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Everything posted by mac123x

  1. I thought it was a transparent setup for the inevitable reveal that Aria deleted that call from Nicole's phone once she finally resurfaces. Nicole: Why did you stop looking for me? I even called you! Ezra: Bwhaaaa?? Aria: I thought it was a mis-dial and deleted it because Emily has a similar situation, and I didn't want to cause you unnecessary pain. Ezra: Betrayal! [over the top histrionics ensue] She deleted one phone call for a relatively rational reason. He stalked and molested and psychologically abused her when she was in high school. Totally the same amount of betrayal. Now they're even, and after she shows a ridiculous amount of contrition (she'll probably take a bullet for him in another rehash parallel to a previous season), their epic romance can continue with everything being perfectly fine and not at all sick and twisted.
  2. I think I saw it spelled "Marco Furey" on IMDB so he's obviously British, adding unnecessary vowels in the middle of words like colour or aluminium. I will compliment Andrea Parker for making Mary like Jessica, but different enough to be noticeable. She doesn't have the Stepford Wife veneer that Jessica put over everything. I don't understand why Ali didn't react when Mary said "[Wrollins] double-crossed me". Did Ali already discover and forgive Mary for working with Wrollins to steal all the Carassimi money?
  3. The return of Noel Khan made sitting through this worth it. I must say, Brant Daughtery looks even hotter with his millennial-scruffy look. I'm not sure why he's meeting up with Jenna and Shower though. Maybe they're forming a "We Blame the PLLs even though our maiming was caused by other parties or ourselves" support group and Noel is there for moral support. There was a fan theory back in season 4/5 that explained why Noel was helping Ali with her shenanigans: Ali said "Noel has secrets too". The theory was that he was closeted, Ali knew and was blackmailing him into helping (driving the girls to NYC, getting the fake passport that CeCe used, faking the attack on Ali in Hanna's kitchen, etc.) I hope they confirm that with some throwaway dialog, like Noel mentioning a boyfriend back in Philly. Emily and Aria are so stupid for not at least wearing gloves. Wasn't Aria the one who, just last episode, got all the protective gear for her and Hanna when they were going to torch Lucas's car? It's not just the bad writing that bugs me; it's the inconsistent writing. One day they act intelligently, the next day they're back to being as dumb as a box of hair (with glass in it). They concluded that Warcher was trying to rescue Ali because he had sent a text on his burner phone to someone unknown that said "Alison didn't kill Charlotte". They jumped to that conclusion without a lot of support and with evidence to the contrary - If Warcher was trying to rescue her, why was he driving her to a lake in the middle of the night? It's more likely that he was cleaning up loose ends and faking her suicide so he could abscond with her money more easily.
  4. Seriously, that's his name? Sounds so porny. "Marco Furey, Max Powers, and Steele Shafter star in Hard Time". Another original name there. Will she have a group of cohorts named Spancer, Emilia, Lana, and Cacophony?
  5. What are we going to do now that we know his name is really Archer? Presuming that is his actual name and isn't another assumed identity. Warcher? Awrcher?
  6. Nicole has brown hair and an Australian accent, so... yeah she probably is related to someone because the writers are all too busy looking for their next gigs to give a crap about making sense.
  7. Listening to the Bro's podcast, they just said that the dude Spencer almost hooked up with is a cop because of course he is. I rolled my eyes out the back of my head.
  8. Something along the lines of: Year 0 - end of 6.10 where everyone drives off to college Year 2: Spencer is a sophomore in college, has a pregnancy scare and (probably pretty soon after) dumped Toby. Hanna is working her shit job. Caleb ditches her when she doesn't go to Europe with him Year 2-3 Spencer is in Spain over the summer after her sophomore year - magical night (tm) in Madrid. Year 3: Spencer is a junior in college, Caleb moves to DC to do... something? They start hanging out and have more magical nights (tm) Year 5: Charlotte dies.
  9. Regarding the unexpected proposal, CAbernet and A podcast had a good speculation: Lucas popping the question to Hanna. The writers evidently have no influence on the promotional department, so I could see the promo twits trying to work the shippers into a frenzy about "Ezria are getting married!" while the writers have written an awkward encounter between Lucas and Hanna so they can explore the :men with money feeling entitled to a woman's affections" trope. The long awaited (except not really) return of Shower Harvey? She and Jenna can form a support group for people maimed by the Liars (except not really) That's nice and ambiguous. Does Spencer think he ghosted and asks Hanna "where would he go, Budapest?" or do they have some reason to suspect that he's been abducted?
