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Everything posted by lasu

  1. It was a pretty shitty season, but that author also clearly has a chip on his shoulder. He put quoted another article he wrote and made the link "lack of safety divers." I clicked it while thinking, "holy shit, really??" Then I read the article and the contestant being interviewed does confirm that there were no safety divers but that that WERE NOT NEEDED because they had life jackets and that she never felt unsafe. While there are many, many valid critiques, this author seems to be a bit weird about it. "CBS viewers have higher standards." LMAO. Also, this is a rare peek behind CBS curtains. Contestants have rarely spoken so candidly about other CBS shows. I think just as many shenanigans go on with Big Brother, if not more.
  2. This is bound to happen eventually, so who would you cast? These are my picks from the shows I watch: Atlanta - Todd. He'll definitely do it. 90% chance he'll just be fun and chill, but he's got the potential to go left. Beverly Hills - Mauricio and PK. They are actually pretty funny together. Stupid, but funny. Miami - pass New Jersey - Joe Gorga and Bill. Taking Gorga without Louie could fuck up their dynamics. If we have to watch the same storyline play out forever, at least shake it up. If you can't get Bill, take Frank. I'd enjoy seeing how Mauricio/PJ and Gorga/Frank would play out. New York - pass Orange County - Eddie and Terry. Eddie is OC's Todd. Terry for the fish out of water aspect. Can you imagine him taking shots out of a dildo? I don't think the man would survive, and I'm OK with that. Potomac - Chris. Not because Chris is actually interesting on his own, but the idea of Candiace trying to deal with him being so completely out of her jurisdiction would be hilarious. Salt Lake - any one of these beta boys would be the same. And then a million trillion bonus points for going international and realizing they can cast Joe Guidice. Springing him as a surprise addition on Gorga would be freaking gold. Having all the boys get pedicures and then have him arrive Jillesque would be the chef's kiss.
  3. I agree. If everyone in the group knew, why was Jennifer giving talking heads about how she would never, ever say anything? And why did Danielle act like it was such a bomb?? I'm also not seeing how people are saying this is a good thing because it diffuses Marge's arsenal. Setting off all her bombs and diffusing her bombs are not the same thing. If Margaret had something in her arsenal about ME, I wouldn't consider it a favor if Jenn brought in on camera and exposed it. Um, sure, Marge can't use that bomb, but my life is still all fucked up, so maybe no thanks. I was listening to an article this morning about the guy who is being arrested for leaking classified documents. I laughed and thought he should be on RHoNJ, because then it wouldn't be his fault, it would be the government's for telling secrets to a blabbermouth!
  4. Lala is making me short circuit. She's absolutely right about her feeling about Raquel, but she's the person with the least amount of right to say anything since she actually knowingly slept with Raquel's boyfriend. Even with what we know about Raquel now, when it comes to what those two have done to each other, Lala is the one who broke girl code, was the other woman. Everything Lala is saying is so right and so wrong at the same time, it's causing my brain to malfunction. How can someone be so hypocritical and so correct at the same time? If Swartz thought not hooking up with someone in the friend group wasn'treasonable, he shouldn't have agreed to it, and he certainly shouldn't have tried to make Katie feel crazy for getting upset after he did something she was 100% clear would upset her. I have had someone do that to me, and it's so infuriating and frustrating to have someone agree to something, go and break that agreement, and then disregard the part where they agreed and instead say I'm actually the asshole for asking in the first place. Nah, dude, the time to speak up on the merits of this agreement was when we were talking it out, not after you broke the agreement.
  5. lasu

    S03.E05: Signs

    Why are so many of the relationships on this show so problematic? Michelle with her former therapist. Keeley with Jack Rebecca with Sam Nate with the formerly hostile hostess (I don't like Nate, but I also don't like when someone who has been awful for no damn reason is suddenly rehabbed as legit love interest) Beard with Jane
  6. I also would have preferred Jill to Dorinda. I'd have preferred Leah to Dorinda, tbh. Dorinda isn't just bad reality tv, she seems like she's full on a bad person. I don't even enjoy hate watching her. I'm extremely disappointed she's being cast again, and I don't know if my blood pressure can handle watching her.
