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Everything posted by mac123x

  1. I don't think there was. Delosbot didn't recognize the MIB version of William initially -- I figured that was because they were restarting every attempt with the copy of James Delos they made 20+ years ago (after the retirement party).
  2. Delosbot was showing signs of instability (spilling / shaking while pouring the cream into his coffee) before William arrived each time. Yep. The explosion from the first shot glass seemed a little small for the amount of nitro he was carrying. Showmanship? Yeah, that didn't make a lot of sense. If Delos Corp was going to sell Robot-immortality (once they've perfected it), why would they need to surreptitiously collect the guests' DNA? And if they are planning on copying guests' brains into duplicate-host bodies against their will... to what end?
  3. When MIB said to Cylon!James "some men are better off dead," in the foreground of the shot was an hourglass, and the sands had completely run out. I see what you did there, Show. One of Bernard's non-linear memories shown tonight was him going to that facility and getting a red globe (the human-compatible brain thingy). He exposited over the flashback that it was the reason Ford had sent him there, to get one of those (and presumably to remove all the witnesses).
  4. Elsie! I may or may not have squeed when she showed up, though her absence from the furthest-forward timeline is troubling. I hope she's off on a side quest and not dead. Delos is going for functional immortality was a popular theory. Looks like they still have work to do, so I wonder what Ford wanted with that human-brainbox he had Bernard get. Presumably it's for himself, but William/MIB's experiments were decidedly short term. I guess omniscient / omnipotent Ford has solved the longevity problem, so we'll see another actor portraying Ford in a hosts' body by the end of the season. Tiger hunting lady was MIB's daughter, again pretty predicable. More fake-out endings than Return of the King, but I'm not complaining. It wasn't until the show passed the 60 minute mark that I even realized we hadn't seen Dolores or Maeve and that I didn't care. First episode of the season that I want to rewatch.
  5. Those men are from the Wyatt narrative last season. Teddy described them as not really men, but not animals either. Immune to pain, because they think they're already dead. Something like that. Angela was part of their group. Sylvester was carrying a McGuffin to be revealed later. Looked like it couldn't have weighed too much, or he would have been carrying it differently and whining about how heavy it was.
  6. Park 6 = Rajworld I guess? I was getting an Edwardian vibe from the costumes of the other guests (dude in a white straw hat was the spitting image of Teddy Roosevelt). Other than that, I was pretty bored. I'm indifferent to Dolores's story, and her eventual rift with Teddy is snzzzzz. Sorry, I fell asleep. I will give it this -- her desire to keep Peter Abernathy at least had a double motive. She's sentimental about his role as one of her fathers, but she's also pragmatic about his value to Delos. That makes her a little more practical than Maeve's quixotic quest to rescue a little girl who will have no fucking idea who she is why oh why did they give their best actor this stupid plot? Gah. Bernard seems to be leaking brain juice again, and oh noes, Clementine knocked him out before he could resupply! Will he or won't he get new milk before time runs out? Yeah, we've already seen him in scenes that occur later chronologically, so not a lot of tension there. Delos seems to have relented and sent in the rescue even though "the package" hasn't been delivered yet. Charlotte's plan to smuggle the IP out via a host's brain doesn't hold up under too much scrutiny. One host brain can contain all the code, and we've seen that the brains are small white cylinders maybe 4-5" in diameter. Just put the data in a brain, pop it out of the host and stick it in her luggage. Problem solved.
  7. Minor correction: 2.5 Logan invested SOME money in Westworld. We know this because: a. S1 Logan commented to William that he needed to make sure his family invested more. b, This episode Daddy Delos said something about his foolish son having already thrown money at it.
  8. "This game is meant for you, but you must play it alone" Me: "Holy fuck" [mass suicide] Me: Cackling like a madman. MiB shooting El Lazo 3-4 more times just for spite was hilarious. The sales pitch with Angela and Logan was continuity breaking for me. All the hosts at that party were indistinguishable from human, at least to Logan's inept and drunken eyes, but they're all first generation mechanical robots like Bill "shall we drink to the lady with the white shoes" the bartender. He was obviously artificial. The whole "this is how Delos invested in WestWorld" was interesting but ultimately I don't care. Its the danger of any prequel flashback: sometimes "how we got here" isn't that interesting. How did Daddy Delos get convinced to invest? Meh, I don't care, the fact is that he did invest. I'm mildly curious what young!William said to convince him, because it's obviously got something to do with the intel that they're gathering in the secret bunker where Charlotte and Bernard were last episode. But still, meh. What thing full of spendor did middle-aged!William show Dolores at the end? It looked like some earthmoving equipment, but her final scene with Teddy implied that it was a weapon. A way to make the suddenly-appearing-sea appear?
  9. Thanks! Wow, that's not creepy at all, is it? Yowza. I wonder if that's some metaphor about sentience or free will or something, or if it's literally the next valley over.
  10. The recording from Ghost-Nation extra's brain box showed Dolores saying something like "not everyone is meant for [something poetic about a valley]". Then the stable boy that Charlotte's group ran into asked them if they were trying to get to [same poetic phrasing about a valley]". I need to rewatch to get the exact words, but I'm guessing that's the "find the center of the maze" for this season. That, or the "go back to the beginning of the end of the beginning" or whatever gibberish that was that Robertbot said to MiB. I don't think we know this for certain. There were hundreds of people in the park at the time they lost communication with the outside world (Robert's massacre). Who knows how many of them are still alive at this point. On the other hand, Dolores's murderous montage (set to Scott Joplin song -- The Entertainer I think?) only showed her killing or stringing up people in suits / evening dresses. Presumably those were Delos people there for the party, since regular guests of the park would be cosplaying in period clothing.
