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Everything posted by mac123x

  1. I really wish they'd cut to commercial with the person in the black hoodie pulling off masks progressively. Melissa mask comes off revealing Mona Mona --> Paige Paige --> Sydney Sydney --> Wren Wren --> Peter Hastings Peter Hastings --> Sober coach Dean Sober coach Dean pulls off the final mask revealing no head, and it turns out that AD was Noel Khan's reanimated corpse.
  2. If I remember correctly, Alex exposited that she stayed in London after Charlotte returned to play the game some more, and didn't get to Rosewood until after she died, meaning that only the sketchy scenes they flashed back to in the finale were Alex-playing-Spencer. Chronologically, I think her first appearance on-screen was with Hanna being tortured in the barn in 7.01. That raises another time-line hole I think -- The PLLs started getting texts from Emoj-A pretty much immediately after Charlotte died. Did Alex teleport to Rosewood upon hearing of her demise? More importantly, why am I bothering? I will listen to a couple of podcasts later this week about it, but after the holiday I doubt I'll remember this show at all.
  3. From the trailer for the upcoming Justice League movie: Flash: "What is your superpower?" Batman: "I'm rich". I'm assuming Alex subcontracted most of that work out. We already know there are several "ask no questions" companies in the area, like the auto shop that replaced the windshield after Hanna hit Wrollins, and the entire construction firm that built the Dollhouse. If I remember correctly, when we first see Toby's house under construction, it backed up to a wooded lot. Presumably the DHARMA Initiative hatch extends under that, not his neighbors' foundations.
  4. Surprisingly, they actually addressed that. Alex had a line to Spencer about how Carassimi was only a small part of Charlotte's fortune. Wrollins stole that, but the rest of her wealth went to Alex. Apparently it's an international contractor, since they also did work for Mona in France.
  5. He dated CeCe and made out with Melissa once, but as far as I can remember, he never did anything with Spencer / Twincer or Ali. So only 2 out of 5 sisters, giving him a 40% Targaryen rating.
  6. Also, shallow commentary -- in the flashback bar scene with Alex, what the hell was that on Charlotte's head? That wig was awful, and I don't know why they weren't showing Vanessa Ray's beautiful hair.
  7. If the show were continuing, you know Alex would be pregnant with Toby's twins.
  8. 1. She "called 911" except she didn't - the "cop" was her French boyfriend so he helped her abduct Alex (and Mary presumably). also 2) She's Mona, she can do anything, including human trafficking to get the two of them to France.
  9. My thoughts exactly. Spencer should have been kidnapped before the first act, and the exposition and flashbacks could have been spread out, and they could have spent more time figuring out the Twin replacement (with Alex giving inadvertent clues to more people than just the horse and the blind girl). The Hanna / Caleb wangst was totally unnecessary, as was the first sex montage. The second one was okay since a) it was relevant to the Twincer plot and b) shirtless Toby.
  10. Godddammit, WHO IS BEACH HOTTIE!!! [/fanatic] Should have ended with Mona having the new Doll House. That Addison-is-missing scene was pathetic.
  11. I'd love to see the spec that went out to contractors to build that DHARMA station under Toby's old house.
  12. No, he was gas-lighting Ali and stealing her money on his own. AlexD did the impregnation thingy, since she knows who the father is. Jenna and the horse. They got to "Spancer has an evil twin!" conclusion really fast.
  13. Mona is off screen because she's working on rescuing them. Hopefully it'll be "Sorry, Ezra, I only have time to rescue one of you before the deadly neurotoxin fills the room." And she will have released the neurotoxin.
  14. Alex kidnaps Spencer and also kidnaps Ezra ruining the wedding... I'm conflicted on whether that makes her evil or good.
  15. Revised: The shock that they'd actually do #Twincer has worn off and yes, her accent is horrific. As is her motivation. And how does she now have Charlotte's money? Last we knew Wrollins absconded with it -- was he working for her?
  16. OKay, show, you got me. Well played. #Twincer, I didn't think you had the guts.
  17. An hour in, maybe 3 minutes worth of mystery and 873 minutes of sex montages and Ezria bullshit. I'm guessing Mona is working for AD as part of an elaborate plan to unmask who AD is and she's actually still on the PLLs side.
  18. Caleb talking about Mona: "How much damage can she do in one night?" I expected a thunderclap.
  19. I really shouldn't get this angry about a TV show, but the Mom's reminiscing about how they got out of the basement without saying it was just a troll. Especially since they've been heavy handed with the "as you know" exposition otherwise.
  20. Oh fuck off Marlene, is each commercial break going to be preceded by someone pulling off a fucking mask?
  21. Does that mean MelissA? umm, ok I guess. Still wanted EzrA.
  22. Wow those dresses are awful. Spencer's is passable from the front, but the back seems primarily absent. Emily must have used a whole roll of double-sided tape to keep the boobs inside that thing. Hanna's is pretty low-cut too. I'm guessing they're navy blue, but they look black in some of those shots. Are we sure they're not going to a funeral? They've done the excessive-cleavage at a funeral look before.
  23. Andrea Parker in a red-head wig: "No, I'm not Mary. I'm not Jessica. They weren't twins; our mother gave birth to triplets. I was sent to a boarding school at an early age because my father thought gingers have no soul. In college I met a man named Horace Young. We married, and had a child named...Bethany!" Dun dun DUN!
  24. If they'd left it alone after the flashback, I would have been satisfied that it was just a character moment showing Ali's vulnerability. My problem was that they referenced it again when Spencer danced with Delusion!Ali at Radley. That set the audience up for expecting that it was relevant.
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