  7. OK, that's fine, but that's more of a general thing, not a this specific thing. Fair, but IMO, this is really a mild transgression *IF* the only thing Margaret did was repeat it to her best friend, which is the only thing I've heard her be accused of in *this particular* scenario. By doing the same to Melissa? Jennifer isn't harming Margaret, she's harming Melissa. Shouldn't Melissa be FAR more upset with Jennifer for bringing this rumor on camera? I mean, listen, I totally get it if someone hates Margaret and just simply isn't going to take her "side." I like Jenn quite a bit as a tv character, so I'm not on one side over another. I'm just honestly baffled at how Margaret is more in the wrong than Jennifer in this situation, and I'm trying to understand the other point of view.
  8. But even if the former friend is 100% telling the truth, if Margaret did hear a rumor about Melissa making out with someone in the backseat of a car and then tell her at-that-time best friend about it, is that really so egregious? It would seem her biggest mistake was trusting the wrong person. How is Jennifer not the real bad guy here, for actually bringing the rumor on camera??
  9. I'm not being snarky, I'm seriously asking: how is Margaret the bad guy in this situation? From what I can tell, she heard the rumor and told what she heard to her best friend, who she'd known since childhood. What's the problem with that, in and of itself? I'd say Theresa, Laura, and Jennifer are the ones who've been messy. Theresa to the least extent, but still for meeting with someone who is looking to stir shit and then for alluding to on camera. Laura for breaking the confidence, even if the friendship was broken. And because she's spreading shit about a third party whose uninvolved in whatever went down between her and Margaret. And definitely Jennifer, for being the one to bring the rumor on camera, and for being an absolute flaming hypocrite. She blames Margaret more than her own husband, yet she's going to turn around and throw Melissa and her marriage under the bus to try to take a strike at Margaret. To be clear, I'm not team Margaret. Margaret has a nasty mouth and a steady stream of gossip, a lethal combination I would personally steer clear far clear of, but it seems like the only thing Margaret did wrong in *this particular* scenario is trust her long time best friend. But I feel like maybe I'm missing a piece?
  10. I think it's from their Fresh Meat season, but I'm not 100% on that part. But yes, Eric "teabagged" Kenny, for "hilarity." Perhaps if they had taken that more seriously, the toothbrush incident wouldn't have happened. But I'm bothered that this behavior, while in the past, has remained unrecognized as problematic.
  11. Eric should have been removed and banned from game play after he put his genitals on another competitor's face.
  12. How long has it been since the couples therapy ended? I'm guessing it's at least two years, preventing it from being an ethics violation, but man, it still feels morally wrong. What a horrible betrayal for Ted, period. I cannot imagine how I would feel if my ex started dating our therapist, and what a poor choice Michelle is making as well. I also think she should have discussed this with Ted before having him around their kid. I don't know if this is just bad writing or we are just supposed to handwave this, but it just seems legitimately awful.
  13. I'm no Johnny fan, but...did he do something wrong and I missed it? It seemed like he was being reasonable. They were looking for long term commitment and Johnny said he's learned not to play that way, and then Sarah started freaking out? I should admit that while I'm no Johnny fan, I really don't like Sarah at all, and this was her at her most self-serious. I'm becoming vaguely concerned that Danny actually doesn't know what partnerships are.
  14. It's literally in the show. They show Daisy and Billy up on a bluff arguing, with Daisy throwing her arms wide. Camila takes the picture. And then again, later, Billy is going through the well-known photographer's photos, and bitching about how none of them are right. That's when Camila gives him the picture, showing she "saw" them, in both senses of the word. And that's the album cover. They used her picture because she got the shot.
