo, like a lot of teenagers, thinks she is invincible, just having fun, isn't hurting anybody, it's my life, parents just don't understand yadda yadda. However, she showed just how immature and naive she really is when she looked so astounded that Dr. Phil had her social media posts. She looked so shocked that Phil had access to her idiot behavior without understanding the ANYONE can have that same access. There is no privacy on the internet. She's too stupid to see that all her posts to Instagram, FB, Twitter and even Snapchat are out there in cyber space forever. As for her plans to get a good job & go to college...she obviously was unaware (til Phil pointed it out) that all her illegal activities will be seen by college admissions and employers. Even employers in small sandwich shops or grocery stores have access to Google.
  25. I did read the book and I'm pretty satisfied with how things are portrayed in this version. I am a little surprised that the series is only 7 episodes...there's is A LOT more stuff that needs to happen before we get to the finale. I guess episodes 3-6 will speed up to cover it all? "Amabella" is one of those (IMO) pretentious names parents bestow upon their kids for the cache of class and elitism they think it brings. While it isn't that 'out there' a name, you know the poor kid is going to be correcting people the rest of her life re. pronunciation/spelling. I knew a woman through a mother's group who had triplet girls. She was very snobby and had a real superiority complex. The girls' names are Isolde, Persephone & Anastasia. Several of the moms were ga-ga over these beautiful, fancy, rich-sounding names. One mom asked how she decided on such lovely names, and Snooty McSnoots told everyone she wanted strong and memorable names, so she "looked to classic literature and historical" figures for inspiration. I said to another mom later that Snoots must not have actually read any of her reference materials because if she had, she'd know that all three of these names are associated with tragedy. Isolde was put to death for falling in love with someone other than her intended husband. Persephone might have been a Greek goddess, but she was kidnapped, raped and kept in the Underworld against her will. And Anastasia was the doomed princess murdered with her family in the Russian Revolution. Good times!
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