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Everything posted by lasu

  1. I'll admit, I still pretty much like Heather the same, so perhaps I'm being soft on her, but that said, her story about waking up embarrassed and ashamed rings very true to me. It's EXACTLY how I described what I thought happened to a friend. I totally get the shame spiral. You don't even need to be Mormon. Here are the parts I don't understand, or I didn't see addressed at the reunion: We have footage of Jenn, Meredith, and Angie K going into the room. Why is there no footage of any of them leaving? What order do they say they left in? Meredith says she was not at all black out, and that she doesn't know how the black eye happened. Was Jenn in the room when she left? What about Angie? Or did all three leave at the same time? I guess if Jenn was joking, "could I have done this??" like Heather said, they must have been the last two in there? Why didn't they ask Meredith more about this? Also, Lisa kept yelling that because Heather wouldn't tell the truth that she didn't know what happened, they had to launch an investigation. Didn't the investigation happen when she admitted she did NOT know what happened? Why else would they launch an investigation, especially one involving crew members, if Heather was saying she knew what happened. It sounded like she got home, saw a doctor who told her the injuries were more consistent with an assault than an accident , and THEN the investigation was launched. Which would make it sound like the investigation happened as a result of Heather admitting she didn't know what happened, not continuing to lie and say she did. I'm not saying Heather handled any of this well. She didn't! I'm just surprised at how many people thing her final story is implausible, when it was exactly what I predicted almost immediately after.
  2. I've rarely seen someone turn the tables so neatly as Candiace did with Ashley. Ashley is a pretty smart cookie herself, and you could almost see on her face that she was impressed with the play as it was happening. Candiace perfectly boxed in Ashley, in that none of this can be brought up again without it being a reflection on her own relationship. Candiace wishing for Ashley to have a relationship where she didn't feel the need to chase down stories was just *chef's kiss* because it was shady and genuine in equal parts. Absolutely master class. ๐Ÿ™Œ
  3. ๐Ÿ‘€ This should be good, right? I'm getting my (once) young gay guys confused. Ryan is one I like and keeps his snark snarky, while there is a different (once) young gay guy who had horrible slut shaming tendencies? "Retired."
  4. It's not QUITE as bad as when CT put on his glasses, but still. Men in glasses just DO it for me. I started seeing a guy recently, and I've never been so disappointed at someone having perfect vision. I really didn't like Tori at first, and I still think she would get on my nerves in real life, but watching Jordan fuck with her has made me Team Tori for life. (See also: Jonna after her dalliance with a fuckboi who treated her like shit on the show). I know Tori isn't great either, but I believe her when she says she's gone to therapy, she's gotten meds, and she's working on herself. I do think that she has done things that have sincerely hurt Jordan, but I think those were out of self-centeredness rather than malice. I think she takes responsibility for those things, and understands that her action have hurt Jordan and feels badly for that. I don't think she's ever seemed pleased that she hurt Jordan. I can't say the same for him. I think he feels all his actions have been completely justified (or even her fault entirely), and seeing her hurt pleases him (not because he hates her, but because I think in his head it shows she cares about him - but from a safer space [she is showing she cares by crying and being hurt, but she can't reject him, because he already rejected her). I really hope she doesn't get sucked back in. It won't be good for either of them. Also, SPEAKING OF ENTITLEMENT, ANEESA. WTF with the way you were with Chauncey. As a gazillion time Challenge vet, she still was angry that Chauncey wasn't there for HER, simply because he was the male partner. That was his second height challenge ever and I saw her do NOTHING to try to help him. Between that and the way she was talking about Tori & Jordan, I just went from neutralish on her (with a slight bent towards like) to dislike. (I can understand being annoyed at the Tori/Jordan drama, but I wouldn't expect my best friend to be giving talking heads clowning me.)
  5. Ugh, Tori and Jordan are so clearly still in love with each other, and it looks like there isn't going to be a way for them to move forward. It looks like too much hurt has happened, and that's sad. I hope they never go on the same season again, at least not until they have both really healed. The whole fight was so stupid. Yes, it was dumb of Tori to go to Jordan and ask him to do something "for her." But, he'd already given his word and he's known for not breaking his word, so she really wasn't asking him to DO anything. What she really wanted was to be able to save some face by claiming he did it "for her". He had already humiliated her, and I think she just wanted some small token from him. And because he's even more emotionally immature, he couldn't just say, "Tori, you're not in a position to ask me for this, and I don't want ultimatums like this." But no, he has to FURTHER humiliate her by maliciously doing the opposite of what she asked. (That said, the I don't negotiate with terrorists line was fucking funny as hell.) I think seeing Tori upset proves to Jordan that she still cares. But ultimately, I feel worse for Tori, because while I think Tori has done things that have hurt Jordan (and seems to take responsibility for that pain caused), Jordan does things because they hurt Tori. I never watch food challenges because I hate watching people throw up, but I watched Fessie's entire segment and laughed through the whole thing. For those asking about TJ's wife - it seems pretty clear to me that MTV is making a decided effort to PC things up, and I mean that in the best possible way.
