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Everything posted by mac123x

  1. I immediately thought of Stolen Babies, the based-on-a-true-story TV movie about a woman in the 1940s who ran a black-market adoption ring. Yes, it was on Lifetime.
  2. That's never been hinted at before this Mary Drake storyline erupted like an inflamed boil this season. However, Mary knows the Hastings's (despite Jessica keeping her away from Rosewood and stuff), Spencer and Mary are wearing the same hairstyle, Mary's 2nd child is the same age as the PLLs, Spencer has a history of mental illness (though it was mostly drug related) and it's just the kind of stupid twist they'd include. Hanna keeps referring to them interchangeably, so the odds that they are NOT the same person are pretty high. During her dream sequence, Dream!Ali told them that the leverage she had on Noel was that he was the one who pushed that girl down the stairs at the fraternity party many years ago. Are we supposed to accept that even though it was a dream? Because that's a really stupid explanation, since Noel would have had to be about 14. Maybe that was his older brother's fraternity?
  3. Interesting that Paige and Emily got back together during the time jump. I guess this was after Em dropped out of college, since Pepperdine and Stanford aren't very close. I have no idea who Hanna was talking to or what she was up to. I totally called it that Aria would have to grovel to regain Ezra. Maybe she and he and Nichole can run off to another 3rd world country for a menage-a-trois and all 3 die in a tragic accident. Lots of heavy handed hinting that Spencer is Mary's other child. I mean really, why else was she looking at baby photos?
  4. Spockcer: Caleb, calibrate your sensors to this formula. The necklace that Ali is wearing contains a mineral that emits a specific radiation profile. Aria: You gave us radioactive jewelry? Spockcer: The radiation is harmless to humanoids; however, its unique signature will allow us to pinpoint Ali's location. Emily: So you gave us tracking devices? Spockcer: ... That was not my intention. [back to Spencer voice] Wait, that was totally my intention. You know how many times we go missing in a week? Hanna: Bitch chipped us! They're trying to produce Divergents. Makes about as much sense as that movie series.
  5. They're probably both dream sequences. Hanna dreams that Noel Khan runs down Caleb because Noel Khan is the red herring flavor of the month. Ali dreams about her first day back teaching and zombie Wrollins is coming to get her. That would explain why she was writing "Mrs. Wrollins" on the chalkboard.
  6. That we know of! #Nason4Ever Yet another sign of their toxic abusive relationship and how he manipulates her like a marionette. It'll completely go over the heads of the Tumblr Tweens though. "Oh, elope to Italy! That sounds soooo romantic. Ezra's the bestest fiancé ever!"
  7. Good grief, another secret child added to this shitstorm. I guess we're supposed to think it's Aria. Hopefully she is also dissociative and is AD. That's about the only thing that can redeem this incredibly bad storyline. Aria Drake. What happened to Toby's fiancee? Was she assaulted at their trailerhome? Why is that not a bigger deal? Nicole is alive because of course she is.
  8. I'd suggest finding some supercuts on YouTube, like the ones that detail Alison's history (before she resurfaced). I saw a compilation of her Vivian Darkbloom saga that was really good, and showed off how good an actor Sasha P is when she has good material to work with.
  9. Holden, except for the whole exploding heart thing Samara, the girl Emily briefly dated between bouts of Maya fever, but she turned out to be a 1000 year old vampire on another show Toby's father / Jenna's mother, because their images can't be captured on film and they may in fact be undercover CIA agents Hanna's singing grandmother Tippi the Bird Pepe the corpse-hunting dog Officer / Detective / Chief of Police Barry Maple
  10. That would be pretty quick; I figured the writers would give at least a couple of episodes for Aria and Ezra's relationship to fester. I mean, to shine. I'm guessing the call Ezra gets will be from Interpol or the Columbian federal police, or maybe one of his other Habitat coworkers, saying that they believe Nicole is alive. Aria will have to confess that she deleted that call, wangsting will ensue, Ezra will pout about how Aria betrayed him, Aria will have to suck up to him to get back in his good graces, etc. Wedding by 7.10. None of this having any bearing on the AD plot other than preventing Aria from doing anything useful.
  11. He has that "I casually look like I haven't shaved for 2 days even though the reality is it takes 20 minutes with a trimmer every morning to sculpt" facial hair thing going. Charming smile, a bit of a roguish streak, and his secret Mossad agent skills make him a compelling character. "Noel has secrets". I want to know what they are!
  12. A lot of it has to do with the actor I think. Well, for me it does. Not sure why I'm fan-wanking this, but it seems like Charlotte probably met Wrollins while she was on the run after Wilden's murder. I don't know if they concocted this scheme before she returned to blow up Toby's house, or if it came after she was sent to Welby. While in Welby, she got Jenna to use her superpowers to get Wrollins his fake CV and get him hired at Welby. Jenna being an 8th level sorcerer, she can do these kinds of things. I'm unclear on whether Charlotte knew Wrollins was fake-romancing Ali. My guess is that she knew, and getting upset with Ali and running out of the house the night she was killed was a ruse. She was probably supposed to meet up with Wrollins, but the killer got to her first.
  13. Yeah, that article is a little unhinged. I'll stop right there and reject the premise. "We" do nothing of the sort -- the national news media and click-bait websites do that shit. I don't humanize mass murderers because, and I know this is hard to follow for someone who has a chip on her shoulder, they're mass murderers. The people who attempt to humanize these monsters are doing it to drive an agenda, so they can blame-shift onto whatever their preferred target is. "Oh, he's not responsible for shooting up a pedestrian mall! I blame X" with X being guns, video games,... or "a world made for and shaped around white men."
