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Everything posted by lasu

  1. I'm a bit baffled at the Legends vs. non-Legends. Are they not aware it's not possible for the Legends to betray their own partners? And that there is no way for the Legends to take over the game? I recognize that the game is likely to change and that will change that dynamic, but it's weird to hear Danny, for example, talking about he only trusts Tori so much. It's just odd how much there is a us versus them dynamic when us is partnered with them.
  2. I have weirdly decided this isn't actually a good book. Anyone I know who has read it with their eyeballs has not liked it. The ONLY people I know who genuinely enjoyed it have been those who did the audiobook version, and I just think the voice actors elevated the actual material. I've read a couple of TJR's other books, and I've strongly disliked them. I suspect if I had read the print version, I may have disliked it as well. I still think the audio version is fantastic. The show is a bit of a disappointment, as I've found the deviations from the book to be odd.
  3. That means she would have had to qualify for it on her own, without Juan's salary being included. That means that her mortgage lender felt Robyn had enough money on her own to afford the house. (I'm not saying she can afford it, just that it seems she qualified for it on her own, which is interesting.) Wow, that's surprising on G's part. That's a real life commitment that probably had a small bearing on whether or not Juan kept his job. Not that it's G's responsibility, but if their event had been a huge success, it might have tipped the scales in Juan's favor. It also might not have, but I can't help but wonder if Robyn feels it might have made a difference. IF SO...if so, you couple that with the fact Robyn's going to need to hold that paycheck tight, could this be what gets Robyn to turn on G? I wonder if she'd be willing to do that for a storyline.
  4. Casting question, possible spoiler about someone I thought was going to be on this season:
  5. If we accept that Ellie is young enough to need a parent, we have to accept that she is young enough to need parenting, which sometimes includes the parent making the choice for the child. And then Joel told his daughter a fairy tale so she can sleep at night. I'm an only child who raised by my single father, just the two of us, and as such, I didn't bat an eyelash at Joel murdering everyone. My dad was the biggest pacefist, but he would have done the same damn thing. And it breaks my heart that anyone could watch this show and see anything other than a father/daughter relationship, especially because I grew up seeing that same suspicious eye from strangers. It's a real shame.
  6. It's funny how we all see things differently, because I was coming to post how much better I liked the book! To be fair, I did the audiobook, which is one of the absolute best audiobooks I've ever listened to. I've heard over and over again that the audiobook is way, way more enjoyable than reading the print version - the voice actors really are freaking amazing. But these are things I have really disliked about the show versus the movie: Eddie being in love with Camila. Camila [presumably] sleeping with Eddie. Billy and Daisy kissing. Karen wanting Graham only when someone else does. Karen and Graham banging while leaving Caroline outside waiting in her car. There are other things I don't like - the "aging" didn't work at ALL, Billy has zero charisma, but the things listed above are the more egregious. I like the show ok in and of itself, but it suffers (to me!) when I compare it to the source (although one could argue the audio version isn't source).
  7. This. This really pissed me off, and now I don't like Karen. Or Graham either. What a shitty thing for them to do to Caroline, but I guess it's ok because she likes Barry Manilow? Oh fuck off.
  8. Nelson's hair says it was Ride or Die, World Championship, then Ride or Die Reunion.
  9. I agree that it's not X rated, because they couldn't show it, and it would be too off brand. My guess is Schindler's List or something else along those lines.
  10. Indeed! It's also disingenuous to use your popularity to attract business, but then say it's not fair to boycott when that same popularity diminishes due to your own action. It works both ways, chump.
  11. This never would have made it six months under Doute's watch. Seven days tops before she would have had text records, uber receipts, three eyewitnesses, and cell phone video recordings.
  12. I had a deep and inexplicable love for the original. I never understood why I liked it so much when I never thought it was THAT great of a show, lol. I'll probably at least check this out, but I'm already a bit verklempt thinking about Brittany Murphy and Tom Petty.
  13. I think Caroline could possibly sue Brandi civilly, but she can't press criminal charges because no US court has jurisdiction over something that happens in Morocco. I don't disagree that Caroline was assaulted, and as much as I despise her, I also have compassion for her on THIS ONE ISSUE. But I also probably wouldn't be pressed if Dina wrote a character statement for Brandi.