  11. It was definitely one of those "give her a dress that's completely unlike the other no-name characters dresses so she stands out" colors. I thought it was hilarious that Wyatt's flunkies (I can't remember that host's name, the blonde who first introduced young William to the park) didn't spot her when she and Benard were hiding. Head Delos guy told one of his subordinates to get rid of the two Asian military guys who were on the beach. I only speak English, so I have no idea what the officers were speaking. I would have guessed Japanese because I assumed the park was on an uninhabited island somewhere.
  12. Killing off young Robertbot was probably good from a continuity point of view, considering the actor would be visibly aging. I thought Lee Sizemore's full-frontal scene was there specifically to answer the criticisms that the nudity last season was mostly female stars or non-speaking extras. "There, we showed a major actor's penis. Stop writing think-pieces about the subject". I'm having a hard time believing that Delos could have that hidden bunker (or series of them) and Ford wouldn't have known about them. "There are Bengals in Park 6..." PARK 6!!! Squee. India World? I wonder what historical period that will be. If we ever find out that is -- might just be a Noodle Incident I really hope the whole season isn't just filling in the gap between the massacre and the Delos extraction teams' arrival 11 days later.
  13. I hate to sound shallow, but I totally will -- the actress playing Hale's daughter is very distracting. Honestly, she looks vaguely anime-ish. The big pouty lips and the highlighted cheekbones are incredibly distracting. To the point where I have to look away from the screen when she's on.
  14. This episode screamed "second unit episode". Standing sets, mostly guest stars. You shoot it when the guest stars are there for other episodes but aren't involved in that day's shooting. Definitely a money saver.
  15. Also playing catch up. I was confused about Lady [Can't Remember], the woman who bought Abby - what species was she? They were speaking of her like nobility so I figured she was some Kree big-wig, but she wasn't blue. Human? Inhuman? Some other species that they didn't want to even bother giving funny bumps on the face like Star Trek? As far as Deke's betrayal of Daisy, I was completely on her side. They'd just had a Renewal (nod to Logan's Run?). He warned her that her reckless frontal assault would provoke the Kree into a worse massacre. She didn't care. Also, she had no plan for what to do after rescuing Jemma. It's not like they could escape. I thought her "sacrifice an untold number of others to save Jemma" attitude was pretty monstrous.
  16. I enjoyed this episode for the most part, but Barry Allen is a monster for the way he was counting days in his jail cell. It's 4 vertical hashes, and one diagonal across, NOT 5 vertical hashes in a row. Granted he had spaces between the groups of 5 (unlike Rey in The Force Awakens) but it's still harder to count that way.
  17. Same here. I'll check in here to see if there is a reason to watch an episode -- so far, since the break the answer has been "no".
  18. I'd forgotten about Martian Manhunter. I don't know the others you mentioned because I stopped watching Supergirl due to their marketing department. I'd kind of like it if Dominic was alive and in there and fighting back. For once I'd like to see the victim of a possession have some agency. They did that on an episode of ST: Voyager and it was a refreshing change. Probably won't happen here because that'd take away from Barry beating the Big Bad by running really fast.
  19. I suspect this question will be a source of much angst for Team Flash. Do they know any other telepaths who could confirm whether Dominic was still in there? Ask Grodd for a favor I guess. Of course the body he possesses happens to be very good looking. I guess the Thinker arranged that so his wife wouldn't have to put up with an incontinent old person with a bunch of cats, or a basement dwelling computer geek with a bunch of cats. They could make a fortune on some of the things they've developed. Since they're not, I'm going to assume they're fanatics obsessed with their goal (Enlightenment? whatever) rather than standard issue money-grubbing villains.
  20. Having lived through the Tickle-Me-Elmo craze of the 90s, I found the near-riot at the Toyz-R-Me store probably the most realistic thing they ever did on this show. Mallus is Rip, right? Ava mentioned that Rip was in Time Lord Bureau prison, and Mallus told Sara something like "when I escape I'm going to blah blah you and your team" Loved this episode, but one question about the attack on Darkh!Odin -- He made some kind of gesture that was innefective against Nate, and Nate snarked back at him -- Why was Darkh unable to affect him? Do his powers only work on flesh?
  21. That was pretty enjoyable bot WOW were the special effects shoddy, especially the final showdown between Supergirls. Laughably bad, like a 90s era console game bad.
  22. Steven Amell, you are one of the hottest men on the face of the planet but for god's sake shave your FUCKING NECK. So distracting.
  23. It was a sex joke. Ray made an inadvertent salacious comment because of his poor phrasing around the word "pie" and Nate and Jax winced at it. At least that's how I interpreted that scene. Maybe I just have a dirty mind.
  24. I watch this show following the Unsullied Rules, so I had no idea what the first act twist was going to be. Me, shouting at the screen: "Huh, that looks like a giant gorillholyshitthatsGRODD!" I love that Legends isn't afraid to have continuity even with the other shows. I was really enjoying the lack of Dhamhien Dhahrhkh until that final scene. Missed it by that much! Oh well, at least he wasn't relevant to the plot this time.
  25. Yay for budget-saving second unit episodes! I liked how we got the villains(?) backstory without it being a villain monologue. I really like that the ominous floaty chair is really just a life-support device, and not the source of any of the Thinker's power.
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