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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. Just caught up, a day late. I sure hope none of you play drinking games while watching this…”take a drink every time Amy says ‘farm’! And 2 shots when you hear her say, ‘I don’t live on the farm anymore’!”. If anyone of you have been playing, my condolences to your livers. FFS, Amy…you are contractually obligated to get married on the fucking farm. Stop acting like you ever had a choice! And her BS a about how they may ‘have to’ get married on the fucking farm because “everything else is getting booked” isn’t fooling anyone. We are all (un-)cordially invited to watch you and your Man walk down the hay bale lined bridal path on the fucking farm. Yes the farm has beautiful views, but I don’t believe Roloff Farm is the only spot in all of the greater Hillsboro-Portland area with a gorgeous view. Oregon is a pretty big state. While we’re at it, Amy’s home state Michigan is large and has stunning views. Chris’ home state Idaho is large and has amazing vistas as well. Matt Roloff didn’t corner the market on “rolling hills” and wedding barns when he bought that place 30 years ago.
  2. I despise virtually every Discovery+ ad thanks to the constant exposure to them. I watch TV from 8-10 several nights a week. I catch up on DVR’d shows when I can’t sleep. The number of times in a 1 hour episode that I have to see all the Magnolia/Discovery/HGTV/Food Network “personalities” is ridiculous. So many repetitions of the same crap…Oprah’s interview show , Joanna Gaines’ cooking show, some “special” about Tom Arnold’s meth-head sister ( BTW, I can barely understand what either one of them is saying. They both sound like they had strokes…maybe they indulged too much back in the day). But the latest Discovery+/Food Network ad in rotation is my newest peeve. It’s some BBQ showdown with Bobby Smug-face Flay, and Michael Simon. Then another guy walks in, and Flay and Simon say “Eddie Jackson?!?” ( umm, who?). And Eddie says, “You’re darn tootin’ right!” Isn’t “you’re darn tootin’” the phrase? Irks me to no end every 10 minutes it’s on.
  3. For some reason my DVR opted to not record this episode. I’m not too upset because I think I can figure out what transpired without watching. Matt- droned on about how happy he is to do projects on the farm, but dithered over how he and Zack can come together to run the farm Zack/Tori- Zack complained about his dad’s wild and expensive ideas for the farm. Tori wrung her hands over the health of her children and discussed how “there may be some concerns” for both kids ( here’s a hint Tori, yes there are definitely going to be issues for both kids all their lives…ask your husband, or your MIL or your FIL) Amy- bitched and moaned about Matt and his treatment of her during their marriage and divorce proceedings. Which led her into bemoaning how she doesn’t belong at the farm anymore, she doesn’t have a place there anymore, memories, 30 years, blah blah blah. Then she switched gears to self pity over planning a wedding, where to hold the ceremony ( hint- it will be at the farm. You know it, we know it, aliens monitoring the planet know it). Also Amy gets screen time with her Man to discuss her piles of useless trash mementos, and how she needs to make room for her Man. How’d I do?
  4. A 70’s pageant as a Halloween party sounded kinda interesting last week, but now that I watched it…What a sad and pathetic party. I know it was filmed in the fall during COVID, but that “crowd” of hired help milling around looking bored summed up the night perfectly. I am sorry for Leah’s family’s loss, but I still hate Leah. If she was so heartbroken over the pending death of her beloved grandmother, she should have been at the hospital and not ruining the Hamptons. The fact that she wasn’t at her grandmother’s bedside convinces me that Leah’s mother and other family members told Leah to keep her toxic attitude and her stupid gloved outfits the hell away from granny. And Leah’s sister seems like a brunette version of Leah angst and poison. What the Hell was Leah wearing at the election party?? Her sense of style is lost on me. Heather was never a favorite of mine, but I think she brought some sense of reason to the mix. But she made the right choice to run the hell away from “friend” status on this show. Eboni wants to be the alpha lecturer and Leah is too bat shit crazy to be around. Ramona could do really well in real estate. I would hire her to do staging of whatever house I was selling. I didn’t know realtors don’t say Master Bedroom, his and hers baths, etc. It’s obvious when you say the words out loud, but that’s gotta be a hard habit to break if you have been in the biz for a decade or more.
