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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. Team Dorinda all the way, every day. Luann has a reason why she’s owed special treatment every time they go on a trip...she’s a countess...she’s getting married...she is a newlywed...she’s divorced...she was in JAIL..she was in rehab...she’s being sued by her kids...she was in rehab...she bought a house...she has ‘bad memories’... If room assignments are based on the current state of affairs in anyone’s life, then EVERYONE has an excuse why they deserve the best room. Fuck you, Luann. How rude and vicious to attack Dorinda, and her hospitality! The room decor isn’t to everyone’s style, but it is a comfortable bed in a lovely manor house in beautiful surroundings. It has been offered to you with graciousness and welcoming arms. To shit all over Dorinda for what Luann perceives as “below her standards” tells me a lot about Luann and her phony BS elitist airs. Fuck you twice, Luann. During her tirade at the restaurant, Luann mentioned how she didn’t drive “all the way from Upstate” to sleep in the<< bleeep>>fish room. Just how far up-fucking-state is Luann’s glorious, fish decor-free estate? Saskatchewan?? Manitoba?? I’d think the drive from Manhattan to the Hamptons would be a bigger pain in the ass haul. Fuck you AGAIN Luann. It will be interesting to see if Luann apologist, Barbara, excuses Luann’s rude behavior next week when she hears about the way she behaved...over a warm bed in a supposed friend’s home. Other news.... Dorinda looked fabulous at the Doggie Charity event. Bethenny continues to make other people’s tragedies all about her. Good God! That ‘therapy’ session was all kinds of pathetic. B can be amusing when she is acting as the Greek Chorus. She is very witty and quick with the snark. But most of her storylines are just egomaniacal, self-aggrandizement. Looking back at Ramona’s first attempt at walking the runway never fails to make me laugh.👀 Tinsley is kind and I love that she has real understanding of how etiquette & social graces are supposed to work. I wish if having a child was her top 1 or 2 dream for her future, she could just go forward. Find a donor. Turn those frozen eggs into embryos and see what happens. Or adopt. Unfortunately I think she’s too old fashioned and wants the Husband more than she wants the kids at this point. Looks like next week Sonja becomes unhinged while strolling down (not her own ancestors’) Memory Lane...I’ll be ready!🍿🍿🍿
  2. Totally agree! I guess being away from home under extreme circumstances can screw you up emotionally, so I can kinda understand the tears. BUT, this show has been on for almost 20 years. If you sign up, you know in advance you are being extracted from your world and will be isolated on a rain soaked, bug infested tropical island. It should be something you mentally prepare for before you apply & after you're cast. Or else why go if being away from home is going to be so traumatic? The best thing ever would be if for all Ron's "mind game" of talking up the "!!Family Visit!!" Probst announces that due to the extra expense of EOE island - extra cameras, extra props, extra boat rides back & forth...), Family Visit is not happening this season. Seriously, with all the people still left in this game, how many round trip international flights & hotel rooms would Production need to book??? At the reward challenge, wasn't there a scroll in one of the bottles? I thought the camera zoomed in on it as the tribe walked away. So, a clue or advantage was left behind? I met so many new people tonight! Aurora, Eric (bye), some red head dude who's name I missed...have these folks been hiding in the brush with the chickens? Rick must have some kind of jungle brain infection if he thought David would ever return the 1/2 idol. He may have thought he had a BFF, but the first rule of Immunity Idols is you don't talk about/share Immunity Idols. If those two have a stalemate & neither gets both pieces in their possession, I'm gonna call it the "Idle Idol". I felt bad for Lauren...to know you are going to faint must be such an odd sensation. I have to say, despite being on an island for X many days, not eating and being sick and no grooming, Lauren one of the most naturally beautiful women I've seen on this show! She still looks fantastic. Wentworth-less can go any time. I don't have any real reason for my dislike, but it is strong. Seeing her look of stunned incredulity when she loses a challenge may have something to do with it.