  14. I initially thought he was the cop-in-disguise and that this was another "Ali had Noel fake an attack on her to bolster her story" thing. She did that when she was trying to maintain her kidnapping story in S5. The brutality of the attack and her subsequent reaction made me think otherwise. There were rumors of a PLL-The Next Generation or something like that, with maybe a few hold overs from the original cast (i.e., actors who would wind up doing dinner theater otherwise). The viewership for a show like that would be in the tens, I'd think.
  15. It'll turn out to be a medical cadaver with a Shower Harvey latex face mask. Given how utterly incompetent the RPD is, they'll probably identify her by her (not very) burnt hands and call it a day. Shower was hurriedly packing (with her formerly non-functional hands) and running out of the room. She pulled a Shocked Face when she opened the door. She did not look happy to see whoever was there, though it's hard to tell with her affect-free acting. Next we see her, she's naked in the bath and dead. So I can think of a couple of scenarios: 1. Her shocked face upon opening the door was actually a "happy to see you" shock. Whoever it was came in, they sat down and chit-chatted, then maybe had sex. Shower took a shower afterwards, and someone (possibly her visitor, possibly someone else) killed her. Could have been one of her old posse (Claire?), making her murder a callback to Maya, whose death was unrelated to A. 2. Her shocked face was alarm, and her killer strong armed her into the hotel room, killed her, then posed her in the tub. The room didn't look like there had been much of a struggle, so maybe her assailant chloroformed her first. Hopefully we'll get some further information, like cause of death (beyond the RPD's usual standard "cause of death - she died").
  16. Shower's death scene was an homage to something, but I can't remember what. It looked vaguely like The Death of Marat. I'm actually more interested in Shower's story now that she's dead. She told Emily, "We're trying to find --" then Jenna cut her off. What are they trying to find, Charlotte's killer? Charlotte's secret stash of gold? [Plinkett voice] Corrective surgery for this woman's face [/Plinkett voice]?
  17. Back in 6.20, Mary said to Wrollins that he was "the only man my daughter ever loved." This episode Mary told Ali that she never met Charlotte. I assume Mary is lying to Ali. I did notice that during Mary's "emotional" monologue about Charlotte's birth, she said she never got to hold "him". I thought that was an odd choice because the writers have been pretty good about referring to Charlotte with female pronouns.
  18. In addition to her lucrative lawsuit against Wilby for malpractice, Ali can also sue the Rosewood PD. "Whaaa? That cop we hired from Craigslist who said he had a skin condition that made his face rubbery was actually a psycho? Oops, our bad." Looks like the FBI is finally visiting Rosewood next week. We've already got the corrupt RPD and the incompetent State Police on the scene, so let's add the FBI.
  19. Shower is dead! So Charlotte knew that her "doctor" was a grifter, and was apparently in on the whole thing. I guess she was also in on his plan to romance Ali and steal her money? Nice confirmation that CeCe choosing Drake as her alias was an actual plot point and not "oh, she just used Jessica's maiden name". Oh, now that I think about it, that just creates more of a plot hole - when Jessica finally discovered that Jason's girlfriend CeCe was Charlotte in cognito, and was using the last name Drake, did Jessica ever ask her how the fuck picked that name? Looks like the writers tried to explain away one inconsistency but introduced another. Hanna and Spencer get recorded exhuming Wrollins' corpse because of course they did. These girls need to invest in some fake masks also; they could have gone as Jenna and Shower. Except for the aforementioned Shower is DEAD! Relationship drama, I don't care. I'm glad Hanna finally told the truth about Jordan, but did she really need to start shilling Ezria? Stop trying to make Ezria anything but creepy, Show. Shower Harvey is dead! Also, the scars on her hand didn't look that debilitating, so I think she was faking it. Preview images of Jason reminded me of SadPanda doing an intro for one of Nash's videos on Channel Awesome: "And now, without further ado, here's an aging hipster that look like Jesus."
  20. It's possible that the show is setting that up. We saw the vision of the CotF creating the Night King, so they might go for a final showdown between the Night King and X (Jon, Arya, Dany, Hot Pie, whoever). Night King dies, all the wights and other Others hit the ground like bags of wet cement. I kinda don't like that idea though. It's very Deus ex Machinaesque, and I've seen it in too many other stories. Browsing TvTropes, it looks like the phrase I'm looking for is Keystone Army.
  21. I'm drawing a blank: Arya, Dany, Tyrion, Jon, and .... Daario? (I kid! I kid!) Who is the 5th?
  22. Did Mary say that Elliot contacted her in London after Charlotte was dead? Because I thought Mary returned from London a week before That Night(3). So either Elliot lied to her, she lied to Ali, or it's a continuity error.
  23. There was a theory out there that Spencer accidentally used Wrollins' credit card when she paid for their drinks, which would come back to bite her. Apparently not, though, since Detective Marco Fakename said that Wrollins used an automated kiosk to buy a train ticket. Sounds like they already have his credit card records.
  24. I had forgotten that there was supposed to be an engagement also, and I had the same thought as you, that Aria would walk in and find that Ezra was attempting suicide with his head in the oven but was too stupid to realize he had electric appliances.
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