  5. Watching “Breakout”, and I’m not familiar with the story. I’m only 15 minutes into it, but I just heard Andrea Canning say one of the dumbest things I’ve heard from her. She was describing Toby, the woman at the center of the story. Toby was a volunteer at a Kansas prison, and she ran the the prison’s dog training program. Apparently, Toby was a much loved and respected presence at the prison. Andrea said “Toby, a woman so beloved, they even gave her an endearing nickname- The Dog Lady.” Now, maybe Andrea hasn’t been showered with many endearing nicknames in her life, but “The Dog Lady” is not a term of endearment. It is basic descriptive words to identify someone whose name you don’t remember. “Hey Gus, that lady wants to know if you want to join the dog training today.” “ What lady?” “You know, The Dog Lady!” “Oh yeah! The Dog Lady! She sure is nice to those dogs.”
  6. Dorit has most definitely had several nose jobs. At least one during her RHOBH residency. Unless “contouring” has leapt into the sci-fi realm, and applying makeup now works like the “eraser” icon in Photoshop*, no amount of makeup will reduce the actual 3D shape and profile of your face. *(When/if this technology is available, please DM me…asking for a friend😬)
  7. As of this episode, I do NOT like Crystal. She’s a mean girl. Yes, Sutton is a tad bit overly emotional, and prone to crying jags, and quick to play victim. However, Crystal has made up her mind that Sutton is “crazy”, and therefore she is not going to give an inch to give Sutton any room to change that opinion. So, now that new hunter Crystal has exposed the weakest gazelle, this pride of lionesses clan of hyenas will pounce on Sutton. They will not leave her alone until her entrails are ripped out and exposed. WTF with Rinna’s story of Harry Hamlin’s friend raping a girl (!!!), then going to visit him in jail to be a good friend??? What the actual fuck?? And this excuses/explains/rationalizes her horrid, foul, dirty, callous, vicious behavior toward Denise how?? Dorit must still be playing “Two Truths and a Lie”, but she is confusing them. She told TWO lies in this episode 1) she never played bocce before & 2) she hasn’t had a nose job. If she is “a child of the world”, and lived in Italy for years, (and decorated that Italian restaurant Bocca de Pesci???), she has most certainly played bocce. As for her lie #2…girl, PUH-leeeeze.
  8. She looked like one of those trashy Bratz dolls that I never allowed my daughter to have. And the coy, empty headed baby voice reminded me of Meg Tilly in her early acting days.
  9. I have only had tofu a few times and I hated it. I don’t know if it was “firm” or “extra firm”, but it came down to a texture thing for me. Maybe if a Top Chef made it for me, or someone with more skills, I’d feel differently. Once I heard ‘tofu’ I kinda checked out of this episode. I do like most of the contestants this year so it’s a bummer when any of them have to go. Shot a and Dawn are my top picks though.
  10. I only watch RHOBH and RHONY, so not sure about the other franchises, but I find it so ironic and irritating that these privileged, pampered, plastic women are forever and always squawking about “honesty” and being “real”. From their heads to their toes, there is very little of them that is real or honest. Phony hair, faux lips, fake boobs, false lashes...their whole world is a lavish fantasy, but they are demanding their for TV only BFF’s be HONEST with each other? WTF was Erika’s 2 truths and a lie bullshit?? Does she think she’s adding to her “mystique” by not answering? Don’t play if you’re going to be a twat waffle. Still love Garcelle, and I like Sutton. Crystal is interesting, but she seems like she’s too cool for school. Love her cute kids and Lucy. I need a Lucy in my life! Not to do work around my house, but to throw shade with me.