  6. And then you have someone like me who is ENM but not poly. I'm single at the moment so it's not relevant, but still, it's another layer to try to explain to people.
  7. In case we ever wondered if you were secretly Seth Marks, we now have evidence you are not.
  8. Not only is the only thing he's ever done, he also played dirty in his hall brawl against Nelly. He thinks he has talent when all he has is size. He's the worst. And he doesn't seem to understand he's never going to win, because he can't seem to make it past the eating portion. Also, CT going to town on Wes is still one of the funniest things to me ever, especially because Wes so readily admitted he was the one who opened that can of worms.
  9. There is one, let me repeat ONE, way this could play out in an incredibly satisfactory way. It seems like the partners are going to be reunited if one or both make it to the final. That's my guess anyway. But, they are being super sneaky about it, so no one has a guess about that, and they have put each pair in a position to be against one another, on separate teams. So what they are really doing is testing how ride-or-die people are, because it's nothing to be loyal to someone whose fate is exactly your own. Now, Fessy has already done Moriah dirty with the teams, and is clear he thinks he owes her nothing; he sees it the other way around. Please, please let him do her more dirty. Please, please let him be the reason she gets voted out, and let him be a complete dick about it, and then be super smug all the way to the final, only to find out he's partnered back with her. Then she's mature, and competes her best with him, and they win. Oh please let it happen, because you have to know where I'm going with this...then let it somehow be up to Moriah if they split the money, and she gives him double middle fingers and walks away a millionaire. I would restart smoking if something that satisfying ever happened on this show. All that said, this is what I think is going to happen (I'm spoilering it even though it's 100% speculation)
  10. Aneesa and Devyn had Chauncey on the official Challenge podcast, and oh, wow, he seems like such an awesome guy. It honestly was moving to hear a man speak so admiringly about his girlfriend. He just had no ego (I mean that in a very, very good way) when it came to the fact that Amber has been on The Challenge and knows more about it than him. He talked about what a leader she can be, and he said that when they were in the elimination, they decided she should go first, see how it should be done, and then tell him. Holy crap! Can you imagine 95% of the other male Challengers so easily saying their female partner knows better than they do? And then, as if the glowing way he talked about her wasn't enough, he said that when Amber when down the elimination thingie and then put the puzzle piece in her shirt to go back up, it broke off the cross her grandmother gave her. He took a bit of extra time when he went down to find it and grab it, because he knew, to her, it was irreplaceable. I mean, my heart just squeezed, which isn't particularly easy for a cold black lump of coal to do, lol. He also said it took them an hour and half to solve the puzzle!! That's bonkers.
  11. Woah. Robyn. What the fuck were you thinking touching that young man that way? That was so, so gross, especially because it was a real moment. It wasn't storyline. She saw a good looking man, and felt entitled to repeatedly reach out and stroke him. She even backed away and then came back for more. I've historically liked Robyn, but that was one step away from grabbing the camera man's ass. Completely not ok. Also not ok is the other Dixon. Juan spent all last season giving Robyn grief, and then he can't get his own ass up and get the kids to school for one damn day? I see you, sir. Mia is hilarious thinking she can essentially kick other actresses off the soundstage. She WAY over stepped her bounds, and she got put back in her place by Ashley. That had to be embarrassing. She has NO impulse control. None. I also laughed at the slithering, but especially because at first I thought Wendy said, "And I can be Slytherin in your video," and I was like, what the harry potter hell is going on here? So it was doubly funny to me. I also like Candiace and Ashley both better when they team up, so I'm disappointed the truce only lasted five minutes. It's so interesting to me that Ashley seems to have the ability to hurt Candiace's feelings, but not the other way around. I think Ashley sees this as a job and everyone as her coworkers, and Candiace actually gets emotionally involved. (No judgment from me on which of these is better or worse, just saying how I see their approaches to the relationships on this show.)
  12. DOES SHE?? I'm dead serious. Does she actually watch herself? I know she said she told Andy not to bother telling her why she was fired, which is incredibly bizarre considering she wants back on the show. But it's so difficult for me to believe she watches herself and thinks, "yep. This is exactly the lady I want to be." She's shown absolutely no growth. None. Not one little bit. Even Camille had enough sense to ACT different on later seasons. Dorinda is utterly miserable, and watching her makes me miserable. She's the worst, and I can't believe she still has any place on TV.
