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Everything posted by mac123x

  1. From the cAbernet and A podcast (they really don't like Ezria): Sue: The only people I want together are Aria and Ezra, to be honest, just because they deserve each other. Kelly: I just kinda what them both to be killed in a mudslide or something. I blurt laughed.
  2. I could buy this story line if it were coming just from Aria, since she's the victim of his abuse and might still be in denial, but it's baffling that none of her friends really protest against Ezra's inclusion. After they found out that he was writing a book, was spying on her, and knew she was a teenager and intentionally seduced her to get close to them all, they should have shunned him, permanently. We've had a few instances of it, like last season when Aria said, "that was back in high school" and Emily retorted "not for him" but generally they just accept that Ezra is part of the group. They sort of dealt with the "older man hitting on a high school girl is inappropriate, and here are some of the realistic consequences" when they did the two-episode arc of Zach hitting on Hanna. I used to think that was the writers saying "yeah, our other adult/teen relationships on this show are pretty gross too" but apparently the target audience (and the marketing department) didn't get the message.
  3. Aww, come on, no love for "Septocalypse"? It's pithy! It's a portmanteau! It's a pithy portmanteau! Septageddon? Conflaseptagration? OK, I'll shut up now.
  4. I found that pretty confusing. The Lolita reference definitely applies to Ezria, but I thought Aria's chapters in the book were supposed to be from Nicole's perspective. Nicole was an adult when she met Ezra. If this book is about their purported tragic romance, how is Liam getting a Lolita vibe from it? Ezra should have raised that objection: "What do you mean, Lolita? The Nicole character is 24 years old." Or did they fictionalize the Nichole character in the book into a teen? If so,.... WHY? Why would Aria do that? Its so creepy. Incidentally, I think we need to start a pool on which episode Nichole pops up in. I'm hoping it's 7.07 or earlier.
  5. Season 7 could have opened with Doran throwing Ellaria and the Sand Snakes in prison to await execution for killing Myrcella. He writes to KL telling them that the conspirators have been executed. The viewers sigh in relief that we won't have to see them ever again. Episode 10, Tristane, who is still alive and in KL, gets killed at the Septocalypse. Olenna arrives in Sunspear and has a similar conversation but with Doran (and less snark). Olenna: They killed my son, my grandson, and my granddaughter. They stole my future." Doran: " I as well. They killed my sister, and her children. They killed my only son. I know what you want. You want what I want, what I have been working towards for a long time: Justice. Vengeance". Camera pans to reveal Ellaria and the Sand Snakes, alive and well, and Varys, who finishes the sentence "Fire and Blood". You get the benefit of 8-9 episodes with the audience not dreading that Dorne will pop up again, and you get a good surprise: Doran isn't a moron Lannister lickspittle toady, but in fact on the side of the "good" guys. The downside is you don't get the "yay! girlllpower!" theme they seem to have been running with this season.
  6. LOL, a revised version of that scene just popped into my head: Hanna: Can I borrow your pen? Lucas: Why? Hanna: To sign these papers Lucas: Oh, these documents can't be signed in ink. [hands her a knife and a quill, O! Fortuna plays in the background while lightning crashes outside the window]. I like the Bro's head-canon that they had a meth-fueled orgy that Christmas, and Ezra is always trying to get them to recreate it. ETA: I really liked Spencer breaking out the bottle of Scotch when she got fired. It's a Hastings family tradition!
  7. Liam's completely valid assessment of Ezria is being blown off as "jealous ex-boyfriend". And he doesn't even know about the fact that Ezra knew who she was and how old she was when he pursued her, stalked her, spied on her for his stupid book. I took Aria's blather about how her experiences made her who she is to be the writers saying "everyone who thinkis this relationship is wrong can fuck off." She's not at a point in her life where she can say that, considering she still relives her past traumas (e.g., her testimony at Charlotte's hearing), and she's repeating the same destructive patterns of the past. Maybe that's it -- Aria is like an alcoholic who won't admit she has a problem. "I like who I am when I drink! I mean, when I'm with Ezra!" Incidentally, how much of the Ezria saga is in this book anyway? I thought it was about Ezra and Nicole. Did they change Nicole's character to be a 16 year old Habitat volunteer? Hanna was totally acting out. Dumped Jordan (no loss) and signing her soul over to Lucas. Caleb can eat a dick. If Hanna hadn't said that their kiss was a slip-up, he totally would have ditched Spencer in a millisecond. But since she did, he goes back to being nice to Spencer. Spare girlfriend I guess. I don't like how the writers are trying to paste over the obvious plot holes with Wrollins being Ali's husband-doctor. Spencer questioned the ethics of it, but they blew it off. Yeah, Spencer? Call the fucking State Medical Board.
