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Everything posted by mac123x

  1. "Excuse me your Grace, but your translation is not quite correct. That word has no gender in High Valyrian, so the correct translation is 'the Prince or Princess Who Was Promised shall bring the dawn". As the "sister" (she doesn't know the truth) of a the (former) King in the North, Arya could be considered a princess. That's my head-canon fan-wank justification for bad writing. D&D also gave themselves an out by having Melissandre say "prophecies are dangerous".
  2. HBO Executive: Since you're only doing 6 episodes, you need to make them longer so the fans don't riot. Last 4 have to be 80 minutes minimum GoT Director: Easy, I'll just show the last 20 minutes in slow-mo with sonorous and slightly out of place piano BGM Seriously, the slow motion at the end was killing me. It wasn't dramatic, it was tedious. Yeah, i know it saves them a lot of time doing this at night (don't have to worry about angle of the sun and cloud continuity) but I frequently couldn't tell what was going on.
  3. I was referring to the dialog-free montage near the end that showed how everyone was passing their last night (Arya in bed with Gendry, etc.). Sansa was with Theon, and the look she gave him had some heat to it.
  4. You'll be safe in the crypts. You'll be with the women and children in the crypts where it's safe. I'll be in the crypts with my son Sam. The crypts are the safest place in Winterfell... Yeah, they're dead. So many anvils dropping there.
  5. I got kinda squicked out at seeing Maisie Williams's sideboob. I know, I know, she's in her 20s, but I still sometimes think of her as Season 1 Arya. What was up with Sansa giving gooey eyes to Theon? I know she bonded with him during their escape from Ramsey, but lets leave it at that, shall we? Not every male/female relationship has to be romantic.
  6. I was really expecting Thawne to say "Hello, Clarise". Decent-ish story, but it was going over a lot of information that we already knew, like Nora resenting Iris for chipping her.
  7. I thought it was more like curiosity. "So Raegal and I are the last dragons alive and we've been talking about this whole reproduction thing - can we watch and get some pointers?"
  8. Heady and Flynn had a prior romantic involvement that apparently ended so acrimoniously that they will not appear in the same scene together.
  9. I forgot that happened it was so perfunctory. "Yes, lets wrap this up as quickly and anticlimactically as possible. Also, let's have Yara and Theon part ways while on a boat in the middle of the ocean." And by having Qyburn deliver the message, they avoided having a scene together since the actors have that in their contracts. I'm not clear on what Bronn is actually going to do though. He's a mercenary, sure, but he's shown genuine affection for Jaime and Tyrion in the past. Having him accept a hit job just seems like character regression.
  10. I thought she handled it well. She didn't realize Sam was related to Randyll until he mentioned it, and rather than hide the fact that she executed his father and brother, she came right out with it. I appreciate they didn't play the "keeping secrets to cause more drama later" card. Same thing with telling Jon that he fucked his aunt, I mean that he's Aegon VI Yeah, what was that? I thought all the episodes were supposed to be longer this season, but this clocked in at 53 minutes (not counting the unnecessarily long Previously On). I guess that only applies to the final episode? In which case, big deal -- lots of series finales on broadcast TV do 2 hour episodes.
  11. Moving all the chess pieces into place, I know, but it was kinda boring. Arya was acting weird. Weirder than usual that is. He conversation with Gendry was stilted and strange. Are they trying to give them some romantic plot? If so, I'm not feeling it at all. Also, Sansa is the smartest woman Arya knows? She needs to widen her circle of acquaintances
  12. Cicada 1.0 taking the cure first made little sense to me. "Cure my Gracie and I'll willing take the cure and go to prison. If it doesn't work, I'll murder. you. all. [growl]" would be much more logical. I thought it'd be pretty funny if, once he was on the operating table and knocked out, Killer Frost had taken over and said "here's your cure -- 20 cc of air directly into your jugular! Enjoy the embolism, asshole!" I'm embarrassed to admit I didn't think of time travel considering how often this show leans on that crutch. As soon as Cicada 2.0 showed up, I said "I bet that's Grace and it's probably some kind of astral projection from her comatose child's brain." Time travel makes more sense.
  13. Second act commercial-out shocking surprise is kinda not too shocking nor a surprise when Gorilla Grodd is named in the fucking title of the episode. I do want to give the show credit for having Barry be the asshole who first used the cure as a weapon. I really expected it to be Cicada or some other antagonist. I'm glad to have Joe back on the show but the whole "I found peace in Tibet" schtick was eye-roll worthy. I noticed at least twice when Grodd was laid out flat, both our speedsters were up and running, and they stopped and just looked until Grodd got up. Take the crown off, morons. Keeping Grodd alive is just dumb at this point.
  14. I was frustrated with the disaster-porn of book 3, and when it continued in book 4 I almost couldn't finish. I gave up. Unless I run out of other things to read I don't see myself getting book 5. I agree. I saw the season 3 finale recently, and the character of Ashford was so much better in the show than the book. In the book, his motivations were entirely driven by his ego. The show gave him a good reason to do what he was doing -- the station was powering up for an extermination event. His actions made sense.