  13. I don't disagree that Mia could have planned in advance to shake up and throw a drink, or that it was likely intended for Candiace rather than Dr. Wendy One Wick. But, if so, I still think Mia lost control at some point. She seemed genuinely shaken and embarrassed at her behavior at the end. I think if everything had gone according to plan and she just played out her script, she wouldn't have been upset at the end. (This is no defense of anything.)
  14. Yeah, this (among other things) was so dumb. Plus, Dr. Wendy One Wick and Peter are professional acquaintances. Even if they have a contract on the table, that's business and this trip is (supposedly) a personal trip. He is just being messy. Messy, messy. Also messy is Mia. That was none of her business, and she has got to learn to control her temper. You have to be able to control your temper. I can't stand One Wick, but you can't let someone's words move you to become physical. That said, I (on a personal level, not legal) don't put throwing lettuce, a barely tossed butter knife, or throwing a drink to be the same as putting your hands on someone. The first two, I would probably legit just laugh at you, but I'll admit I'd lose my cool over you throwing a drink on me. And to be honest, if I could put a charge on you over it, I probably would. But my main point it that I would still put Monique's behavior in a different category. Dr. Wendy One Wick completely lost me talking about Peter needed to call her husband. I'm sorry, what? YOU initiated a business meeting with Peter, and didn't involve your husband. The relationship is between you and Peter, your husband has nothing to do with it. This was such a dumb response, a completely unforced error. All One Wick had to do when Mia started up was say, "oh, odd, he just said he wanted to talk to me so I'll talk to him. Thanks for the heads up, but it's between the two of us and I'll take it from here." Don't bring anyone's husband into it. Not yours, not hers. Wendy was low for going after Mia's gross husband, and bottom of the barrel low for going after Mia's skin. Four degrees, apparently none in reading. Finally, I'm the opposite of some folks on here, I see no problem with Rob walking around naked (if anything, I think it's teaching her sons a more mature view, that's women's bodies are not just sexual entities), but I ain't pooping in front of my man, lol! I also expect my man to have some respect - if you need to fart, please go to the bathroom. If one slips out, please just say excuse me and keep it moving. I cannot be with a grown ass man who still laughs like a fool every time he farts.
  15. All those answers about how to say pecan and not one correct Southern answer. It's pee-can in all instances except the ice cream, which is butter pee-kahn. All other answers are incorrect! ๐Ÿ˜
  16. I think it is to make Candiace think she does not have a room? I'm pretty sure this was actually Mia's fuckery and not Ashley/GEB's. Mia had all of their room assignments in sealed envelopes. Everyone got their room assignments, and every bedroom had at least one person in it. When they all asked where Candiace was sleeping, Mia kept obviously dodging the question. Ashley went and stole the envelope, and the three of them looked at it, revealing Candiace had been assigned to share a room (AND A BED) with Dr. Wendy One Wick. Ashley then resealed the envelope and, while dodging Wendy and her questions, returned the envelope. I didn't see where they were trying to make Candiace think she didn't have a room, but ensuring they weren't the ones having to share with her. And, dang, y'all have got me questioning my diva status. I've always considered myself pretty low key, but I'm not going to share a room with a coworker. I'm honestly surprised that I seem to be in the extreme minority on this opinion. I'm an extremely private person, and I need alone time to recharge. I also have insomnia, and traveling is already tough on my sleep, without having to compromise for a coworker who may snore, need a light on, or sleeps with the tv on. Finally, (while I don't) I could have a medical condition that I need to deal with in private and shouldn't have to disclose that to my work or collegues. I think businesses that require coworkers to share rooms are unprofessional. Not that it should come as a surprise that Bravo is unprofessional - they're even worse. They do it to actually make things worse and cause drama.
  17. FWIW, I believe Devin has admitted he was in the wrong in that situation, and that he shouldn't have gone on that Challenge so soon after his father's death. A lot of people were horrified by Johnny's comment about Devin's dad, but I honestly thought he showed remarkable restraint. Devin was trying to goad Johnny into hitting him and getting thrown off the show (this used to be a pretty common tactic - ask Wes how that worked when he tried it with CT, lol), so IMO, Devin had no right to complain about Johnny's non-violent response. Which, to his credit, I think he did later understand once he got some perspective on the situation.