  8. So Hanna hasn't returned to the group, or called them or anything? Are they just assuming that "hey, Caleb dropped of the Red Coat of Doom, so AD probably kept up his end of the bargain therefore lets talk about our gross relationships." Why can't I quit this show. "You've watched 6 seasons already, you can't stop now!" My TV viewing habits are the embodiment of the sunk cost fallacy.
  9. The magic of the Wall might not be well known, and it might not be as affective as advertised. After all, waaay back in season 1 they brought a wight through the wall and it almost killed Jon and Lord Mormont.
  10. Book!Dany interprets that as MMD's gloating curse. However, there's decent evidence that all the preconditions have been met: Quentin is the sun rising in the west and setting in the east. During her trek through the Dothraki Sea, she notices that the grass is dying due to the approaching winter. Her dragons damaged the pyramids "mountains" in Meereen. And she may have been pregnant and just had a miscarriage: she notices she's bleeding, then thinks "oh, that's just moonblood. It's been 2, maybe 3 months since the last one? hmm." Then she notices it's a lot more blood then usual. Her casual initial reaction implies that she's been menstruating normally; if she hadn't gotten her period since her baby died, she'd have more of an OMG moment. That it's been 2-3 months since her last period could indicate that she was pregnant, and the excessive nature of this one was her miscarrying due to the extreme privation she's experiencing on her walk back to Meereen. Long story short (too late! [/Clue reference]), they skipped all that shit in the show, and MMD's curse was basically a poetic "fuck you, Drogo is a vegetable. HA ha".
  11. I put some blame on the director. The construction of that scene was laughable (in fact, I did laugh, which I don't think they were going for). Tommen stares out the window. Tommen slowly removes his crown. Tommen exits stage left. The camera doesn't move. Tommen returns and promptly exits stage window. No hesitation
  12. There's actually a theory out there that the Faceless Men did exactly that. They gave the Gift of the Many Faced God to the masters in Valyria by somehow making the 14 volcanoes explode. Cercei's little explosion makes me wonder if they used wildfire as the primer. No kidding! Sam and Gilly did the same thing on the outskirts of Oldtown. Sure, we get a nice dramatic view of the Hightower, but now Gilly has to carry toddler Sam 5 miles. Westeros needs Uber who'll drop you at your door.
  13. When Lord Glover (I think, one of the northern lords at any rate) declared "he is the White Wolf! The King in the North!" I thought it would have been much more effective if the white wolf had actually been in the room with him. Did Ghost have a contract dispute and was sulking in his trailer? Busy filming other projects? Dispatched on a secret mission to find his one remaining sibling and rally her pack to the northern cause?
  14. I had to look away when they were cutting Loras's forehead, but thankfully it didn't go the direction I was fearing when someone pulled out a knife - I honestly thought they might castrate him and I really didn't want to see or hear or even think about that. And I totally enjoyed Cercei getting back at Septa Unella. I was flinching from that scene a bit too, so I wasn't sure: when Cercei reminded Unella that "my face will be the last you'll ever see" did she then have Frankengregor gouge out her eyes? This show has trained me to expect the worst mutilations. I should probably get therapy.
  15. Anyone else get an unintentional comedy moment from Tommen taking a header out the window? It was just cartoonish. It really didn't add much of anything to the episode, other than show that Sam's father is a nitwit for not chasing him down and getting his sword back. Sam was carrying it when they inexplicably got out of the wagon on the outskirts of Oldtown, but didn't have it when they walked into the Citadel. Should have cut that scene from this 70 minute episode and used it to pad out one of the 50 minute episodes earlier in the season.