  3. Hildi is a TLC punchline and everyone knows it, including Hildi. It's all just for shock value and getting people to watch/hate-watch for ratings. If this wasn't a TV show, I highly doubt Hildi would ever put peel 'n stick vinyl flooring squares in ANY room, especially a bedroom. I find those tiles very "institutional", no matter how cheery the color. That is not a vibe I'd want in my home...not even in a basement "playroom". The actual colors she picked for the room were pretty, but looked like ice cream to me. Not a good look for a master BR. Maybe a little girl's space. Also hated the single color quadrant idea; namely painting a fraction of the one blind to coordinate with its 2 quadrants. A bedroom should feel cozy, soothing, comfy, not cold, stark and cuckoo. That said, if people sign up for this show, they gotta know they are rolling the dice...there's a good chance they either get Hildi in their house, or they will be stuck working with her. Laurie's room...blah. Not horrible, but not knock my socks off either. The soothing blue-gray paint was very nice (take a hint, Hildi). The Ferris Wheel spoke inspired headboard was OK, but I would have used a darker tone of the blue-gray to make it pop a bit more, maybe on the vertical edges to give a shadow/enhance the 3D effect.
  4. Matt continues to show his true color...Ashes of Asshat. Amy has faults as well, but Matt is a passive (but mostly) aggressive dictator. Zach sees it too. I still don’t like Caryn. She is starting an Event Planning business? Wasn’t she in charge of the staff “thank you” parties after Pumpkin Season ended? I sure hope she doesn’t include any old those sad-assed “parties” in her brochure. No amount of high end commercial photography could make 8 large pizzas and a few 2 liter bottles of soda scattered around an empty room look appealing.q Zach had a good moment of maturity with his mom about the farm and memories and life still going on, whether it’s on that property, or elsewhere. However, he seems very ignorant and clueless about so many other things. Party planning and nickel and diming over the cost of food and decor was sad. Bitching about buying strawberries, and shorting the guests on food would have irked me to no end. I get being frugal and not wanting to waste money on certain things. But if money is tight, then why are you are buying a second home before you’re sell the first? And how the Hell are you affordIng that?? Even if Tori went back to work, they must be relying on the TLC money to support the majority of their lifestyle. Jackson is cute as anything! Poor Ember always looks ridiculous in the overpriced costumes her mother puts on her. What was with the Little House on the Prairie bonnet? I was so happy Jerk and Odd didn’t even get to speak on camera....no check for you! Amy said “the kids are so busy with their stuff...I don’t see them as much.” several times....can anyone explain WTF any of the Roloff boys and their wives are soooo goddamned “busy” doing? Jerk and Odd have a blog and “wrote” a “book”, but other than that I don’t believe either has a job. Tori was a teacher and Zach managed a soccer facility at one point, but are either of them working a non-TLC funded job? Aren’t Jacob and his fiancé living with Amy? I know nothing about them, so maybe they have careers? But even those of us with traditional jobs and kids and homes and school and activities and hobbies and friends have time to visit relatives, or at least “check in” periodically. And all 3 of Amy’s sons live within minutes (or in Jacob’s case-literal FEET) of her.
  5. Of COURSE, Jack speechifies his way into a hospital room before visiting hours. No wonder the entire family just opines and bloviates for minutes on end, with glistening eyes, a catch in the throat and earnest, aw shucks charm. They learned it from dear old Dad. Deja may not be Randall’s bio kid (and he wasn’t Jack’s), but man, does that Pearson Pontificating gene just get absorbed via osmosis? Now we get deep, meaningful wisdom from every generation. At this rate, I expect Little Jack won’t have a “baby’s first word” moment. Instead he will have a 10 minute oral dissertation on why he needs to quit daycare and just “find his bliss” on his own. So, are they suggesting Becca’s car accident brought on her dementia (??), 40 years later? And while I’m happy to see Nicky in the future, where the Hell is Miguel?!? They better not kill him off too soon! Did Toby give the impression he and Kate aren’t together in the future? I got that vibe. Loving Kevin’s amazing future house and future coffee maker!
