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Everything posted by mac123x

  1. Another thing about Dany headed back to the Dothraki: Quaithe says (among other uselessly cryptic things) To go forward, you must go back.. Dany is gong back to the Dothraki. Hopefully to get an army. My fervent desire (which won't be fulfilled) is: Khal Jhoqo: "I am Khal! You belong back with all the other former Khaleesi in the Dosh Khaleen" Dany: "Drogon?" Drogon: [fire][chomp] Dany: "I am Daenerys Stormborn, Mother of Dragons etc. You are now my khalisar. We march on Meereen" Dothraki riders: ".... okay then" Knowing GRRM, that'll take 6 chapters and numerous feasts dining on food that sounds repulsive.
  2. "When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east," said Mirri Maz Duur. "When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves. When your womb quickens again, and you bear a living child. Then he will return, and not before." Sun rises in the west and sets in the east = Quentin Seas go dry = tagged since Shimpy didn't read that part of the chapter yet: Mountains blow in the wind like leaves = pyramids of Meereen that were damaged by Rhaegal and Viserion When your womb quickens again = Basically, Mirri Maz Duur's curse has been almost fulfilled. I actually said "holy SHIT" when someone pointed this out to me. I don't know if GRRM had it plotted out from the beginning when he wrote MMD's taunt in GoT or if he plot-welded it later, but that was stunning. ETA: i loved the epilogue, though I knew Kevan was a dead man as soon as he became the POV. It also had one section that screamed for an editor -- Kevan reinterated the story of his father's mistress. I'm pretty sure we had that verbatim from another POV character, and Kevan didn't add any insight to the tale. Varys referring to Aegon like he was the real deal seems to weigh towards him NOT being a fake, but a careful parsing of Varys's words show that everything he said could equally apply to a pretender. He describes how Aegon was taught how to be a good ruler. I don't think he ever actually refers to him actually being the real Aegon -- that's the name he's used (other than Young Griff) all his life so that's how Varys refers to him.
  3. Thomas Eagleton.. It's also a plotline from The West Wing.
  4. And I just checked "Charlotte's Web" where Spencer and Caleb are reminiscing about that summer in Spain. Spencer says "can you believe it's been 3 years..." So their encounter in Madrid happened only 2 years after the end of "Game Over Charles" (excluding the flash forward). Presumably the flashback was set before then, so in less than 2 years Hanna has already started working for some fashionistas. Though why I try to put any logic to the timeline on this show is probably something I should see a therapist about.
  5. So why didn't any of the PLLs remark on the fact that Shower Harvey and her robotic hands wouldn't be able to navigate the ladder and the movable filing cabinet? Shower is supposed to be so injured that she's off the suspect list for Charlotte's murder -- if she couldn't swing a luggage handle, how did she climb a 20 ft extension ladder? It makes me wonder if this isn't a mistake, but either "Sara's hands are fine" or "it was a secret passage for someone else to get into Shower's room."
  6. Desert wolf popped up to set up a future plot thread where she kidnaps Stiles. It was very nice to have Lydia back and fully functional. No Theo, which is a good thing. I like the actor, but the character is irritating. I think it's funny that half of his pack has already defected to Scott's. I think she's the sister of the Lacrosse captain. They're both part of Satomi's pack. Who was the chick that Hayden was sitting next to? She looked familiar but I couldn't place her. This show has such a large cast of recurring characters that I need a scorecard. I'm finally getting to the point that I can recognize Corey without having to probe my memory. If Mason turns out to be the Beast of [French mumble] then Corey is probably dead, since the last we saw of them was they were making out in the bus.
