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Everything posted by mac123x

  1. "Do I look like I could lift 200 pounds?" It sounded like a non sequitur, but the next time we see him he's next to a lynched man who probably weighs around 200 lb. He was basically taunting Regina King's character. I didn't think either -- I thought his nosebleed was due to being in an air-vehicle wreck earlier that night. His wife even teased him about it.
  2. 35 minutes in, I said "holy shit, this is all prologue; they're just setting things up." 50 minutes in, after Don Johnson says the tick-tock quote, I said "That's every Don Johnson scene from the previews, they're gonna kill him off" I liked the world building, in that they've built the world and had very little exposition to the audience. Like, we should already know that there is an occasional hailstorm made out of interdimensional squids. Still leery about the show in general, due to "Written by" and "Created by". Lindelhof has a track record of creating amazing settings and filling them with nonsensical plots. I will give him credit with some of the set up / payoffs. Louis Gossett Jr.'s character saying "do you think I could lift 200 lb?" was nice. I assume he's either the little boy from the intro, or the baby the little boy found.
  3. Down the street from Billy Batson's mother. My initial thought was that Black Noir was a satirical commentary on the tired trope of the black character getting the least development, but then A-Train is black and a major player, and we don't even know if Noir is African-American since he never takes off his uniform, so that theory is in the trash. Then I read a summary of the character from the comic books.... no spoilers (don't know if the show is going that way anyway) but uh, wow, totally not a Batman stand-in. Yikes. They probably assumed Homelander was unable to reproduce due to the Man of Steel Woman of Kleenex problems.
  4. IIRC, she caught the bouquet at Edith's wedding and she and Branson had a few meaningful eye contracts through the episode. Guess it didn't work out? Or they couldn't get the actress back so took Tom's story in a different direction. Hopefully he's done mourning Sybil because that got tiresome. Half the time he was giving Mary pep-talks about finding love and moving on and stuff, I wanted her to turn it around on him.
  5. This was the hardest episode to watch. The portrayal of Christians as stereotypical gay-hating, pushy hypocrites had me rolling my eyes so hard. The writers' obvious disdain for Christianity was transparent. Also, Ezekiel is publicly opposed to homosexuality because he's secretly gay himself? Fuck off with that self-hating gay bullshit.
  6. I enjoyed the series as a whole (binge watched it in one sitting) but I going into it I thought it was a self-contained story. I was not expecting a cliff-hanger. Season 2 will be what, another year or two?
  7. Great performance from Antony Starr. His meeting with his "creator" really added some depth and humanity to his general psychotic villain persona. The pain on his face when Dr. Guest Star described his baby made me actually sympathize.
  8. Alex Kurtzman is involved in this, so the fan service will be excessive (Troi and Ryker), unnecessary (7 of 9), and even continuity breaking (Data). He wrote Star Trek: Into Darkness, after all.
  9. I'm hoping the recently remodeled theater down the road shows it on the 4D screen so we can experience the sights and sounds and smells of Mrs Patmore's cooking. Also avoiding the perpetual yet ever changing Daisy love triangles. And no hint of Denker and Spratt at all.
  10. I wasn't looking at the screen when Sara referred to them not being able to get the Big Trinity. I rewound so I could see who they were dressed up as. Uhhh. I guess the REAL big-three don't exist in this universe? Didn't care for this episode. especially if Mona and Gary are sticking around for next season. They're both like fingernails on a chalkboard.
  11. What a disappointment. I want to compliment the 4 child actors - I thought they did a great job of being children, not child-actors-trying-to-be-children. Tennant did a pretty good job also. Sheen was too prissy. Aziraphale is supposed to be prissy, but Sheen played him as if he was spineless. Actor playing Pulsiver was good. The rest were horrible. Good actors like Miranda Richardson and Michael McKean were painfully overacting. The actress playing Anathema was really pretty but also really bad. I couldn't tell what she was going for emotionally in any of her scenes, and (I'm just going to say it) her accent was distracting. Past that, it felt padded. They could probably have done this in 4-5 episodes. The flashback section (25 minutes of scenes prior to the opening credits) was unneeded. SFX was Dr. Who quality bad. And not NuWho -- 1980s. on the verge of being canceled, era. Hellhound!Dog was laughable. When the hellhound transformed into Dog, I did say "AWWW" out loud. What a cute animal! Perfect casting.
  12. I just realized that Pod is perfect for the Kingsguard. Not just because he's a good knight, but also they don't get married. Podrick the Roddick needs to share his skillz. Oh, I wondered why there was an unmotivated camera move showing that plant.