  6. I hope that the child welfare authority will be keeping an eye on the Pig Couple's little girl and new baby! How no one eating from that petri dish of a kitchen didn't get poisoned is beyond me. I had to FF through most of the guys "discovering" what was under the layers of filth and mold. Even just typing about it is working my gag reflex hard. 🤢 Depression is very serious and I'm glad the Pig Man knew he had issues to deal with. Hope he gets real help to manage his depression in addition to a nice fresh makeover. I would guess Pig Woman has issues dealing with reality, or hoarding, b/c why else why would you allow your child and yourself to be surrounded by that toxic (literally) mess? And to decide to bring a baby into the situation?? I don't get it. Overall a great season 3. Loved the BBQ ladies, the widowed single dad and the lesbian the best. Those were the 3 episodes that made me full on CRY vs. wipe a tear from my eye.
  7. Michelle is, was and always will be the WORST person. Yet I knew she'd be the "winner" of this sad, sad season. It was lame duck waddling down the runway in two year old, past their sell-by date clothes. Goodbye, good riddance, and on to Bravo for a refreshed take on what was already a great show on that network. A few random thoughts... Why did Alyssa use so much eye makeup for the final runway ? Was she trying to smuggle out all the free "London Butter" product on her own face, episode by episode before the movers came to pack everything up? Final guest judge - Alyssa's intro -famous/award winning actress/blahblah....Me- who??? Michelle's sob story about her financial difficulties. Yah, boo effin' hoo. So many artists and creative people work several non-arty jobs to support themselves while working toward their dreams. However, Michelle has had MULTIPLE exposures to the world of fashion over the years, unlike hundreds of thousands of other designers. Maybe the world of fashion just isn't interested in her stuff enough to make her a super star and wealthy? Other than Isaac Mizrahi's on-camera lavish praise, has anyone with fashion cachet reached out to Michelle? Maybe still design & be creative and live in the realm of fashion, but if bills gotta be paid and your family needs food on the table, focus on that for a while? UGH...horrible season. Mostly unmemorable designs. Uninspired (unclaimed???) "prizes". Meh to the "winner".
  8. I heard Davil and Bennet...I like yours better. Although Daxil sounds like a new wonder drug for some disease or condition I didn’t know I should be freaked out about having, but should be asking my doctor if Daxil is right for me. Silkroll (huh???) was a dumb idea pitched by two very unprepared women. Business-y buzz words and techno-babble is not going to get past the Sharks. I was lost once she kept yammering about “points”. And where did she get her research re. Millennials on average only wear things 3 (??) times? I am of a different generation, but my stereotype of millennials is 1) they don’t have a lot of discretionary income to spend on high end fashions, to be worn only 1-2-3 times and 2) they have more of social consciousness and would be likely to give away or trade unwanted clothing (Savers, Salvation Army, shelters, charities that help folks in recovery get back on their feeet, etc). Pickup pool was cute, and I could see folks buying them for music festivals, or colleges for tailgating or Greek Week. I wonder if his fellow servicemen and women (in undisclosed locations) could use one on base? He could trick out a humvee or a tactical vehicle for sure! I have never wanted a waffle more in my life. I was drooling and woke up craving a real Belgian waffle like I had in Brussels 4 years ago. OMG.
