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Everything posted by mac123x

  1. Hmm, some other possibilities could include The Conquest (could have the problem with dragon CGI costs), The Rogue Prince story, the whole Lives of Four Kings thingy. Any of those "historical" stories have the same problem that the Silmarillion does for adaptation -- they're told more as a historian recounting events than as contemporary stories told through the eyes characters you can relate to.
  2. This gives me hope for the next generation.
  3. To be fair, Jessica wasn't murdered in the standard PLL way with a shovel or a car. Someone swapped her low blood pressure medication for Peter's high blood pressure medication (or vice versa, I don't remember who had which disorder). I think Peter's flashback showed us that Mary broke into the Hastings' house and 1) stole Peter's medication 2) had that creepy scene from season 4 where she was standing behind Spencer and 3) ran into Peter downstairs. At the time, she covered it up with "Oh, Spencer is wonderful, blah blah" to make him think that was why she was there. After Jessica's cause of death became known, Peter figured out what Mary did. That's the story he told Spencer this episode. Whether it's entirely true or not is a different story.
  4. Bustle's Taking This One to the Grave podcast had an interesting theory, one that I couldn't immediately debunk, and it's just fucked up enough for IMK to do it. 1. Jessica killed Mary, and is now posing as Mary. Evidently this mirrors something from the books where Ali's twin poses as her? I dunno, I haven't read nor ever plan to read the books. 2. Charlotte's confession from 6.10, when she was crying about her mother, she was really crying because she knew it was her actual mother Mary that she was burying. 3. Jessica (posing as Mary) killed Charlotte to keep her from ratting out Jessica. 4. Jessica hates the Hastings, so she dropped the Spencer/Mary truthbomb just to fuck with them. Now that I think about it, it does have a hole: why would Jessica (posing as Mary) be working with Wrollins in 6B to gaslight Alison?
  5. This is absolutely silly, but I really loved when Iris said "That's when you came to live with Joe and me." The writers got the grammar correct. "...with X and I" goes through my head like a nail.
  6. I have to disagree. We're only 4/10 episodes in to this season, so Lucas is probably another red herring. At most he's one of ADs minions or even a subcontractor, like he built the game but didn't realize who or what it was for since AD added the personalized game pieces.
  7. Wait, what? I must've missed when was that established. I remember that Jessica was stepping out on Kenneth with Bethany's dad, but as far as I recall, Peter only slept with the Drake twins. ETA -- Peter has been absent because he's been looking for Mary Drake. How did he know that he needed to do this? Veronica didn't find out that Mary was back in the picture until Spencer told her, which was after the "your dad is having passport issues" story. I mean, passport issues LIE. Also, Peter apparently knew that Charles was actually Charlotte prior to the dollhouse. So once Tanner and the rest of the cops knew they were searching for Charles DiLaurentis during season 6A, he sat on that information? "Spencer, I love you and will do everything I can to protect you from this person... except reveal this very relevant detail that I'm hiding for no particular reason".
  8. I was confused by this bit of dialog: Was Sydney speaking for herself, or was she parroting whatever AD was saying into her ear-piece? Is Sydney a real human being or a ventriloquist dummy? Or was that actually not Sydney at all in the car, but actually AD wearing one of those ludicrous Mission Impossible masks? Peter Hastings presumably. Or Jason. Eww. I got an unintentional laugh at Ezra trying to sort the pages after Nichole tossed them all over the place. Not only is he such a hipster that he had type-written pages rather than some sort of electronic media, he didn't even bother numbering them. I guess it's a real page turner, since Nichole had time to read the entire thing before scrawling something on one of the pages. Or the prose is so infantile that you can speed through it like it's a Dr. Seuss book.
  9. She was strapped to a table like she was about to be experimented on by Hydra, but the floor around her was covered in debris. I wonder if the Framework Rebellion has attacked the Triskellion building. I also wonder how the hell she's going to get Mack out -- she didn't take one of Simmons' escape route devices, and the backdoor is still covered with molten steel. Previous episode, Coulson killed her. It was a blink-and-you'll-miss-it scene where her decapitated body was lying on the floor. I can see that. I thought it was more along the lines of an escaped cult member, or Patty Hearst.
  10. Peter probably has a half dozen fake passports under aliases including Carlos Danger and Humbert Humbert.
  11. The scenes between Ophelia and The Russian were really well done, and it's amazing that a network TV show would spend that much time and effort on scenes between two guest actors. The technicians who were scanning Madam Hydra might know about it, but it shouldn't matter: the actual body-creating machine was located on the oil rig in the real world which was destroyed tonight. I don't think anyone is coming back besides Mack and Yo-Yo.
  12. So many unexpected twists and turns... ending with the return of the Ghost Rider! I squeed like a little girl. The woman-scorned plot line is a little hackneyed, but the actors are doing such a good job I can overlook it. Fitz's breakdown at the end was heart wrenching.
  13. Show of hands, who else started yelling "Fuck you, Show, FUCK YOU!" at the screen as soon as the baby-store clerk said "donor"? I just can't believe they went there. It's so sick and gross and offensive to basically all human, animal, and plant life on the planet, including fungus and paramecia. Ted is Charlotte's bio-daddy. Okay, random, but I can accept that. I can't accept that 1) Charles attended Ted's summer camp (he was incarcerated at Radley for his entire childhood) and 2) That he was friends with Lucas (the age difference is too great). Sidney created the game and is running it? Whatever. According to Peter, Mary killed Jessica then buried her in the Hastings' back yard. Well, no, Charlotte buried her. Retcon or shitty writing? (I know, embrace the healing power of "and"). Of course Spencer hits us with the "are you sure? They were twins" clue-by-four, so obviously Jessica has been masquerading as Mary since the end of season 4.
