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Everything posted by mac123x

  1. The Jemma that was in the Framework prior to the final scene was an NPC. She wasn't a player-character yet, so the program was set up without her "Biggest regret got fixed" input. I'm guessing that the Framework had her dead because it was somehow necessary for her to be out of the way for the backstory of one of the other player characters, most likely Fitz. From what Aida told Radcliffe, it sounds like she had to reset the Framework's MMO server every time a new player joined the game just to fix their individual regret. Maybe the Framework-framed plots will behave like an alternate timeline story, but instead of the usual "what if one single event changed, like JFK wasn't assassinated, how would history diverge" story, it'll have seven points of divergence (one for May, Radcliffe, Fitz, Coulson, Mack, the Director, and the woman Aida was modeled on).
  2. To be fair, the Aida that Simmons recognized as an LMD wasn't equipped with the Darkhold-derived lightbrain that all the subsequent replace-a-person LMDs have, plus Aida didn't have a fully human consciousness downloaed into her so her behavior and mannerisms was a tell. Still no idea how they manufactured the replacements so quickly, unless they have a bunch of premade blank bodies in the shape of every potential cast member who could have come on that rescue mission. Me too. Why can't two adults who happen to be heterosexuals of the opposite sex just be friends? That does happen in the real world. Now they're saying that Coulson had a thing for May from the time before she married Andrew. Know what, Show? She also divorced Andrew - May and Coulson never tried to get together after that? It just reeks of hack writers going to the UST well because they're devoid of ideas.
  3. I really wish they'd turn up the lights a little bit. 3/4 of the time I'm trying to follow the action based on dialog and movements because I can't see what's actually going on. I know, I know, low-lighting covers up the crappy sets and SFX, but it's annoying.
  4. "Hey, Iris, we all know you're going to die soon, and we know the exact date. So, yeah, Cicso can open portals to other worlds, we're gonna send you to this really nice other Earth where there's this gal named Kara Danvers. Remember her from that cross over? Yeah, so you're gonna hang out with her until after you're death date. Sound good?"
  5. I'm pretty close to giving up on this show. More time-travel shenanigans, and the seasonal Big Bad is another speedster again some more. THREE seasons, THREE speedster bad guys (not to mention the reused speedster bad guy on LoT). I don't read the comics, but I imagine Flash has some other long-term antagonists.
  6. I think she's got evidence of the SHIELD team breaking into that penitentiary a couple of episodes back, and working with a known terrorist (Daisy). She's holding that over his head. She was building a brain, but maybe it's someone else's. I hope so -- AI gone rogue is too close to Ultron. I really liked how the Darkhold was written in binary when we saw it from AIDA's perspective. Nice touch. I'm getting a Tom Riddle's Diary vide from the Darkhold -- maybe the brain she's building is for the entity that resides in the book. I saw it yesterday and still didn't make the connection. It resembled the various line drawings the Ancient One (and her students) made, but was not their method of travel -- Dr Strange's portals looked more like Catherine wheels with spinning and lots of sparks.
  7. Test it on Wally. Maybe Cisco too.
  8. It writes itself. At least up until you realize what it'd be like to have sex with a speedster then the story goes off the rails.
  9. Honestly, when she said that a guard broke ranks and rescued her, I figured it'd turn on to be President Linda Carter, and M'Gann didn't want to mind-meld because it's too early in the season to reveal that. So her White Martianness was a surprise to me. Not a particularly interesting surprise since I don't give a damn about that plot line, but a surprise nonetheless. Mon-El is actually the prince, right, not just a member of the royal guard? The actor is pretty and charming and has chemistry with everyone so far, but wow is his storyline bland right now. As soon as they found the dead body, I said "alien fight club" and kind of checked out, so I may have missed some other stuff. I'm really not enjoying the plethora of aliens this season, nor their out-in-the-open nature. "Oh, we got all sorts of aliens in National City" steals some of Kara's uniqueness.
  10. I hate to say this, but while she looked fantastic, her acting was horrific, so bad that I had to check Wikipedia because I thought maybe she'd had a stroke and I was being cruel. Nope. Was she reading from cue cards? Such flat line readings, especially when she's talking about something that she allegedly had a lot of passion about, the Mutant Registration Act, err, the Sokovia Accords, errr, I mean, the Alien Amnesty Whatever. (Seriously, the ham-handed references to current events had me rolling my eyes a LOT). Snapper Carr was right but he's fighting a losing battle. Objective reporters are a rare commodity anymore. Besides, isn't Catco more of a magazine than a newspaper? One-sided, agenda driven reporting is pretty much expected. On the plus side, I really liked Mon-El, though I think a lot of that has to do with the actor; I enjoyed his stint on the Vampire Diaries. I hope he picks a pseudonym soon though.