  9. UGH...Hester the Jester needs to GO! What an untalented entitled POS she is. She made her team buy all the blue tulle on the planet, then opts to use 5% of it?? AND take from her teammate's sad allotment of fabric?? Get the Hell OUT! Her "finished" outfit looked very similar to the Cinderella dress up hideousness she showed in the first episode to introduce her signature "style". It was pale blue, had sheer fabric and tulle as well. Does she have a supply of those under her bed, and just repurposes them? She must've raided every TJ Maxx and Marshalls kids' department to find all the cheap polyester and acetate Disney Princess costumes before packing them in her clown car. I don't know how her team (Nadine) kept from losing it with her. Gotta say, I'm over Kovid as well. Other than his "King Julien" voice, I don't like him as a designer very much. Too weepy and not impressed with his clothes. I'm sorry he was bullied, but so has almost every designer on this show...for being gay, for being different, for being poor...Those feelings of pain and embarrassment surely were part of making you who you are. Celebrate that you survived it and came out the other side as a competent and successful person. Don't use it as a crutch when the going gets tough. It IS a part of your history, but what happened 5-10-20 years ago can't be the weight on your shoulders to lug around for the next 20 years. I say this as a former nerdy, band geek who was (& still is!) fat, and dealt with daily torture from Mean Girls 6th -9th grade. The winning team was head & (horned) shoulders above the other teams with their designs! Sebastian's dress was Heaven! I should say he did a great job on "Tessa's" dress too. And I covet that little handbag he whipped up on the fly. Once the judges scrunched the sleeves of Tessa's top, it looked sooo much better. Awesome, cohesive look and Sebastian's dress will be one I remember. I do not understand what "neck ruffles" are though. I can see that the necklace, back gills, horns and feathers were supposed to represent implants someone (inexplicably IMO) puts under the skin, but what the heck were the ruffles?? It looked just like an Elizabethan ruff from a High School drama dpt. And if the glowing necklace was implanted subcutaneously, how would one change out the LEDs or batteries when they died out? Frankly I don't understand ANY of those "body modifications" or why someone would need/want 6" vertical protrusions from their shoulders. But, I am old. I thought I was a rebel when I got my ears double pierced in college.
  10. I posted about B’s grief and mourning last episode, and I am back at it again after this one. B says she & Dennis were super secretly engaged in April 2018. Dennis died 8.10.18. Maybe B and Dennis were in their “off again” status July-ish to August while they were “working out” things in the relationship (like finalizing his divorce perhaps?). This season looks like it kicked off in September, Dennis has been dead for 4-6 weeks at the most. While wearing the super secret engagement ring, she is discussing how she wants to date again, there’s a guy who’s definitely interested in her (of course he is), and she’s moving on because that’s what Dennis would want. Yah, that is a normal response of a bereaved fiancé or widow....after several months of mourning, not WEEKS! Even if they weren’t a couple at the time of his death, it still seems odd to be discussing your next relationship so soon after the funeral. And if they weren’t a couple then, or she was questioning the status of their relationship, why did she still have the Rock of Gibraltar in her jewelry box? Did she try to give it back, and Dennis told her, “ No, you keep it. It will be a great cocktail ring/conversation starter/ excuse to weep uncontrollably when you get called out for being a bitch to wear to your filmed events with your frenemies. And here’s a tiny copy for Brynn in case you need extra ammo in your emotional hostage takeover kit.”
  11. Before this premiered, my friend (who lives several states away from me) and I said we would watch this with a glass or two of our favorite wine and sip whenever we heard Nancy Fullaherself pronounced the proffered baked good wasn’t “spring-y” enough. Well, we both forgot about that, but it’s for the best. We would have passed out before the halfway point, thanks to Nancy AND Lorraine bitching over not “getting Spring”. Do they want these bakers to jam fondant tulips and buttercream daffodils on top of every single thing? I don’t understand setting up stupid themes with even stupider twists if the judges really only want to see very limited ideas vs. celebrating the potential creativity of the contestants
  12. I watched the 20/20 episode and this doc. A lot of the info on 20/20 was repeated here and expanded, but the HBO doc brought up something 20/20 didn’t cover. The scientist that Elizabeth and Sonny used, then shut him out of the company once he got wise to the fraud committed suicide! The poor man may have had other issues weighing on his mind, but his depression and despair over the absolute bullshit Theranos was peddling was too much for him. And that cold cyborg bitch never offered a word of condolences or comfort to his wife. She just demanded his confidential papers were returned to the office. It is too bad that widow couldn’t get some compensation from this. I am fascinated by this story, and how deluded Elizabeth Holmes is. It is staggering that she was still pushing her fake technolog, despite being called out as a fraud. She kept insisting the Edison machine worked as promised. She insisted the lab work was done with her technology vs. other biotech company products or devices. I do have to wonder what her parents are like, and what their take is on this monster they helped create.