  16. I didn't care for the repetition of the rousing "King in the North!" speeches because really, we've seen it before and it didn't end well. I guess this is "we'll get it right this time!" Who is Dany going to marry? No male Tyrells, Martels, Barratheons. Robin Arryn is a moron, Euron Greyjoy is insane, Edmure is in prioson unless Arya let him loose. I guess Jon wins by default.
  17. Here's an evil thought -- that scene plays out exactly as shown, but is occurring inside Ali's head while she's strapped down in Not!Radley.
  18. I came in at the scene where they were running up the bell tower, so I missed the opening and didn't realize this was a whole-episode flashback, that was unresolved. I sincerely hope they're not going to stretch out all of 7A in this 4 day window. I also missed that Mary Drake now owns the Lost Woods Resort. Are they going to weasel out and have her presence at the LWR That Night (great, another That Night) be a complete coincidence?
  19. As I was watching I was making things up to keep myself entertained, so I was hoping that, halfway through her snarking at Caleb Mona would say "oh crap, I forgot to mute my mic". Then I remembered Mona would never make an amateurish mistake like that, though I did wonder why she was wearing a headset in the first place instead of just having it on a speaker. I can fanwank that last season she was blue-snarfing the girls' texts, not necessarily listening to live conversations. I'm revising my Jordan theory: I think they included that "sounds British or Aussie" line to set Jordan up as a red herring. The PLLs will suspect him for an episode or two before they realize that Wrollins is British and get Ali out of the nuthouse. Eventually they'll discover that this was a double-red herring and Jordan actually is evil! What a tweeest!
  20. Mary was talking to someone with a British or Aussie accent. I think we're supposed to intuit that it was Rollins, but maybe that's a misdirect, and Mary was actually talking to Jordan, and he was the one tormenting Hanna in the cabin. Remember Jordan? Hanna's fiancé. The guy with the nice abs and unintelligible dialog. That could be interesting. Not interesting story-telling, but interesting in a "what contrived ludicrous and implausible motive will the writers give him to pay off this idiotic twist" kind of way. I sincerely hope Rollins isn't Mary's son and also in love with Charlotte because eww. They already danced on the incest line with Charlotte and Jason. And Jason and Melissa. Lets just not go there please. As far as the Wren resemblance, I'm buying the BrosWatchPLLToo theory that went something like this: Benji: Doesn't it seem like this was written to be Wren but they couldn't get the actor so they changed it to this character? I mean, skeezy psychologist with a British accent that hits on younger girls, that's Wren right? Marco: It'll turn out to be his cousin... Rick Benji: With a "W". Hence, Wrick Rollins.
  21. I initially thought it was Uber-A wearing one of those Faceless Men masks that lets you perfecltly imitate someones appearance down to the height, weight, gender, and build.
  22. Wrick Rollins is treating Ali because of course they'd let the husband medicate the wife. I'm probably moving this to the "don't bother watching live" category.
  23. When does Nichole resurface? Before, during, or after the Ezria wedding? I'm guessing during: "I object!" Dun dun DUN. Are they saying that A-moji and AD are the same person? And obviously not Charlotte's killer since A-moji was forcing the PLLs to find the killer. So we have a multitude of evil parties at work here: 1. Amoji / AD / Uber A 2. Charlotte's killer 3. Mary Drake & Wrick Rollins 4. Shower Harvey A more important question: why am I trying to figure this out?
  24. I thought their first scene together was pretty good. Dany was mad (but not Mad). She had an expression (as much as Emilia Clarke has expressions) that you'd see on the face of a parent who came home from a business trip to find her teenage son had thrown a party and the house was trashed. Tyrion was embarrassed about the mess and was trying to put a good face on things ("hey, it's only the living room! The rest of the house is fine!" [lamp falls over]), but he wasn't in immediate fear for his life. At least not from her; the bombardment was scaring him. And he was able to talk her down from her justifiable anger.
  25. I actually bought that. Dany knew that Daario and the Dothraki were on their way and had a reasonable estimate of when they would arrive. She parked Drogon for a few hours waiting for her land forces to get there. Also, the way they executed the plan allowed her to capture a bulk of the Masters' fleet rather than destroying it.
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