  14. Funnily enough, I just watched Murder on the Orient Express (1974 version). Most of the clues are easy to see in retrospect (I even caught a few as they happened, like Ingrid Bergman understanding the word "emolument" despite her otherwise halting English) but one that made me call "shenanigans!" was Princess Dragomirov calling the secretary "Miss Threebody", which Poirot said was word-association based on the name of a dress store in London. I don't know how anyone in the audience could have caught that. Still, much better that PLL's "answers" which require doppelgangers, transgender villains, time travel and magic to make sense.
  15. I thought it was Davina's actress's voice also.
  16. I enjoyed this episode, but boy was Kara getting on my last nerve. I kind of thought she'd already learned the "rushing in headlong without a plan is a bad idea" lesson back in season 1 when she and Barry Allen were facing off against Livewire and Silver Banshee. Sure, the stakes were higher and she was operating on emotion, but I thought Maggie was completely right to the point where anytime Maggie was in a scene interrogating someone I wondered "why, other than so she can do something stupid, is Kara in the room with her?" And every time, she indeed did something stupid. My irritation then turned to disgust when the writers had to pull a role-reversal and have Maggie go break the father out of jail and Kara provide the rational solution. And on top of it, Maggie practically apologized for her actions, and Kara didn't! From the way their last scene was acted I got the impression that Super Impulsive Girl learned nothing. On the good side, I really enjoyed Alex's actions. I wondered what the hell she was doing with her pants, then realized it was really clever. Though I am curious how sweaty and uncomfortable those pants would be to wear in normal situations if they're airtight.
  17. When Simmons and Daisy went into the Framework, Simmons built in an escape route for them. AIDA found it and destroyed it, so they needed to use the backdoor that Radcliffe built in that AIDA couldn't delete. If they send someone else back in to rescue Mack, whoever goes in could take another temporary escape thingy with them.
  18. Oh no, they really are going the "Emily's implanted eggs" route. We're supposed get the reveal of who killed Mrs. D, and according to IMDB (so take it with a grain of salt) Pastor Ted is on the guest cast. If he killed Jessica I'm going to throw things. From that sneak peek, AD says that Jessica kept detailed records, and if Ezra knew what was in Aria's file, he'd choose Nichole, and she would be visiting him in jail. So information in Aria's file would cause Ezra to be arrested - for what? Statutory rape is the only thing I can think of, and the statute of limitations might have already run out. He's also complicit in covering up Shana's death, but Jessica wouldn't have that in her records because she was busy being dead when that happened.
  19. Caleb wants to break in to the board game... how about take it out in the drive way and back over it with your car? I know that the excuse for not destroying the game is that alleged footage AD has of Hanna digging in Wrick Wrollin's burial plot, but that proves nothing. I guess with the non-A tag of Marco Furey (still sounds like a porn star name but I digress) unwrapping a finger, we're supposed to assume that AD has Wrollins' corpse somewhere. And somehow AD will be able to use it to prove that Hanna killed Wrollins. Sure, why not, the corpse has been decaying for weeks now but miraculously there will be forensic evidence against Hanna. Because no one has ever tried to frame these girls with planted evidence before.
  20. They probably went on a defeat cruise (cabin down the hall from Veronica and Peter) and are also having passport issues.
  21. Dear Season 4 showrunners / writers: Please for the love of all that is sane and rational, make the season-arc villain a) not a speedster and b) not a result of time travel shenanigans. Thanks. I haven't seen the episode other than bits I was watching during commercial breaks on PLL (that's how far down this show has fallen on my priorities). I realized this morning that I didn't care if I was spoiled about the reveal. I'm glad it's Barry because that makes so little sense I can turn off my brain and enjoy the fun. Oh wait, I'm confusing this with the silly fun of LoT. I can turn off my brain and enjoy the angst. I've been saying that for weeks. Alternatively, have Cisco and Iris go through a portal to some other Earth and not tell anyone where they're going. If Barry doesn't know, Savitar won't know either so won't be able to follow them. LoTR - Return of the King included hundreds or thousands of deaths, rather brutal battle scenes, decapitations, etc. Rated PG-13. The Kings Speech contained no nudity, sex, or violence, but was rated R because of one scene where the Duke of York demonstrates that he doesn't stammer while cursing by saying the F word repeatedly. The TV and movie Standards & Practices people are insane.
  22. Apparently we'll find out who killed Jessica D next week. I always assumed Kenneth switched her medication to kill her before their divorce was final or something.
  23. She's probably getting amniocentesis ... for reasons... Maybe she's experiencing some complications due to bloodtype mismatch or something. "What do you mean, the baby is B-? Elliot and I are both A+!" Then the game pops up with Alison's turn of "guess your baby daddy AND your baby momma!" Dun dun DUN!
  24. Well, I'm just not going to even try to speculate what's coming next because I have no idea. I really didn't think they'd escape the Framework until the finale episode. Now most of them are out and Ophelia is alive and can apparently fucking teleport. What the hell is that? That was so good, but I found myself yelling at the TV "jump already!" The "person X needs to convince person Y to jump" got repetitious.
  25. Still not giving a shit about Hanna's dress issue, though I did laugh at Caleb saying "That dress is really short. You wear that, everyone is going to see your spicy tuna roll". So that was Aria's secret twin (Cacophony Montgomery) right? She was way too competent at the spy craft, and didn't turn all the conversations to Ezria. I particularly enjoyed her getting physical with Sidney. I've said for a long time that whenever someone is being cagey with them, they should resort to violence. I feel like the writers had a big wheel in the room that they spun to figure out who the Red Herring du jour is. "This week it's.... Sidney!" I'm shocked, shocked! that Yvonne died. I never saw that coming, it was completely out of the blue and not at all predictable as fuck.
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