  10. I watched a fan video on the YouTubes that was a supercut of all the Vivian Darkbloom related scenes. It was a great reminder of how well this show used to do mystery, and what an amazing actress Sasha P is when she's given good material. You're right, that's a good point. My initial reaction was to assume that the writers were doing a George Lucas ("It's like poetry, it rhymes") repeat of Caleb ghosting on Hanna. I guess we'll see next week if he's still in Rosewood. 1. "I wanted to give you the space you need, but I'm here when you're ready to talk" 2. "I poured my heart out to you through a chained door and you didn't immediately rush into my arms so I vanished into the dark Pennsylvania night and left the picture I bought in Madrid of dogs playing poker behind just to taunt you." Hopefully the writers chose option 1. It would make Caleb look like an adult, and would make me think that he was more invested emotionally. the last couple of episodes he was coming across as using Spencer as a fall-back girlfriend because he couldn't have Hanna.
  11. I'm wondering when and how Marco will come back to haunt them. He probably works for Tanner, right? Or the FBI, who really should have been setting up camp in Rosewood years ago.
  12. So their rationale for not calling the police is "no one would believe us! We had every reason for wanting him dead!". What? What the fuck did that mean? NO ONE would think they wanted him dead -- they complained about how he was mistreating his patient/wife, and the fact that he had abducted her and taken her miles away from Wilby was proof of that. Stupid contrivance. Also, were they carrying 4 shovels in the back of Lucas's car? Why? Don't they know that possession of a shovel is a class A felony in Rosewood? Might as well have been carrying a dirty bomb. Credit where credit is due: I thought Caleb's monologue was pretty moving, and it was a decent way to work in a relationship thing in the middle of a crisis. I also appreciated that there was no background music during his speech -- it made the situation more realistic. That Night (part 3), looks like Charlotte will have had visits from 17 different people, each of whom will be a suspect but later exonerated. She and Ali really are like twins! I felt bad for Ali, but liked her resolve, willingly going back to her room and even getting that muzzle put on. She went back to where she was traumatized and probably suffers through some serious PTSD. I'm not sure any of the girls would be able to go back to the Dollhouse in a similar situation. Mona's sudden appearance made me wonder why they didn't just call her immediately after the accident. She's like Winston Wolfe in Pulp Fiction. Jenna's "click-clack" turning into "CLUNK CLUNK" like the tolling of the bells of doom was hysterical. I'm mildly curious what exactly happened 3 years ago with her and Toby and their attempt at reconciliation -- did she wind up raping him again? Caleb the drama queen running out on Spencer like he ran out on Hanna. I repeat my call for Caleb to eat a dick. Wrollins was working with Jenna? I don't think so. "Archer? This is Jenna. Jenna Marshall." If she was working with him a lot then why would she feel the need to identify herself like that?
  13. That's Cercei's convoluted plan for Osney Kettleblack. 1. He confesses to sleeping with Marge, gets sentenced to death for high treason. Tommen commutes the sentence to exile to the Wall. 2. Osney (and some others) join Nights Watch. He kills Jon since Cercei thinks Jon has taken sides with Stannis. 3. Osney returns to KL, Tommen pardons him for ... well, everything, deserting the NW, sleeping with Marge, etc., and makes him a Lord. 4. Osney and Cercei get married. Or at least bang. Whether that would have worked or not is questionable. Also whether Cercei would have bothered with anything after step 2 is also questionable, or if she'd just let the NW hang him.
  14. It's one of the multitude of crackpot theories. Alt-Shift-X has a short video on YouTube explaining it. The idea is that Howland Reed is posing as the High Sparrow in order to undermine the current regime as revenge for Ned, and in order to be in a position of power to reveal his knowledge of Jon's birth. The evidence supporting it is pretty scant, and basically relies on the fact that they've each been described similarly: short, brown hair. The evidence against it is more convincing (IMHO): Howland Reed is a northerner, so he worships the Old Gods. HS spent years as an itinerant septon, roaming the countryside before coming to Kings Landing. There really isn't enough time for Reed to have lived the life the HS lived unless he started this deception before the events of the first book.
  15. Finally finished the Bro's podcast. They brought up a point but didn't discuss it much: what was Wrollins intending to do with Ali when he was driving her through the dark Pennsylvania night? I'm guessing he was going to fake a suicide-by-drowning then change his identity and get the hell out of dodge. Any competent police force (so not Tanner nor the Rosewood PD) would wonder how the hell she got out of Wilby and drove to that lake. Also, if the PLLs are going to cover this up, what are they going to do with Lucas's car? Park it in his garage and hope he never notices the shattered windshield and Wrollins-shaped dent in the hood? Maybe they'll get it repaired by Patty at the asks-no-questions body shop where Emily found the whistle-tipped truck.