  11. Leah is emotionally stunted. She stopped maturing at 6. What a narcissist. Every. Conversation.Has. To. Be. About. LEAH. Her mommy didn’t call to give her private time with her sick grandmother, but did ask the sister (who is just as damaged as Leah IMO), so Leah has to get all indignant and whine, “What about meeee?!?” Ramona wanted to finish a sensitive conversation about Sonja, and in typical Ramona fashion, ungraciously invited Lea to step off for 5 min. Leah is butt-hurt and trash talks to Ramona’s hired staff. The whole vow of silence was beyond narcissistic....did she think everyone would beg her to join the scintillating discussions? Did that vow even last an hour? And all her shit talking and pot stirring about Heather...Leah is just petrified the attention will have to be shared amongst 6 women vs. 5, and she needs to find her way to “shock and awe” her audience into focusing on the Leah Channel. I don’t know if I have ever disliked a Housewife as much as I dislike Leah. Although, truth be told, Erika Jayne on RHOBH is getting close to stealing the title from Leah. My eyes rolled so hard when Leah said she didn’t want to share a bathroom with Heather. Umm, you don’t know her, you’re not the host, and it’s not your house!! Whichever doctor did Sonja’s upper lip implant should have his/her/their license pulled. Sonja’s upper lip needs its own zip code. I don’t get why people want their mouths to look so awkwardly unnatural or so obviously messed with. What was all the kiss-kissing at the Audrey Hepburn party??? They all just so each other an hour ago...and they are in the same house. Of course Leah wears the non-Audrey look to “stand out”.
  12. I am actually surprised by the ending. I thought for sure she’d hire all 3 of them. I guess anyone one of them could have “won”. I think they are all smart and savvy enough, and it was nice that they all got along. Not sure if this show will be back, but if it is I won’t be. Best part of the season was seeing Dorinda looking so fabulous. I miss her on RHONY so much I may have to stop watching that show too. I can’t take much more of delusional drunk Sonja and mean, fashion impaired and immature Leah.
  13. Looks like Sonja took a handful of her “water pills” before getting on the field trip bus. As we learned last season, it’s those damn water pills that makes Sonja get so drunk so fast. They must also be to blame for her recurring bouts of Pseudo-nostalgic Morganitis Dementia. That’s Latin for “Whackadoo 50 year old divorcée perpetually ‘reliving’ false memories for twice as many post-divorce years as she was married”. I never liked Leah, her voice, her personality or her sense of “style” last season. She is 10times more annoying this season, and we are only 2 episodes in. I would usually blame some production hijinks for prodding a cast member down a certain path, but I think Leah is just an insecure person who needs drama and chaos in her life to feel validated in some way. She needs to be at the center of the shit storm she creates so she doesn’t have to deal with her own issues. She also can’t let things go (one of the faults that got Dorinda invited to hand back her NYC apple). Trying to shame Romona about the plasma story is pointless. Romona can’t be embarrassed or shamed!
  14. I know Bethenny had the proof of Nicole’s goofs with the website, but part of me thinks the web designer may have purposely taken Nicole’s directions juuuust literally enough to passive-aggressively give Nicole a jab for her non stop bragging and yakking. Wouldn’t a professional web designer call out an obvious nonsensical error like the “pepper” thing? Or do they take the “final copy” as gospel, and run it as is? I was surprised but not surprised that none of the women could cook! It isn’t hard to do if you have a recipe and follow the directions! I get that they were multitasking to get photos and branding crap done, but they were baffled by the simplest things...like making sure the oven was ON a in order to BAKE a something. Or how to use a measuring cup! Don’t Milokssy and Kristen have kids? Do they just give them microwaved meals or fast food? Maybe their partners do the cooking? If I were Bethenny (or whoever ends up with this marketing/branding role), I would be concerned that these women made B’s line of food products look bad. Some of the audience she’s targeting may think, Are the recipes too difficult to follow? Are the products not going to come out right (a la the “flat titty” muffins)?