  13. Re. Caryn's b-day party pic above...I guess Jacob and his GF weren't invited? I know Molly escaped the insanity and lives further away, so she has the perfect excuse to never have to show up.
  14. I deleted it once I read the description. A “mentalist”??? Doesn’t Phil take delight in stupid-shaming those dumb lonely women and men who get catfished and bilked out of their life savings? He has such a twinkle in his eye as he slowly reveals the poor sap’s twu wuv is actually some Nigerian scammer typing away to 20 different similar saps. And he has the balls to bring on some scum bag who does cold readings as a vetted guest?? So I guess he has just given up any remaining credibility he had circling the drain.
  15. Another batch of products that don’t mean anything to me. The floating pod thingy would be fun to try at a spa, I guess. I don’t have any pets, so the vegan dog food was nothing I have any knowledge about other than I thought dogs were carnivores. Selfie gadget was cute impulse buy, but it for sure, it is easy to knock off. And I am 100% on your side , LuvMy Shows. He looked like he was realllly trying to squeeze out those tears. The good behavior tchotchkes I do not get at all. I have a child who is now 12. I never had to give her stickers or bribe her to behave or listen. Lavish praise and silly dancing is all it took to get through potty training. We did have a chore chart for a brief time when she was in preschool, but we all kind of forgot about it. We just asked (or told) her to do something, and she did. She certainly had tantrums or and can take her sweet ‘tween time’ to do what I ask, so she isn’t a perfect Stepford Child. But in our house there are consequences for the choices we make. She doesn’t want to eat something? OK. She still has to sit at the table and be part of the discussion...and is responsible for helping clean up. If she got hungry later, there’s always Cheerios, but no additional meals offered or prepared. If she threw a fit over bedtime or brushing teeth, she was given a chance to calm down and choose: do it or lose a privilege (iPad time, play date, bedtime story, etc.). my husband and I stick to the rule. If she misbehaved, we followed through. When she was 4, she missed a birthday party with ponies and princesses because the day before she had a major tantrum and broke her cousin’s doll. People called me mean for doing that, but she has grown up knowing she can trust me and her Dad to keep our word, for better or worse. “Say what you mean, and mean what you say.” is our motto. IMHO, giving kids prizes for doing something they are supposed to do is setting them up to expect ‘rewards’ for everything. Kids have to do certain things for health/hygiene reasons, religious beliefs, being a member of a household or community, for their education...it’s part of everyday life, not bonus behaviors. A future employer will not be handing out stickers or badges for showing up on time for Chrissakes.
  16. I can confidently say I would have never in a million years been conned by this woman. It’s not because I’m smarter than anyone who was, or because I have degrees in medical technology. I just have a very low tolerance (zero actually) for annoying voices. I couldn’t have spent 10 minutes next to her in a coffee shop, let alone work for her or be an investor and have to spend any time listening to her speak. My ears would have declared independence and succeeded from my head in revolt. I found her eyes creepy. Not beguiling, not enchanting, not filled with light and philanthropy....creepy, cold, conniving, calculating are more apt. And what the eff was she subsisting on? Were those kale smoothies or some synthetic cyborg Jamba Juice? What an egomaniac. Why did no one ever called her on her stupid black turtlenecks or the other Apple copycat behavior? What she did was criminal and she should serve jail time. Whether she gets put away for the investment scheme, or the fraud, or the endangerment of patients she should be held accountable beyond losing all her money.