  14. FWIW, I also think it was dumb to take digs at Candiace over the fact that her mom was helping her, and I have no problem with Candiace taking Ashley to task over calling her the least accomplished. My point was more that Candiace has plenty she has earned now, and she can use her own accomplishments as rebuttal. I'm not sure if you are being purposely obtuse, but I said she cannot put her money where her mouth is in regards to generational wealth. I don't feel like you're engaging with what I'm actually saying, so there's not much point in me continuing to say things.
  15. Paulie can miss me with the whole "you don't send a woman to do a man's job." I mean, first, that's sexist garbage, but more importantly, what the fuck job does he think he can do that Delores can't? Has he MET her?? She might enjoy being soft and feminine with him, but make no mistake, if he crosses her she could chew him up and spit him out.
  16. Joel is her adoptive father. Problem solved.
  17. No. Candiace used the term "generational wealth" first, which is what I took issue with. And regardless, using someone's privilege against them is not as bad as using someone's LACK of privilege against them. Neither of them earned or didn't earn their privilege or lack there of - that's why it's called privilege. No. Ashley cannot put her money where her mouth is regarding generational wealth - which is what I said. No matter what choices she makes, she will never be the recipient of generational wealth. Taking money from Michael or not taking money from Michael makes absolutely no difference when it comes to receiving generational wealth. Being on TikTok makes no difference in regards to generational wealth. Getting with another man makes no difference when it comes to her receiving generational wealth. There is literally NOTHING Ashley can do to change her status as someone who does or does not receive generational wealth. No. Saying that Ashley doesn't have generational wealth is factual. And it's my opinion that Candiace should stick to things she herself has EARNED as responses to Ashley. I never said nor implied that I thought Candiace is responsible for Sheila's poor choices (what an odd take, tbh). I've never said Candiace should be nicer to Ashley. I've also never said that Ashley is a nice girl who never did anything wrong. But just because Ashley is a mean girl doesn't mean I can't want Candiace to continue to mature. I can both like Candiace and have issues with parts of her behavior.
  18. You can still wear a bikini!! If you aren't feeling confident, follow my tips to have the PERFECT beach body:
  19. This isn't at all what I said. I said it wasn't a good look for Candiace to use "generational wealth" as a bludgeon. Ashley cannot "put her money where her mouth is" in regards to generational wealth, because she has absolutely no control over whether or not she was born into a family that has it. However, that's not playing "poor victimized Ashley game." It has nothing to do with Ashley, and everything to do with wanting to see Candiace do better. Also, I thought that exchange between Gizelle and Andy was pretty funny, where she offered to sleep with him if he hadn't banged a woman by age 60. It was also pretty funny how quickly he shut that idea down, lol.
  20. I'm not sure why everyone acted so surprised that a CEO doesn't have complete control over a business. I'm an EA to a CEO, and the Board of Directors is collectively her boss. It's a very circular relationship, as she has a lot of say over recruiting people for the board, but she herself is NOT a member of the board. She reports to them. They hired and can fire her, do her employee evaluation, raises, and stuff like that. FWIW, I don't think Mia was ever a real CEO, but what she was saying actually made some sort of sense for once. Everyone else was being stupid. There is still the very valid question of WHY this happened, but a BoD can absolutely cut out a CEO. I still think Candiace won the season, but she might have lost the reunion. I was dismayed at how much she looked like her mother, and that is no compliment. I also hate when she goes too low (and I know everyone opinion of what is "too low" differs), so I'm glad she said she was wrong for the uterus comment. She's absolutely smart enough to fire off deadly insults without going for that kind of thing. I also hated her using "generational wealth" as a bit of an insult towards Ashley. I don't know Candiace's family's history, so perhaps she does have real generational wealth versus being the 1st generation to receive inherited wealth. But two things: first, generational wealth obviously has to start somewhere, but the reason it's such a topic is because of the CUMULITIVE effect. The point of generational wealth is that it's a snowball. I think it's likely that *I* benefit far more than Candiace from generational wealth, even though she has had more financial assistance than I will, and I won't inherit anything from my family. But I'm also the first person in my family who will not have land handed to them in over 200 years (my family has been on the same land for that long). Even though I will not receive any inheritance, I still benefit from generations of my family living on the same land, having power to make decisions, making connections, having generations of college educations, etc. You can't wipe out the effects of "generational wealth" in one generation. Second, regardless, "generational wealth" is by definition something you didn't earn, so it should never be used as either a social marker or detractor. Candiace did NOTHING to earn what she was given, and Ashley did NOTHING to deserve what she wasn't given. Both of those situations happened because of their parents' choices, and neither should be given credit or penalized for decisions their parents made. Candiace needs to understand that everything given to her is a privilege, and lording your privilege over those less fortunate is just not a good look. Don't get me wrong - I don't have a thing in this world against parents helping their kids, regardless of age. If anything, I wish I personally had more of that, lol! And I like Candiace more than most, but I didn't like her using her privilege as a weapon.