  15. Agree 100%. It should be a basic skill, but I am constantly amazed and appalled at the errors I see on a daily basis. I work for a Fortune 500 company, and the spelling errors and grammatical mistakes from some of the managers, directors and VP’s is astounding. I don’t mean just on internal memos or emails either. Marketing materials with run on sentences, incomplete sentences, dangling participles, mixed use of possessives in the same sentences, lack of punctuation... Don’t get me started on the haphazard use of there/their/they’re and to/too. It’s as if no one proof reads or reads it out loud before hitting the send button.
  16. I do not understand why Bethenny brought Brody back to “interview” for this shit show. But at least he was at the initial cocktail party (that was NOT a a cocktail party per B). John was just some rando off the street just like Kristin (??-I can’t remember her name and I am not that invested to look it up). Where/why is she finding the surplus fake applicants? One would assume she culled the herd to get down to the dozen or so “best” fake applicants who showed up on the first ep. But now instead there’s a 2nd pool of mystery candidates that just come through some revolving door she installed? Why? I guess I am glad neither Brody nor John were offered some faux “job” on their way back out the door. I knew Bethenny and I are both Scorpios who are not afraid to let our stingers strike. We’re both OCD (she is crazy-extra OCD; I’m just <this> side of cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs OCD). And now I discovered we are both commanders of the grammar SWAT team! Pretty sure that’s where the similarities end though (unless she moves to Boston).
  17. Still watching, but did I just hear Sonja say she doesn’t live in the past?????? This just proves Sonja is definitely delusional.
  18. I don’t have any idea why Elon Musk was hosting, but I was willing to try to watch just for the potential train wreck factor. However as soon as I saw Miley Fucking Cyrus, and heard her most egregiously horrible fifty unclipped cats skating across a chalkboard speaking voice, I muted ASAP, then canceled the recording. I did catch the Quarantine sketch, so positives points for it, but minus ten-fold points for Miley Fucking Cyrus.
  19. Lately it seems we get more and more stories about wrongful convictions and botched police investigations. Instead of saying “The spouse did it” 5 minutes into the broadcast, I find myself saying “What evidence did the cops miss/ ignore?” There should be funds in small town police and district attorneys budgets to call in more experienced investigators immediately when a murder happens. The local police don’t seem to have the experience or text book knowledge to handle these cases. FFS, don’t any of them ever watch shows like 20/20 or Dateline???In poor little Riley’s case, the cops had the goddamn shoes of the murderer with his @&#$* initials in them! WTF? Thank God for that defense lawyer Kevin had representing him! I sure hope that evil bitch who interviewed that little boy lost her job. Her questioning was a shit show from the jump. Who allows a child to cry and sob uncontrollably for that long? That whole family suffered additional unnecessary pain because of the shoddy investigation tactics. That district attorney who lead the persecution of Kevin should be ashamed of himself.
  20. A few issues (really too many to list, but these are top of mind after watching)... What the hell was that dress B was wearing?? This woman can wear anything and look amazing thanks to her teeny tiny frame and enhanced boobs. But that black leather get up was not flattering. The caplet thing over powered her and that cut out was too big, and made her boobs look smooshed and weird. I’m also tired of Bethenny listing rules these reality tv show wannabeees applicants. They are invited to a cocktail party, but how dare they think they are at a cocktail party??? THIS IS A (pretend) JOB INTERVIEW!! They can’t swear because Bethenny thinks it’s fucking disrespectful for these ho-bag cocksucking c**ty shithead bitches to use vulgar language in her goddamn fucking presence. THIS IS A FUCKING (pretend) JOB INTERVIEW!! Nicole wore a crop top in a very hip, on trend way for someone young and (pretend)interviewing for a hip, on trend job which requires the (pretend) hire to have a pulse on the youth market. But B can dress in her sexy high end Vegas bondage call girl madam suits to conduct (pretend) JOB INTERVIEWS? So now Brody is back??? Is she going to just keep dismissing one person every week with some low level “job”(PA a for Correy, Brand Ambassador for Jenna), then bring in a replacement from the supply of unemployed thirsty famewhores potential applicants she keeps in her basement?