  7. I’m glad Aria’s boyfriend saw right through her ghost writing routine. Oh noes, Ezra also wrote the next chapters! What wacky hijinks Aria gets up to. (In the real world, they’d just send in the new chapters and say “forget the other ones, I decided to go in a new direction”). Once again, Aria is in her own Ezra-centric plot unrelated to the other Liars. The description of the murder weapon seemed awfully specific, considering it was determined by the cut on the back of Charlotte’s head. Spencer thinks it’s the missing handle from Melissa’s luggage, but I don’t know. For one thing, Spencer is always wrong when she leaps to a conclusion, and another thing is that, on my luggage at least, the collapsible handle is cheap plastic on a thin aluminum tube. Hit someone with that and it’d just bend. It might break the skin, but it wouldn’t break someone’s neck. Seems to be that way, but PLL’s casual acquaintance with linear time is rearing its ugly head again. It’s only been 5 years since they left for college – when did either of them have time to develop a career? Hanna and Jordan have to have been engaged for a year, right? She’s been waffling that long on setting a date. Also, Spencer and Caleb ran into each other 2-3 years ago in Europe. The Hanna / Caleb breakup most likely happened while she was still in college. That zoom in was about as subtle as their unmotivated camera moves to show the product-placed phones / cars / hair care products. Very jarring. It’s Ezria 2.0 – the unethical forbidden romance. I thought his shadiness about letting Spencer know was probably due to the potential professional problems he could get into when it becomes public that he was romantically involved with his patient’s sister. I don’t know if that’s an actual violation of the Pennsylvania Psychiatric Code of Ethics, but it would sully his professional reputation. Alternatively, he murdered Charlotte in order to be with Ali. I still don’t really care.
  8. Assuming Jon get's resurrected, that's also the chapter that people point to showing that he's Azor Ahai. Born beneath a bleeding star (Ser Patrick's sigil is a bunch of stars, which are currently covered with his blood) amidst salt and smoke (smoke from the fires that are always burning, salt from Bown Marsh's tears). Other speculations include Mel burning Shireen as part of the spell to revive Jon. Shireen has greyscale, and Jon is a secret Targaryen, thus Mel is metaphorically "waking a dragon from stone". Further theories include Jon then stabbing Mel as punishment for killing Shireen, inadvertently reinacting the story of Nissa-Nissa, and Mel's inner fire goes into Longclaw, making it into Lightbringer. I love how imaginative fans can get with the theories. There are so many out there that some of them are bound to be right.
  9. I really don't know which of the Pink Letter theories to buy, but I'm leaning towards the Mance wrote it camp. One of the things he demands in Mance's son -- why would Ramsey or Stannis (if either authored the letter) give a damn about Monster? Edited to add: That's my favorite Selmy chapter, since he's in his element, planning the attack on the besieging armies. I think his plan is a good one, mainly because of a lot of stuff he doesn't know. a) The Pale Mare is much worse in the camps than in the city, b) He's got a chance of turning the Windblown to his side c) Tyrion is already turning the Second Sons d) The Irnoborn fleet is approaching e) Who knows what the hell the dragons will do but they definitely will sow fear and chaos. Given that the Unsullied are immune to fear, they're likely to tear through the Yunkai'i forces.
  10. Emily should have thrown her tea at Tanner. Or, being an alleged adult, just said "talk to my lawyer". Screw Tanner and her insinuations. Hanna made me actually sympathize with Jordan. She was jumping down his throat for no reason. Also, was she wearing my grandmother's tablecloth?
  11. The Lord of Sisterton told Davos that story, Ned boinked the fisherman's daughter who smuggled him back to the North at the beginning of the rebellion.
  12. The Barristan chapter ends with "the dragons are loose", so the end of "The Dragontamer" was pretty foregone, though I still liked it a lot. However, it felt a little like a shaggy dog story, and is one of the plot threads that I thought needed editing. This chapter was consequential, but it just made me wish the editor had gotten GRRM to trim out some of the damn build-up. Like the entire Quentyn story prior to his arrival in Meereen.
  13. I think the publisher said: "When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. When the seas go dry, and the mountains blow in the wind like leaves..." I might be misremembering.
  14. I thought Barristan's advice to Quentyn was pretty good. "There are exactly 3 of you. You tried and failed to break Dany's engagement to Hizzy. The only person who was on your side flew off on her dragon to points unknown and will be returning on the 4th of who knows. Since Dornish are well known for their skills with poison, you'd make an excellent scape-goat for the tainted-locust plot. Basically, GTFO if you want to live."