  21. I never understood how they were going to have a show with just the winners of these editions - that would have only been 4 women and 4 men, right? That's a one hour special. But yeah, this is just another version of the same ol' thing. Interesting that Tori and Jordan did another season right after. I'm so uninterested, and yet there's a 0% chance I don't watch it. *sigh*
  22. I definitely disagree on this, because why? What does she gain by pretending to be attracted to men who aren't Juan? Woah. No. I did not and am not insinuating that Robyn is a pedo. I said it was an inappropriately aged young MAN. That said, he's half her age, and I do think her behavior was inappropriate, regardless of whether she was genuinely attracted to him (honestly, I think she needs help if that was fake). It's not about "macking." She touched his body more than once, as if he were a piece of meat rather than a person. I don't see it as any different than if we saw a 40-something man putting his hands on a college-aged woman in a bikini. And I don't think I should have to name every other person who has inappropriate behavior if I want to mention something I think Robyn did wrong.
  23. I'm not sure what you mean by not buying it. I actually thought (and posted at the time) that Robyn was inappropriate with that guy, the way she kept touching his body. It really skeeved me out, and I doubt it was for the cameras. Seemed like a genuine and gross moment to me. I'm not sure why she would fake attraction to an inappropriately aged young man who isn't her husband. I didn't think it was a good look for her at all.
  24. All y'all talking about Robyn not being attracted to anyone are forgetting about her molesting that young man on the beach. I'm not saying she would do anything, married or not, but my girl's pupils were dilated in bright sun. Also, while I think Ashley should have and could have done more, she's probably making a decent amount on tiktok. The numbers on tiktok are all over the place, but I found a few sources that said 34% of users are making more than $100K per year, and I'm willing to bet that she's in the top third. Now, that won't pay a $13K a month mortgage, but considering it cost nothing to start a tiktok account, it's all profit. If she is making $100K a year, I'd be willing to be she's doing better than either of the candle ladies. Wow, Candiace won the whole damn season. I never would have guessed it when she first came on. Doing well looks great on her. She's got the confidence to let things go, which is crucial. It's not often we get to see a housewife grow, and it's always nice when it happens.
  25. Dammit, don't make me side with Caroline fucking Manzo. Isn't there some way to make this her fault anyway? Ugh, Brandi, this is the worst thing you've ever done, making me take sides with Caroline fucking Manzo. Jokes aside, while I've enjoyed Brandi's brand of chaos for the most part (FOR THE MOST PART), this has to be the straw. Kissing someone against their will is assault, and she's crazy lucky she did this outside of the US and under the protective Bravo umbrella. She's lucky b/c those two things mean no charges. She needs to get it together, and she needs to do so off-screen. Permanently off-screen after this. Now, that said, god, how I loathe Caroline fucking Manzo. Not only is she a sanctimonious bore, but she's going to have trouble keeping me firmly on her side over all of this. While I do agree that it's assault, you know what else is assault? Getting tied up in your own home while your fiance gets beat with a baseball bat. And never forget that when that exact thing happened to Dina, what did her "family first" sister do? Wrote a fucking letter defending Dina's assailant. Caroline is fucking grimy. Fuuuuuuuuuuuck Caroline.
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