  18. OMG, Laurel the Loveable Psychopath is back! She is so crazy, and I swerve back and forth between loving it and hating her. I actually *like* Michele far more than I like her, but I couldn't stop laughing at her deranged silent stare. Absolutely bonkers! And yes, Michele was foolish, and Laurel made her look even more foolish, but there also wasn't a way Michele could have "won" anything at that point. The conversation in the bunk beds was delightfully bonkers: Michele: I'd like us to have a conversation. Laurel: Well, we are conversing now, which means this is a conversation, so why are you saying you want a conversation when we are clearly currently having a conversation, so I don't know what you mean when you say you want to have a conversation. Michele: I..I just wanted to...I...um...wut? Also, Jakk has turned out to be one of my least favorite kind of players, ones who take a game play personally and then play personally. If Jakk had said, "dude, I can't be friends with you after this," I wouldn't have issue with it. But to act like it's some horrible thing to do that reveals Jay's true character is just bullshit. Let's review each of their actions: Jay: put Jakk into elimination. Was honest about it, tried to explain it wasn't personal, and still apologized for any understandable hurt it caused. Jakk: was dishonest about his feelings about being put in, lied about his ability to get over it, pretended to still be friends with Jay, called Jay dishonest, called him a bad friend, called him a piece of shit garbage. Again, I can understand not fully being able to separate game from personal. I truly do! But *Jakk* was the one who showed himself someone I wouldn't want to be friends with in real life, not Jay. While I did enjoy Laurel the Loveable Psychopath, I would have actually preferred Colleen and Kim to win. I've already had enough, and anything other than a small dose of Laurel and I go back to finding her insufferable.
  19. You couldn't get a 600sf studio for $257K here in Raleigh. Jiminy.
  20. I'm really disappointed that neither this documentary or the one on HBO decided to blur nudity or faces. I already was uncomfortable with it, because although the internet existed in 1999, no one had ANY idea of what was coming. Digital cameras existed but were very expensive, and most college kids didn't have them, much less understand how digital media would take over and never, ever go away. I'm not sure how fair it is to take images from kids partying nearly 25 years ago in a different world and widely distribute them now. I just feel like there wasn't an understand of the eternal lasting consequences of their actions at that time, and that should be taken into consideration. But what really pushed me over the edge was that BOTH documentaries showed images of women whose clothes were being pulled off and/or were being groped by random guys in the audience. If you agree that ripping off a woman's clothes is wrong, how can you feel showing images of a woman's clothes being ripped off is ok? And how can you show what is almost certainly sexual assault, without even blurring the women's faces? I feel like it's just another violation on top of the original violation. I spent a lot of time thinking about why the nudity from Woodstock 69 seemed so different than 99, and it was the objectification. I'm not holding 69 to any sort of idealistic standard, but I do think the objectification and sexualization of women was vastly different in 99. While there might have been a lot of people having sex at 69, "getting pussy" and "fucking that bitch" are completely different things. One thing I found interesting in the HBO documentary was the DMX segment where he was leading the entire audience in a call and response of the n-word, and what that must have been like for the very few POC who were there. And to clarify something another poster said, I'm not sure how much the promoters made off of the concert, but the $200K was how much ROME made for hosting the event, in comparison to how much the city that hosts Coachella makes.
  21. This could go here or in podcasts, but I listened to several episodes of Double Love about the Sweet Valley High series. It's two Irish women recapping the books, which makes it extra hilarious because there are so many American things they have no idea what they are. I listened to make the first 15 or so episodes and then skipped ahead to Regina's death and then called it day, but I genuinely enjoyed them. It's SO SCARY to think that I read this as a child without realizing how insanely fucked up they were. This was a fun way to revisit some of the bonkers storylines without actually rereading the books.
  22. No, you're conflating segregation with discrimination. If the bathrooms are the same, who is being discriminated against? Women who have access to a bathroom, or men who have access to a bathroom? It would only be discrimination if, say, women had a luxury bathroom and men had an outhouse. I don't think anyone believes all women all the time. That's not what #believewomen means. I literally don't think a single poster has said Chris was wrong and had shady intentions, despite that being what Gizelle is telling us. "Believe women" does not mean believe them no matter what and ignore all evidence. It just means *start* from a place of believing, which historically hasn't been the default. Since this is part of your response to my quote, I don't dislike you or plan to block you. I just disagreed with you, it doesn't mean I hate you personally. But I think it's important to push back on things you disagree with, and I mean this when it's coming my direction as well. I do agree Gizelle should have been clearer about her own boundaries and taken more agency to enforce them. Lots of people are ok being alone with a person of the opposite gender and don't give it a second thought, so there isn't any reason Chris should have "known better," so to speak. She said yes, thinking her glam was there, so essentially it's chaperoned. This is within her comfort zone. When she got there and saw the room empty (which is not in her comfort zone), she could have easily said, "Oh, wait, I'm not super comfortable being in here alone, nothing personal. Can we go to [other quiet place to talk]?" If someone objects to that, well, I'm thinking you REALLY don't want to be alone with them! But she's blaming Chris and making it a character flaw, that he's somehow a bad person, for not reading her mind and knowing she wouldn't be ok being alone in the room with him. Which is utter bullshit.
  23. Despite full context being given, I still read that last sentence incorrectly and thought I missed something earlier in the episode, lol. Also, I'd like to have a word with the person who fucked up and named this elimination Doubledecker rather than Tall Hall Brawl.
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