  21. Yikes, this show is doomed. Everyone on board is doomed because B insists on doing EEEEVVVERRYTHING herself. She is not only the pilot of this flight to Hell, she is the flight director planing the route, the navigator keeping the plane on course, the air traffic controller clearing the plane to land, the mechanic fueling the plane, the engineer who designed the plane, Rosie the riveter who built the plane ( I omitted “cleaning crew” & “flight attendant “ because I guess those menial tasks are part of Correy2’s new PA a role🙄). This show feels like B just wakes up and decides what to do. No rhyme or reason. I knew Nicole would stick around. Bet she makes it to the end and gets offered some fake job like Carrey. Maybe all of these “applicants” will get added to B’s stable of minions so B can look like a benevolent boss. Then once all the cameras shut down, they will all be dismissed to go back to whatever they abandoned for 6 weeks.
  22. So now that Annie’s ex and his wife are broke, will they join the gang of never ending stupid plot contrivances? Their baby could be a “mule” with cash/ drugs/jewelry in his diaper and diaper bag! And if Stan and Ruby want to branch out their fake designer purse side hustle, they can start selling fake wallets and phone cases...they’ll fit in a diaper! I don’t understand very much of this show anymore, but I’ll ask anyway...what was the point of the hot tub? In the house? I heard Dean say he was trying to have a noisy disrupter in case the house was bugged, but how about NOT talking about various criminal exploits and FBI goings on while you are in the house? Beth keeps saying they can’t afford this and that, but Dean gets the hot tub. With what money? Are they still using the fake money for day to day expenses? Beth had enough extra cash around to float Ruby the shortfall on the (mind numbingly stupid) designer bag party. Wish this show would make some decisions...are these woman living off stolen/counterfeit money or is the FBI footing bills? Are they down to their last pennies? Ruby and Stan are the only ones always pouring over bills and discussing finances in any real way. Beth just tells Dean “we can’t afford it”, then both he and she keep buying stuff. The whole thing with Carol(yn) getting mom training was pretty funny. But when the reveal of Rio’s duffle bag, this show lost me again. I would think bundles of counterfeit cash in a duffle bag would feel and sound very different from loose jewelry, no? How did Carol not feel the difference? is this season almost over? Can Rio just get nabbed already? Or let him go and jail the Good Girls. I don’t care anymore.
  23. OMG! I thought about 2 of 3 of the cases you mentioned while watching this one! I forgot about the garage movie set guy, but immediately thought about that couple who killed their “friend” and his friend. I say ‘couple’ because I fully believe that blonde actress chick had knowledge of what her smug, untalented fiancé was up to. The other case of that poor couple murdered by Skyalr-‘I was almost a child star’and his GF is just so haunting. What they went through on that trip to Catalina is just horrific. As for Kelly and her insane daughter Tucker, these two are sociopaths of the first order. It’s so maddening that Kelly will still inherit the ranch. She convinced her elderly mother the murdered care taker brother was plotting against her, and she swindled her surviving sibling out of having his brother around. Evil. I hope one of the many cluttered pieces of Americana scattered around that property falls on Kelly and knocks her out.
  24. My prediction is Nicole gets a reprieve because B will “see herself” in Nicole’s loud, attention whore behavior...but B will phrase it in with more self aggrandizing terms (hustle, balls, courage 🤮). There is no way someone like Nicole is fit to run Skinnygirl or work with Bethenny. Actually, I am not sure exactly who can work with (for) Bethenny. Boot licking sycophants, sure, but anyone with real marketing/design/management/media savvy wouldn’t last long under that regime. I am guessing the turnover rate is pretty high and no one in any of B’s empire ever earns a 5-year recognition award.
  25. I am somewhat OCD, so I can appreciate how an ottoman not at a 90 degree angle to the coffee table would make B twitch. However, if that loft is supposed to be a work space, how are they going to be creative & execute if they have to worry about a coffee cup on the counter, or a pillow with the stripes going horizontally vs. vertically? I wonder if she is that regimented with her daughter? If so, can you imagine what a sleepover for Brynn and her friends would be like in one of Bethenny’s 27 residences?
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