  15. I think one year on Planetos = 1 Earth year mainly because children hit puberty in the 12-15 year range, about where you'd expect. This could be fudged by claiming that their biology is different and they have longer childhoods, but it runs into the same problem - you've got adolescents getting married and leading armies. GRRM does try to address this a few times. 1. Back in CoK, Bran presided over a harvest festival, and one of the issues discussed with the minor lords was making sure they were setting aside enough of their harvests. Left unaddressed is just how the hell you preserve grain, meat, and vegetables during an age before pest-control. 2. Show!Littlefinger (I don't remember if he said this in the books) tells the Small Council that they've got adequate stores to survive a 5 year winter, and if it lasts longer there will just be fewer peasants. Pretty grim, but it implies there can be quite a die-back every winter. 3. Winterfell has it's glass-gardens that can continue to grow food. 4. Dorne and parts of the Reach are probably still fertile. Jon even contemplates shipping fresh fruit from Dorne to minimize the inevitable scurvy. 5. The Wall seems to have the best survival chance, ironically, since they have a nice big icy refrigeration system available. If it weren't for the wars, they could probably muddle through, though with some (possibly severe) depopulation issues. Ouch, I seem to have bitten my tongue.
  16. I completely agree with that, and it's going to be frustrating as hell. The response to pointing out these problems is probably going to be "don't worry about it" or an after the fact tweet from IMK. I get really annoyed with certain critics (cough BrosWatchPLLToo) who get all dismissive when fans point out these plot holes. "Sure, in the real world, they'd do X, but then there wouldn't be a show". Quite true but completely irrelevant. That's a Doylist answer to a Watsonian question.. I'm fully aware that the show couldn't have done that creepy scene in Shower's closet without the gaping hole in the wall, but when I'm asking "How the hell did Hobbled-Hands Harvey make that hole?" while I'm watching, the scene loses it's creepiness because my immersion is broken.
  17. Another possibility besides Mason = Beast would be one of the other nameless faceless underwear model teen chimerae that appreared to have died actually didn't die. Like he was only mostly dead and came back as the beast after sort-of dying. Maybe the dude that originally had the talons, or the guy that Stiles killed.
  18. I'm guessing he's the Beast of [French Mumble]. They beat the "a teen you don't even realize" drum again and he's the only one left.
  19. Robot hands, calling it now. She's just like the bionic woman except dull and uninteresting. How the hell did she get the extension ladder into her room? And into that tight space behind that wall?
  20. Tommen is only like nine years old, and I get the feeling that he was pretty sheltered as a child. Not to the point that Robin Arryn was, but his behavior does remind me a little of Sansa’s assessment of Robin: “Eight going on four”. Add in the fact that since Joffrey’s death, Cercei has been alternately smothering and mentally abusing him (constant criticisms about his appearance and behavior, making him watch / participate in beating his whipping boy, etc), it doesn’t surprise me that he’s not eager to see his mummy.
  21. Scott is once again a bystander in his own show.
  22. Her boss was so over the top that it was ridiculous. "Get me all Asian models. I love Asians, they're so elegant." Nice bit of casual racism there. Hopefully her next assistant gives her some of that joke-store gum that turns her teeth blue. If that's the kind of people she has to deal with (or possibly turn into), Hanna is better off finding a different career. I think Jordan's semi-shirtless scene was supposed to make us like him more (not gonna lie, he's got a nice bod), but I really wish they'd subtitle his dialog because I couldn't understand half of what he said. He actually suggested that Hanna take a few days off, maybe go back to Rosewood to relax. Relax in Rosewood? I thought she'd told him about her past experiences there -- might as well suggest that she take a vacation to Mosul.
  23. "We're looking for a golf club, specifically a nine iron which is about 4 feet long." "Okay, let me search the top drawers of this dresser that couldn't possibly hold something that big just so I can see the creepy gloves and find this secret map because the plot requires it". Of course Emily gets screwed out of the money for donating her eggs, and of course EmojA egg-naps them. I'm surprised the recipients of the eggs can back out of their contract at a moments notice without having to pay at least partially. Ezra and Toby no where in sight, which is a good thing. Loved Caleb's booby trap. Shower's scene with Ali was just weird. I really hoped when Alison picked up that book she would have just slammed it on Shower's robot hands.
  24. I thought Uncle Kevan said he Tommen wouldn't be there because he shouldn't see his mother in that sort of state. Probably a good call. Oh, that'd be perfect. She can do that sweet-innocent-total-menace thing.
  25. Victarion is steeped in Ironborn culture. His entire perspective is based on it, so I’m looking forward to when his world-view run smack into reality. I’m also convinced that Moqorro is just using him. The black priest bowed his head. "There is no need. The Lord of Light has shown me your worth, lord Captain. Every night in my fires I glimpse the glory that awaits you." That sounds suspiciously like “I’m omitting something,” probably the bit where Vic will die achieving that glory.
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