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Everything posted by mac123x

  1. She was fantastic, but her monologue about how a dead body decomposes took me out of the scene because, not to be too gross, Myrcella was probably pretty ripe already. Also, how did WhipSnake and SpearSnake get onto the boat with Trystane? When last seen, they were on the dock with Ellaria watching that boat sail off.
  2. Producers: "So sorry about butchering the Dorne story line last season. To make it up to you. we'll kill of the only likeable characters left in that plot."
  3. Man of Steel, Batman V Superman... I guess "DC" stands for "Dark Comics". Barry was 4x faster than he used to be without the tachyon thingy. Zoom was considerably faster than original-recipe Barry, so when Barry got the tachyon booster he might have just barely caught up to Zoom's existing level. I'm fanwanking this, but maybe Zoom and Barry were equal when they originally got their powers. Zoom boosted his with Velocity 6 drugs, and Barry boosted his with the tachyon thingy. So maybe they're roughly equal now? Alternatively, Barry is much faster than Zoom now, but since he wanted Zoom to chase him to a specific location, he didn't just leave Zoom in the dust. Then when Zoom escaped after Barry's gloat-athon, Barry didn't use his superior speed to catch him because drama. My head hurts.
  4. When Grodd returned in S2 I honestly thought they were setting up a potential ally against Zoom. Grodd's mental abilities sure seem like a good weapon against a speedster, considering how many times he's whupped Barry. Maybe Grodd is only effective on dimwits. It bugs the crap out of me that the only answer to fighting is speedster is "I need to be faster!" Given the number of non-speedsters that have at least temporarily taken Barry out, maybe try some of their techniques? Grodd, Pied Piper, etc. Or something simpler: Zoom is chasing Barry, Barry puts on a respirator and runs into a room that's been pumped full of carbon monoxide. Zoom's high metabolism should guarantee that he'd be down instantly.
  5. I forget this show is on, then watch a couple of episodes online and remember why I forget this show is on. Barry is such a dunderhead. Most of his idiocy is already documented in this thread, so the one that had me yelling at the computer was when he had Cisco almost open a breach and let Zoom through -- he wasn't prepared, like at all. "Okay, Cisco lets see if you can do this and probably fuck over everyone and everything." Good thing Cisco chickened out.
  6. We really didn't meet the Scottish clans analogs until ADWD, with the Wulls and Norreys and Whatnots visiting the Wall. I think the show took that characterization and applied it across the board to all Northerners. Kind of a disservice to the North, but since they cut out the mountain clans entirely, it was probably a version of their "compress 3 characters into 1 and flatten them out" philosophy writ large. I agree with that, though I was minorly irked that the show took two of her rather despicable actions and gave them to Joffrey (slaughtering Robert's bastards, getting Mandon Moore to try to kill Tyrion). It wasn't like we needed more reasons to despise Joffrey.
  7. I don't think that's the case, since Mr Giyera has frequent conversations with SquidWard. If he was actually an extension of Hive, SquidWard would already know the things Giyera tells him, so the dialog would be "As You Already Know" exposition for the audience. I'm guessing that the DeInhumanizing serum from will come into play. It was an area of contention between Lincoln and Daisy for an episode, but seems to have dropped out of the narrative. I expect it will come back as a way to either disable Hive or de-infect the other Inhumans. I'm not that interested in it either, plus we'll get the inevitable Daisy-has-PTSD angst in season 4. That can make for interesting drama, but I've seen it enough on other shows that I find it dull. Two episodes before CA:CW comes out, then two afterwards including the 2 hour finale -- I'm guessing the show's ties to the movie are going to be pretty cursory, like the tie in to Avengers 2. "What has Coulson been doing secretively for the last 6 months, flying all over the world, meeting with people? Oh, prepping the helicarrier for the rescue scene. Okay. Aaaaanyway, back to our plot..." ETA: What exactly is the Kree egg that Daisy stole? Weapon for Hive to use, or weapon to use against Hive?
  8. I enjoyed this episode, really, but once again, SHIELD has some potentially dangerous people in confinement and doesn't bother to monitor them. No security guards outside the cell doors, no one watching cameras? Come on, didn't you learn anything from what happened on the last episode? Also, the preview showing Daisy all lovey-dovey with SquidWard made me throw up in my mouth a little.
  9. Quoted from a spoiler tagged section but the quoted part is non-spoilery: Alys Karstark married the Magnar of the Thenns in a Lord of Light ceremony and everyone present, including the Northern clans, accepted it. It seems like the definition of marriage is "had some sort of ceremony followed by consummation". One of the reasons Tywin gave Tyrion so much crap about bedding Sansa was that the marriage could be set aside if he didn't, so it appears that consummation is the key. Same thing with Book!Tommen -- he marries Marge but Jaime reminds Cercei that he's not old enough to consummate the marriage so they can always set it aside later. Lysa wanted to wait to wed Sansa to Robin until after Tyrion was dead -- Roose and crew might have just assumed that "sentenced to death, killed his father and disappeared" was effectively the same as "dead".
  10. I'm seeing one big battle, Jon eventually winds up one-on-one with the Night King dude, kills him and every other Other disintegrates and all the wights collapse. That's a trope that's never been done before.
  11. Jon is only mostly dead, not really most sincerely dead. I doubt the Strong Man is Strong Belwas. It's probably Khal TBD, Drogo's successor.