  11. I'm a bit confused on why they're waiting until April 2017 to start Season 7B. 1. The ratings are evidently falling off. A long hiatus is likely to exacerbate it. I know I'll probably forget its back on until I check this forum. If I remember to check this forum. 2. They're shooting now, so they'll be wrapped in the next couple of months. It's not like this is Game of Thrones with a bunch of CGI that requires months of post-production work. 3. Long hiatus = more opportunities for info to leak. The show is over, so the incentive for the cast and crew to keep their mouths shut is much lower. I don't just mean deliberate spoilers, but also inadvertent ones. "I love [guest star X], I wish I'd gotten to shoot scenes with [him/her]" -- that kind of thing.
  12. At this point I'm kind of hoping for a bizarre, utterly surreal, what sort of drugs were you taking when you wrote this, ending like The Prisoner with Toby singing a monotone rendition of Dem Bones. "Now hear the word of the Lord. Babe."
  13. The only reason I could see Veronica agreeing to it is if Peter is the father. Even then, it's hard to believe that they'd still be married after his obvious serial infidelity. I guess another option is that Peter and Veronica don't know that Mary is Spencer's mother, or didn't know at the time of the adoption. Their good friend Judge Khan (a friendship that has yet to be established) helped arrange the adoption but misled them as to where the baby came from for reasons. Third option is that Mary is off her rocker and Spencer isn't her child. Spencer: "You never told me I was adopted!" Veronica: "Because you're not. Want to see the VHS tape your father made while I was being wheeled into the delivery room?"
  14. Emily did say something about "you don't have to decide what you're going to do immediately" or words to that effect. I think that was alluding to abortion being an option. Speculation: Ali angsts about getting an abortion but ultimately Pastor Ted convinces her to have the baby and give it up for adoption. The baby grows up and becomes an A seeking revenge on his birth-mother for reasons as a backdoor pilot for PLL-The Next Generation. The flash-forward we saw at the end of 6.10 is actually from 20 years in the future. Is that what they're doing here? Spencer is Veronica and Peter's child but Mary was the surrogate? That sounds rational. Peter: "Due to complications with Melissa's birth, your mother became unable to carry a child to term. So we decided to use the twin sister of the woman I fathered a bastard with a few years earlier who was incarcerated in Radley Sanitarium for being certifiably insane as a surrogate for you, Spencer. Seemed like a good idea at the time. What? It was the 90's; we were all coked out of our minds 80% of the time."
  15. Ezra marries both Nichole and Aria, either as sister-wives (I assume bigamy is legal in Rosewood), or sequentially since Aria will undoubtedly murder Nichole at some point.
  16. I thought Aria was behind Nicole's original kidnapping, and if we could hear her inner monologue she'd be cursing out the rebels. Aria: "All that money embezzled from Jason's Carassimi group and laundered through three off-shore accounts, and they can't even get a simple 'kidnap-kill-dismember' contract right!" Pigtunia: "You should do it yourself!" Aria: "I know, I'm already plotting".
  17. Noel's head separated from his body pretty easily. I know this is TV and isn't realistic, but I immediately wondered why Tim Burton would keep the blade on that axe so well-honed. Later, I flashed back to the end of season 5 BtVS and expected one of the girls to say, "He was a robot? Did everyone know that Noel Khan is a robot?" Noel had some cheesy line about how Jenna taught him and Charlotte how to smell fear. It got me wondering (not that it'll ever be answered), when did Noel become one of Charlotte's minions? According to her alleged confession in 6.10, she didn't know Alison was alive until after the fire at Thornhill Lodge (end of season 3). From that point on, one of her motives for continuing torturing the PLLs was to lure Ali out of hiding. In the Season 4 finale, we found out that Noel was helping Ali stay hidden. If he were on Charlotte's team before then, he could have just told her "Ali's haunting a theater in NYC. Here's the address". I guess we're supposed to assume that he joined Charlotte's team after Ali returned but prior to the Dollhouse for ... reasons. Also, when did Jenna supposedly teach him and Charlotte how to smell fear? According to Jenna, she didn't meet Charlotte until after Charlotte was incarcerated at Wilby. I know forming a coherent timeline is impossible on a show that has 40+ episodes occur between Halloween and Thanksgiving, but can they at least events to occur in an order that doesn't require time travel?