  13. How long will Bran live? The previous 3ER lived for hundreds of years (or thousands). It's not the same in the book, where he's less than 200, but the show didn't follow that
  14. I haven't seen the "Behind the Scenes" thingy yet, but I guarantee someone references Leni Riefenstahl for Dany's speech to the army scene. Just my opinion, but "this is an homage to 'Triumph of the Will'" is getting to be a tiresome cliche.
  15. Oh oh, I know! It's because that's one of the bullet points GRRM gave D&D for various character end games, but being hacks who were obviously tired of this gig, they had no way of writing his story to get him there logically.
  16. That was thoroughly whelming. Didn't help that I'd watched the New Rockstars' "prediction" video that was so on the nose it was obviously based on spoilers. Robin Arryn grew up hot. I wonder who a couple of the other lords were (like the dude between Sam and Edmure) at the Not-So-Great Council. Sansa shutting down her uncle made me genuinely laugh out loud. Back in Braavos after she got stabbed and that actress was nursing her back to health, she said basically the same lines about wanting to find out what was west of West.
  17. I'm watching the Burlington Bar reaction videos, and another meta-nitpick jumped out at me. These episodes were touted as being longer than the usual hour, but how much of that additional time is due to: 1. Excessive slow-motion 2. Pregnant pauses that stretch on-and-on (specifically, waiting to hear the bells ringing) 3l Montages (often slo-mo also) Seems that these are close to 1 hour long episodes stretched in editing.
  18. I was wondering if Harren the Black had much better masons than Maegor the Cruel. When attacked with dragonfire, Harren's castle partially melted. On the other hand, the Red Keep collapsed like it was made out of cheap styrofoam blocks.
  19. They did manage to work in Bran's vision of a dragon's shadow over Kings Landing. Maybe next week they'l have a view of the throne room matching up with Dany's House of the Undying vision showing the roof broken and the place covered in ash.
  20. Really? I expected something like "We knew in season 5 that we wanted Dany to go full mad queen, but we weren't able to figure out how to get her there organically so we just had it come out of the blue. In case you hadn't noticed yet, we're pretty much hacks." But seriously folx, I'm a firm believer in Death of the Author -- They can explain it all they want in commentaries and background material, but if they didn't include it in the canonical show, it doesn't count.
  21. Yeah, she said the people would prefer Jon. So her response to that is "let's make sure the people will REALLY prefer Jon. Or Stannis. Or Cercei. Or Joffrey." I mean, Cercei only blew up the Sept and killed a few thousand people in the process. She seems like Baelor the Blessed in comparison.
  22. Wow! Fuck this episode with the sword sticking through the Mountain's chest! Dany's annihilation of Kings Landing was so unearned. They'd set her up with a decent, non-insane reason to be harsh with the city: she told Jon that basically if she couldn't inspire love she'd inspire fear. So far so good, and I was actually thinking that they'd given themselves a way to avoid the Mad Queen trope. She could be nuclear destructive to the Iron Fleet and the city walls (amazing way to breach the gates!) but would stop when they surrendered. No, she inexplicably goes complete ham. Seriously, it's as if they knew what they wanted (Kings Landing burnt to a crisp) but didn't know how to get there except in the most lazy way possible. How about having the city laced with wildfire and Dany's attack accidentally sets it off? Something that didn't require her to go completely mental. Spectacle over coherent plot, every time. Jaime really did go back to save Cercei. My eyes rolled out of my head. He'd had some nice character development but it had to be erased for their twin-death. Hound died to fire, I thought that was a nice way to go. Well, the fall probably killed him first. I don't know why he didn't try a dragonglass weapon on him. Arya's totally going to go faceless assassin on Dany
  23. Two twists I wasn't expecting in the last five minutes. John jumps in the portal... and Tabitha the Fairy Godmother! Well done, show. Nice bit of continuity too.
  24. Was it just me, or did the walls / gate of Kings Landing look completely different than it did in the last episode of season 7? I reminded me more of Dany and the baby dragons approaching the gates of Qarth.
  25. I thought it was very brave of the show runners to have another filler episode this late in the series. Honestly, 50 minutes of character wrap up after the battle was a bit much. I really only enjoyed the Sansa / Hound scene. The rest was too fanficcy: Gendry is now lord of Storms End, Jaime and Brienne boinked, etc. What little plot advancement happened was due to another deus ex Euron. I really hope he dies. I also thought Tyrion and Varys considering turning on Dany to be unmotivated. Has Varys even had a conversation with Jon? Suddenly, after supporting Daenerys for years, he's ready to throw her overboard since she's justifiably angry at Cercei. My eyes rolled. Funeral was really well done. I got a little misty at Jon's eulogy. I was thinking that too. It's Cercei -- she blew up the Sept; she'd have no qualms about slaughtering a group that was presumably under the flag of parley.
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