  17. Oh...another season with a designer from a clown school contestant. I just don’t have the energy to deal with that kind of manic personality. And my eyes cannot process that much color at one time. i did like Tessa’s a lot. Bonus...She looks like a real life human Mavis from Hotel Transylvania! Cavanaugh was a good choice go. However, Frankie had better Step. It. Up! if she wants to be here. I usually don’t have any room in my teeny tiny heart for sob stories, but damn if Frankie’s didn’t get a rise outta me. I would love to find that ex BF of hers and kick his ass. What an asshole to do that to someone you’ ve dated and lived with for NINE years! So far, I am liking this Bravo version, Karli and Christian and the judges. Or maybe I’m just so over the sadness of Alyssa Milano’s hair and outfits over on Lifetime. And the almost 2 year old dragged out, stale “All Stars” season.
  18. While I'm sure Bethenny's shock & grief over Dennis' death was real, I do not think she spent every waking moment in despair over it. I know they weren't married or even officially/publicly engaged, so I wouldn't expect her loss to be treated the same as Carole's or Dorinda's or Jill's loss of their long time partners and husbands (although, per Bethenny's ME! ME! ME! personna, she did compare her being "alone" to Jill's being widowed...at Bobby's funeral) . Everyone grieves differently. Bethenny certainly had feelings for Dennis and I'm sure his sudden death was a real blow to her. However, she was off onto another man within a month or so after Dennis died. She started dating the real estate dude who saved her life in Sept/Oct I think. Dennis passed in August I think? Again, everyone grieves differently & there is no "right" time to jump back into the dating world. I just hope that every time Bethenny gets into a tricky situation with these women that she doesn't pull out the "Dead Dennis" card to absolve herself from being held accountable for her nasty words or actions. I'm pretty sure they were still filming RHONY when she started her latest romance, so all of the cast & crew would know she wasn't shrouded in black or in secluded mourning like some Victorian war widow. But I would KILL for Bethenny's Hampton houses. She does have an amazing sense of style. Romona's house is just so uninviting in my opinion. She doesn't have a sense of taste or that touch to make her surroundings comfortable or personalized. She also had NO idea what she was talking about when she dissed Bethenny's choice of a house "on the highway". Shutty, Romona! That place is Ahhhh-MAZ-ING. Barb the Builder should partner up with Queen B. Lu is most definitely back in Countess mode. Her haughtiness and swelled pumpkin head is what pushes Bethenny back over the friendship line. It's nice she's had some success with the cabaret act, but I'd bet the majority of people going to see her shows are Looky-Loos who want to see a TV personality vs. hear her warbling words of wit & wisdom. But let's face it - Luann is no Patti Lupone or Elaine Stritch. One would think after being publicly humiliated So. Many. Times Luann's brain would activate the one tiny strand of DNA that contains the humble gene. Biggest laugh of the night for me was Romona's "Mermaid Descending a Staircase". OMG! That needs to be a GIF (with apologies to Mr. Marcel Duchamp).
  19. This whole clan should be called the PainInTheAssSons. WTF with the entitlement in the hospital? The staff cannot hand out info willy nilly, no matter how fucking awesome you think you and your family are. For the love of God, I'm really hating these people (except Beth). I was never a big Kate or Kevin fan. I loved Randall until the stupid BS 'I'm gonna buy a building and get elected' plot. Now I'm getting ready to board the I hate Randall train if he keeps up the selfishness. The only people who came out of this episode were Madison & Miguel. I'm not a completely heartless witch. Being in a hospital waiting room while a loved one is undergoing treatment is horrible. You feel frustrated, impatient, useless. You feel like you need to stay put and feel like crap for even thinking about leaving for a few hours. My sister delivered my nephew at 27 weeks due to a hospital mistake. She had been to the ER 4 days earlier with signs of eclampsia. We found out after she delivered the Dr. wrote the wrong prescription dosage on her meds, and the pharmacy didn't catch the error & filled it. She was basically poisoning herself and the baby by taking 4x's the daily dose. She was taken by ambulance and rushed into OR. The doctors had to ask my brother-in-law if it came to it did he want them to save his wife or the baby. My family sat in the waiting room for 22 hours (we did rotate getting each other food/coffee). When the baby was delivered, he weighed 1.2lbs. My sister was OK, and we waited for 24hr to see if Tyler would make it through his first day. He did, and in fact he wasn't even on a ventilator after 3 days. He did have to stay in NICU for 90 days, but he really thrived. He's now 15, is 5' 9" and is an honor student. Other than needing reading glasses, he didn't suffer any developmental delays or effects from being born 13 weeks early. (PS- My sister and brother in law looked into suing the hospital and the pharmacy for almost killing her & Tyler. They were told by several lawyers that they didn't have a case...because both the mother & baby survived.)