  18. They all think Hanna has been kidnapped, the police are all over the place, there's basically a state-wide Amber alert out for Hanna (I did not do that pun intentionally), and what does Aria do? She makes plans to pick Ezra up at the airport and take him out to dinner. Aria is a horrible horrible person. I noticed that AD put the Spencer figurine in a coffin, and that all the 7B promo footage specifically excluded her. I guess we're supposed to believe that Spencer is dead. Anyone buy that? I don't. I'm guessing that Yvonne is dead, and Spencer and Toby wind up coincidentally in adjacent hospital rooms so they can rekindle their Twoo Luv over IVs and lime Jell-O. They had hours between receiving the "meet at this address" text and the meet-up time. They had time to set up the Ferris Bueller recorded fake-out dialog for the cops to hear, but they didn't take the time to duplicate the flash drive. Then again, we're just assuming that based on 6+ years of stupidity, so maybe they did. Or Wren, who hasn't been seen in years. Everyone else except minor characters is accounted for I think, unless they go for a truly weird choice like one of the parents.
  19. I don't think so. When the PLLs found Mary's file in Jessica's bunker, they said that her second kid would be around their age.
  20. Wren is wreturning to wreck wrevenge for the death of his wrealitve Wrick Wrollins?
  21. Yeah, I bet Spencer is Mary's Mystery Moppet, though her father is still Peter Hastings. Peter had an affair with Jessica (thus resulting in Jason's birth) and a few years later hooked up with "her" again, except it was actually Mary posing as Jessica. Noel Khan's father helped them do the adoption paperwork (and cover up the fact that Mary effectively raped Peter).
  22. Fatality -- Jenna or Noel Kahn. Or hopefully Toby since he's in the preview (and Spencer is inexplicably kissing him) Something about her Past -- Mary's second secret child will turn out to be Emily because that makes the least sense. Future -- pregnancy for Ali that will turn out to be AD faked the test results in 7.12.
  23. Some random observations: 1. Noel Khan's father is/was a judge? I was under the impression that the Khan's were extremely wealthy because I swear I remember some piece of dialog saying Noel's dad owned half of Pennsylvania. That just seems like an odd combination. 2. What was Sabrina wearing? That fugly hat made me think she borrowed clothes from Blossom. 3. I noticed in the bar scene, Noel told Hanna to be careful or she'd wind up like Shower. At the time I noted the wording was a warning, not a threat. I mean, it can certainly be construed as a threat, but the way these writers work, it gives them the option to pull another "I was only trying to keep you safe!" flipflop. 4. Makeup and lighting did no favors to Marco in his first scene with Spencer. He looked emaciated and quite a bit older than the actor or character is supposed to be.
  24. Aria broke it off with Jason in the hopes of possibly maybe running into Ezra in the course of her job. What a moron. I mean, did you see his chest Aria? Comeon! Once again they have vital important information that they don't bother copying or backing up or storing in a safe location, so it gets stolen. So repetitive. I immediately thought "that's someone in a Noel Khan mask".
  25. My interpretation of that scene was that the gloved figure (AD presumably) wheeled Ali off somewhere and gave her something that counteracted the drugs Wrollins was giving her -- thus she was able to attack him the next time we saw her. Now that people are speculating that AD implanted Emily's eggs, I could totally see the writers going that way just for the drama. "I can't be with you, Sabrina and/or Paige, because Alison is carrying my baby!" Bleh. Of course, in real life IVF doesn't work that way. The surrogate mother (Ali) has to go through some hormone treatments before implantation. I guess they'll say AD tainted the drugs Wrollins was giving her with pregnancy hormones. Its so sick and gross and unrealistic that I have no doubt this is where the story is heading. It'll be the mid-season finale text from AD: "Ali's pregnant with Emily's kid. Tell me who killed Charlotte and I'll tell you who the father is". Then in 7.14 they'll claw back this story, and we'll find out that AD lied - Ali isn't pregnant, or she is but she got pregnant the old fashioned way and Emily's eggs weren't involved. It's essentially a rehash-with-a-twist of the "Ezra is Malcolm's dad / no he isn't" plot.
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