  12. I haven't seen the 4/15 episode yet, so it might be answered already, but I possibly the ancestors built an off-switch into Lucien, kind of like when Esther turned Alric into a killing machine but tied his life to Elena's. (I think that's how it went. I've honestly blankedout a lot of TVD). Klaus and crew will find out what the kill command is and use it on Lucien to finish up the season.
  13. It might be that a different faction of HYDRA got control of the monolith / portal thingy. Like Whitehall's group decided to study it more scientifically, and got NASA roped into it. Given that Malick's group used to have the whole monolith in previous flashbacks, and they only had the 5 small chunks in Season 2, I can buy that as head-canon.
  14. Regarding the dude's telekinesis, there was a throw-away line about how he can move objects in his line of sight. I think what they're going for is he has to see and visualize the object being picked up, which makes the lack of a blindfold even dumber. The writers made the "only inorganic material" comment a) to sound sciency and b) to explain why the fights weren't conducted in the nude. They were unspeaking extras, so no memories worth retaining. Hee Lincoln wasn't clear on exactly what happened, probably because he was wasted at the time, but he did say Gordon the eyeless teleporter showed up, and "they saved her". I can fanwank that there was a healy-type Inhuman at Afterlife, and either they took mostly-dead girlfriend there, or Gordon brought the healer to the car crash and saved her life, then left her at the scene for the paramedics to find. Aussie guy was at Afterlife because he was a potential Inhuman. He was under evaluation to determine if he was worthy of teragenesis, and apparently failed the testing. We've seen that before, with the creepy little girl that May had to kill several years ago. The girl failed the test, so she and her mother were booted from Afterlife, but her mom managed to steal some teragenesis crystals and transformed her daughter anyway.
  15. I think it can still continue, since the Unsullied rules (like not watching previews) still apply. In the book, the attacks from the south and the north were separate events. Either due to budgetary reasons or because they wanted one big battle scene, the show combined them. I can understand why they did it, since Mance's attack is more of a siege, which isn't as visually exciting. Really messed with the season's pacing though, both the North and Dragonstone.
  16. I'm drawing a blank on who is part of this team besides Yo-yo and metal-bending guy. Who else?
  17. I wondered about the frequency of the ritual. Once a year, once a decade? Gideon seemed to know that they were basically providing a sacrifice to keep the Hive alive – why didn’t they just use hobos? Seems kind of silly to weaken your organization by sacrificing one of your leaders occasionally. Given ABC's tendency to tie in to Disney movies, shouldn't Whitehall have said to young!Gideon: "Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid."? I might be wrong, but I thought he was wearing a different shirt in his flash-forward death scene.
  18. And Ward violates number 45 on the Evil Overlord List. Kill Malick's daughter, virtually guarantee that he'll eventually start feeding information to SHIELD. The literal CGI SquidWard reveal was laughably bad. Edited to add: The notched rock was the white one, i.e, the "going through the portal" one. To cheat, you just had to know to feel for a smooth rock. Gideon felt around in the bag looking for a smooth black one, and realized that of the two left in the bag, one of them was notched. He took the smooth one, consigning his brother to the portal.
  19. I agree for the most part, but I could watch Joffrey choke to death on a continuous loop. Apparently they had to do multiple takes of Marge saying, "Oh look, the pie!" because everyone kept corpsing.
  20. Given how the show has treated Mel as a sex object, "luridly surprising twist" gave me the sickening feeling that she's going to screw Jon back to life. That most likely won't happen, but I wouldn't put it past D&D to unnecessarily sexualize the resurrection process. "Sure, back in season 3 Thoros merely prayed over Beric, but we need an excuse to show Carise's boobs!"
  21. I honestly forgot that part, mainly because whenever I watch those episodes I fast forward through any scene with Rose Lesie in it. Her affected accent goes through my head like a nail.
  22. I thought Jon's cover story for joining the Wildlings was one of the areas where the show improved on the book. Book!Jon told Mance that he wanted to join the wildlings because "remember the feast for the king? I was seated at the back". In other words, he was willing to forsake his vows because he was treated like a second class citizen before he joined the NW. And Mance bought it. Show!Jon said he wanted to join them because he saw a White Walker take Craster's baby boy, and Lord Commander Mormont knew about it. Disillusionment with the NW just seemed like a more plausible motive for defecting than "waaah, I wasn't treated very well (though I was raised in a castle, well fed, educated, and trained to fight, which is better than the lives of 95% of the populace of this crapsack world)".
  23. My head canon is that he's recuperating at home with some comfort food and his laptop, working on the design for Shotgun-Axe 2.0.
  24. I think you're right. Add in Lincoln's comment about Inhuman abilities not being random, but being in response to a need, and Daisy will be full-on "it's my destiny! to do... something." I wonder how Lincoln's comment applies to Lash. There was a need for an Inhuman-killing monster? I guess because teragenesis got into the environment and cause too many people to transform?
  25. As is my nature, I can see both sides of this. In the commentary track for that episode, Brian Cogman addressed some of the criticism / viewer revulsion by saying that basically Sansa's story isn't over, that this was the middle of her arc and not the end. So they're willing to spread a story out over multiple seasons. On the other hand, they're excuse for moving all the Ironborn stuff into season 6 is that they didn't want to spread it out over multiple seasons. I think the show runners are speaking out of both sides of their mouths. BTW, that's an interesting commentary track to listen to. It's Cogman, Maisie Williams, and the dude who plays Jaquen Hagar.
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