  16. Spencer might have inadvertently killed Shower Harvey when she and Toby locked her in her room at the end of 6B. She's stuck in there and can't call the front desk for help because the batteries on her robot hands have gone flat and she can't dial with her nose.
  17. Listening to it at work and I'm having to suppress my laughter. The bit where Emily is explaining the key-thing to pot-brownie chick is hysterial. "That's not even in the top 100!" They're also having a lot of fun mocking the awkward product placement for Sara Sheperd's new book.
  18. Oh no. I fear you are correct because, wow, is that a dumb plan. I'm really having a hard time coming up with a remotely plausible reason they'd go to this extreme. I mean, plausible for them - plausible in the eyes of the audience is a ship that sailed long ago.
  19. I'm looking forward to finding out what harebrained rationale they have for burying Wrollins instead of, you know, calling the cops. "Oh, no cell phone service right now. Might as well commit multiple felonies". Also, no way does "hitting some idiot who ran in front of me on a dark winding road in the middle of the night" translate to "first degree murder" as Spencer said in the season opener. Hell, I doubt Hanna's car insurance premium would even go up.
  20. So Aria was useful to the mystery for once. So weird, she accomplishes shit when Ezra is out of town being lawyers working on book notes. I wondered why none of them reacted to Wrollins' collection of Civil War surgical implements. "These look like a medieval barber's tools. Huh. Oh well, lets look at his credit card statement instead." Another "why didn't they react?" moment for me was Aria and Hanna discovering that Elliot took Charlotte to the Amish village. What? How the fuck did he get her out there? Wasn't she locked up in Welby? I guess she got out privileges there also, for reasons. I admit I wasn't thinking about the burial scene when they hit Wrollins until the preview for the next episode. Why are they doing that exactly? A) it was an accident and B) It's easily explained to the police. "We were worried about Allison, then we got a 'follow me' message, and we were worried so we followed it, and why the fuck are you questioning us and not wondering why Wrollins was taking his wife to the lake in the middle of the night when she's supposed to be in a mental hospital?" Emily's work outfit was designed to highlight her breasts. Suspenders over a white shirt. I mean, I'm a gay man and I actually said "whoa". Don't care about her and Sabrina that much. She seems bland so obviously she's A. I still want to punch Caleb in the nuts. He came across as completely insincere, basically "yes I want you Spencer! You're the one I have left over!" DIAF. What's the over/under on how many episodes Yvonne and Toby stay engaged, 2-3?
  21. That was Liam. That was Magic Mike, though he did it because he could tell Byron was about to punch Ezra and Mike didn't want Byron to get arrested.
  22. I liked a lot of this season, certainly better than last season, mainly because it feels like they're moving towards a conclusion of some sort. Danaerys's fleet finally headed west after all these years of wheel spinning was enough on its own to move this into a positive, especially considering some rumor mongering about Book 6 has Dany's Dothraki Sea, Revisited saga going on for a substantial part of the book. Arya returning to Westeros also was the cherry on top. It left me with hope that next season there won't be any more "stuck in a detatched plotline" stories any more. One minor irritation was the repurposing "cool and/or shocking events" from the books, but making them nonsensical. For example, a friend who hasn't read the books asked my why the little kids killed Pycelle. I had to explain how that went down in the books, and it made me think that D&D included that just as pandering to the book fans. It really wasn't necessary -- if Pycelle needed to die, just have him killed in the Sept explosion. Same thing with Arya serving the Frey pies. On the plus side, they've about exhausted written material, so I don't expect to see any more of those "something in the book that doesn't make much sense how we used it in the show" scenes. That particular vision from the Ghost of High Heart always reminded me of "The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch" from Good Omens. Her prophecies are always 100% true, but since she was a 17th century witch, she lacked context to understand a lot of what she saw, e.g., "Don't buye Betamacks". I thought GoHH's vision of a maiden slaying a giant in a castle made of snow was fulfilled when Sansa tore Robin's rag doll, and had no other significance.
  23. I think one of his "smallfolk" back at his family home in the Fingers is named Wylla, the one who has a new bastard kid every few years. Might be the same woman, but more likely its just GRRM's propensity to reuse names.
  24. So a play on The Talented Mr. Wripley -- Wrollins is a scam artist? He's not really a doctor, but a conman who has killed the wreal Wrollins and assumed his identity. So not at all related to Uber-A if there even is an Uber-A but just a scam to get the Carassimi Group money. Or it started out as a scam but he actually fell in lurve with Charlotte and is now trying to get revenge for her death. Or something.
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