  20. I'm still on my No Texxxess No Dog cleanse. The whole "storyline" is stupid and I am using more willpower than ever to refrain from commenting on it. If this dumbass war of words continues for the rest of the season I will be so disappointed. Other things I found interesting under the the rubble of Doggy Drama: Aaron is attractive, but looks like a California gigolo to me. Someone up thread called him a "star fucker" and that sums it up. I also don't like it when people trash their soon to be exes and claim how miserable their marriage was (or "TORTURE" if you are Bethenny Frankel), and then turn around to immediately get hitched or shack up with their new fuck buddy. I would think if marriage and dissolution of the marriage was so awful and traumatic, you'd want to take a beat to recover and figure out a few things. Who you are without that trauma inducing person? What will make you happy now that the main cause of your unhappiness is gone? What opportunities can you take advantage of or be open to now that the extra weight has been lifted? But no. Some people just need the drama and attention I guess. And I think many celebrities are more needy for outward attention of the tabloids, fans, friends focusing on their new relationships vs. having to spend time with their vapid, undeveloped selves. Denise is one of the "two-face" women. She looks great in some lights or angles an like a complete freak show in others. I imagine Dr. Nasif & Dr. Dubrow looking to line her up for "Botched". I think it's her lips/mouth/cheeks that are kinda deformed or over worked. Nose - up she is very cute and has beautiful eyes. When her face is relaxed & not smiling, she looks great. PK & Dorit...I do not think there are any two more UN-self aware, lying social climbers in the universe. PK with his man-splaining of LVP's machinations to his dim bulb wife is one to talk about "manipulation". At least all of his manipulation of bankruptcy laws and finagled loan (NOT!) repayments have backfired. And telling her she did "nothing wrong"??? YOU & Dim Bulb started this shit storm! Loved Dorit having to be the One-Upper on the trail ride too. Of course she's been enamoured with horses since she was a little girl! Of course she's ridden horse all around the world. So if she is such the horse woman, 1) why didn't she know to lift up out of the saddle while a horse is peeing? 2) why hasn't she been shown riding with LVP 3) why for the love of GOd was she dressed like someone who has been told to "dress horse-y" for a play? She looked like she was going on a low-rent Ralph Lauren photo shoot for crissake. They were going on a trail ride, not a dressage show.
  21. I'm not outdoorsy AT ALL, but I can see the appeal of the floating tent. It would be cool to put it out on the water (anchored or tied to a dock or boat) and toss sleeping bags in there for a unique camping sleepover. My kids would love that. However, it was a half-baked idea. He definitely needed to have an pump, anchors and paddles as part of the package. Or at least have them as add-ons at POS. Can people stand up in that tent? Can a blow up chair with cup holders be added? Or do the tent occupants just sit/lay on the bottom of it? The color options were a good idea too. Definitely camo for the audience he's going for, but hunter's safety orange, and other colors would appeal to more people too.