  15. I'm glad they got the cure finalized -- one step closer to the inevitable "Cicada uses the cure on Barry" plotline that is definitely coming up. Ooh, I wonder if that'll be the season-ending cliffhanger: Cicada is defeated but with his last act before dying, he stabs Barry with the cure. Dun dun DUN. Maybe Jitters Inc. is really bigoted against metahumans. They named a drink after a dude who is still actively killing metas. Her obstinacy resulted in her taking a bunch of notes in her notebook (which evidently didn't get reset? Okay), thus exposing the translations of more of her notations to Sherloque
  16. I think it's worse than that -- she didn't tell them what was going on until they confronted her. She would have continued to fail ad infinitum if they hadn't guessed what was going on. I'm glad Sherloque finally got to decrypt her diary. Only good thing to come of out this mess. I literally yelled "slit his throat!" Which they wouldn't do, but at least hit him with the freezy stuff. My rewrite of the scene which would keep Team Flash from looking like dunderheads is pretty easy: When Cicada gets hit by his boomerang blade, it knocks him off the roof. They rush to the edge of the building and look over, and then he flies away.
  17. I can't believe I'm writing this, but I'm willing to give Barry a little slack on letting Cicada escape at the end. Barry was metaphorically "Seeing Red" because he was so angry that Cicada hurt his daughter, and was willing to cross the line into murdering him to protect (or avenge) Nora. Nora's showing up was a such a profound relief that he forgot everything else and Cicada escaped. Honestly, if I were writing this show, I would have spread the "Nora is paralyzed" plot over 2 episodes. Have her get injured in the first episode and appear to be NOT recovering. Allow multiple scenes of Barry getting more and more distraught as Cicada keeps killing metas. Have a scene with Iris with dialog like: Barry: "We can't catch him. We don't know how to hold him even if we did catch him. He has to be stopped!" Iris: "...what are you saying?" Barry: "After what he did to Nora? We can't let him get away with it. He HAS to be stopped, no matter what." Make it obvious that Barry is becoming enraged, and wants to kill Cicada as revenge. At the final confrontation, when Barry is beating the shit out of Cicada and is almost to the point of murdering him, then have Cisco breach in with Nora leaning on him (but standing). She isn't healed completely, but is on her way to recovery. Barry is so shocked to see her and shocked about what he almost did that he lets go of Cicada, who scampers off because we can't defeat the seasonal villain this early. Yeah, the last bit of my scenario still sucks, but at least a 2-part plotline would let it breathe some and give time for character development. As it stands, Barry had very little time to develop into "Seeing Red" since the episode was crammed with a bunch of other extraneous shit. On an unrelated note, I'm still laughing at these dunderheads for not realizing that the Cure is going to be a) stolen and b) weaponized. Their genre blindness is ridiculous.
  18. Cisco's plotline what nine kinds of stupid. Seriously, he of the ridiculous pop-culture knowledge can't recognize the story from X-3: The Last Stand? Granted it was a shit movie and maybe he didn't see it, but come on, making a cure for mutants metas and saying "we'll never use it against someone's will" is a promise they can't keep. They kept referencing Snart -- doesn't Cisco remember that he made Captain Cold's gun specifically to use against other speedsters, and Snart immediately stole it and used it against Barry? The cure is going to be weaponized, and it's going to be used against Barry and/or Nora by season's end.
  19. Shallowness - Oliver looked a bit flabby in Barry's suit, though to be honest that suit is the least flattering Flash outfit so far. On the other hand, Barry with an abs-tattoo, then in the Green Arrow costume,... I'll be in my bunk.
  20. That seems like a pretty thin rationale. We've seen at least 1/2 dozen different characters played by this actor -- it could just as easily be another Harrison Welles from a different Earth.
  21. Maybe I'm being unobservant, but how do we know that the dude in 2049 prison that Nora visits is Eobard Thawne? Was he wearing the costume, or something? I also wondered what exactly Gideon was implying when she said she knew Nora, and that she was "the 5th member recruited for the reconstituted Legion --" Barry cut her off. Legion of DOOM, perhaps?
  22. Are they really calling it that? Iain M Bank's estate, call your attorney. Dolores 2: Electric Boogaloo Dolores 2: The Winter Soldier Dolores 2: This Time, It's Personal 2 Fast 2 Delores You can draw a line from where Teddy died through where Emily died to the entrance to The Forge Dharma Station -- When Dolores found MiB, she said she had passed Emily's body. Presumably the entire area was a lowland that flooded, and Teddy's body somehow floated over to wherever Akecheta's group left their empty bodies.
  23. There are only twelve models of Cylons.
  24. Apparently it was a fail-safe for the Forge only. Though that's not the right phrase - a fail safe fails into a safe position. A fail-safe for the park would be an air-burst EMP that disabled all the hosts at once. A failsafe for the Forge would be an orderly power-down sequence that saves the data (like turning off your computer). What they really meant was a auto-destruct, because it was supposed to destroy the Forge and all the data contained therein. At least that's what Dolores wanted. It was a pretty crappy auto-destruct though, because none of the data was harmed and the water was pumped down in a matter of days. Charlotte knew that it would flood the area, so why back in Episode 1 were all the Delos people surprised to find a new sea there?
  25. Charlores said something like "I have one more soul to save". Then we see Teddy smiling, standing in the Valley Beyond. I don't think he's one of the balls she left the park with.
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