  15. No, you had to finish it in two minutes AND not puke. It was a really cool challenge, if they had just left this part out. It was stupid, and had it not been for Wes being stupid, it wouldn't have even made any difference. Danny has me absolutely baffled. He said that he didn't like that Jordan was Tori's number one, and that he felt like she would put Jordan's game above his. Um, no. Tori isn't going to put Jordan's game above her own, and Danny is tied to her game, so he actually is her number one by default. And Jordan would have always been a number for them. If he's worried about his place on Tori's roster if they are de-partnered, going after Jordan is the exact opposite of what he wants to happen. Now if they are de-partnered, Tori and Jordan are BOTH going to come him for him guns blazing. If he really was worried about having to run a final against Jordan, wait it out. Wait for Jordan to piss off Tori, wait for there to be no other options, wait for it make fucking sense! This is just bad game play, and I simply don't understand what he's thinking. I also have to wonder if some of these folks plan on this being their last season. If you don't ever plan on coming back, what difference does it make if you make a bunch of long term enemies? But then I don't understand the MVPs thinking at all - they can't get a Legend out without getting an MVP out. It's not us versus them when us is partnered with them!
  16. Why? It's pretty common to be able to see things in others you can't in yourself or your own relationships.
  17. I don't want my crotch involved, but boy howdy do I want a Thai massage now. I've had what I now will call semi-Thai massage before, but those looked even better. Those are so much better than a traditional massage (though I love those too!).
  18. There are many, many, many men who would strongly oppose the idea of too much ass.
  19. You can still find some of them! If you google "television without pity" + "wayback machine" + the name of the recaps you are looking for, you might hit paydirt. Here's a link to old OC recaps, which might get you pointed in the right direction. (Fair warning, it takes fooooooooooorever for each page to load. If you decide to read recaps there, hit "next page" as soon as you start reading the current page.) https://web.archive.org/web/20070306001447/http://www.televisionwithoutpity.com:80/articles/category_1207.html
  20. How was it?? I love the podcasts and would likely enjoy the live shows. However, I kinda hate listening to them, because there are always one or two drunk women in the audience who seem to think if they just yell loud enough, they will be discovered or something. Super annoying. (Again, I would go to one!)
  21. It is. She has Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and recently had to shave her head because her hair was falling out. It frankly sounds like a horrendous thing to deal with.
  22. I looked and the average salary for an anesthesiologist in Miami is just over $400k. It takes 12 years of schooling (four years of undergrad, four for medical school, four for the specialty). It's bonkers to think that's not a "real" job. I have absolutely no issue with Larsa making money on OnlyFans, none whatsoever, but she didn't have to go to school for 12 years to take feet pics. She's probably making way more money than Nicole, but that doesn't make it a more "real" job than being a freakin' doctor. When combined with the "I heard you slept with all the doctors at the hospital" line, I honestly wonder if Larsa actually understands what an anesthesiologist does. When she threw that line out, it sounded like something you would accuse a woman of who is trying to land a doctor. Um, Nicole doesn't need to land a doctor because she IS a doctor. I also highly doubt we'd be hearing this same nonsense if Nicole was a man with the same job. Somehow I feel like the "Dr" part would get the respect it was due then. Also, Alexia should be most mad at sweet little Julia, who with one burn has changed the way I see Alexia forever. She really does look like a barracuda. But Alexia may be the dumbest housewife since Teresa. They remind me so much of each other, the stubbornness, the refusal to admit when they are wrong, the rejection of new information that doesn't line up with their thinking. She's just gross, and I don't enjoy her at all.
  23. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. We shouldn't have to stop our lives just because we get our periods. Marysol made me laugh when she was like, "who still gets their periods??" like it was so out of fashion. Cracked me up.
  24. The Johnny Backpack clip was featured on the premiere of season two of Yellowjackets. That takes it to an even higher level of iconic, I think.
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