  22. Late to comment on this episode... I agree that these were all kind of boring businesses. The Goat Yoga thing has been around for at least 4 years where I am. My cousin was doing it at a farm near by. It was outside, next to the goat pen. The goats were free to roam between their pen and the field where the class was. This meant that their little hoofs were covered in mud, hay, poop and poop-riddled muddy hay and God knows what other stuff as the climbed on the backs of my cousin and her fellow new-age hippies with money. The classes were expensive and I imagine all these well to do hipsters wearing their Athleta & LuLuLemon "workout" fashions while goats pooped and peed on them (my cousin was peed on a few times). I haven't done regular yoga in years, but I thought the main tenets are mindfulness, getting in tune with one's body, peace and achieving zen-like state of being. I don't think I could be 'mindful' or 'zen' if I've goat a dirty goat on my back or a cute little baby goat trying to nuzzle with me. The toga thing did solve a problem and was the only product I could kinda relate to. I don't have pets to bake for and my hair goes from pin-straight or ball of frizz depending on the weather, so Curl Mix wasn't for me. I did not like Dry Bar lady. I found her incessant name dropping of her company annoying as Hell. And if she's been in the hair industry for all this time, why did her own hair coloring and styling look so awful? Was she going for a combo of (out-dated) trends; showing dark roots & ombre color fade?
  23. I don't know who's more tired, me or Biddell. Or maybe I'm just bored. Nothing was (or has been) memorable. Michelle is the Golden (one-way) Monkey with her basic shapes and hideous fabric & color choices. I love me some Dmitry, but his constant fall back to Granny's lace tablecloths and her flouncy drapes (from the guest room that no one ever used) are just getting old. AR and Irina. are...still there, I guess? And Mr. Last International Sewtestant had better have his Passport ready for stamping because he is gonna be auf'd shortly. There is no way a non-American designer doesn't win. "Win" being a questionable term since JCP and their promise of riches and rewards disappeared as fast as their credibility as a fashion Mecca. Add the fact that this dreck is TWO YEARS OLD and no one cares who eventually won. The programming genius who decided to greenlight the airing of this snoozefest lackluster season was probably shown the door . Maybe he/she is now working the register at a JC Penney as karmic justice.
  24. I was half-paying attention in the beginning, then I heard the 2 entrepreneurs little weasels say they graduated from UMASS/Amherst! My alma mater! I perked up to see a feel good story about a successful business created at my old stomping grounds! And then those 2 dolts kept talking....and the talking became incessant self aggrandizing and then it became entitled bloviated bullshit. Way to embarrass yourselves, your parents, your school, and your generation. The smarmy, douchebag entitlement and false sense of importance was palpable through my TV screen. The unmitigated gall of Weasel #1 to just show up at the NYC office asking for financials!!! For a biz he had NO involvement in!!! Nor did anyone in that office even know him...he could have been the kid delivering the lunch order. And Weasel #2 thinking he should be a new leader of the group?? He practically blended into the wall while Weasel #1 was around. No personality....just his big owl-eyed stare of incredulity when Julie and the other guys told him a flat 'no' to his offer to "lead" them. So glad these idiots were sent packing and received a dressing down dose of reality from Marcus and his team.
  25. I'm not commenting on texts (texxxxessss) or dogs or even that fugly as fuck Rolex. Here's my big take away question from last night... Dorit is apparently some fabulous new swim suit designer and is trying to sell her interpretation of the Beverly Beach "lifestyle" through her swimwear. Mmmkay...then why doesn't she have a swim suit that actually fits her own body? Why wouldn't she make a bandeau top a skosh bigger to accommodate her own ginormous clown boobs? Most women in her circle are super skinny with huge fake ta-ta's. Those itty bitty scraps of spandex she's stuffed into would never properly fit those women or show off their plastic bolt-ons in a flattering way. She looked (more) ridiculous on that snorkeling boat in the yellow top. I'm shocked any of those women were able to submerge their bodies in the water at all without popping back up and bobbing like corks with all their comically cosmetically enhanced personal flotation devices. Erica's idiot glam squad must have been sleeping in, b/c I thought she looked great on her golf outing. Casual, appropriate, someone to be taken seriously is what she should be going for when she is not out clubbing or doing red carpet stuff. There is no need to look like a drag queen 24/7. Hell, I don't think even the most diva'd of all diva drag queens keeps her full persona going 24/7.
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